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The Duke of Salamanah (M/F Explicit content)

Duke Diablo

4th Level Red Feather
Sep 26, 2004
Hi guys. And sorry for not posting for a long time. Been working on a request that ended up being HUGE, taking me long, long time to finish it. So, upon finishing it, I just came by to idea of making this story. Just came to me in stroke of inspiration. Hope you all enjoy, and to my requestors, sorry for making you wait... I just had to write this one.

Also, this story has some explicit content, so if you're offended don't read. Also, the original file is included in attachment

Well, enough with the long intros, and on with the story. Hope you all enjoy.

The Duke of Salamanah

Today is a really beautiful day, a thought crossed my mind as I strode through the empty hallway, the sounds of my footsteps echoing against the stone walls. Outside, sun was shining, the birds were singing and the vast grasslands surrounding my castle were bathed in blossoming flowers. Truly, a beautiful day of spring, manifestation of nature's beauty. However, that wasn't the only thing that made it great, I mused, not even noticing a small grin that was forming on my face, the kind that would make Laretha give me a discerning look and have her coming at me with a classic 'Cedric, you're up to something' phrase. And indeed, I was up to something...
This morning, I was attacked by assassins. Two of them, and very skillful, at that. They even made me draw out Black Edge... something I haven't done in too long a time, being that my magic skills were enough to get rid of the scum that were my opponents lately. Thinking about them, thinking about the thrill of today's fight, the sheer ectasy of having to rely on my martial prowess again, the feel of that 7-centimeter-broad bastard sword singing in my hand, coupled with a large steel shield of matching color, the sight of one of them dying as the blade cuts his head off... yes, those things really brought me back to life, back to my days as an adventurer.
Ah, memories-, I sighed as my fingers scratched my scruffy beard, the huge tapestry on the wall to the right, one depicting a massive battle bringing back those days when the three of us... Laretha, Sebastian and I... were mere adventurers, swords for hire. Things were a lot more exciting, battling stronger and stronger opponents each and every day, living freely under the open skies, star-filled dome the only roof we ever needed. However, those days were long gone... I rose to a rank of noble, climbing all the way up to the title of duke, Sebastian and Laretha following close-behind, gladly placing themselves under my command, Sebastian assuming the role of my military and security advisor, while Laretha handled spies and diplomacy. Political arena was left to me, and from the moment I got accepted into nobility on, my enemies have changed from monsters, dragons and warrior-kings to greased politicians and advisors, wit and sharp tongue taking place of sword and spell in terms of weaponry.
By the time I returned from my daydreaming, I was standing in front of the room I headed off to. I stroked my hair, all the way down it's length. It was reaching to my shoulders now, in wavy, almost straight, brown lines. Opening the doors, a thought flashed through my mind: I never would have guessed... how good it would feel to be fighting again.

* * *

There she was. All tied up, proudly awaiting whatever was to befall her, just like when I left her here. The assassin from this morning... this one I managed to capture, just as I planned. It looked kind of funny... a lone image in a dark, stony room, with no furniture at all except for one chair... the chair she was bound on. Two windows in the room have let enough of the morning light in for me to be able to clearly see her... and for her to be able to see me.
Noticing me enter the room, the woman tried to struggle, but it was of no use. She was bound on a chair made of special Illatari wood... one that even ogres couldn't break. Besides, she was bound too strictly for any attempt at escape to be of any use. I let my sight run all over her, from head to toes, to admire the position she was in: seated, forced to lean back by the chain wrapped tightly around her arms, from wrists all the way to elbows. With such bindings, her hands were restrained behind her backs, further secured by linking those chains to the chain-socket in floor by a chain just long enough to reach to her hands, thus forcing her to lean on the chair and arch her backs, leaving her torso completely vulnerable. Furthermore, she was secured at the waist by a rope tied around the chair, fixing her to it, while each ankle was tied to a separate chair leg, secured once more below the knees in order to force her legs open. Not that it granted me any vision, as she was still fully clothed, wearing a brown leather armor and matching pants and boots. I couldn't even see her face, as she was wearing hood over it. Nothing was removed yet. I preferred it to stay that way... in case she wants to cooperate right away, she can escape with her clothes on.
"Knocking the chair down won't work, I'm afraid", I told her, seeing the woman's attempts to escape by leaning on her backs so much that it would make her fall back, on the chain socket holding her pinned to the ground. Then, she was probably planning to break that link by aiming the fall directly with the chair, placing all her weight on it. Probably wouldn't work anyways, since the metal could stand her weight but, just to make sure, the chair was additionaly secured by placing it into four holes, small metal bars pulled through the centers of the legs in each respective socket. Thus secured, the chair, and the person in it, were completely immobile.
"So I see... you thought of everything, didn't you?" The woman's reply was calm, as if she wasn't locked down and at my mercy, her voice resounding with pride and traces of mockery. However, it was far from being unpleasant... her slow, womanly way of talking was incredibly sexy, she talked like a seductress, and this divine melody could easily make a less experienced man drop his guard. I, on the other hand, wouldn't have lived this long without learning to resist feminine charms from time to time. I approached her, standing within an arm's reach away from her.
"We can skip the ugly part", I told her. "You can leave here alive and unharmed if you cooperate."
"Mmm...", the woman moaned in her slow, sexy voice. "And take away your fun? Not letting you touch me all over while I'm so tied and helpless like this? Mmm? We both know that's not what you want, big boy."
Well, frankly, she was right. And those teases of hers really sent impulses down there.
"You're good", I told her, gently grasping her neck with my bare hand, feeling the softness of her skin under my palm. I turned her head left and right, gently as to not hurt her. She didn't offer much resistance. That was good. It meant that she was used to interrogations, and that she would prove to be a bit of a challenge, after too long a time. Those who turned their heads erraticaly, trying to sound tough only did so because they were scared. They did so because they wanted to decieve their tormentors, convince them that they have no fear. Those broke the easiest. However, this woman wasn't one of them. She was calm. Completely calm. She didn't even gulp when i touched her. Resigned wasn't the word to describe her... no, the only word that would suffice was just 'calm'. "With that sexy voice of yours, you're either trying to make me kill you quickly, before you spill the info, or try to fuck you, releasing you and granting you access to that knife you think you kept hidden in your boot."
This made her shake a bit, being read like this. Just a slight tremble, but it was enough to assure me that some damage was done. Her calm was stirred, if only a bit, like a crystal surface of a lake suddenly hit by a drop of water. Still far from breaking, I knew, as my little comment had even less effect than expected. The right corner of my lip began to curl into a smile. Yes, this will be more interesting than I thought.
"So... you already inspected me all over, didn't you?", the woman continued to sing the angel's song of impish teases. "Did you have fun? Has my body pleased milord's sense of touch? I know I'm not a nymph or an elf like your concubines, so I'm unsure if you found my body pleasing enough."
Hearing her words, I couldn't help but laugh. I clapped wholeheartedly.
"Majestic!", I applauded, still laughing. "Simply majestic!" Quickly, I turned around. "Servants! Bring me a bottle of a fine red wine and a chair... and yes, two glasses!"
Turning back to the lady, I couldn't suppress the statisfaction that was leaking out of me. Were the woman only aware of her role in my plan...
"Through my adventuring years, and through my years as a nobleman, I have never met anyone like you. I'd like to propose a toast, to our meeting, if milady agrees."
"How can I refuse such an offer?", a smirk formed on the woman's face as well. "So... while we wait, why doesn't milord tell me is this some sort of a date to him? Maybe I should have worn an evening gown for this occasion? And something else than chains, maybe... Oh yeah... I shouldn't have put on my underwear."
To be frank, I couldn't remember the last time I was so amused by a simple conversation. Masked in a voice of the sweetest angel, the words of this woman were aimed so that they would burn worse than all of the fires of hell. I was thrilled. It was at that time that I made my decision.
I knelt in front of the woman and looked into where the eyes should be beneath that hood. Then, I made my decision clear to her: "Magnificent, milady! First the fight, now this... really, you made me feel as alive as I haven't felt in ages! Yes! You shall become my wife!"
There was a short silence. The woman and I stood there, watching each other. From the look in her eyes, she knew I meant what I said.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha", the sweetest laughter I have ever heard poured out of this woman's mouth, gracing the wall with it's gentle touch, enchanting the air by resounding through the room. "Have I hit milord a bit too hard? Marriage with a person who will, if set free, take your life away?"
I won't be lying here: the grin on my face at the time was maniacal, to say the least. I was looking at her with awe, amazement, and thrill at the same time, a part of me wishing to release her just to fight her again. This woman... I have never felt so alive up until then. "Please... please do! Please, find a way out of this! Please, break the chains somehow! Please, take out that dagger and fight! Fight till you draw breath! Fight with me in a glorious battle until we both can't stand our wounds any longer! Heal back and fight me again! Fight until one of us dies a death of thousand wounds! A death that will be sung into history!"
"M... Milord... the wine is here."
I turned around to see a servant. In his shaking hands laid a bottle of one of my finer wines, two glasses on a silver pladder in the other. Sweat was running down his forehead, soaking his black, formal attire. In front of him rested a nicely made wooden chair. I must have scared him with my little speech. The assassin girl remained as calm as ever. I could sense it... she wanted the same. Even during the fight, I could say that she enjoyed it as well. For her, this must have been a first real challenge in a long time as well.
"Please, put the glasses down on the ground", I said, taking the bottle from his insecure hands. I didn't want him to break anything. Soon after, I dismissed him. He was no longer needed, and he'd only get in the way.
I turned to my captive, taking the glasses off the floor.
"So, milady, I hope you will enjoy the wine. Mind if I pour you some?" I poured two glasses without waiting for the woman's approval. Then, laying the bottle down and taking the glasses into my hands, I approached my captive, the one who made me feel so alive: "Pick one, so you know it's not poisoned."
"I'll let milord pick for me", the woman replied. "But, please, do make a better choice than you did with the clothes."
"Ah, yes, speaking of clothes... the hood will probably just get in the way, won't it?"
Saying so, I placed both glasses in one hand, removing the woman's hood, making a beautiful stream of bright orange hairs spill into a beautiful, fiery mane, framing a most beautiful face I had ever seen. The woman's bright, emerald eyes shined in the sun, giving them an almost-magical look, like two jewels implanted in a masterpiece, making the rest of her face look even more beautiful... no matter how impossible it sounded. Her a bit tanned cheeks were so perfect I coulnd't put them into words, so strict and proud, yet revealing a fiery, passionate soul, an image accented by her small, elegant nose. And her lips... those beautiful, full, natural lips, not too wide and not too narrow, they looked like they were borrowed from a goddess. Suddenly hit by all of this beauty, I had to take a moment to regain my composure. The more I revealed about this woman, the better it got. Especially when I recognized her... oh, how better it got when I recognized Lenne the Unbreakable, the head of the Bloody Mist Village, a small, secret village of master assassins. Anyone born in the village is raised as an assassin, becoming an elite by adulthood.
"Well well well... I must say I'm really flattered", I said, helping the woman sip the wine. She took a long sip, almost emptying the glass up. "For the big chief to come in person... I didn't realize someone wanted me dead that badly."
"You also know what it means, don't you?", the orange-haired beauty blew off some stray hairs from her face. Looking at her, I guessed she was about my age... 23 or so. "Best kill me now and spare yourself the effort of slicing me up for no reward, Dread Walker."
Indeed, as her nickname implied, Lenne never broke under tortures, which was a wonder since the dungeon that could hold her long enough for a torture to be carried out was certainly a most serious one, secured from all attempts at escape, like mine was. The word has it, once she endured a week of torture under the Grand Inquisitor Myrtamach before finally escaping. His men said she never came even close to breaking. To me, it meant this was going to be interesting.
"Great! Magnificent! Now I wish to break you even more!"
"But how?", Lenne was looking confident. "No pain whatsoever can break me. I think my title proves it."
Much to her surprise, I managed to calm down, hiding my excitement beneath a cold surface. I looked deep into those two beautiful emeralds. "Pain supression. A technique that allows the user to block out the pain for a while, allowing the user to withstand any amount of pain, be it on the battlefield or the dungeon, without blinking an eye. I noticed you using it in the fight, for when I kicked you, you fell back but didn't react in any way. Not even clutched your side."
Again, the woman's calm was disturbed by one more drop of water. She forced a laid-back smile on her lips as she said: "Mmm... you seem to be well informed. However, this means you You can't break me. So, best kill me now before I run away."
"Correction... Pain can't break you", I said, smirking. "What we'll have you go through these few days won't be painful at all... in fact, I think you'll rather enjoy it."
"Ooh...", the woman purred, the look and sound of seductress back on. Without the hood on, it was even more effective. "So, you do intend to do naughty, naughty things to my poor, defenseless body. Will you strip me quickly? Or will you do it slowly, piece by piece, revealing more and more each time?"
I let her drink again, emptying my glass at the same time.
"You will make a beautiful wife."
"If only you could make me say yes without wearing those, eh milord?" The impish smirk on her face was as confident as ever. If she only knew...
"Well, I always think of working together as a best way to solve things in a conflict. Now, since you clearly stated that we can't do that, the next best options are compromise and competition. It seems the two of us will compete: you will try to get away, and I will try to break you."
"Milord is correct in this", Lenne was so beautifully laid back, her lips slightly curved at the ends, forming a tiny smile.
"Ah, well... unfortunate as it is, here I go...", I said, thinking: Let the games begin.

* * *

And so it begins, I thought as I pulled out my knife, starting to cut Lenne's leather armor. I was liberating the upper parts of her torso, from her breasts upwards, by making several precise cuts at the armor. With surgical precision, I peeled off the clothes from my beautiful captive's neck, arms (well, the parts that weren't chained, at least) and breasts, and those parts now stood there, making me admire them. I basked in admiration of the beauty of her full, round breasts, topped by nipples not too big and not too small. They looked like two towers on two neighboring, tanned hilltops, standing guard over this beautiful area. I let a smile form on my face as i touched those guard towers, pinching them simultaneously.
"Mmm...", the woman moaned silently, her sexy voice now turning into a magical, enchanted song for my manhood, which stood at attention. "Milord... that's so manly... touching me like this while I can do nothing to resist...", she let out another heavenly moan, "... please, milord, don't stop."
"Quite a tease, aren't you?", I said, my fingers moving into the crevices of her armpits as I sat in Lenne's lap, wriggling them as to produce tickling sensation. She squealed in surprise, letting her enchanting laughter fill the room again. "Let's see how you like this method."
"Milord must not think highly of me if he resorts to children's game for breaking me." Even acting offended, this woman managed to retain all of her dignity and sexiness. I fully understood what attracted me in this woman: it wasn't her beautiful face, nor the figure of a goddess; it was what was inside that beautiful shell that made her so special, a huge diamond in gold casing. I stretched my lips out into a broad smile as I continued to scratch her beautiful, shaven armpits, enjoying the feeling under my fingers... as if they were crossing a finest silk. Lenne awarded me with her beautiful, clear laughter and several funny attempts of escape.
"Yet this childish method seems to work wonders on you", I said, not ceasing to orchestrate the melody coming out of her mouth. "You are very ticklish."
"Ha ha ha... No use in... ha ha... denying, is there, ha ha?", the woman replied, her beautiful, orange mane trashing all over, almost managing to headbutt me. However, I placed my head out of her reach, fortunately.
"Smart girl... you're not trying to hold it in", I complimented my beautiful captive, taking in the beauty of the naked skin I just 'liberated'. "This way, you don't waste your strength on denying the obvious."
"Ha ha ha ha... oh milord... please stop... I can't stand this... ha ha ha... this really tickles... what oh what am I going to do... ha ha ha... someone save me, I'm being tickled!", Lenne tried to mock my efforts. I could see that she was familiar with tickling, but has certainly never encountered anyone using it as a form of torture. Truth be told, I have never heard of it before a visit to Sebastian's clan. Since pain supression was the technique they invented, and this woman is the only one besides them with that knowledge, they also knew how to punish those who broke the laws, technique taken into consideration. The man that was being punished was tied at the stake, and four women were using long, stiff feathers to tickle him without mercy. At first I thought it funny, but after Sebastian explained the details to me, I realized just how effective tickling can be. One look at the poor guy's face also made me sure that the punishment of being tickled for a week, non-stop, certainly is a dreadful one... and cunning. I also learned the resourcefulnes of the technique masters: the training process of learning Pain supression was created so that it would carry a side-effect: manyfold increase in sensitivity to tickling. This was due to tickle-torture being the village's secret technique, and there were no records of anyone trying to break someone by tickling outside the White Dragon clan. Lenne's nickname just confirmed it. This way, they kept their warriors unbroken outside, but still had a way of controlling them, should one rebel or do a mischief. I wasn't so sure, though, if my little prisoner knew of this fact. Oh, well, who was I to tell her, I thought to myself as I let the woman grace my ears with her melodic laughter and my fingers with the smoothness of her armpits.
Through the next ten minutes, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of this woman, and the effect this torture had on her. She was trashing her head wildly, her orange hair seeming like it was on fire under the bright touch of the sun. My fingers played her as an instrument, producing the most pleasant, sweetest laughter I had ever heard, her torso held completely immobile by the bondage, thus preventing her from resisting. From time to time, I would extend the tickling to the inner sides of her arms, which were deliciously ticklish as well, and Lenne knew how to reward me with some more of her cruel teases. Truly, this woman was majestic. Therefore, I decided to intensify this a little bit.
I lowered my head, dropping from the chair to one knee. This way, my face was right in front of her beautiful, luscious breasts. Lenne's laughter was making them shake a bit, luring my sight to them, making me appreciate their beauty in full.
Being that my hands were busy with my captive's arms and armpits, and were having quite a time there, enjoying the smoothest skin they had ever felt, I decided to lend them aid in this unorthodox torture with my tongue: my mouth opened slowly, and a red snake came out of them, slithering along the beautiful right breast of an even more beautiful woman.
"HA HA HA HA HA!!!!", Lenne started laughing out as loud as she could the instant my tongue touched her boob. She might have been... no, she was definitely very ticklish on her breasts... and I was just getting to the nipples. "Mi... ha ha ha ha... milord, please STAHAHAHAHAP!!! You are soooohooohooo cruel! AAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Just another tease to try and hide her tickishness, but even this beautiful lioness couldn't deny the fact that her beautiful, tasty body was ticklish. And when my tongue slowly came to her nipple, circling around the breast in circles of ever-decreasing radius, I was delighted to find this red jewel already stiff. This woman... she was really enjoying this.
"You talk low of my methods, yet you fully enjoy them." It was my turn to tease now. Lenne replied with even higher-pitched laughter as I took her nipple into my mouth, biting it ever-so-slightly at the very border as to secure it. I simultaneously started running my tongue all over it and sucking on it, sending Lenne into fits of laughter, but also making her nipple become rock-hard in a manner of seconds. Apparently, this method was pleasing her as much as it was pleasing me.
"Mi - *giggle* - milord... you are too... ha ha ha ha... nice to me... ha ha ha ha ha... touching my body so kindly... you seduced me so nicely... HA HA HA HA!!!"
Through her laughter, Lenne was trying to imply that I was lowly abusing my, and her position. True as it was, I knew not of any other way to break her and have fun doing so. This woman was beautiful... not just pretty on the outside, but fully and truly beautiful. I was enchanted by her... and determined to break that iron will of her's.
We played around like this for a little while. My senses were in heaven as I tickled the beauty, using my fingers and my tongue as a tickling tool, switching from nipple to nipple after a time. The taste of the soft flesh of my captive's nipples mixed-in with the sweat that was starting to coat her body had my tongue captivated, almost unable to move away from those pink mounds of goodness.
However, now it was time to expand the area of tickling, I told myself, and a time to give my little ticklee a short pause. That was why I, with utmost grief, parted my lips and fingers from Lenne's beautiful skin, mustering all of my willpower to be able to do so. As her angelic song of laughter stopped, I felt like a man banished from heaven's gate, leaving the garden of paradise behind, and entering a barren wasteland.
My eyes were again set on my captive. Her beautiful hair was covered in sweat, locks sticking to her face. She tried to get rid of some of those copper threads by shaking her beautiful face, but it was of no use. All sweaty, breathing heavily, yet still so proud. The more time I spent with this woman, the more I respected her.
"It doesn't have to go this way, milady", I told her, as I held my knife yet again. "We could easily work together. My military and political powers augumented by Bloody Mist's assassins... our cooperation would be beneficial to both of us."
At the time, I was guessing she didn't even get a hint of how true my words were. My knife was cutting more and more of her armor, and now, her whole torso was unwrapped, her beautiful waist there for me to amire. From under her breasts, a fork could be seen: like a waterfall forking when it hits a rock that stands out, the lines of her body forked to reveal a beautiful, firm belly, flat but not too muscular, a masterpiece of nature's architecture. Up to the day, I had many women, from the lowly tavern wenches in dirty town districts, up to the mystical nymphs of Avalanche forest, but never has one woman had me admiring her both outer and inner beauty as much as Lenne did. Not even Laretha... and I had a deep, deep respect for her.
"Cedric Gallagher", my muse started speaking, her heavenly voice gracing my ears yet again, "also known as Dread Walker, or The Good Duke by the people. Not of a noble birth, you recieved the nobleman's title and a rotting barony from the king for slaying one of the Great Dragons, Rizznix. Known for your generosity towards the people who work for you, all the way down to the lowliest serf, doing everything to improve the well-being of your subordinates, thus gaining incredible popularity among people. Those who rebel against their cruel masters often recieve your help in their rebelions, joining your lands when successful in their liberation. Of course, this, combined with your skill with economics, leadership and political games has led to your lands being the most prosperous, the once-almost-dead barony of Salamanah becoming the richest in the kingdom, that well-being and quick growth extending to any part of the land that comes under your rule. In just three short years, from a baron you rose into the most powerful nobleman in the kingdom, your financial and military power above our king's. Should you continue to grow at such rate, you might even become a new king." She looked me in the eyes, those green jewels of hers shining with pride. "Makes one think seriously about joining you, no? However, we of the Bloody Mist village have one thing we cherish above all: our pride. Once we have the target in sight, we won't stop until the contract is cancelled or the target is completely silenced. That is the pride of the Bloody Mist, and as a leader, I must uphold it." A confident smirk crossed that beautiful face, her full lips stretching out to show her crystal-white teeth: "And besides, now that I've met you in person, I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed... in everything."
Tease no matter what, eh? Well, Lenne has certainly done her research on me, as everything she said about me was true. As for her Bloody Mist pride... well...
"I am honored to see that you know so much about me", I said, taking the girl's neck into my hand, gently, and kissing the girl on the cheek, gently and passionately. She didn't resist. "It seems I had a secret admirer."
"You did?", Lenne acted surprise, sending one more of those sexy insults of hers my way. "Oh, milord. You'll really have to tell me about it one day... when I'll actually be caring."
"You know what's so sexy about those insults of yours?", I asked a rhetorical question, slowly lowering my right hand to her bellybutton, while my left hand went to the girl's side, my fingers starting a dance as soon as they felt that velvet skin under them, starting to move reflexively. Again, Lenne didn't hold back the laughter, letting it spill out of her mouth, and all over the room. "You're in a completely helpless position, yet you know that I won't do anything to you. You have the power here, and you know it."
"Ha ha ha ha.... milord... ha ha ha ha.... milord is very amusing... he he he...", the ticklishness of Lenne's belly and sides was obvious: my fingers were scratching her only lightly, yet she was having difficulties speaking through laughter. "If I had... he he he... power... wouldn't I be thehehehe... one free.... ha ha ha ha ha?"
"Playing stupid will get you punished", I said, a smile on my face as I increased the intensity of tickles, sending Lenne into fits of laughter. She didn't insult me any more; not because she didn't know how, nor was she left breathless, but she knew what strain talking would cause to her when she was tickled like that. This was a game... a contest of wills, if you'd like. None of this was really neccessary, but I could feel it... Nothing else mattered to me, or her anymore. Under any circumstances, this has already gone past the point of interrogation. This was me against her. I was bent on breaking her, and she was bent on proving me it's impossible. Lenne and I were of the same kind: we looked at this not as an interrogation, but as a challenge. And we were both bent on winning.
In the moments that followed, my fingers played around her waist, dancing around the newly found spaces of her skin. The symphony that left my orange-haired captive's mouth was a reward greater than any imaginable, for I knew that this heavenly chorus was all my doing, and I knew that this ode will, unfornately, end very soon. Of course, very soon was a relative term, as I could listen to that melodic laughter, directed by my fingers playing all over the woman's waist, for whole eternity. Really, no place was safe from my touches, as my fingers played with her sides one moment, just to concentrate on her belly the next, spreading and contracting the tickled area at my leisure. From time to time, I would draw circles around the lioness' bellybutton, something she certainly knew how to appreciate, for her laughter would get ever-so-intensive then.
"Such a ticklish little bellybutton you have there", I teased her, probing that little hole with my pointing finger. Lenne's response came in the form of laughter. No more teases or insults. She probably didn't have anything to say except confirming the obvious. It seemed like it was my turn to tease. However, I did no such thing. This was time for actions, not words.
And so, time flew for me in this exhalted state, my senses heightened into a whole new dimension by this beautiful orange-haired goddess. None of us talked. I tickled her, my fingers enjoying the feeling of her flawless skin under them. She laughed and jerked as much as she could. I listened and admired her. That was our communication until the next time I decided to give her a brief pause.
"Giving up already... he he he?", despite being completely covered in sweat and breathing heavily, still giggling a bit from the ordeal, my little assassin stood as proud and unbreakable as when she was first brought here. Even though it was all red and blushing from the prolonged tickling, covered in sweaty locks of hair sticking to it, Lenne's face was still calm as a surface of a lake on a clear day with no wind.
"Nah...", I said, a smile on my face. "Just giving you a short break... and changing areas."
Saying so, I let my knife cut her rough-leather pants, slowly, from the place they met boots upwards, revealing more and more of those beautiful legs. Smooth as silk, Lenne's long, elegant legs hosted absolutely no celulite, fat, or even body hair. Any imperfect detail one could imagine human legs having wasn't there. They were just... perfect? No. These legs were redefining the meaning of perfect.
"And now for the sweetest spot." The smile I had on my face simply couldn't come off when my knife cut through the final obstacles, removing the last shreds of her leather armor, ones covering Lenne's womanhood. Even though her private part was a marvel to behold, that wasn't the main reason I was smiling: it was the fact that Lenne was getting wet down there that made me so statisfied. Her face could be still as much as it wished, her beautiful mouth could throw insults at me for whole eternity, and her body could be struggling until the last drop of strength but, down there, between those godly extensions of her body called legs, the truth had fully revealed itself: Lenne was enjoying this. Being that tickling distrupted her focus, my red-haired nymph couldn't focus on negating the erotic effect of my fingers... and tongue before that. I placed my finger inside that wet crevice of joy, scooping up some of it's juices and licking them off my finger. "Tasty."
"So, milord, how does it feel to taste the woman for the first time in your life?", the look on Lenne's face was superior and teasing. "You must have waited for so, so long to finally get such an opportunity."
I smiled at her remark.
"Milady, your words hurt me", I said, placing my finger into her crevice, trying to find the sweetest spot of them all. Lenne blushed, turning her head away frantically. She was doing her best to suppress a moan as my finger worked inside her. "Were it not for this little spot, I'd think my methods aren't enjoyable to you. However, down there, you are practically begging me to go on with tickling, no? Why else would you get so wet?" Indeed, from the moment my fingers penetrated her, Lenne was doing her best to block out the joyous sensation, but it was of no use. After only a few short moments, she began to moan silently, her pussy flooding with hot, sticky juice, a piece of pink flesh slowly coming out.
"So sensitive down there, aren't you?", I continued to tease her even after I took my finger out, starting to tickle her inner tighs with my both hands, starting another heavenly song of laughter. I was comfortably seated on my chair, like a conductor leading a chorus of angels, the divine laughter joined by heavenly moans, thus giving this godly aria a new instrument, joining it with the old one to enchance the already ever-so-sweet sounds.
"M... mmmph... milord... mmm... aahahahahaha... you... hahahahaaha... mmm...", Lenne was desperately trying to say something, but was unable to do so, her lust and laughter preventing her mouth from making comprehensible sounds. As time went by, she became more and more sensitive to my methods, her sexual excitement building up additional sensitivity to both tickling and arousal. It was then that I began silently chanting my spell, as I knew that the time will be ripe for it soon enough.
During the next few moments, a small puddle has formed between Lenne's beautiful legs, and my beautiful prisoner was fully enjoying the sensations that my touches had brought upon her. She was drawing closer and closer to orgasm, I could sense it. Luckily, she was doing her best, mustering all the willpower she had to block out the sensations that were overflowing her senses. However, there was little she could do and I knew that, very soon, she will reach that what I have hoped for. And I managed to do it just by running my fingers across her body.
And so, knowing that my time playing with these beautiful legs is nearing it's end, at least for now, I let myself enjoy each and every moment that I could spend like this. Each and every sound Lenne produced, each and every glide, stroke and light pinch to those luscious inner tights I cherished even more. However, now was the time to be extra careful... if I wasn't, I'd have to work all over again.
Those last few minutes... it must have been minutes, at least... flew by like seconds to me. Each and every touch to Lenne's skin added some extra fuel to the fire that was already blazing inside her. I watched carefully for the right moment, the one in which a mere touch of her divinely beautiful legs would cause the woman to orgasm, bringing this orange-haired goddess to heavens where she belonged, if only for a few seconds. Oh, yes, touch by touch, giggle by giggle, moan by moan, the moment was drawing closer and closer, Lenne's eyes and womanhood telling me a story of internal fire that her body and face were trying to deny. The flames of passion lit inside her craved every next touch, knowing what they herald, no matter how much the mind tried to fight it.
The moment I was working on to create came in not such distant future. I knew how to recognize it, the look in Lenne's glassy eyes signalling me to one thing: one more touch, anywhere, and this woman will achieve orgasm. Seeing this, I immediately knew what was I supposed to do. So, I snapped my fingers, triggering the spell I was silently chanting for the last few minutes.

* * *

"Wh... mmm...", Lenne looked at me in surprise as I stood up from my chair, depriving myself of that divine feeling under my fingers, and depriving Lenne of her much-needed orgasm. She was at the very border, so close she could smell it, so close that the inner woman in her was burning with desire for it, yet it was out of her reach. It was like an apple on a too high branch of the tree for a hungry man. There, almost within his reach, yet those fatal few milimeters prevented him from reaching it. However, I believe that wasn't the main reason she was surprised. I don't believe that she, even for a moment, thought I'd let her orgasm, reach the ultimate pleasure, without accepting the role of my co-worker. What surprised her was that the sensation didn't go away. No matter that my fingers weren't touching her anymore, and the physical contact was broken, she was as close to orgasm as she was the moment before, and the moment before that. It just wouldn't vane. And that was just what my spell was about.
"Surprised?", I whispered into her ear, getting behind her carefuly as to not touch her... really, in this state, her whole body was one huge erogenous zone. Even the sound of my whispering voice made her shiver with excitement. And this spell that I cast will make sure she stays in that state for... quite long, really. "This little spell I had cast on you is called Devil's Grip. Usually used for inflicting huge amounts of pain but, as you are finding out now, it can have other practical uses." I chuckled. "The spell functions in quite an effective manner. Whatever your body was feeling in the moment the spell was cast, it will feel until it is dispelled. Usually, it is used on a person just cut with a blade or harmed some other way. They continue to feel the initial pain even if the wound heals, allowing for amounting huge amounts of pain over several spells. Being that you don't feel pain, keeping you on the verge of orgasm will have to suffice. Sure, in this state, if someone just touches you, you will probably achieve the ultimate pleasure. That is why you'll have to excuse me for using this..."
Saying so, I took out a rubber ball gag from the corner of the room. I always kept it here to keep my prisoners' screams muffled, but this time it was to prevent Lenne's sexy voice to lure men into their doom and her freedom, like mermaids did to the sailors. As my hands finished binding the gag around those beautiful, full mouth of Lenne's, I couldn't help but sigh in disappointment, for parting with that angelic melody of moans felt like ripping out a part of myself.
"Also, I hope you won't mind me ridding you of your sense of sight and hearing", I said, my hands tying a black cloth made from one of my banners around her eyes, forcing her eyes shut. Then, I cast a spell, making her both deaf and blind... until I would dispell it, of course. In this manner, tying her eyes wasn't neccessary, but was required for her sake... when suddenly blinded for longer periods of time, people sometimes forgot to blink, thus really ruining their eyes. And being that Lenne was in such stressful circumstances... complete sensory deprivation coupled with orgasm denial... I wanted to make sure she doesn't hurt herself. After all, I meant what I told her... I wanted her to be my wife.

* * *

As I was leaving the almost-completely-naked goddess Lenne there in that cell of hers, I felt like a part of me was dying. The time spent with her in that cell, even though it was torturing her, felt so good that I simply loathed having to do the duties that were set before me. However, for my sake, for the sake of my plan... even for Lenne's sake, the plan had to go on.
I placed a special guard in front of the beauty's room, locking the heaven and taking the key. What was so special in that guard was that she was one of the three Red Rose Petals, a trio of women that I trained myself in secrecy to serve as Laretha's personal bodyguard. More elite than your normal guard... even than a normal knight... this one could easily hold her ground with such an elite assassin long enough for me to intervene, should Lenne be set free. Also, being a woman, those heavenly moans will be lost on her. I hated and admired her for it at the same moment.
"Enjoying yourself, Cedric?", a voice resounded behind me as I went for my study. I grinned as I turned around, recognizing the owner of the voice.
"Sebastian." Looking at my friend, I noticed that he was completely battle-ready. His snow-white hair was combed upwards and to the sides, giving him a feral look, especially coupled with the long sideburns of matching color. I could recognize the look in his silver eyes: he was enjoying this as much as I was. Judging by the way his magical silver armor and sword shined, the man looked ready to take a whole army on himself. "The dragon's blood inside you seems to be boiling today."
"Both the blood of my dragon ancestor and the one of my human part boil for conflict", the lust in my friend's eyes was worrying me... he might go a bit overboard. Being a part of White Dragon clan, a large clan consisting of few villages and Fortress Unimune, Sebastian shared the same lineage as did all the members of the clan: the founders of the clan bred themselves with the white dragon matriarch Zimling, who allowed them such grace after serving her for many generations. The progeny of such breeding then mingled with humans, spawning what are today's residents of White Dragon clan: humans with some dragon's blood, warriors of enchanted strength, intellect and fortitude. Coupled with their great amassed knowledge, knack for magic and understanding of it, the White Dragon clan prospered quickly, making them the most respected clan of today. Pain suppression was the technique they made to increase the strength of their warriors, but that wasn't the only one they invented. There were many more, and some were still developing, each and every technique serving to further the cause of strenghtening the clan's warriors. And Sebastian... he was one of the greatest that left his clan.
"I trust that means everything is going according to schedule?", I asked.
"Yes", he said, playing with the hilt of his sword. "The king has declared the Bloody Mist village traitors, ordering their extermination. The village members are planning to make a final, proud stand." He looked me directly in the eyes. I could sense his next words before he spoke them out: "Why won't you let me go there alone, Cedric? I don't need that many troops behind me. Have you forgotten what we..."
"Sebastian, my friend, I have utmost trust in your abilities", I interrupted, calming my friend down. I meant what I said. "However, as much as we hate to admit it, our adventuring days are over. I am a duke now, and you will soon become a father. Don't forget that you and Laretha are going to have a baby real soon. I won't risk you getting killed, even by accident." My eyes never left his as I continued to speak: "I'm not doing this because of you. I'm doing this for Laretha."
Hearing my reasoning, the white warrior sighed, leaning on the nearby wall with his backs. His silver eyes were looking through the window.
"I... I guess you're right", he sighed in resignation. "Our battlefields have changed. Yours is the royal court, while mine is family. I guess that these two old wolves will just have to accept it."
"Seems so", I told him, trying to think of words that would make him brighten up a bit. "Hope they put up a fight."
"Me too", Sebastian said going out of the room, unsheathing his sword, letting it reflect the sunlight. His sun-kissed hair was of the same color as the blade, I noticed as he left my sight.

* * *

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, milady", I bowed gently as I apologized to my little captive. It has been four hours since I left her here, ridden of senses and bordering orgasm. With just a flick of the wrist, I dispelled all of the spells I had placed on her, prepairing my little red-haired goddess for round two of the torture... in case it was needed. And by the look on her when I entered the room, I could say that she was far from being broken: usually, people who are left in such state as she was for tens of minutes already start humping air. But not her. Not Lenne. Despite her suffering... despite the fact that her only reality for those few hours was the fact that she was so close to orgasm, yet she couldn't achieve it, she remained as stoic and proud as ever, evening sun making her look like a live fire; a physical manifestation of the emotions this woman woke up within me.
Untying her gag and eye-bind, I took my time to admire Lenne's beauty: the red light of the sun was matching her hair color, the drops of sweat on her body looking like small fires coming down the sun's surface. And her eyes... those two shining emeralds seemed like fire opals under the bloody-red light of the fading day. Really, whatever I knew about beauty suddenly stopped mattering as I beheld this... scene, too beautiful... too majestic to be put into words. I dropped to one knee, overwhelmed by this display of inner and outer beauty, a sight too graceful for my mortal eyes.
"I'm sorry for not being able to tend to you sooner, but I had some business to attend to... my lands don't run themselves, unfortunately", I whispered into her ear, kissing it passionately.
"Milord is too kind to give a common peasant girl such an amount of attention", the girl replied.
"Has the queen of my heart changed her mind about cooperating with me?", I asked, kissing her tied hand ever-so-gallantly. Being behind her closed my sight on her beautiful face and breasts... not to mention those legs and that sweet, passionate, fiery spot between them, but I managed to revel in the beauty of the lady's smooth backs and her perfectly-rounded, sweet behind. Suddenly setting my eyes upon them, I barely stopped myself from reaching out and grabbing them... after all, that would be too disrespectful to my captive. As I promised her before, I'll break her, crushing her title of Unbreakable, and have her offer herself to me. Not the most gallant tactic, true, but it was the one both she and I would enjoy most. I knew Lenne wouldn't fall for a man who tries to win her over by gifts and words, no matter how sweet they are, no matter how much the man tries. Nor could I ever fall for a woman who does. No. Both of us desired something different. Among all those girls I could easily have, due to my wealth, power and station, I desired a girl I would have to win in the same way I won everything so far... by conquering her. And Lenne... Lenne the Unbreakable, I knew, wanted someone who could conquer her.
"Milord still hasn't given me a good reason", she replied with a defiant smirk, taunting my efforts so far.
"You're right", I bowed elegantly. "I think it's time I stop beating around the bush and start using techniques fitting my opponent."
"You mean, start using some real techniques?", Lenne said, further taunting my efforts so far. "When you said you were going to break me, I had high hopes for you, milord. But, you're just one more disappointment."
"Ooh... such dirty words", I said, signalling my servant to start carrying the soap-water in. He carried it in, along with a sponge, and placed it in front of my captive. Then, reluctantly, he left the room. I went to the basin and started to soak the sponge in front of her eyes. When it was soaked in a statisfactory manner, I started washing my beautiful prisoner, from the neck downwards. "I think you need to be cleaned up a bit, no?"
The reply came in another stream of laughter spilling from those full, beautiful lips, the divine melody starting again, my ears resounding with joy. Lenne's body responded to sponge's touch by twitching a bit and jerking, taking maximum advantage of the limited mobility her bondage allowed. Fortunately, that wasn't much, so I was free to explore each and every part of her body, the captive's position letting not a single part kept secret.
And so, brush by brush, square centimeter by precious square centimeter of Lioness' exposed body was cleaned, until the soap water covered her whole body, and the orange-haired lioness was breathing hard from the laughter she was letting out all the time. The sponge seemed to tickle milady to no end, proving almost as good a tool as my fingers.
"And now, milady, I think it's high time that I introduce myself to parts of you hidden behind those heavy-looking boots", I said, pointing at my pristinely-clean captive's ankles. To most women, feet were the most ticklish part... and I was hoping it would be so with Lenne as well. If they were, I was sure that I could break her before Sebastian returns... no, I had to break her before Sebastian returns.
"Oh, so, milord has a thing for feet?", Lenne smirked, still breathing heavily.
"Only if they are pretty", I said, slowly starting to untie the straps that held Lenne's ankles captive. As soon as it was liberated, as expected, her foot flew to hit me, only to land safely in my hand. "And I have no doubt that milady's feet are beyond beautiful, if I am to judge by what I've seen so far."
"Milord is too kind", Lenne replied, that look of seductress back on her face. "Would milord prefer if I wiggled my toes when he'll be sucking on them? Or do you want me to hold still like a good girl? Whatever pleases milord's tastes."
Acting like a concubine to insult me, eh? Really, did this woman ever run out of ideas, I thought as I slowly peeled her boot off, revealing more and more of the beauty's leg. What awaited me at the very end was the prettiest foot I had ever laid my eyes upon: slightly tanned, like the rest of Lenne's body, arches not too high nor low, just the perfect middle, the instep looking like a glorious arch awaiting the passing of the triumphant troops, this brilliant manifestation of nature's architecture continuing into five delicate, elegant toes. Truly, had I ever imagined a perfect foot, it wouldn't even begin to compare to this... this manifestation of magnificence. However, seeing how, after whole day spent in those hot, restraining boots, the scent of her feet certainly couldn't keep up with the looks, Lenne and I both knew what was in order to right this wrong: more sponge-work.
As the wet, squishy substance started to cross and caress her feet with it's bubbly touch, Lenne's laughter confirmed my hopes: her feet were indeed the most ticklish part of her body, a mere touch enough to drive her into fits of hysterical laughter. Indeed, her feet were more ticklish than I dared to hope, and I had to give her a pause once before it was all through. But, my efforts were worth it... at the end of the ordeal, my little lioness' wet, beautiful feet were giving away the smell of lillies, making them all the more desirable... as if that was possible. Another good thing was that, wether she admitted it or not, Lenne was brought one step closer to defeat one way or another. Now I knew her worst spot... and boy, was I going to exploit it.
"Milady, are you sure you can handle this?", I asked her courteously. "Your feet seem to be very ticklish, and I don't intend to go easy on you."
"Again, you insult me, milord", Lenne said. "If you insist on using kid's games to break the Unbreakable, at least give some force to it. This is getting more and more disappointing by the minute."
"That is, you mean to say, you're getting closer and closer to breaking by the minute", I said, holding her foot at the middle of her lower leg under my arm, forcing it to stretch out, using the other hand to tickle that silky-soft sole, running my fingers all over the instep, starting at the heel and going all the way up to the balls of the feet, then back. The laughter and jerking with which the tigress rewarded me was surprising. She went hysteric even before I touched her. After that, it was almost painful to hear her sweet voice break before the sensation that was clearly overwhelming her senses. Seeing how hard her leg tried to trash, I was thankful for waiting until she got tired before starting at the feet... were she at her full strength, she would kick me away at this rate.
"AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA... MI-MIIHIHIHILORD, YOOHOHOHOU... YOOHOHOHOU REEEHEHEHEALEEHEHEHE I-IN... INSULT MEEEAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!", through her laughter, Lenne was still trying to act tough. However, now she was becoming a bit childish, meaning that this technique really did work wonders on her.
"Yes... forgive me...", I said, taking her foot with my both hands, placing the thumbs at the centre of the foot. Oh, what joy it was to see those beautiful, elegant toes wiggle in fear. "I seem to have missed a spot while cleaning... here...", I said, starting to scratch her sole lightly with my two thumbs, directly in the middle, making small moves, yet enough to render the poor owner of that unbelievably ticklish foot unable to speak from laughter. "...here...", I continued after a while, moving my fingers closer to the beautiful, blushing dome that was her heel, still scratching. Lenne seemed really helpless against this tactic, letting her foot and toes trash about as wildly as they could, tempting me with their beautiful dance; "...and here." With those words, my fingers started climbing upwards, in an ever-so-slow manner, tickling each and evry bit of ticklish flesh they found underneath themselves. They didn't stop until they had reached the deliciously-looking balls of the lady's foot, where they positioned themselves, tickling some more.
At this rate, it wasn't long before I had to give my prisoner a short break. Even though the foot-ordeal only lasted a mere ten minutes, her cheeks were already red, and she was gasping for air, heaving worse than after the whole upperbody ordeal.
"Mmm... milady seems to have such delicious feet", I said after enough time had passed for Lenne to recover. She didn't talk... she was saving her strength, I could tell. "Why don't we try out how they taste?"
With those words, I took the orange-haired beauty's big toe into my mouth, starting to suck on it, letting my tongue savour it by making small circles around it, tasting this wriggly magnificence. Inside my mouth, her toe felt like heaven. Lenne didn't disappoint me... she started laughing intensely as soon as my lips enveloped her big toe. I pulled it back, disabling her from curling the toes, stretching her smooth sole out. It appeared to be welcoming me when I started to scratch my fingers across that delicate surface, my mouth adding to the tickling effect.
By this time, Lenne was desperate to free her unorthodoxly-captivated foot. The rest of the toes... ones not in my mouth... played wildly, desperately trying to curl in foolish belief that it would somehow help them. However, as futile as their struggle was, they succeeded in arousing me even more, tempting my mouth with their ferocious dance. That was the reason why I opened my mouth a bit wider, wide enough for all of them to fit in, taking them all inside for my tongue to play with. My new treats entered obediently, continuing their dance inside my mouth, but with a new dancing partner: my tongue. It was circling around them, caressing their surface, going in between them, coordinating their dance like a dancing teacher when he instructs his students.
And so, this dance continued on two fronts: one dance group consisting of Lenne's toes, captive inside my mouth, while the other consisted of my fingers dancing all over the great dance hall of Lenne's soles. I had enjoyed those two dances so much that I didn't stop until I was sure that one more lick, or one more stroke, would render my future wife unconscious.
Looking at the lady I just tortured almost to unconsciousness, I saw that she was still trying to maintain that proud, defiant look. Such a strong will she had, I thought, admiring the way she could still stand proud, despite the fact that her body was clearly exhausted from whole day of tickle-torture, especially since the boot came off. But, that was to be expected from Lenne the Unbreakable. It would clearly be a disappointment if she broke after only a few foot tickles.
However, looking at milady, I was pleasantly surprised by one more thing: there, between those perfect legs, a fire was starting to tingle. I could clearly see it, for the sweet crevice was starting to get pretty wet, slowly dripping the juice of passion out like a sweetest nectar.
"Milady...", I said, more than pleasantly surprised. "There I thought I was torturing you, yet you seem to be enjoying this pretty much."
"Milord, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about", Lenne said, her beautiful green eyes looking deep into mine. "The only one having fun here seems to be you. I, on the other hand, wish for you to start torturing me for real... or to just kill me and finish this charrade."
Trying to talk me into killing her... Lenne was a real jewel. By doing this, she practically acknowledged my method, saying 'kill me before I break' in the proudest way possible.
"Nah, I don't think so", I replied, positioning myself so that I was facing Lenne's sole. From this position, it seemed like the beautiful bottom of the foot was calling out to me, wanting me to lick it. In just a few moments, I was planning on answering it's call. "I want to see if, after some time, you'd be willing to cooperate if I resort only to techniques of tickling, sensory and orgasm deprivation."
"Whatever floats your boat, milord", were the last words Lenne spoke out before succumbing to frenzied bursts of laughter, caused by my wet tongue gliding all over the instep laid out in front of me. True, I had to use both of my arms to prevent that pretty foot from running away or kicking me in the face, but this way I had perfect view on the situation that was going on in her womanhood. Judging by what I saw, the situation was pretty hot, and it was getting hotter with each lick that grazed those delicious, soft, tasty soles. I could see that Lenne was trying to block the sensation out, but the intense tickling crushed her concentration just enough to make it impossible. By the time she had her next break, she was already doing her best not to moan at my tongue's touches. That much was clear as day by just looking at her. During the next session she could no longer hold herself back, letting out an occasional moan or two. At the session after that, her foot even stopped fighting back, trying to get under my tongue, guiding it to the most delectable, most sensitive spots, backed by the divine melody of the woman's moans. The only problem with all of this was that I, too, grew more and more aroused, each lick and moan having similar effect on me as they had on my orange-haired captive. I knew it was a matter of session before one of us reaches the point of orgasm. If I were to cum before I cast Devil's Grip, I would loose those precious few seconds, and the process would be set way back, for Lenne would be given time to regain control. Also, it would certainly make me look like a lesser man in both her eyes and mine. This battle of orgasms was a decisive one, I knew, for Lenne's last stand would be made here. If I manage to bring her into the clutches of Devil's Grip, I would still stand the chance of breaking her before Sebastian returns. If I loose this one, then I'll further strenghten the lioness' resolve, making it impossible to break her before my friend's return. And if I don't manage to do that, then it's game over. Lenne wins. Of course, I could always get to licking the sweetest spot but, I mused, that would be cheating.
As I was thinking like this, I decided to intensify the erotic touch of my tickling a bit. Every now and then, I would kiss her toes, one by one, slowly and gently, or would give her a light bite... more of a nibble... on the balls of the foot or the heel. These techniques not only tickled, but set Lenne on fire, each and every one of my techniques awarded by a grateful, heavenly moan mixed-in with bursts of clear, heavenly laughter. When I would be kissing her toes, they would be standing still, as if they were standing still. I understood what Lenne was trying to say: she was silently giving me support in this, telling me: 'I hope you win'. Of course, this didn't mean that she was going to go easy on me... oh, no. Seeing how she thought I could be worthy of breaking her, Lenne would put up some extra effort in order to test me. A test to see if one was worthy of the grand prize: her. And I certainly planned on passing that test. Failing now would mean letting both of us down.
After a long and hard struggle, both Lenne and I were close to orgasms. Now I knew exactly how she felt during those four hours, I mused. This was like an inverted race, with both contestants striving to get to the goal last. Now it all came down to who had the greater willpower, as both of our bodies were yearning for that final, ultimate release, doing our best to bring the other side over the border. Lenne was letting out the sexiest moans she could produce, teasing me by wiggling her sexy toes from time to time, in an ever-so-slow and seductive manner. I carried on with the 'old faithful' technique of nibbles and licks, each second bringing both of us closer to peak. I was already prepairing Devil's Grip, for I knew that the moment of judgement was close-by, no matter how hard both of us struggled. And I was right.
The moment of judgement came just in time for me to prepare two Devil Grips. I could see that one more lick, kiss or nibble would mean both of our orgasms. And that is when I had cast Devil's Grip on both Lenne and myself, for I wanted to make this even more interesting... if that could be possible. I decided on it after seeing the look in Lenne's eyes. It wasn't a look of a suffering woman... it was the look of a woman having fun! First fun after a long time! And I knew exactly how she felt.
«Milady...», I whispered into her ear, getting behind her, enjoying the smell of her cleaned body, «I hope you're having as much fun as I am.» Talking straight while I was this close to orgasm was really, really hard, but I forced myself to it as I started to chant the spells that would deprive this beauty of sights and sounds. Concentration was hard indeed, for I had messed the spells up twice before I finally managed to cast them on the moaning beauty. Then, calling the woman I placed in front, we carried the beautiful lioness to the ladies room... after a whole day, she must have been dying for a relief. I placed an orgasm restraining spell on her just in case she tries to do something naughty there, when I won't be watching. After that, we got her a nice supper and some water to drink. In the meantime, carpenters were doing their jobs in Lenne's room, prepairing her new foot-restraints. I had decided to put accent on foot torture tomorrow (though I wasn't ready to forget other body parts as well), seeing how it was Lenne's most vulnerable spot. The carpenters' job was to secure a long wooden pole on which Lenne's ankles were to be tied. The pole was to be secured with two short wooden pillars, secured pretty much the same way as the chair my fair lady was tied upon. All of those restraints were to be made from the same material... only the best for my future wife, after all, I mused with a smile.

* * *

All right, Lenne was taken care of, I told myself as I was leaving the room, leaving my restrained captive in her moonlit room. Under the silvery light of the moon and the stars, the beautiful assassin looked like a fairy, a mystical creature of unimaginable beauty. Finding the strength to leave the room proved one of the toughest feats of my life.
And so, the image of Lenne in that moonlit room imprinted in my mind, I went to see Laretha. This was going to be tough, I thought to myself, Devil's Grip certainly keeping it's hold on me. But, that's what made it interesting.

* * *

«Hi there.»
As always, Laretha's face brightened when I entered the room. Same was with mine, for even though we weren't related, we were like brother and sister. Come to think of it, she was the reason I started adventuring. We had lived in the same village, growing up together, poor mischievous peasant-boy and girl. We were renown through the entire village as the two brats who were always looking for trouble. That was until the day Laretha accidentaly stepped on the head of one of the village elders' chickens, killing the thing. The village elder ordered her to come alone to his house to recieve punishment. However, there was no way I'd let that happen, so I snuck up in his house while nobody was looking, to watch for things not to get out of hand. And lucky I was there.
When I entered the house, I was expecting to hear scolding words from the village elder, maybe a spank or two and explaining how she should work to pay him off. However, when I entered, a completely different scene awaited me: I heard female screams and barking laughter of an old man. When I came closer to see, I was shocked: Laretha was running away from the old man, covering her pale, small, virginal breasts with her both hands, screaming, pleading him to stop as he was chasing her through the room. It seemed that he wanted to collect on that chicken by taking Laretha's virginity. Of course, seeing this scene... my 14-year-old best friend about to be raped by this pervert, my blood boiled and, without thought or hesitation, I stood in front of my crying friend, covering her. The old man, of course, wanted a fight, so I gave him one: I killed him without hesitation. Of course, because of this, we had to leave the village, and so started our days as adventurers. Later on, Sebastian joined us, and our trio was formed. While Sebastian had extensive military training before we met, being a prodigy of his clan, Laretha and I rose from simple peasants into hardened adventurers little by little, fighting to survive at first, advancing in our powers and prowess slowly but surely. By the time Sebastian joined, we were already at his level.
«Hi, Laretha», I said, giving her a brotherly kiss on the cheek. She smiled, taking a few stray locks of her long, blonde hair that fell down her shoulders in a beautiful, golden waterfall. «How are you?»
«Fine, thanks», she said, holding her round stomack. Indeed, the baby was just weeks away. «You and Seb seem to be having a good time.»
«Well, what can I say?», I had nothing to say in my favor, so I raised my hands in surrender. «The plan is going even better than scheduled, I fought today, and this assassin hasn't broken yet.» I looked her in the eyes. «It's Lenne, herself.»
Laretha tried to smile, but by the look on her face, I could see she was worried.
«Please, watch out, Cedric», my friend's hand caressed my face. «After all, she is a skilled assassin, and nobody has ever been able to break her yet. Don't get yourself killed playing...»
«The key word is yet, my dear», I interrupted with a statisfied smile, taking the beauty's hand into mine. «Give me time until Sebastian returns... I'll have her broken by then.»
Laretha looked at me, her beautiful, blue eyes matching mine. She knew me long enough to know how I feel just by looking at me. It's not that my state wasn't obvious, Devil's Grip proving to be a really wicked spell in this case. When she caressed my cheek, for a moment, just for a moment, a thought flashed through my mind about relieving myself from that grip with my friend. Of course, I chased it away in an instant.
«So, she is the one?», my friend asked after a short silence, slight smirk on her face. «What does she say about it?»
«My favorite answer: break me if you can.»
«So... that's how it is?», Laretha laughed, her womanly laughter resounding through the room. «The two of you are really made for each other.» She looked me in the eyes. «Most women would be statisfied with what you were doing for them in these times.»
«Torturing them?»
Laretha nodded. «So... you haven't told her the whole story.»
«She wouldn't believe me if I told her, anyway.»
«Maybe... but she's going to find out sooner or later.»
«Yes... and by the time she finds out, we'll be engaged... or we won't be engaged at all.»
«Oh... so those are the rules you set?» This was why I liked Laretha so much. There was no need to explain everything in words. She just knew me too well for it. All I needed to explain were mere basics. She got all the finer points herself. «It's been a long time since I've seen you so alive, C.»
«Alive?», a grin formed on my face as I started to massage the bare foot she placed in my lap. She moaned lightly, for I knew she was tired after a long day full of events. No matter how much Sebastian and I told her to take some rest, Laretha just wouldn't listen to us. Her feet must have been really sore. «Yes... I suppose you're right.»
«By the way... the princess agreed», Laretha said, changing the subject. I nodded. «She accepts your proposal, and will act accordingly.»
«Excellent. Smart girl.» Things were going really well.
The night went by in idle chatter, for neither of us could sleep. Laretha was worried about Sebastian, and I was just too excited about tomorrow... and under Devil's Grip. I had simply too much confidence in my friend to worry about him. Also, Laretha didn't know that I send one fifth of my troops with him... which was more than king could ever hope to field in such a short period of time. People thought I had the power that rivaled king's. They were wrong. I had long since surpassed my sovereign.

* * *

I had departed from Laretha's room with first cracks of dawn. Somehow, I managed to convince her that Sebastian will be all right, and that she should rest, due to her state. I really didn't want anything to happen to the baby... or her. Quiet like a shadow, I left her room, going through my castle feverishly, practically running to the place that was the center of my attention for the last twenty four hours, rushing to see the woman that made me feel as no other could. Lenne the Unbreakable. Even the mere mention of that name sent shivers down my spine, the image of her beautiful body under the moonlight burnt into my mind, calling to me like some hypnotic melody. I was excited, my heart beating fast, not because of the Devil's Grip, which was slowly starting to erode my sanity, having to hold the orgasm in despite the foot massage I was giving my friend, despite her statisfied moans of pleasure. I think that, in this state, a simple kiss to her foot would suffice to make me orgasm. Luckily, Laretha knew that, so she was doing her best to avoid making any sexy insinuations, something she was very fond of doing. The main reason for my excitement now, though, was the knowledge that this morning everything will be settled. Lenne... win or loose... the moment of truth drew near.
When I entered the room, a familiar, pleasant sight awaited me: Lenne, tied in the almost-same manner as yesterday, yet with one difference: her bare feet (someone was kind enough to remove the other boot, her only piece of clothing left) were tied to the wooden pole which was just so far away for her legs to be completely outstretched, thus preventing any mobility on orange-haired godess' part. Of course, the Devil's Grip was still on her, as were the spells to rid her of sight and hearing, giving her quite a trouble this time. I could see that the previous calm was gone... where there was once a crystal, almost mirrored lake, now raged a wild storm, waves splashing on all shores, thunderclaps roaring with rain. She was close to breaking, I knew... but my time was close to it's end as well. Well, to begin with, I dispelled all the spells I had cast on both of us... we deserved freedom from the cursed spells. From this point on, the gloves come off. No more spells. No more tricks. Just pure tickle-torture.
«You don't mind if I leave this on?», I asked, removing the gag, but not the blindfold.
«Of course, milord», Lenne replied, the usual calm, self-confident smile ever-present. However, from her voice, it was clear she was getting broken. «Since it means I don't get to see your face.»
«True...», I confirmed, suddenly digging my fingers into the beauty's armpits, forcing a stream of clear laughter out from her. «But, as you can see, you also can't see this coming.»
«Ha ha ha ha ha», Lenne's laughter was melodic and sweet as always. «And Iiiieeehehehe thought you were going to start toohohohohorturing mehihihihi today, for aaahahahahaha change.»
«We'll see, milady, we'll see», I said, pressing the tickling on, circling around my prey so I would come in front of her, sitting on her legs, but only lightly as I didn't wish to break something. Instinctively, my fingers started exploring the girl's whole torso: her breasts, her sides, her belly... in short, nothing was spared. Lenne laughed, her laughter becoming desperate and, if at all possible, sweeter. Her body was clearly way past the point of exhaustion, due to both the lack of sleep last night and the ordeals she already went through. Even though she couldn't feel the muscular pain, her mind should have been a wrack as well: orgasm denial coupled with sensory deprivation was a really nasty thing, especially if you mix it in with prolonged tickling.
And so, touch by touch, tickle by tickle, minutes went by. My fingers were enjoying themselves, casually playing all over Lenne's ticklish torso, my tongue joining in pretty soon as well to feast on her delicious breasts, armpits and tummy. I was licking her all over that godly torso, my techniques pleasing both of our senses. By the time I decided to give her a pause, seeing how one more touch would render my orange-haired lioness unconscious, she was getting quite wet down there.
«Milady seems to have some delicious reactions to my methods», I teased her, scooping up some of her juice with my finger, tasting it. «Maybe she wants some attention down there?»
«Milord, I am really in no position to object», Lenne said from her tied, sexy position. She was still breathing heavily. «But, since this is probably your first time you see a naked woman, I won't let that get in your way.»
«Low hits like that mean that you are breaking», I said confidently, starting a gentle tickle on the upper side of Lenne's leg, one hand tickling on the inside, near her womanhood, and the other on the outer side, just below her waist, sending her back into that blissful, laughing state. Well, blissful for me.
«Hahahaha... no... hahahaha... that meahahans... that I... havehehehe... enough timehehehe to thihihihink of the behehehest way to... ihihihihi... insult youhuhuhu...», Lenne managed to speak, clearly fatiguing herself in her effort. The fact that she would resort to such desperate measures only encouraged my efforts. She was close to breaking, I knew it. That was why I accelerated my progress a bit, going down her legs, already reaching her knees, going for her ultimate weakness: the feet. It seemed like Lenne noticed that as well, for suddenly, she began to cry behind her blindfold.
«Hahahaha... stahahap... please... stahahap!!!», she started to beg, crying desperately, ultimate sign of breaking. I was surprised... even though I saw it coming, I could never expect it to be so sudden. To further her surrender, she began to confess: «I... hahaha... I was... I was hired...»
«... by the king to carry out the mission of my assassination», I finished for her, not ceasing the torture. I was thrilled, almost delirious. So... that was how it felt to break the Unbreakable. I... I felt like I was on top of the world. Finally, a challege I was really glad to have overcome... I haven't had one for too long. «I know... my dear, I know!» The smile I had on my lips was a sick mixture of devious and cheerful one. «I knew even before you were sent out. It's just that I didn't hope for you to come. But you did, and I'm so glad! Oh, how glad I am! You almost won the game!»
«G... gamehehehe?», Lenne asked, surprised.
«My dear Lenne», I said, letting go of tickling, taking her red face into my hand, removing the blindfold and planting a compassionate kiss on her cheek. «I know the situation on the court better than anyone does. King's current lover is one of Laretha's spies. King trusts her more than he does his own wife, all of his plans becoming known between her legs. I knew that he was planning to assassinate me for a long time, and that he was planning on hiring your clan. All I needed then was a live assassin to serve as a witness, using the confession I would torture out of him or her as a casus belli against king. Of course, nobles won't take kindly to this... if he can try to assassinate me out of the blue, why wouldn't he try assassinating them?» I kissed Lenne on the lips, passionately. She returned the kiss wholeheartedly. I could see that, even though she was broken, deep down inside, she was statisfied, for a man worthy of her has come. I felt the same way... finally, a worthy woman. «The result, my dearest Lenne, is complete annihilation of royal family... except for those smart enough to cooperate, that is.»
«So...», Lenne sniffed, still crying bitter tears. «I have... have to testify what I told to you in front of other nobles...»
I placed my finger on those beautiful lips, hushing her. I could see that this poor girl has suffered more than enough, for normal humans would have broken long, long ago. Hadn't I known what a soul she was, I would have pity for her. This way, I smiled as I told her: «Well... that's one option. The other... well, you'll just have to wait and see, okay?»
Saying so, I sat on my chair, which I had placed at the base of the restraining device, so that, when I would sit, I would have direct access to Lenne's beautiful, ticklish feet. «In the meantime, why don't we have some fun with these utterly ticklish, lickable, delicious feet of yours?»
The pleading, shivering look in those green, tearful eyes and a flow of constant pleas for mercy were Lenne's way of saying 'please do'. As I was slowly strolling down to her feet, she was promising me anything I desired in exchange for mercy, knowing it would only make me go at her harder. I knew how she felt: she was completely broken, something she wished to achieve for so long. Now, she wanted to experience it to the fullest. She wanted to be forced to crawl. She wanted to be tortured and made to beg for more. During all those captivities, all those missions, Lenne was looking for a man worthy of her, a man who could deliver those emotions to her. That was why she made herself so strong, and learned Pain Suppression: only few, worthy men would find a way to break her, then. But to break her, one must first be strong enough to capture her. In short, what Lenne was looking for was a man worthy of submitting to, as to be opposite of me, for I was looking for a woman who would be worth conquering. And now, it was time to cherish this meeting of soul-mates.
«Lenne the Unbreakable», I adressed the woman who has brought me so much joy in the past twenty-four hours, sitting on the chair and starting to tickle her feet. My fingers glided all over that soft skin, tracing it along the instep, helped by my mouth, which planted soft, passionate kisses on the laughing woman's beautiful toes. She didn't try to move them... in fact, whenever I would lower my mouth to kiss them, her toes would try to get into my mouth. «Will you marry me?»
«AAAHAHAHAHA!! YEHEHEHES!!! ANYTHEHEHEHENG!!! JUST STAHAHAHAP!!!» Lenne... from now on, my fiancee... was really ticklish on her feet, I thought... and loving every second of this torture, which was pretty much made obvious by her crotch, which practically started to flood since her breaking... and the start of feet-tickling.
«I'll stop in due time», I replied, accenting each word with a kiss to Lenne's toe. She replied by jerking all over, her ticklishness getting the best from her, her melodic voice mixing in a few cries and moans with the extatic laughter. It was with great joy that I tickled those beautiful, ticklish, helpless feet, letting my fingers explore them at their leisure, for I knew that this was one conquest I truly enjoyed and now, seeing the fruits of my labor, it was all the sweeter. Lenne was such a beautiful sight when broken, her broken face shining with inner happiness, her laughter more beautiful than ever, her moans sweeter, her tearful eyes shining bright.
And so, time flew for both of us in torturous tickling of Lennes bare, defenseless soles and tops of feet, her heels and toes. Very soon, through her broken tears, Lenne started to moan wildly. Orgasm was approaching at a rapid rate, and her body started to shake all over. This one would be a very strong one, I thought to myself, finally taking in all of the beauty's toes, seeing her biting her lip from sheer arousal. Had she bit it any harder, I'm sure she'd draw out some blood. Her face was a grimace of shattered will, laughter and ectasy. Such a beautiful sight, I thought, her toes still playing with my tongue inside of my mouth, pulling them backwards as my hand scratched directly in the middle of her helpless sole, the free foot twitching to allow my other hand better passage. She wasn't trying to avoid my fingers any more... she was seeking them out. Very soon, her body started trembling, a clear sign of approaching orgasm... and a mind numbing one, at that. I could see that Lenne was completely taken over by this sensation, touches away from the ultimate pleasure.
«OH GAHAHAWD!!!», Lenne arched her head back, prepairing herself for the orgasm that was about to reach her any minute. «PLEHEHEASEHEHE!!! TORTURE ME MOOOOHOHOHORE!!!»
No more than few flashing moments after those words left her lips, a loud moan followed. Lenne arched her backs and her neck as far back as her bondage would allow. Her womanhood practically squirted out a load of feminine juices, the orgasm coursing through her body with such a force that, for a moment, I wandered how come the bonds managed to hold her.
The orgasm rushed through the beautiful assassin's body like an avalanche, taking away her consciousness with it in passing. Looking at her unconscious body, her sweat and cum glistening in the morning sun, bathing the body of goddess in her own, divine juices, I couldn't help but smile. Truly, she was the woman for me... I knew her only for a day, but that was more than enough time to assure myself of it.
I slowly raised from my comfy chair, planting a final kiss on the beautiful feet of my fiancee that rested peacefully in their bonds. Finally, it was time to set them free. While I was untying her ankles, I took my time to study Lenne. She looked so peaceful, asleep with a happy smile on her face. The hair that covered the majority of her face now gave her a... free look. Finally, she was free of the title Unbreakable, and of all the horrors that came with it. Finally, I thought as I sat on her knees, facing her, kissing her awake. As soon as she regained conciousness, Lenne started returning the kiss, my hands quickly rushing to get her rid of the chains that bound her. As soon as I freed her hands, I felt them hugging me tightly, ridding me of clothes with unseen passion. Pretty soon, both of us let ourselves go, passion guiding us. There were no words, for in times like these, actions always spoke louder.

* * *

"Milord!", the servant who walked in through the doors shouted out in surprise. I guess that he never expected to walk into the dungeon and see his master having sex with a prisoner. Truth be told, if I had told this to myself, I'd say it sounded extremely risky and unbelievable. But it was the truth. Lenne was free, and she wasn't trying to kill me. Rather, she was showing me just how lucky I was to have her as a future wife. And I was doing my best to return her the service in kind.
"Yes, my good man?", I asked, slowly getting up from Lenne, covering my nudity in underpants, while I was dressing Lenne in my clothes. She looked unusually sexy in them, tomboyish, yet womanly.
"M... m... milord!", the boy was trying to find words. It was clear by the look on his face that he was beyond surprised... way beyond.
"Yes, I believe you passed that part already", I told him, finishing the final touches on Lenne's clothes. "What is it?"
"S... si... sir S... S-S-Seba-Sebastian is he-here."
"Finally", I said, turning to Lenne, kissing her. She placed her arms around my neck as she returned the kiss. "Now, my dear, you'll see why I wanted you to join me from the beginning." Then, I turned to the servant. "Send him in."
As expected, my silver-haired friend came along with a companion... probably a representative of the Bloody Mist village, a replacement leader in Lenne's absence. The man looked pretty much like an assassin: black hair of medium length, black leather armor, set of knives, and a bunch of scars all over his common-looking face. Some would say that means he went through a lot of dangerous situations. I'd say it means that he was clumsy. Sebastian, Laretha and I didn't earn our legendary status by picking daisies, yet we bore almost no battle scars. Seeing his leader alive and well, he rushed to her.
"Miss Lenne, thank goodness you're alive", the man said, taking one of her arms from my neck into his. I so wanted to punch his face in for that, but I refrained myself from doing so.
The man continued to speak: "When the king heard that you failed in killing duke Cedric, he immediately declared us traitors, sending out a squad of his warriors to invade us. Faced with such a force, I was sure that we would have been eradicated, but I swore I would uphold the village's honor. We made what we thought would be the last stand, taking on a force triple to our numbers. And then, when duke's forces came up, outnumbering king's by far, I thought we were done for. But, instead of finishing us off, they charged the king's troops, wiping them off the face of the planet with such efficiency that all I could do was stand and watch in awe. And then, when all was over, this man introduced himself as Sebastian, offering me alliance, for it seems that we have a common enemy from now on."
Lenne and I exchanged looks between ourselves, my fiancee kissing me on the lips, leaving the man confused.
"You wanted to surprise me, didn't you?", she said, repeating the kiss.
"Would you believe me if I told you?", I asked her, making her blush a bit. However, her eyes were shining with happiness.
"Yes, I guess you're right..."

* * *

I woke up early in the morning only to find out, with great grief, that my bed was empty. As my eyes were slowly getting accustomed to the light that was shining in through the windows of my bedroom, I heard that familiar, seductive voice calling out to me:
"Looking for someone, dear?"
It was Lenne. She was in her morning robe, standing on the doors, fresh out of bath. Her orange hair, even though wet, still managed to form a mane, making my wife look almost magical, the beautiful smile on her lips and the glint in her emerald eyes adding to the effect. Without hesitation, she jumped on the bed, opening her robes in one swift movement, shoving her beautiful, round breasts right into my face. I could feel their fresh smell luring me to them like magic.
"Guess who missed your touch", that sweet, melodic voice said, luring and arousing me further. "They say that they haven't been tended to for soooo looong." The way Lenne prolonged those last two words, making them sound like two lustful moans brought up the inner beast. I pressed my wife's breasts into my face tightly, licking them lustfuly, giving out a few pinches to her buttocks at the same time. She squealed with excitement, the pinches making her rub against my hardened manhood.
"Cedric, you crazy bastard", Lenne bumped my chests lightly, letting out a few sweet giggles, like only she knew. "The princess says she will hold the council in a week from now, by the way."
"Oh, really?", I asked, admiring the perfection of nature's architecture that was bathing in the sun right in front of my eyes, taking a breast into my mouth, starting to fondle it with my tongue and hand at the same time, making it's owner give out a seductive, lustful moan.
Few days after our engagements, Lenne and I married. We didn't see a point in waiting. As a wedding gift, we got the heads of royal family on a pladder... well, not exactly on a pladder, the whole thing was carried out in secrecy. That gift came from Bloody Mist village. Of course, my loyal allies, the king's lover and the young princess were spared. The princess didn't plan on marrying a sixty-year old man just for the sake of peace in kingdom, so she made a deal with me: she marries who she wills, and lets me have the throne. Of course, she would still have all the royal privilegies. I promised her that, and I planned on making it true. In fact, I was already negotiating on marriage with some of the most desirable nobles in the kingdom. As for me, on the next meeting of the nobles, I was to be crowned a king... it was just a formality now, for I managed to annex a few more counties in the chaos that followed the deaths of royal family. Due to Laretha's pregnancy, Lenne took over the operation of spies, my friend devoting more time to family that was about to expand. Yes. Everything was working out exactly as planned... even better.
"Oh, yes, dearest", my orange-haired goddess said, running her fingers through my hair. "I have some great news for you."
"Oh really?", I asked, letting go of her nipple. Instead of replying, Lenne tossed herself on the bed, rising her arms high above her head, spreading her legs to the sides of her bed.
"I don't want to tell you", she said, sticking her tongue out, the shining emeralds that were her eyes pointing to the rope on the nightstand. She must have brought it in while I was sleeping. "Maybe you'll have to... torture me... to tell you? Hmm?"
Yes... that was my wife.



Great to have you back! And what a way to return! A fantastic story! Good characters, highly erotic and a nice plot. Sequel at all?
Thank you, DEV! Really glad you like it. It was really nice making this story as well. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, I think there are parts I could have done better, but, as I said, writing was a joy.
No, there won't be any sequels, but I hope readers do imagine what happens next😀 My next few projects will be finishing up some old requests and finally writing new chapter of enterion... one in which Morganna gets tickled.
Thank you, DEV! Really glad you like it. It was really nice making this story as well. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, I think there are parts I could have done better, but, as I said, writing was a joy.
No, there won't be any sequels, but I hope readers do imagine what happens next😀 My next few projects will be finishing up some old requests and finally writing new chapter of enterion... one in which Morganna gets tickled.

You Bloody bastard... you write one of most excellent stories of your entire carrier and you and 'not 100% satisfied'...
As I said it before and as I will say it always, except for that naruto story but that is besides the point, this is dreamlike story... now don't kill tahira and rei 😀
one of the most amazing stories i've ever read on TT.
seriously , i had to "take a break" from reading it cuz it was too sensual for me to handle, its almost illegal ! ^_^

i like first person PoV telling erotic stories , also being so considerate for each and every detail and also being in focus for the depth of the character as fond and amazed with the beauty of his so called "victim"

you never fail to press the right buttons DD ! well done =)

Thank you, everybody. I'm really glad you liked it.🙂

Bashiku: There is no writer who is 100% satisfied with his creation... at least not one with even a bit self-criticism. This doesn't mean that this isn't one of my fave stories of mine. Again, glad you like it🙂

Valencia: Thanks, girl. Glad you liked it, even though I know erotic tickling isn't your cup of tea🙂

Lixxie: Wow! What can I say after a compliment like that? I'm really flattered that you enjoyed the story so much. When I was writing this, I thought of a situation in which I was the ler, and had my lee in such a position. I wrote the things I'd probably do to her in those situations. Glad you enjoyed it, as I certainly 'enjoyed' writing it😀 *hugs back, feeling in heaven*
I've always been a fan of your work, and this story is a prime example of why. BTW, is the Enterion series discontinued?
Thanks, Anime#1. Glad to see I could write an ok m/f story, despite lack of practice (this was my second one). At least I'm glad you readers like it.

Anyways, no, the Enterion series will continue. After all, there is so much more to do... 🙂

Sorry guys, while I wasn't posting the stories here, I was still writing requests that piled up over time. This story came as a short break, something I wrote for myself🙂 Now, just a few more requests and I'll start working on new chapters of enterion. In chapter 12, Morganna meets her old master, the one who taught her everything there was about sorcery... and sexual pleasures. Will the reunion of two women pass without tickling? Not a chance😉
In chapter 12, Morganna meets her old master, the one who taught her everything there was about sorcery... and sexual pleasures. Will the reunion of two women pass without tickling? Not a chance😉

And we all know what will Elerion do in the mean time... imagine Morganna and her teacher 'having fun' while in background you see flames, blood and much more 'erotic stimulants' 😀
I'd say ..

DD , if you're going to do this to your Lee.
She's one lucky girl ^.^
Well duke didn't get the nickname Satan for nothing... imagine how he strikes fear into his colleagues hearts... he wants most of them exterminated the hard way 😀
Thanks, Lixxie... now all I gotta do is find one😀

Bashiku: Come on, now, m8, don't be giving the lady any wrong ideas. I don't bite...
... hard.
hard enough to kill that teacher... may he rest in pieces... 😀
yeah your the only person i will read who does m/f dude, your really good, i would love to see more on when morgana had first met her partner though
Thanks Syella and hxckid. It's really nice to see positive feedback.

hxckid: Enterion 12 is in the making for a long time. It will feature someone from Morganna's past (I won't say who, though), and will bring an in-depth explanation of Morganna's adventuring motives, as well as her thoughts on her partner. 🙂
wowow..too fantastic for words..the details, the descriptions, the intricate plot..and the romantic ending..mmm of course he got the wife he deserved..she was truly spectacular...now i see i'm going to have to search and read your other fine stories...your imagination rocks...your writing is somewhat similar to Journia's...
Thank you, Izzy🙂 That was a wonderful comment us writers usually dream of.
Ah...the duke is the man!!!! I loved this story. But I'm sure like all things I read just before I go to sleep, I won't remember it for thirty days or so...
Thanks, Journia. I do hope this one stays in your memory🙂

And Amanda, hi! Glad you liked it. Where have you been lately? Haven't seen you on AIM much.
I didnt comment yet??
Duke, this is awesome and your stuff is amazing. Oh btw I borrowed some anticipation stuff from your thread, hope that's ok. If not, gimme a hollar.
Bug xx
Thanks, Bug. 🙂 I'm so happy that you enjoyed it. As for using that stuff, use away. 🙂 I wouldn't have put it up if I didn't want it shared. In fact, I am honored. 🙂
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