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The Farm Hand
(Warning M4M True Story)
It turned out to be another hazy, hot, and humid day as I finally saw myself parking in front of the Morgan Town Hall for of all things a job.
“Welcome to Morgan Town stranger can I help you?” Asked an equally casual dressed sheriff; Dressed in shorts a blue short sleeve shirt but instead of fooware he was barefoot.
“Ah yes Sherrif maybe you can help me; I’m here actually to meet a Mr. Todd McCrandel; about a job he was advertising in the Boston Phoenix newspaper.”
Smiling toward me I watched his toes not meaning to of course wiggling in the dirt.
“Ah you must be here to see him about his farm hand position that’s always advertised in there?”
“Yes exactly but how did you know that?”
“Oh sorry he happens to be my uncle.” After having been told about the town ordinance about footware not being allowed I gladly removed my velcroe sandels.
“So where exactly will we be meeting your Uncle; is he in town somewhere?” “Your kidding right Uncle Todd never comes into town; my Uncle never comes into town no he usualy sends a representive into meet you and then personaly transports potential applicants out to my Uncles 75 acre farm.” Even though I should have thought best about leaving to head back home guess I was really curious about just what the sheriff’s uncle’s job en-tailed.
“Before I take you into to meet the representive; I first need your signature here on this clipboard?” Carefully I excepted the clipboard from him looking at it. “I don’t know signing something that I can’t read first kind of makes me weary if you understand that?”
“Oh absolutely I know what your talking about; but you see it’s just a formality; you see an applicants signature just tells my Uncle I met with you that’s all.”
Again my instincts should have warned me to just walk away to go home,
But having not worked for anybody in years I was still curious to find out if I’d even be hired by Mr. McCrandel; so I signed the clipboard for the sheriff.
“Excellent, thank you Sampson; excuse me but I thought your name was Babson?”
“It is Babson, but I just sign things that way to protect myself you know.”
“Well thank you anyway Sampson my uncle would’ev been upset if you hadn’t of signed this now he won’t be.” Smiling he lead me into his office.
“Wow I’ve seen a lot of things hung above doors before but that is different?” “The reps in the bathroom he’ll be with us momentaraly; oh my hammer over the door you like that huh.” “Yeah it’s different I’ve never seen anything like that before.” “Just symbolizes my brand of justice you know; coming down swiftly against criminals that’s all.” Who knew after hearing the sheriff telling me that; that those would be the last words I’d ever hear again consciously that is. As his hammer came down indeed upon me; striking me, as I turned my back away from it.
“Good; he’s down; you can come out now.” Said the sheriff as another man could be seen coming out of his bathroom.
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“See your hammer worked again sheriff; wow this ones a tall one.” “Here is his shirt shread it while I get his shorts off of him. We have to hurry and get him downstairs to process him quickly before he regains consciousness.” With that having been said the sheriff quickly finished taking off my jean shorts, as I continued to lye there totally naked.
“He looks like another exceptional speciman tall too.” “Yeah he is;
here help me roll him over quick I have to inject his cock region with the juice.”
Slowly and carefully the two men rolled my still unconscious body over until it faced upword.
Then as indicated by the sheriff before I was next injected into my cocks area with a special juice that instantly started it to amazingly grow right before both there eyes.
“Isn’t that a beautiful site sherrif?” “ Sure is; come on now lets get him into the chair.” Once more the two of them carefully placed into a barbers chair there within the sheriffs office then after that began restraining my barefeet using ankle straps to secure them into their place.
After which my wrists were taken and fastened securely above my head, and behind the chair.
Two padded footrests were next attached just to hold my barefeet steady, so that the soles of my size 13 feet were exposed and slightly facing upword.
Lastly another strap was used to hold my legs down.
“Pretty as a picture; aint he?” “Yes he sure is Tommy.” Smiling the three of us now begin decending beneath the sheriffs office.
Feeling my head next being finally straped to that barbers chair I still wasn’t conscious to the fact that now all of my mermories and thoughts were being eradicated from my mind; only to be replaced with new completely different thoughts and memories.
“How’s my Uncles latest and newest farm hand doing doc?”
“Exceptionaly well I must say sheriff he’s just about ready to be awoken to his new life upon your uncle’s perverted farm.” Seen laughig amonst themselves they start to undo my leather straps that held me firmly in that barbers chair.
After they carefully place me upon a couch as I start to awaken fully.
“Oh my head; What, what happened?”
“You fainted Sampson are you all right?”
“Yes, now I am; I think so; wow the last thing I remember was listening to you telling me about that hammer above your office door; did I pass out or something?”
“You sure did, but not to worry the representitive saw you and then immediately excepted you; so congradulations you now hired to be one of my uncle’s farm hands isn’t that great news!”
“Yeah; I guess thank you; I just wish I was awake for the interview process that’s all.”
Just another formality Sampson don’t sweat it.” Smiling once again we were next joined by two men each wearing black leather shorts.
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“Sampson; I’d like you to meet Hector, Carlos they’ll be accompaining you on your trip to my uncle’s farm.” Together the doctor and sheriff smiled over to me, as the two men in question could be seen walking up to stand directly in front of me.
“Sampson; relax we’ll take good care of you; Carlos and me will have so much fun with you the time traveling to get there will quickly pass by; trust us;
and our friend Emanual he’ll be driving us.” After whitch the two of them hugged me as I rose up slightly off the couch there.
“Lucky me; but is this trip were going on long?”
“Yes it’s about three and a half hours to a four hours long; Mr. McCrandels farm is just before the Canadian boarder, and its extreamly seculded I might add,
so we hope that won’t discourage you.” While listening to Hector telling me this Carlos could be seen excepting something from the doctor in a long business envelope.
“Only thing that will discourage me is just what we’ll be doing exactly to pass the the time during this trip?” Smirking slightly I watched both Hector and Carlos grinning to themselves.
My dream of working again for anybody else seamed assured this time around, so I certainly wasn’t going to do anything to jepordize it.
As we left through the rear of the sheriff office the blistering sun blinded me momentarily after which I next felt a tight hood placed over my head.
“Our apoligies for the hood there Samson, but if Mr. McCrandel saw you without this on Carlos and I would be in serious trouble with him; we hope you understand?”
“Are you kidding me you guys don’t have to apoligize for putting this on me; this is great; to be totally honest with you guy’s I’ve always fantasized about meeting someone who’ll do this to me.”
“Well then if your happy about this; your really going to love just what Carlos and I do to you once we get you into the truck.” Ever so carefully and extra slowly I begin to accend up a small set of steps and into the rear of the truck.
Once the three of us were inside I was after which gently placed down upon the floor of the truck.
With my arms and legs spread in an eagle position listening next I hear the sound of clamps natuarlly I tried to pull my wrists and ankles back but when I discovered I couldn’t do even that for some reason I still wasn’t scared.
“Wrist and ankle cuffs lying on the floor of this truck in a spead eagle position huh; didn’t really think you boy’s to be kinky this early?”
“You didn’t huh; hope we didn’t disapoint you?” “Are you kidding me naw;
I would’ev been however if you didn’t do this to me.” “Good well now what we would like you to do now is just listen to something.” Seen nodding my head one of them next places headphones over my hears listening I next hear another man’s voice.
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“Welcome Sampson to not only your new job, but your new way of life
I hope your comfortable? My name though we haven’t met face to face is Todd McCrandel, as you may have heard I do indeed have myself a 75 acre farm near the Canadian boarder completely and absolutely secluded in all directions.
With no neighbors I can virtually do anything here upon my property I like to do; so don’t think to yourself Sampson you’ll be arrested for indecent exposure’ I generously pay off the authorites to look the other way to my dealings; with that having been said just let me say in conclusion that the next couple of hours you’ll be in transit will be the happiest you’ve ever been before trust me, and I’ll see you soon.” Feeling the headphones being taken off me next
I suddenly heard nothing being said anymore from my two friends verbaly.
HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! TO! HAHHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA ME!” Feeling each of their gentlest but softest of fingers caressing me meant to me only one thing they were indeed tickling torturing me.
While Hector consentrated his tickling to my stomach, chest, ribs, and under arms. His friend Carlos hit the perverbal bullseye with the two areas he was busy tickling.
“Guess the doc’s assessment was right on the money about this one huh Hector?” “I’ll say doc’s assessment was right; Wow I’ve never really tickled anyone that was a 100% ticklish like this before; have you Carlos?” “Not that I can remember no Hector.” Together the two utilized not only their fingers, but q-tip swabs, feathers, and battery powered toothbrushes, as well at times they’d use their slippery tongues upon my feet and toes.
The breaks I found myself granted weren’t of any great lengths just long enough to lap up some water that they’d trickle down to me.
Then as quickly as it started I was twisting turning squirming and thrashing about wildly once again in pure hysterics.
Hours passed before Hector and Carlos had stopped their tickling of me, as I layed there completely exhausted my body continued to spazum from it constint torture.
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In addition to the sperm that covered me; I must have pissed myself as much as a race horse; or so I was informed by Hector; not to mention the fact by now all I could really do was babble incoherently.
“Relax Sampson easy; I just got of the cellphone with Mr. McCrandel; he wants us to just take you to your quarters; help you shower; then we’ll leave you to let you rest up and then he said also that he’d see you in a few hours.” Smiling nervously back to him I watched him getting up next to see if we were there yet.
Luckily we were, as I next was helped back up to my feet; from the looks of the grounds were lush with green grass as far as the eyes could see with nude men tending to its up keep.
“Those men there have that job Sampson; but don’t worry you won’t be having to do that yourself; come on lets get you cleaned up.” Still not able to walk myself I continued being carried by them into house and finally up to my quarters.
The room itself measure 6x12 it had a four posted king sized bed at the bottom of the bed it had a set of ankle stocks however in the place of a usual night stand. It had two objects to either side of the bed with drawers filled with various tickling instruments; and lastly it also in the room a barbers chair with straps; and a lengthy table with restraints at the top and bottom of it.
Just to off to the left of the living room was finally its bathroom with a walk in shower.
Gently my three newest friends carefully placed my barefeet on the bathrooms titled floor; but while Carlos remained seated upon the toilet poised with a dry towel in his hands waiting for me; Hector began his task of slowly cleaning me; while Emanual aided in seeing I didn’t fall by gently hold me up.
Minutes passed before the three of us finally emerged Carlos with his towel opened started his job of drying me; while Hector lightly applied oil to my body. Emanual however had found the kitchen; where within mere seconds he returned carrying a bowel of grapes which he then proceeded to feed me, as I continued standing there being attended too by the others.
“Feeling better Sampson?” “Yes, Yes, Thank you, Thank you I am feeling much, much better now.” Seen smiling at one another I continued being promped and pampered while I recovered from my previous ordeal.
Listening to hear a knock Emmanual could be seen answering the door, as Carlos, Hector, and I followed seconds behind him out of the bathroom.
“Wow! What’s this room service?” “It’s Mr. McCrandels idea he thought you’d be hungry.” “Are you kidding me I’m starved.” “Well that’s what he thought; oh by the way he sent you a note with it want me to read it?” “Yes please Hector.” “It reads; Sampson, hope you found your quarters to your liking; also I’m hoping you enjoy your dinner that I sent you here; see you soon he signed it T. McCrandel” Impressed greatly with not only the accomadations, but the food as well Carlos and Hector departed leaving Emmanual alone with me there just in case I requiered something else.
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“Damm this food is good Emmanual my compliments to your chief whoever he is.” “The chiefs name Carmine; he’ll be happy you said that about his cooking.”
Watching Emmanual pouring me some more wine he smiled as I lifted my glass.
Minutes passed before I had taken my last bite. “That’s it dude I’m stuffed can’t eat anymore.” “Seams to me Sampson you’ve eaten everything here.” Looking around to see he was right he then watched me streaching, after which he then walks over to the room tv switching in on for us.
“Thought maybe you’d want to watch some tv to you know relax some more Sampson.” I wasn’t to sure if it was the food I ate before or the strange images on the tv I was watching playing with my mind, or rather in the tone of Emmanual’s voice. I really wasn’t sure what it was, but whatever it was Sublimally it had started working it’s bizzareness upon me, as I found myself slowly easing back away from the table to then gently droping to my knees.
“That a good boy Sampson; yes you want this don’t you?” The images on the television were of two men; one sucking another man off on his knees, naturally being in that position now myself I began mimicing that scene with Emmanual there.
“Good Boy Sampson; Mmmmm; That’s a good Boy; suck it that’s right; Oooooo that’s right; Sampson alternate that’s right; lick it, lick it, that’s right.” My head bobbed faster, as my hands were positioned behind his legs as I slowly started to rub them.
Little did I know of course that together with Hector, and Carlos my erotic show was also at that time being viewed by Mr. McCrandel himself.
“Gentlemen, I’m almost impressed with your newest test subject here; I mean from what I see here he seams to be taken to the programing all right; however I’d much rather see him with more intensity; I mean is that to much to ask?”
Seen smiling at each other; both Hector and Carlos knew indeed just what that meant.
Minutes passed before Emmanual heard my quarters door bell ring. “Stop Sampson; Stop it’s Mr. McCrandel he’s here.”
“Huh, What?” Dazed a little by the sudden stopage of my momentum, as I continued sitting where I was Emmanual had gotten himself up to answer my quarters door.
There standing now was Todd McCrandel a taller gentleman than myself in height with a ripped physic. His dress was cassual but his demeanor seamed regal at least to me it did. With Emmanual positioned now to his left on his knees as the gentleman now could be seen entering my quarters.
“Emmanual; always a pleasure to see you; nice job by the way before; I couldn’t help obsearving the two of you.” “Thank you master, I hope you were pleased?”
“On your part Emmanual I’m always pleased with your performances; however if you’ll allow a moment; I’d like to meet our newest employee here Sampson.
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“Ah Sampson it’s an honor finanally getting to meet you; I hope you found your quarters here comfortable, and the meal to your liking?” Getting myself up more to a straighter kneeling position there before him I next replied back.
“Oh Yes Master yes the quarters here are extreamely comfortable indeed thank you, as for the meal you sent me before; it was absolutely delishious thank you for that also I was very hungry.” Subtely he smiled, as he continued watching me with my head down as well.
“That’s good to hear that not only the meal, but the accomadations are to your approval your welcome by the way for that. However not only am I here to meet you obviously, but I thought you’d like a personal tour with Emmanual accompaining us of course of your new home here, so gentlemen lets start the tour shall we?” Emmanual stood still stand to the left of the door while Mr. McCrandel watched me getting up quickly following him as he lead the way out of the of the room; following behind me closing the door was Emmanual.
Mr. McCrandel’s world here consisted primaraly of other nude men like myself being tickled in completely different positions for either sale over seas, or for his own amusement.
Stopping finaly in front of a door he then says to me. “So here we are room 3 here is where you’ll continue with you’re orintation I hope you enjoy it.” To my surprise the room had Carlos, and Hector standing next to a large X-frame meaning exactly more tickling for me.
Minutes after successfully strapping me to the frame a virtual reality helmet was next placed over my head with an image of two naude men; one was in a bed while the other virtual man was in front of him sucking his large penis.
Underneath that were the words; “Need Cock” Scrolling itself beneath that picture.
Listening I hear Mr. McCrandel. “Sampson, I’m sure you must be thinking to yourself that this a mistake, but trust me it’s not. You failed miserably to display the intensity required before in cock sucking . So I thought another go round with the boys is called for all right boys give Sampson here a 72hr torture session.” Thinking to myself of 72hrs of straight tickling should of paniced me, but there job having started immediately upon me curbed that desire quickly.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA!” Hector most deffinately could have been the one working on my underarms, stomach chest and ribs slowly. While his friend Carlos could have been the one lightly tickling my cock and balls even slower using feathers that I most certainly could feel.
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Hours passed slowly, as my torture continued, and with it too went my sanity.
The images within that virtual reality helmet intensified; along with the words that kept scrolling beneath it saying things like; “You Need Cock, You Want Cock, You long to suck cock Don’t you?” Over and over it read that, as my torture continued; little did I know those particular words were cementing themselves into my brain.
Then somewhere between the 69th and 70th hour my laughter started immediately to change into chants of wanting, needing, and finally longing to suck cock.
Listening to hear a strange beeping my tormentors immediately stopped there ticklish activites as my body continued quivering and shaking slightly.
“Relax Sampson relax congradulations you’ve survived your ticklish ordeal; now you’ll be released to shower, eat, and recover.” Slowly and extra carefully
I found myself being released then carried out, and back to my room then directly into my shower.
“Activate the camera in his room; I want to monitor this particular ones progress now that he’s being released.” With a playful smirk McCrandel watches as Emmanual along with the others bring me back to my quarters.
In the past most times I’d either kiss a man or I’d caress him; or I’d even open my mouth to suck on his cock a little bit, but now after my extreamly intence 72hr tickle marathon; I wasn’t so sure if doing that even for a little was going to be enough for me now.
Exactly like before Carlos and Hector watched me, however unlike before Emmanual this time was in there with us.
“So Emmanual tell me something when I was being tickled before by Carlos, and Hector were you also in there too with them; licking my feet and sucking on my toes?” Watching him lower his head with a smile upon his face instantly told me it was.
“Sampson, I can never lie about how I feel in regards to my foot fetish I love them, but honestly to answer your question yes, yes it was me doing that to your barefeet and toes; I hope you don’t mind?”
“Me mind, are you kidding me; I loved it; I never had anyone do that to me before.” And with that having been said once I had finished rinsing the soap off me. I next could be seen slowly dropping there in front of them all to my knees.
As my hands were busy slowly stroking off Hector, and Carlos, Emmanual was the first to get my mouth wrapped around his cock sucking and licking for all it was worth.
Never one to play favorites; in addition to being down on my knees happily alternated myself between Hector and Carlos each sucking their cocks as well with
as much intencity as with Emmanual’s
“Well congradulations guy’s we did it again, I’m sure the master will be pleased with this one too.” Watching the three high fiving each other; I smiled up to them.
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My training continued almost every other day; with just Emmanual getting the assignment of tutoring me..
At times he’d administer either my own physical pleasure of being tickle tortured, or other times it would be his own personal pleasure having me on my knees with my mouth wrapped around his cock.
Nights saw me however trying to sleep facing up of course prior to being placed into this one position I used to be able to toss and turn before settling into get comfortable.
Now howver I found myself restricted to this one single position lying facing the ceiling tightly blindfolded with not only my legs slightly elevated, but my ankles every night were securely placed into stocks that hung conviently from the ceiling. My wrists however were always placed to either side of me, and always were clamped to hold them tight to the beds frame thus making any type of movement for me to either side an impossible chore to accomplish.
My nightly sleep pattern was always five hours, so from 7:00p.m. until 12:00a.m. I was asleep exactly in the only position I previously described to you. Also during this time period Mr. McCrandel had me wearing my virtual reality helmet; he explained that while I slept my mind could still find itself being conditioned subliminaly with different images to watch; not to mention a different continus phrase could also be seen scrolling itself beneath those very images.
However also every night in order to awaken me Emmanual would always creep into my room and get me giggling either by sucking on my toes individualy. Or other times he’d mearly just lick the soles of both my barefeet slowly with his tongue naturaly as they continued hanging there in the air above the footboard.
Days passed and with them also went my longing for any woman’s touch again. Crazy huh? Well you want to here something not so crazy Mr. McCrandel
Impressed so much with Emmanual’s tutoring of me graduated him; from his assistint master to full master status. THE END
(Warning M4M True Story)
It turned out to be another hazy, hot, and humid day as I finally saw myself parking in front of the Morgan Town Hall for of all things a job.
“Welcome to Morgan Town stranger can I help you?” Asked an equally casual dressed sheriff; Dressed in shorts a blue short sleeve shirt but instead of fooware he was barefoot.
“Ah yes Sherrif maybe you can help me; I’m here actually to meet a Mr. Todd McCrandel; about a job he was advertising in the Boston Phoenix newspaper.”
Smiling toward me I watched his toes not meaning to of course wiggling in the dirt.
“Ah you must be here to see him about his farm hand position that’s always advertised in there?”
“Yes exactly but how did you know that?”
“Oh sorry he happens to be my uncle.” After having been told about the town ordinance about footware not being allowed I gladly removed my velcroe sandels.
“So where exactly will we be meeting your Uncle; is he in town somewhere?” “Your kidding right Uncle Todd never comes into town; my Uncle never comes into town no he usualy sends a representive into meet you and then personaly transports potential applicants out to my Uncles 75 acre farm.” Even though I should have thought best about leaving to head back home guess I was really curious about just what the sheriff’s uncle’s job en-tailed.
“Before I take you into to meet the representive; I first need your signature here on this clipboard?” Carefully I excepted the clipboard from him looking at it. “I don’t know signing something that I can’t read first kind of makes me weary if you understand that?”
“Oh absolutely I know what your talking about; but you see it’s just a formality; you see an applicants signature just tells my Uncle I met with you that’s all.”
Again my instincts should have warned me to just walk away to go home,
But having not worked for anybody in years I was still curious to find out if I’d even be hired by Mr. McCrandel; so I signed the clipboard for the sheriff.
“Excellent, thank you Sampson; excuse me but I thought your name was Babson?”
“It is Babson, but I just sign things that way to protect myself you know.”
“Well thank you anyway Sampson my uncle would’ev been upset if you hadn’t of signed this now he won’t be.” Smiling he lead me into his office.
“Wow I’ve seen a lot of things hung above doors before but that is different?” “The reps in the bathroom he’ll be with us momentaraly; oh my hammer over the door you like that huh.” “Yeah it’s different I’ve never seen anything like that before.” “Just symbolizes my brand of justice you know; coming down swiftly against criminals that’s all.” Who knew after hearing the sheriff telling me that; that those would be the last words I’d ever hear again consciously that is. As his hammer came down indeed upon me; striking me, as I turned my back away from it.
“Good; he’s down; you can come out now.” Said the sheriff as another man could be seen coming out of his bathroom.
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“See your hammer worked again sheriff; wow this ones a tall one.” “Here is his shirt shread it while I get his shorts off of him. We have to hurry and get him downstairs to process him quickly before he regains consciousness.” With that having been said the sheriff quickly finished taking off my jean shorts, as I continued to lye there totally naked.
“He looks like another exceptional speciman tall too.” “Yeah he is;
here help me roll him over quick I have to inject his cock region with the juice.”
Slowly and carefully the two men rolled my still unconscious body over until it faced upword.
Then as indicated by the sheriff before I was next injected into my cocks area with a special juice that instantly started it to amazingly grow right before both there eyes.
“Isn’t that a beautiful site sherrif?” “ Sure is; come on now lets get him into the chair.” Once more the two of them carefully placed into a barbers chair there within the sheriffs office then after that began restraining my barefeet using ankle straps to secure them into their place.
After which my wrists were taken and fastened securely above my head, and behind the chair.
Two padded footrests were next attached just to hold my barefeet steady, so that the soles of my size 13 feet were exposed and slightly facing upword.
Lastly another strap was used to hold my legs down.
“Pretty as a picture; aint he?” “Yes he sure is Tommy.” Smiling the three of us now begin decending beneath the sheriffs office.
Feeling my head next being finally straped to that barbers chair I still wasn’t conscious to the fact that now all of my mermories and thoughts were being eradicated from my mind; only to be replaced with new completely different thoughts and memories.
“How’s my Uncles latest and newest farm hand doing doc?”
“Exceptionaly well I must say sheriff he’s just about ready to be awoken to his new life upon your uncle’s perverted farm.” Seen laughig amonst themselves they start to undo my leather straps that held me firmly in that barbers chair.
After they carefully place me upon a couch as I start to awaken fully.
“Oh my head; What, what happened?”
“You fainted Sampson are you all right?”
“Yes, now I am; I think so; wow the last thing I remember was listening to you telling me about that hammer above your office door; did I pass out or something?”
“You sure did, but not to worry the representitive saw you and then immediately excepted you; so congradulations you now hired to be one of my uncle’s farm hands isn’t that great news!”
“Yeah; I guess thank you; I just wish I was awake for the interview process that’s all.”
Just another formality Sampson don’t sweat it.” Smiling once again we were next joined by two men each wearing black leather shorts.
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“Sampson; I’d like you to meet Hector, Carlos they’ll be accompaining you on your trip to my uncle’s farm.” Together the doctor and sheriff smiled over to me, as the two men in question could be seen walking up to stand directly in front of me.
“Sampson; relax we’ll take good care of you; Carlos and me will have so much fun with you the time traveling to get there will quickly pass by; trust us;
and our friend Emanual he’ll be driving us.” After whitch the two of them hugged me as I rose up slightly off the couch there.
“Lucky me; but is this trip were going on long?”
“Yes it’s about three and a half hours to a four hours long; Mr. McCrandels farm is just before the Canadian boarder, and its extreamly seculded I might add,
so we hope that won’t discourage you.” While listening to Hector telling me this Carlos could be seen excepting something from the doctor in a long business envelope.
“Only thing that will discourage me is just what we’ll be doing exactly to pass the the time during this trip?” Smirking slightly I watched both Hector and Carlos grinning to themselves.
My dream of working again for anybody else seamed assured this time around, so I certainly wasn’t going to do anything to jepordize it.
As we left through the rear of the sheriff office the blistering sun blinded me momentarily after which I next felt a tight hood placed over my head.
“Our apoligies for the hood there Samson, but if Mr. McCrandel saw you without this on Carlos and I would be in serious trouble with him; we hope you understand?”
“Are you kidding me you guys don’t have to apoligize for putting this on me; this is great; to be totally honest with you guy’s I’ve always fantasized about meeting someone who’ll do this to me.”
“Well then if your happy about this; your really going to love just what Carlos and I do to you once we get you into the truck.” Ever so carefully and extra slowly I begin to accend up a small set of steps and into the rear of the truck.
Once the three of us were inside I was after which gently placed down upon the floor of the truck.
With my arms and legs spread in an eagle position listening next I hear the sound of clamps natuarlly I tried to pull my wrists and ankles back but when I discovered I couldn’t do even that for some reason I still wasn’t scared.
“Wrist and ankle cuffs lying on the floor of this truck in a spead eagle position huh; didn’t really think you boy’s to be kinky this early?”
“You didn’t huh; hope we didn’t disapoint you?” “Are you kidding me naw;
I would’ev been however if you didn’t do this to me.” “Good well now what we would like you to do now is just listen to something.” Seen nodding my head one of them next places headphones over my hears listening I next hear another man’s voice.
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“Welcome Sampson to not only your new job, but your new way of life
I hope your comfortable? My name though we haven’t met face to face is Todd McCrandel, as you may have heard I do indeed have myself a 75 acre farm near the Canadian boarder completely and absolutely secluded in all directions.
With no neighbors I can virtually do anything here upon my property I like to do; so don’t think to yourself Sampson you’ll be arrested for indecent exposure’ I generously pay off the authorites to look the other way to my dealings; with that having been said just let me say in conclusion that the next couple of hours you’ll be in transit will be the happiest you’ve ever been before trust me, and I’ll see you soon.” Feeling the headphones being taken off me next
I suddenly heard nothing being said anymore from my two friends verbaly.
HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! TO! HAHHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA ME!” Feeling each of their gentlest but softest of fingers caressing me meant to me only one thing they were indeed tickling torturing me.
While Hector consentrated his tickling to my stomach, chest, ribs, and under arms. His friend Carlos hit the perverbal bullseye with the two areas he was busy tickling.
“Guess the doc’s assessment was right on the money about this one huh Hector?” “I’ll say doc’s assessment was right; Wow I’ve never really tickled anyone that was a 100% ticklish like this before; have you Carlos?” “Not that I can remember no Hector.” Together the two utilized not only their fingers, but q-tip swabs, feathers, and battery powered toothbrushes, as well at times they’d use their slippery tongues upon my feet and toes.
The breaks I found myself granted weren’t of any great lengths just long enough to lap up some water that they’d trickle down to me.
Then as quickly as it started I was twisting turning squirming and thrashing about wildly once again in pure hysterics.
Hours passed before Hector and Carlos had stopped their tickling of me, as I layed there completely exhausted my body continued to spazum from it constint torture.
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In addition to the sperm that covered me; I must have pissed myself as much as a race horse; or so I was informed by Hector; not to mention the fact by now all I could really do was babble incoherently.
“Relax Sampson easy; I just got of the cellphone with Mr. McCrandel; he wants us to just take you to your quarters; help you shower; then we’ll leave you to let you rest up and then he said also that he’d see you in a few hours.” Smiling nervously back to him I watched him getting up next to see if we were there yet.
Luckily we were, as I next was helped back up to my feet; from the looks of the grounds were lush with green grass as far as the eyes could see with nude men tending to its up keep.
“Those men there have that job Sampson; but don’t worry you won’t be having to do that yourself; come on lets get you cleaned up.” Still not able to walk myself I continued being carried by them into house and finally up to my quarters.
The room itself measure 6x12 it had a four posted king sized bed at the bottom of the bed it had a set of ankle stocks however in the place of a usual night stand. It had two objects to either side of the bed with drawers filled with various tickling instruments; and lastly it also in the room a barbers chair with straps; and a lengthy table with restraints at the top and bottom of it.
Just to off to the left of the living room was finally its bathroom with a walk in shower.
Gently my three newest friends carefully placed my barefeet on the bathrooms titled floor; but while Carlos remained seated upon the toilet poised with a dry towel in his hands waiting for me; Hector began his task of slowly cleaning me; while Emanual aided in seeing I didn’t fall by gently hold me up.
Minutes passed before the three of us finally emerged Carlos with his towel opened started his job of drying me; while Hector lightly applied oil to my body. Emanual however had found the kitchen; where within mere seconds he returned carrying a bowel of grapes which he then proceeded to feed me, as I continued standing there being attended too by the others.
“Feeling better Sampson?” “Yes, Yes, Thank you, Thank you I am feeling much, much better now.” Seen smiling at one another I continued being promped and pampered while I recovered from my previous ordeal.
Listening to hear a knock Emmanual could be seen answering the door, as Carlos, Hector, and I followed seconds behind him out of the bathroom.
“Wow! What’s this room service?” “It’s Mr. McCrandels idea he thought you’d be hungry.” “Are you kidding me I’m starved.” “Well that’s what he thought; oh by the way he sent you a note with it want me to read it?” “Yes please Hector.” “It reads; Sampson, hope you found your quarters to your liking; also I’m hoping you enjoy your dinner that I sent you here; see you soon he signed it T. McCrandel” Impressed greatly with not only the accomadations, but the food as well Carlos and Hector departed leaving Emmanual alone with me there just in case I requiered something else.
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“Damm this food is good Emmanual my compliments to your chief whoever he is.” “The chiefs name Carmine; he’ll be happy you said that about his cooking.”
Watching Emmanual pouring me some more wine he smiled as I lifted my glass.
Minutes passed before I had taken my last bite. “That’s it dude I’m stuffed can’t eat anymore.” “Seams to me Sampson you’ve eaten everything here.” Looking around to see he was right he then watched me streaching, after which he then walks over to the room tv switching in on for us.
“Thought maybe you’d want to watch some tv to you know relax some more Sampson.” I wasn’t to sure if it was the food I ate before or the strange images on the tv I was watching playing with my mind, or rather in the tone of Emmanual’s voice. I really wasn’t sure what it was, but whatever it was Sublimally it had started working it’s bizzareness upon me, as I found myself slowly easing back away from the table to then gently droping to my knees.
“That a good boy Sampson; yes you want this don’t you?” The images on the television were of two men; one sucking another man off on his knees, naturally being in that position now myself I began mimicing that scene with Emmanual there.
“Good Boy Sampson; Mmmmm; That’s a good Boy; suck it that’s right; Oooooo that’s right; Sampson alternate that’s right; lick it, lick it, that’s right.” My head bobbed faster, as my hands were positioned behind his legs as I slowly started to rub them.
Little did I know of course that together with Hector, and Carlos my erotic show was also at that time being viewed by Mr. McCrandel himself.
“Gentlemen, I’m almost impressed with your newest test subject here; I mean from what I see here he seams to be taken to the programing all right; however I’d much rather see him with more intensity; I mean is that to much to ask?”
Seen smiling at each other; both Hector and Carlos knew indeed just what that meant.
Minutes passed before Emmanual heard my quarters door bell ring. “Stop Sampson; Stop it’s Mr. McCrandel he’s here.”
“Huh, What?” Dazed a little by the sudden stopage of my momentum, as I continued sitting where I was Emmanual had gotten himself up to answer my quarters door.
There standing now was Todd McCrandel a taller gentleman than myself in height with a ripped physic. His dress was cassual but his demeanor seamed regal at least to me it did. With Emmanual positioned now to his left on his knees as the gentleman now could be seen entering my quarters.
“Emmanual; always a pleasure to see you; nice job by the way before; I couldn’t help obsearving the two of you.” “Thank you master, I hope you were pleased?”
“On your part Emmanual I’m always pleased with your performances; however if you’ll allow a moment; I’d like to meet our newest employee here Sampson.
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“Ah Sampson it’s an honor finanally getting to meet you; I hope you found your quarters here comfortable, and the meal to your liking?” Getting myself up more to a straighter kneeling position there before him I next replied back.
“Oh Yes Master yes the quarters here are extreamely comfortable indeed thank you, as for the meal you sent me before; it was absolutely delishious thank you for that also I was very hungry.” Subtely he smiled, as he continued watching me with my head down as well.
“That’s good to hear that not only the meal, but the accomadations are to your approval your welcome by the way for that. However not only am I here to meet you obviously, but I thought you’d like a personal tour with Emmanual accompaining us of course of your new home here, so gentlemen lets start the tour shall we?” Emmanual stood still stand to the left of the door while Mr. McCrandel watched me getting up quickly following him as he lead the way out of the of the room; following behind me closing the door was Emmanual.
Mr. McCrandel’s world here consisted primaraly of other nude men like myself being tickled in completely different positions for either sale over seas, or for his own amusement.
Stopping finaly in front of a door he then says to me. “So here we are room 3 here is where you’ll continue with you’re orintation I hope you enjoy it.” To my surprise the room had Carlos, and Hector standing next to a large X-frame meaning exactly more tickling for me.
Minutes after successfully strapping me to the frame a virtual reality helmet was next placed over my head with an image of two naude men; one was in a bed while the other virtual man was in front of him sucking his large penis.
Underneath that were the words; “Need Cock” Scrolling itself beneath that picture.
Listening I hear Mr. McCrandel. “Sampson, I’m sure you must be thinking to yourself that this a mistake, but trust me it’s not. You failed miserably to display the intensity required before in cock sucking . So I thought another go round with the boys is called for all right boys give Sampson here a 72hr torture session.” Thinking to myself of 72hrs of straight tickling should of paniced me, but there job having started immediately upon me curbed that desire quickly.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA!” Hector most deffinately could have been the one working on my underarms, stomach chest and ribs slowly. While his friend Carlos could have been the one lightly tickling my cock and balls even slower using feathers that I most certainly could feel.
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Hours passed slowly, as my torture continued, and with it too went my sanity.
The images within that virtual reality helmet intensified; along with the words that kept scrolling beneath it saying things like; “You Need Cock, You Want Cock, You long to suck cock Don’t you?” Over and over it read that, as my torture continued; little did I know those particular words were cementing themselves into my brain.
Then somewhere between the 69th and 70th hour my laughter started immediately to change into chants of wanting, needing, and finally longing to suck cock.
Listening to hear a strange beeping my tormentors immediately stopped there ticklish activites as my body continued quivering and shaking slightly.
“Relax Sampson relax congradulations you’ve survived your ticklish ordeal; now you’ll be released to shower, eat, and recover.” Slowly and extra carefully
I found myself being released then carried out, and back to my room then directly into my shower.
“Activate the camera in his room; I want to monitor this particular ones progress now that he’s being released.” With a playful smirk McCrandel watches as Emmanual along with the others bring me back to my quarters.
In the past most times I’d either kiss a man or I’d caress him; or I’d even open my mouth to suck on his cock a little bit, but now after my extreamly intence 72hr tickle marathon; I wasn’t so sure if doing that even for a little was going to be enough for me now.
Exactly like before Carlos and Hector watched me, however unlike before Emmanual this time was in there with us.
“So Emmanual tell me something when I was being tickled before by Carlos, and Hector were you also in there too with them; licking my feet and sucking on my toes?” Watching him lower his head with a smile upon his face instantly told me it was.
“Sampson, I can never lie about how I feel in regards to my foot fetish I love them, but honestly to answer your question yes, yes it was me doing that to your barefeet and toes; I hope you don’t mind?”
“Me mind, are you kidding me; I loved it; I never had anyone do that to me before.” And with that having been said once I had finished rinsing the soap off me. I next could be seen slowly dropping there in front of them all to my knees.
As my hands were busy slowly stroking off Hector, and Carlos, Emmanual was the first to get my mouth wrapped around his cock sucking and licking for all it was worth.
Never one to play favorites; in addition to being down on my knees happily alternated myself between Hector and Carlos each sucking their cocks as well with
as much intencity as with Emmanual’s
“Well congradulations guy’s we did it again, I’m sure the master will be pleased with this one too.” Watching the three high fiving each other; I smiled up to them.
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My training continued almost every other day; with just Emmanual getting the assignment of tutoring me..
At times he’d administer either my own physical pleasure of being tickle tortured, or other times it would be his own personal pleasure having me on my knees with my mouth wrapped around his cock.
Nights saw me however trying to sleep facing up of course prior to being placed into this one position I used to be able to toss and turn before settling into get comfortable.
Now howver I found myself restricted to this one single position lying facing the ceiling tightly blindfolded with not only my legs slightly elevated, but my ankles every night were securely placed into stocks that hung conviently from the ceiling. My wrists however were always placed to either side of me, and always were clamped to hold them tight to the beds frame thus making any type of movement for me to either side an impossible chore to accomplish.
My nightly sleep pattern was always five hours, so from 7:00p.m. until 12:00a.m. I was asleep exactly in the only position I previously described to you. Also during this time period Mr. McCrandel had me wearing my virtual reality helmet; he explained that while I slept my mind could still find itself being conditioned subliminaly with different images to watch; not to mention a different continus phrase could also be seen scrolling itself beneath those very images.
However also every night in order to awaken me Emmanual would always creep into my room and get me giggling either by sucking on my toes individualy. Or other times he’d mearly just lick the soles of both my barefeet slowly with his tongue naturaly as they continued hanging there in the air above the footboard.
Days passed and with them also went my longing for any woman’s touch again. Crazy huh? Well you want to here something not so crazy Mr. McCrandel
Impressed so much with Emmanual’s tutoring of me graduated him; from his assistint master to full master status. THE END