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"The Drive"


TMF Regular
Nov 24, 2006
Wow having viewed the number of hits off of my first true story "The Farm Hand".
Thought I'd try another to see how you like it as well this ones called
"The Drive" And please any and all feedback is always welcomed I'd love to hear what you think of not only this one, but my first story thanks.. :jester:

The Drive
It was another hazy hot and humid day as the sweat kept pouring off me as I drove myself home with little comfort from the AC.
Even my widows that were rolled down with the breeze coming through them didn't provide me with any relief either.
My jean shorts clung to me extra tight like Velcro until I pulled over to take them off.
Good thing for me in addition to having my bikini briefs under those that no one really paid to much attention driving past me to see me actually taking off those jean shorts.

So there I was once more with nothing on, but those briefs when next I saw myself confronted with a whole new problem that had me pulling over once again.
Looking first at my gas gauge to see I had a full tank left me with little doubt that wasn't a problem, so after carefully getting out I made my way to the front to check out the engine.

After popping the hood up I next saw myself climbing up on the grill just to take a good look around at my engine when something rather interesting happened to me next.
Someone had crept up upon me and instantly placed a cloth over my mouth and nose pulling me back into him or her as I struggled to break away.
Sadly however whatever was used on this cloth quickly caused me to fall into an unconscious state.

Whoever did this next carried my helpless body over to their vehicle then carefully placed me into it.
Awaken next to find myself stripped of my bikini briefs I next felt my legs elevated and also I could feel my bare feet up secured to a cross bar.
My head could be felt moving slightly forward and then back sucking something that tasted a lot like chocolate.

My mind freaked out thinking to myself just what indeed was happening? I somehow was naked with my legs elevated up to some kind of bar where my bare feet were tightly secured and I appeared to be sucking something that tasted like chocolate.
Listening now however I heard the same sucking sounds throughout where I was being held.

"Gentleman, I am your driver and I'd now like to welcome you to your new lives as sexual slaves.
The place I'm taking you too is a private airport where you all will be loaded carefully on to a plane where you will then be placed into a completely different position where you'll continue your training." The motion of my head now increased with a faster pace as I felt myself still sucking this chocolate covered object.

However the minutes passed and as they did I became accustomed now to sucking, as well as licking.
The driver having come to a stop could next be heard outside talking to others in just how they were to load us.

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Finding myself unconscious once more I hardly felt anyone moving me next into the airplane
Minutes passed however upon my awakening once more before I breathed in the aromatic scent of chocolate once again.
Whoever this mysterious driver was knew exactly one of my weaknesses as my tongue could be seen next licking my lips.
Still unable to see anything at least my tongue could sense the metal zipper around my mouth suggesting that indeed I had been hooded upon my capture.

With my arms lifted above me I then felt the chains holding them up.
Positioned sitting up on the floor of the plane. My legs next felt themselves extended straight out as I then felt once again something holding my ankles firmly in place.
My personal feelings at this moment should've been to vent my frustration as to why
I was chosen to be nude like this.
But believe it or not I just couldn't be mad at whoever was doing this to me.
Maybe it was the soft slippery tongues upon my toes, or could it have been the feeling
of someone's mouth in between me sucking my cock But for whatever reason I just couldn't bring myself to vent any of my frustrations to them. Because what this was doing to me was magically placing me into a complete euphoric trance like state as I continued sitting there.

Listening; I next could hear a voice speaking to me softly.
"Yes Sampson you like this don't you?" Unable to utter any word out loud all I could feel was my head bobbing acknowledging that I was indeed enjoying this.
"That's good Sampson, but here we have to be verbal with our answers to the questions we ask. So I'd like you to listen to the question again and when you answer I'd like you to say yes master; do you understand?" This time unlike before the speaker listens as I say back."Yes mas, mas, master" I had to admit however as weird as this felt for me, at least it was keeping me mentally calm to the fact that my body was in an airplane.

"So Sampson you like this huh, don't you?" Half-nodding to him I catch myself enough to then answer back to him verbally. "Yes, Yes Master, I I do very very much." My head slightly fell backward as I continued listening to the speaker.
The words and phrases he spoke echoed in my ears until my mind excepted everything that he was telling me.
Phrases like; "Except your nudity as a slave all you have to do is obey." Obey that word alone kept echoing the most in my mind along with excepting my nudity, as it was
I all ready had come to grips of excepting that.

By the time this airplane had finally landed those who had captured me before now had nothing to worry about with me trying to either screaming for help, or having me attempting an escape of some kind.
Disembarking from the plane however on my hands and knees being lead by someone with a leash in their hands was for all intensive purposes challenging, but I managed successfully just the same.
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My tongue continued licking my lips as I next found myself being guided into another large vehicle of some kind along with the others.
Listening to hear a clipping sounds to either side of my leather hood. I continued listening to hear the much louder sounds of sucking and slurping throughout the vehicle.

As the intoxicating aroma of the aphrodisiac of chocolate once again could be smelt; my mouth next opened to except whatever it was being presented to me.
Unlike before having to be forced to motion my head forward and back this time however there was no kind of prompting by my captor to cause my head to begin to suck
I just did it without question.

Hours passed before that vehicle I was still inside finally came to a stop somewhere still unknown to me.
It had been sometime since my eyes could see anything but after taking off my leather hood I struggled to view my new surroundings.
Seeing me kneeling there like I was sucking another man's cock covered in chocolate syrup should've normally made me puke, but like I said before I was intoxicated to its aroma.
There straight ahead of me lying spread eagle staked to the soft ground, were six nude men just laughing hysterically as there attendants could be seen of all things tickling them there before me.

"Ah Sampson its good to meet you at last I've been monitoring you since your abduction."
"Oh really; well do you think you can tell me your name seeing I have no idea who you are?" The man in front of me just smiles but rather than disclosing who he was instead he merle claps his hands loudly ushering five equally naked men to surround me.
But as two of them take hold of my arms the other three quickly could be seen descending down toward my toes and cock thus placing me once again into that euphoric trance like state as before.

"There Sampson isn't that better?" Listening carefully the man hears me answering back.
"Yes Master it dose; it dose feel much better." Releasing their hold of my arms I now stood there completely entranced.
"You see Sampson I told you before I've been monitoring you since your abduction, but now rather that tell you who I am I'd rather instead give you a single word.
That when you hear it spoken by anyone will immediately place you into this very deep euphoric trance like state making you completely obedient do you understand?" Listening once again he hears. "Yes master" Smiling he then continues speaking.

"Excellent Sampson very good; Now the single word you will respond too when you hear it again is the word "USHAUNDA." This is the word that will place you back into a deep euphoric trance making you completely obedient do you understand?
"Yes Master I hear, and completely understand." "Good Excellent; Well now that we have that established lets see if we can tan you a little bit?" Having said that I'm then lead over to a ladder where I next could be seen climbing it.
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After listening to hear the word "USHAUNDA" I then find myself being told to climb up the ladder in front of me. Only after answering back "Yes master, I hear, and will obey" After which I then could be seen beginning my accession.
Commanded now to lye myself spread eagle on that wooden platform in front of me five feet off the ground I answer back "yes master." Seen Lying as I was commanded to do
I then feel ropes tightening around my wrists and ankles after which I just hung there as I next felt the platform beneath me being carefully removed.

Listening next to hear the loud claps once more awaken me I next heard the other men around me laughing hysterically much louder. Turning my head like I was viewing much more conscious than before just seeing other men being tickled caused me to worry about my own predicament. Unfortunately for me I still wasn't privy to what was going on to say the least.

It seamed to me as crazy as this may sound one of my darkest fantasies was being played out for me there, but how? How could anyone of none this about me.
"Oh Sampson; remember when I said earlier that I've been monitoring you since your abduction well I lied. I've been monitoring you for several years especially at night when you're sleeping." That explains it all right that's how someone could've none.
"Ah o.k. So I dream some pretty weird stuff, so what dose that have to do with me being here?" Closing my eyes I quickly prayed to myself knowing indeed what this meant but still I just wanted to verbally hear it acknowledged for my benefit, as I just watched this guy approaching me hopefully to explain.

"You really don't get why your here do you; well let me spell it out for you Toto.
First your most certainly not in Kansas anymore or for that matter anywhere close to that highway where my men captured you; if of course that highway is here in Africa where you are now." Africa well that would certainly explain the airplane ride I was on earlier.

"And second those men you met before with me earlier just so happens to be gay.
The first two who held your arms one of them is a slave. I picked him up from New York, as was also the remaining three that were doing their thing to you before, but here is the one I'd like to introduce you too. Again I lied this one who held your right arm isn't a slave but a gay dominate his name is Abdullah." As the man now could be seen walking away only this Abdullah stood there just smiling as he looked at me.

"Sampson huh?" Pointing to three of his slaves I next watched two of them starting to lick behind my toes while the third could be felt next in between me slowly sucking
my cock
"As one of my slaves you will eventually obey all of my commands without hesitation, your life from this point on pretty much will be as my tickle slave mercilessly tortured by day; and extremely submissive to me at night pretty much as you are now." My head accidentally leaned itself backward, to where my new master Abdullah noticed it also bent back to the point of sticking his cock there into my mouth just to see for himself my sucking capabilities
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"Ooo Yes Sampson Yes that's right suck; suck your masters cock; that's it; that's it."
Together my new master and I started a rhythm between us, as my head bobbed back and forth slurping and sucking. He used his hips to begin thrusting it in and out of my mouth until we appeared to be like a machine.
Several minutes passed before pulling his cock out of my mouth to my amazement the other three men who were doing their stuff upon me had also halted their activities as well.

"Excellent job Sampson bravo I'm indeed impressed with you slave." My eyes just studied them as they stood there; where they were motionless that's of course until two other men came up to join them.
Viewing Abdullah stepping back I could see him smiling, as his first one from before who had sucked my cock was now tickling it along with my balls with not his fingers but his tongue. While the other two new slaves who had joined us were tickling my underarm pits along with my ribs with their feathers.

Last but certainly not least were the last two men who were licking the backs of my toes before. Now could be felt using either their stiff wooden brushes or their slow moving fingers upon the souls and toes of my hyper ticklish bare feet, as they could be felt tickling them.
My body thrashed about wildly as my best efforts to avoid being touched met with the slower sensual tickling by those five slaves. But as I now could be seen joining the other hundreds of men they're laughing hysterically who knew my life long dream would've ever came true like this, as it was now.

As the sun started its descent in the African sky Abdullah's slaves could be seen carefully carrying my exhausted body into the palace for the first time since I arrived.
Having never stepped foot personally inside of any palace before left me to say the least awestruck but seeing other naked men like myself caused me once again to lick my lips. But as Abdullah's slaves could be seen placing me into the soapy hot tub extra carefully followed by each of them next.

While four of them could be seen using their soft wash clothes to clean me.
The fifth slave however had decided to get out instead to begin to feed me grapes
Merle by dangling them a few inches above my mouth.
With other foods being offered to me I happily took full advantage of my master slaves generosity shown to me.
Minutes passed after my last bite of a banana was eaten before those there in the tub with me started getting out.

With two towels open to me as I could be seen getting out three of Abdullah's slaves started drying me off while the other two seamed to have just left us there together.
Minutes passed after completing their drying me off before they could be seen
returning followed by Master Abdullah.

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"Well Sampson Congratulations; I see you've managed to survive your first tickle torture session bravo, or should I say "USHAUNDA" Once more upon hearing this word my mind was not my own but Abdullah's. As he next commanded us all to follow him as he leads the six of us out of that bathroom.
The palace floors had an exceptional mirrored shine to them almost anywhere you'd look and felt the smoothest; as you walked upon them almost like you were walking on a cloud.
Several minutes passed before we could all be seen entering another room through a large door.
Once inside however; I noticed other naked men in there; wearing pink head bandana's ingesting something into their bodies from a typical glass bong.

Immediately after placing a pink head bandana upon my forehead next I was
Commanded to wait in line behind them.
Watching them each taking a very deep hit off of it; I then listened to each of their individual reactions as they were then led back away from there.
"Sampson; take your hit; when you do I want you to close your eyes holding it into your system for four seconds then swallow it; do you understand?" Seen next about to take it
I quickly answer back. "Yes Master, I hear and will obey."

The hit I took was long but as I stood there holding it in; I suddenly felt extremely dopey almost light headed after swallowing it as instructed indeed I too felt giddy, as I started to giggle to myself after hearing master Abdullah's hands clapping.

My legs felt wobbly as I stood watching the others in our group pairing themselves off going in other directions throughout the room leaving me in the presents of master Abdullah.
"Come Sampson let's take the stage I want my guests here to see how dynamic a slave you are." The stage just up in front of us was a kind sized bed with soft silk sheets covering it as well as giant pillows propped up around it.

My mind raced with images never before thought about in my wildest fantasies here was a man who had a body to die wanting me to perform in front of other people like we had done earlier in private before.
"Don't be afraid Sampson you'll be fine just kiss me now." Kneeling on the edge of the bed now our lips came together softly when something within me ignited a homosexual spark within me that caught me completely off guard.

Maybe it was the hit off that bong before I took, or something buried deep within my
Subconscious, but in any event I just couldn't stop kissing him as we next fell sideways lying beside each other upon those pillows.
The crowed erupted around us in applauds, as our 1st act of our little performance concluded.
Now however it was on too the 2nd act.
Act 2 however would not only consist of us but three other additional actors as well.
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Having to wait until the stage was reset I know found myself with my back against a pole. The three additional actors had taken their places. The first two were there down at me feet as the third actor could be seen lying between my legs.
Having my ankles tightly restrained once more I watched as the two men started to engulf my toes with their mouths as their friend in unison with this was sucking my cock.

Normally this didn't make me feel as strange as it did now; I mean when this happened before I'd see myself going into an obedient state of euphoria. But these new tactics believe it or was not only knocking my socks off, but it was causing to become more sexually aroused than I ever was before.
Reaching out next to take hold of the man's head bobbing there sucking my cock for the next five minutes made me smile looking down upon him shortly before master Abdullah walked back out and over to join us.
Straddling himself with his legs bent over this man next stepped carefully up toward me with his cock pointed straight at my mouth.

Seeing it completely covered with the sexual aphrodisiac of chocolate my mouth happily.
Opened to except it which after placing both my hands on his ass cheeks did I completely surrender to it; sucking it there for all to see.
Thus causing the crowed once more to erupt in applauds.
"Congratulations Sampson you're a hit with this crowed bravo." Together he and I smiled each relishing in the moment that was truly ours.

Hours passed much to my surprise as the night slipped itself quietly by as expected.
Master Abdullah had said my night would see me extremely submissive to him but he certainly didn't tell me it would be a night I'd soon forget. Or that it would be like no other I ever experienced before in my life, because if he had said that he'd be absolutely right last night truly wasn't.
Now however with the dawning of a new day on the horizon I found myself once more being escorted outside to the palace yard by my five personal tormentors. Where minutes after staking my wrists and ankles to the soft ground I was once more enduring their merciless tickling upon my nude body once more.

In conclusion just let me say that if this were to happen to me I'd quickly except it as fate not to mention a true calling for me. The way I'd look at it heck with nothing as far as a carrier goes in my lifetime; at least with this I can always enjoy the drive...The End.

(Authors Post Comments)
Even though this is still a reoccurring nightly dream of mine that for reason I do keep having. The rather sensuous technique used by the three slaves in this fictional story dose work indeed upon me; and is extremely dangerous. The technique of sucking my cock and licking behind my toes dose place me into a euphoric trance like state.
Then you have the other technique of sucking my toes along with my cock that causes me to become extremely horny.
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