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The Fight For Transylvania - Part IV


Registered User
Jan 25, 2011
Well, I lied in the beginning of the previous preface; I don't see myself as a liar, or a conman, so I'll give it to you straight. :whistling: :devil2:

Though there is progress, it wasn't what I really wanted. More back-story on for Camilla's character (I swear, this story is going somewhere! :dupe🙂 and this should be the last of the back-story segments for a while. Not every character will have these drawn-out segments; only the ones I deem that need them.

Most people came here for the tickling right? Trust me, there's going going to be something of the sort next chapter. But for now, I leave you with an old fashioned tale... er... story? Who knows.

And, for future reference; if there isn't any indication in the topic title (IE: F/M -- F/F, etc.) tickling probably won't be the prevalent topic in the entry. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Until next time. :redstar: :feather:

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Chapter IV: Seeing Red Again
- -

Reinhardt could see the outer wall of the castle in the distance; not more than two miles from his current location. He dismounted to take a short break and stretch; leading his horse to the nearby river to allow it to drink from the cool waters.

His thoughts were elsewhere as he gently soothed the tired horse. He thought of what the village elder had revealed to him back in Bhogrosah.

“Reinhardt, though you may have visions of self-doubt; stand strong! The ideals and prowess of Belmonts past flows through your veins, just as it did your uncle, Richter; all those years ago...”

“Right..” he thought bitterly. “Richter was a true Belmont. Though my father may have received his training and expertiese before his passing; he wasn't a true heir, just like I'm not.”

He looked down apon the whip holstered at his side. The legendary Belmont treasure, the “Vampire Killer”; a whip so powerful that time and time again, it has brought ruin to Dracula and his plans for dominion over the land.

“Though he may not have known all those years ago that Dracula would indeed return, he is infact beginning to do so. Even as we speak, his followers are slowly but staging the pieces together for his return.” the voice continued.

Though not a true Belmont by lineage; Reinhardt had gone through much training and preparation for this day. For if the time to face off against the forces of evil were to occur; he would be ready. His father gave him his blessing before he left for Wallachia. “Son; you have learnt all that I am able to teach to you. Fear not, for what lies ahead is going to be the true test of your ability. Just know that wherever you may roam, your mother and I will always be with you. Before you go... take this. It was one of the last things your Uncle gave me before he passed...”

Reinhardt chuckled a bit, feeling the warmth of the jacket's collar around his neck.

“.... I never really liked the thing; but Richter used to wear it all the time in his younger days from what my sister told me. I know he'd want you to have it if he were here, Reinhardt.”

Reinhardt couldn't help but laugh a little. He could imagine Richter wearing something this outlandish when he was younger. Of course, Reinhardt had to add his own touches to the coat; in the form of shoulder guards. More practical than anything really; he could remember a few times they saved his hide from getting injured.

He strode back to his horse, getting ready to mount when he stopped--

Footsteps... Strange... why would anyone be this far out?

Reinhardt paused a moment. He decided against looking into the sounds as he got back on his horse, continuing towards the gates; albeit at a much slower pace. The terrain was iffy at best, and he didn't particularly want to have his horse injured before he got to the gates. As he gazed towards the sides of the path, he couldn't help but notice that these the trees seemed unnaturally gnarled. Upon a closer look, he could see that there were deep gashes cut into them; a strange thing for sure. “Better keep an eye out; no telling what kind of unholy beasts could be around...”

Another being was following him; though it couldn't tell if the hunter knew of it's prescence yet. The lean wolf figure cautiously stepped around a tree, not more than 20 yards behind him. It's breath deep and calm; watching him through blue eyes. A small pendant was around it's neck; slightly brushing against the grey fur. It continued to treck along, masking the light footsteps with those of the horse's.

The hunter stopped suddenly, and the wolf darted behind a tree. Cautiously, it poked it's head out; seeing the hunter suddenly gallop off and take an offshoot path to the north-west.

“Oh no... What is he doing!? I've got to stop him!”

... So began the pursuit.

Darting in-between trees and through foliage, the wolf could barely keep see Reinhardt's horse in the distance. The wolf's pendant began to glow as he continued on. He snarled with disbelief at Reinhardt's foolishness.

All too soon though, the chase was over. A vibrant crack split the silence permeating the air, as he could hear signs of an inhuman snarl. He quickly darted behind a tree to watch the events unfolding before him.

The horse, dead on the ground. Motionless; it's head twisted in an inhumanly gruesome position. The hunter was sent reeling back by a swipe of the large beast. It had the head of a lion, though the body was undoubtedly man-like. It towered over Reinhardt as he quickly got back to his feet, raising his right to strike at the beast again.

It was in that moment when the wolf saw the whip. A strange insignia donned the base of it, and intertwined it's way up. Something about it was all too familiar, though he couldn't place what it was... Another harsh crack reverberated through the trees as the Were-Lion screamed in pain. A bloody gash adorned it's chest as it made a running grab for Reinhardt. The hunter was too quick though, nimbly rolling out of the way as he threw a dagger; connecting with it's calf. The Were-Lion wasn't even phased by the dagger as it turned around, looking to strike again.

The wolf could see the evil aura surrounding it; it's eyes almost seething with firey wrath. It began to trudge towards Reinhardt once more, nimbly reaching down and ripping the dagger from it's blood soaked leg. It threw the dagger towards him with such lightning ferocity, the wolf could hardly believe it when the hunter countered with another of his own; sending them both clattering to the ground. Reinhardt stowed his whip, drawing his father's sword. He gripped the battle-worn blade as the lion made another attempt at grabbing him. He brought the sword down violently on it's arm, cleanly lopping it's hand right off.

The Were-Lion clutched it's arm in agony, unleashing a nightmarish cry that caused Reinhardt to flinch back in pain. Blood poured from the wound, trailing the ground as it waved the ligament around. Though in extreme pain, the wolf could tell that the beast was even more enraged now; it's aura becoming a firey color. It charged Reinhardt once more, swiftly grabbing him with it's usuable arm. The creature slammed him down to the ground with a bloody roar, deftly kicking him in the stomach; sending him flying a few feet away.

The wolf had seen enough. He charged out from the treeline and blindsided the behemoth with a powerful kick; knocking it to the ground as he deftly began to claw away at it's torso and face. The creature didn't know what hit it; as it began to swing it's arms around; but the wolf was too fast. It could feel it's vision darkening as the blood continued to seep from it's wounds.

All too soon it stopped, as the creature began to rise once more; slowly this time. It looked to the ground, seeing the stains from it's suffering coloring the earth. It looked towards the human, being helped up by the demon.

“...My.... prey... my... PREY... MY..PREY!!!

It knew nothing else except hunger and pain. It's pain driving it onward to feed. It had almost killed this human, and now another was here to try and take from him what he so valiantly fought for.

The creature roared again, though not as powerful as before; as blood spewed forth from it's mouth. It charged the two with renewed strength; taking swipes at them. They were too fast for him; quickly dodging away. He turned his attention to the demon; raising his arm to bring it down upon him in a killing blow--

--Nothing. Suddenly a torrent of pain ripped through the creature's body.

His arm.

His saw his arm laying on the ground; cleanly cut at the tricep.

The pain was too much! It ripped through his entire being; cutting him to the core.

The blood was spewing down it's chest; Reinhardt couldn't believe what he had just seen.

God... My god... He just... he...” the wolf looked to Reinhardt before releasing another wave of energy; this time seperating the beast cleanly at the waist.

It was over.

The creature stopped moving, as it's halves fell to the ground. Blood was everywhere. Reinhardt simply couldn't believe any of what he had just seen. He looked back upon the wolf, slowly gripping the base of the whip.

For a minute, they stared at each other; neither making a move towards the other.

Finally, the silence was broken; “You... what in God's name are you?” Reinhardt asked; not letting his gaze wander as he stared down the wolf. The wolf stared back; beginning to walk towards him. Reinhardt didn't know what to think, he cracked the whip, preparing himself for whatever was about to happen.

As the wolf continued to walk toward Reinhardt, he began to morph.

His wolfish head becoming that of a young man's; no older than himself.

His fur changed to skin.

His hands becoming normal; save for the small claws donning his fingertips. It was almost something out of a story Reinhardt had heard as a child. But this was no child's tale he was seeing before him!

“Human... No... What kind of Sorcery is this?” he thought, eyeing the platinum-haired young man. The man stopped, arm's length away from Reinhardt as the other merely stood; eyeing him up and down. With a wary eye, he stepped back, raising a gloved finger towards the strange being.

“What sort of trickery is this, wolf? Be you friend or adversary?” his voice unwavering.

“It's not trickery, my friend.” the man responded rather warmly; catching Reinhardt off guard. “What you see before you is not some mere illusion; I mean you no harm. You have no reason to fear me, I swear it.” he continued. “Had I not stepped in back there... well...” his voice trailed off, as they both turned to the demon he had just killed a few minutes prior. “.... You have my thanks for that.” the youth begrudgingly admitted. “But just who are you?” he asked, stowing the whip at his side.

“Cornell Algronden.” the man said with a bow. “... And you are?” he asked, crossing his arms. “My name is Reinhardt Schneider.” he answered. “I see.... Why have you come here, Reinhardt?” Cornell asked rather coldly; catching Reinhardt off guard.

He turned towards the old castle, the outer gates merely a mile away now. He pointed towards it, turning towards Cornell. “The only reason I'm here is to subdue Dracula. He has returned, and it's my sworn duty to oppose his tyranny; just as my uncle had, years ago.” he exclaimed.

“I see.... and you have no fear? Facing off against such a foe isn't for those who have doubts; not only in themselves, but in their abilities as well.”

Scowling, he barked at Cornell, “Of course not! I wouldn't be standing here before you today if I had doubts in my ablilities! I've spent years going through the most rigorous of training to be able to destory the fragments of maliciousness that still dwell in this world."

He took a step closer to Cornell, becoming more angry by the second at the man-wolf. "What brings you here then? You don't seem seem the type to care in such trivial matters; besides, why else would you have been tailing me for the last mile?”

Cornell couldn't believe he had been found out. “How did he...?”

He smirked, chuckling a bit at his own carelessness. “I admit I've been following you; but I have my own reasons for being here. Reasons that don't concern you; to put it frankly.”

Reinhardt shook his head and turned towards the fallen beast. He muttered a quick prayer and threw a vial of holy water upon the corpse. All of a sudden, blue flames sprung forth from the ground; consuming the gore in their cold fire. Within seconds, the fires had died out, and the body was gone; the only indication that anything was there, was the char residue on the ground.

Neither spoke a word. As Reinhardt eyed the castle once more. He began walking in the direction of the gates. He stopped and turned, facing Cornell once more. "I don't know what you are, and to be honest, I don't really care. But I'll warn you once. If you try to impede me from my duty, I'll feel no remorse for cutting you down." With those last words, he turned and began walking away. As if on cue, Cornell could hear the drawbridge begin to lower in the distance; a deep, crashing thud could be heard throughout the forest.

"... Hmm... You have courage Reinhardt. But how far can courage get you; I wonder?" Cornell watched as Reinhardt continued on. He could hear the crashing of thunder in the background. "Maybe I can do something to even the playing field..." he thought, as he darted off ahead of the Schneider. Reinhardt watched as Cornell easily covered the distance between himself and the gate within a minute.

"Hmph... What are you up to; man-wolf?" He thought, as he walked on. Looking up towards the heavens and cursing his luck...

- - -
Carrie's throat tightened upon hearing the words he spoke.

“No.. Camilla... She...”

“What... happened to her...?” the girl asked; her voice barely a whisper as she lay against the pillow; staring towards the ceiling.

"Some of Dracula's minions captured us inside his castle. We ventured there because the church sought us out across the land; they needed us to help fight against the darkness threatening humanity. We were two of the finest sorcerers in all of Wallachia. We had a chance to make a difference in this... this...” Reon stopped, clenching his fists in anger.

“...This pathetic world.... We agreed, but I was foolish to think we had a chance. I was even more of a fool to bring Camilla with me. We breached the inside of the castle, but were attacked by a group of vampires. We did not have God's favor that day...” he paused, as he brought her belongings to the foot of the bed for Carrie. “... As you probably already guessed, I don't know how long we were trapped within that castle; hearing unspeakable things being done to the innocent victims of the Count and his minions. I was thrown into some sort of arena with hellish creatures. One of them managed to bite me while I was fighting for my life; and now I have turned into the creature you see standing before you.”

Carrie could hear feel the bitterness dripping from the words he spoke. She slowly got up and began to dress. Reon gave her what little privacy he could as he leaned up against a nearby wall, turning his head from her direction and crossing his arms. Something caught his eye though, as she was dressing. An unusual mark on her right shoulder blade.

It looked be almost like a skewed cross; forming an X instead of a T, and what also appeared to be a tear-shaped mark directly above it.

“Wait... no... she couldn't be... could she?”

Carrie finished pulling her armor over herself and attaching her cloak. She began to put her boots on when Reon spoke again.

“Carrie... that mark on your back...”

She continued lacing the right foot; then moving to the left.

“.... She had the same mark. How did you get that marking?” he asked, taking a step towards her.

Silence. Carrie slowly finished, and stood up; still with her back to him.

“.... It's in my blood. These are the markings of my family.” came the reply.

Reon stopped mid-step.

Something wasn't right; her voice... her voice had an almost... etheral feel to it; as if her body was there, but her mind was somewhere else. She slowly turned around, a somber look plastered her face; but her irides were a bright, bloody red.

“Your family... you mean you're--”

“Yes, Reon. My name is Carrie Sophia Fernandez. Camilla.... Camilla was my cousin...” she replied.

Her eyes began to flare in color; while Reon simply stared.

He couldn't believe the turn of events; this entire time he had the cousin of his former lover as his prisoner to Dracula. She shifted an arm uneasily on her hip; slightly swaying back and forth. Aside from the Fernandez clan, there weren't many other clans out there able to harness their aura into physical magic spells. He himself was no exception. Reon underwent rigourous training in his youth from another clan, who has long since been lost to the anals of time. If only he hadn't been been so complacent in torturing the girl; he might have connected the pieces sooner, and spared himself from the guilt and shame he felt right now.

Though her eyes burn with the passion of sorrow and fury; she didn't hold any sort of contempt for what he had done with her. Though most unbecoming, it was... a welcome reprieve from what she had originally expected to happen.

But she couldn't ignore the pangs in her heart from the words Reon spoke of her cousin. Surely she couldn't have succumbed to the horrors of evil? The woman she knew in Camilla was too good of a person to be swayed, either forcefully or magically.

The woman she had come to admire so much, and owe much of who she became to.... Carrie had many fond memories of her cousin when she was younger. Her parents were killed by the townsfolk years ago in her tiny village; their “crime” of being “unholy” and a “walking sin among man and woman alike”. Before they had passed, she was taken to her father's sister, Vivian, and was to be raised as her own daughter. Vivian promised the two that she would watch over Carrie, along with her own daughter Camilla's help.

It wasn't much long after that when her parent's were finally executed. Carrie was but a baby then, and Vivian and Camilla did their best to shield her from the truth for many years.

It wasn't until she was around 12, that she happened to overhear her “mother and sister” talking late one night.

“Yes... I can remember it all. Clear as the moon on a fogless night...” she thought, as she walked blankely past Reon and picked up the photo of Camilla...

- - -
Two people... running.


...Or were they tears?

She couldn't tell. Carrie looked out of the basket she was being carried in... was she a baby? Had she shrunk?

She wasn't sure. A blue-haired woman looked back at her, smiling and hushing her and then turning to look at the man next to her. He had a scruffy goatee, and seemed worried... no... he seemed scared of something.

They both stared down at Carrie in the basket; giving her warm smiles before their faces turned to horror.

The next thing she knew, she was falling. Falling in an empty void; evil laughter was the only thing she heard.

She could see dark, blood red eyes in the distance.... beginning to venture near her.

She lay there, motionless in the void; as her body refused to move. She simply watched the eyes as they approached her; a large dog began to take shape behind the eyes.

Its eyes... they were full of malice and anger, his fur was in bloody, stiff pieces along his body; Carrie could even see pieces of muscle sinew along him.

She trembled in fear as her feet touched ground; her body finally listening to her brain. She started to step back... as he reared back on his haunches and growled; an inhuman growl, before he launched himself after her.

She screamed out in terror, as she started to run.

Running as fast as her legs would take her; trying to escape from this monster. She could hear a voice between the snarls, causing her to run faster, and faster.

Run... That's it... Fear the darkness.... No matter how fast you run; no matter where you hide... I... will... find you.”

The little girl of 12 years woke up panting and scared. She lay there, shaking beneath her blanket, as she turned and faced towards the lit candle on her nightstand. She took in a deep breath and exhaled it shakily as she slowly sat up; gazing outside of her open window. Nothing was amiss in her room; no monsters, and neither of the two people from her dream were there.

“Who were those two... and why do I keep dreaming about them?” she thought... as she slowly got to her feet. She felt the cool night breeze blow inside; gently ruffling her hair, as she set out for her sister Camilla's room. She always felt better being around Camilla, not to mention safer.

Nothing could scare her sister. Not to mention her sister always knew how to cheer her up, be it with a funny story or a quick tickle. She took a few steps into the dining room, feeling better that a few candles were still lit. She was almost to the door when she heard her mom and sister talking.

She quickly darted under the table and hid beneath the table cloth; making sure to keep a little piece raised, to allow the light to trickle underneath. The door was slightly agape, and Carrie looked inside on the two talking.

“Mother, I'm worried about these nightmares Carrie's having... What if there's some other sort of explanation for them; and the sleepwalking?” Camilla started, watching the middle aged woman continue brushing her hair in the mirror.

Vivian pouted slightly, “Camilla... she's an imaginative girl. When I was her age, I had nightmares too; and my brother had sleepwalking fits when he was younger as well. All children have nightmares when their young; it just happens.” she added, continuing to brush her daughter's long brown hair. “Besides, what could be coming after her? She's safe now; and she always will be. She has you and me now to protect her.”

“I know mother.. but what if the townsfolk find out who she really is, what if someone learns of her past someday when you and I aren't around? How are we going to protect her then?” Vivian stopped, kneeling down beside her daughter. “Camilla... I know you love Carrie very much; as do I. We know we can't keep the truth from her forever, but we have to do all that we can, while we can.” she replied, holding her hand.

Carrie began to wonder what they were talking about. What did they mean by “Who she really is?”

She knew that she was a Fernandez, and Vivian's daughter; sister to Camilla. Who else could she be?

“But what of Rubina? What of Ernesto? They had many enemies; people who would do terrible things to Carrie if they found out they were her parents!” the young woman cried out; standing up and walkign away from her mother. “We've done a good job of hiding the truth for 10 years; how much longer do you honestly believe we can keep this up? People are starting to wonder, mother. They see her hair. They don't see a resemblance between her or I, or her and you. When people start to wonder, they start to gossip, and--”

Silentium.” Vivian spoke, raising her fingertips towards her daughter. Camilla continued speaking, but no audible words escaped her mouth.

Her lips stopped moving as she eyed her mother in disdain; crossing her arms and fuming.

Carrie couldn't believe what she was hearing, let alone what she was hearing. Her mouth was agape at what her mother was doing. Magic? She couldn't believe it! She thought she was the only one who could do such things. She looked on as Vivian waved her hand, the spell apparently now broken.

“Fine. I get it; you'll not hear a peep from me again. But just remember what I've told you mother.” Camilla spoke as Vivian stepped out of the room. She turned to say something else as Camilla extended her palm towards the door, causing it to shut and bar itself. Carrie watched on as Vivian placed her hands on her hips; shaking her head. She could hear the woman take steps into foyer as she sat on a chair. Vivian waved her arm and a painting slowly decended from atop a hiding spot on a nearby bookcase. She thought about the words her daughter spoke.

She knew they were true, but she couldn't bring herself to admit it. She was as worried about Carrie as Camilla was; and she was trying to be strong for both of them. She knew naught was afflicting the young girl, but she knew something bad would be coming soon.

“Oh Rubina.... why didn't you and Ernesto listen to me when there was still time? If you two were still around... she could have the parent's she's always been longing for.” she softly spoke, looking at a picture of the two holding their bouncing baby daughter. They all looked so happy.

“One day, she'll learn of you two. And maybe she'll find it in her heart to forgive us...” she thought, and returned the painting atop the bookcase. Vivian slowly rose out of the chair, her gown brushing along the tips of her toes as she walked off to her room. Carrie could hear the door shut as she crawled out. She walked over to where Vivian was sitting and looked at the bookcase.

She raised her arm and concentrated hard. “....Adhevo..” she whispered, as the painting began to shakily come towards her. She made a grab at it as she quietly returned to her room; jumping into bed as she moved towards the candlelight. She flipped the painting over and--

“--No way.... These two... these two are--”

The two in the painting.

They were the ones from her dream; the man and the woman.

These two were her parents.

Carrie stared with wide eyes as she looked at the painting again. The woman had blue hair, and was smiling at her daughter she held in her arms above her head. The man beside her had one arm around her as the other was tickling her tiny foot; Carrie could see him laughing with his scruffy goatee.

Everything was starting to come together now; she had always thought it strange that she looked nothing like Camilla, OR Vivian... but this... this changed everything. Carrie could feel a panging in her heart; as she clutched the painting between her arms. She closed her eyes, and could feel the warmth of tears begin to cascade down her cheeks.

If these were her parents, where had they gone? Why had they left her with these two others? Nothing made sense to her anymore. She gazed once more upon the photo--

--The candle flickered out.

She lay in the dark, still crying. She couldn't even see her own hands; let alone the painting in front of her.

“My dream.... No... please... not again.”

She began shaking now, crying harder. She pulled the cover above her head and began wishing for her parents to help her. For even Camilla or Vivian to come and coddle her. Anything but this darkness; it was her most feared thing in all of existance. Everytime there was darkness, she had to have light around her.

Nothing but silence was around her.

Carrie peeked her head out from under her blanket as she looked towards the window. Still nothing. “It's all going to be ok...” she told herself; closing her eyes again. Her tears began to lessen. “I'll talk to them in the morning, ask them what--”

--A low growl.

She stopped mid-thought.

She dared not open her eyes.

Another growl, this time closer; as if it were right outside her window.

“No... no it's a dream! This all has to be a dream!!! she thought, starting to shake again as chills ran down her spine.

Suddenly, a voice. It scared her into opening her eyes; and what she saw leaning on the window sill caused her to start sobbing again.

“I've found you.....” the creature spoke to her; through her mind. The moonlight shined down upon it. It was no different than the thing from her nightmare.


Muscle sinew showing through patches of ragged, stiff fur.

She dare not look upon it's eyes, but she couldn't help herself; something in her mind commanded she gaze upon the horror, to which she did without question.

“.... I told you I'd find you.”

It pulled itself up on her window sill, blood trailing from it's mouth down to the floor, as she inched back in bed, clutching even tighter trying to get away from this creature. It fell gracefully jumped down into her room with a thud. It couldn't have been more than 15 feet from her; the blood pooling around it.

“Now it's time.... Carrie.” it spoke again; rearing back on it's haunches and letting loose a low, gutteral growl.

“..... Mommy and Daddy can't save you from the darkness now... You'll join them soon enough though... Dracula has made sure of that... “ it began walking towards her; cold and calculating. Like a lion stalking it's prey; the demon had the little girl right where it wanted her.

“N....No....” Carrie said, fumbling for words while sobbing and shaking her head at the thing, still trying to back away.

“Ha...hahaha.... how fitting... The daughter of the legendary Fernandez warriors too scared to act. If only your parents could see what a weakling you are...” it growled; letting blood spray down to the floor as it readied itself to pounce.

“No... NO!!! NOOOO!!!! PLEASE!! CAMILLA!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!” the little girl screamed in terror; raising her arm out to protect herself from the inevitable. Though here eyes were clenched shut, she could feel some sort of power build up and release from her palm; squarely striking the creature down against the wall as it smacked into the thing's chest.

The dog was livid now, letting out a terrible cry as the door flung open.

Carrie opened her eyes, seeing her cousin standing in the doorway eyeing the creature in anger.

GET AWAY FROM HER YOU DEMON!! I WON'T LET YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER!!!!” Camilla screamed; throwing a vial of holy water towards the creature.

It shattered across the floor as the blue flames licked away at the demon; causing it to roar in pain and step back.

It reared back up and jumped over the flames, intending to bring Camilla crashing to the ground.

Levitas... Vesica!!” she cried, as Carrie watched lightning shaped daggers appear and punch deep into the demon's chest. The demon-dog flew back against the far wall, next to the window; as it rose shakily on all fours.

It looked on to Camilla; and the woman who appeared suddenly at her side, then slowly turned it's eyes to Carrie.

“You may have escaped this time Carrie....” it slowly spoke to her... “But these two won't always be around to protect you... we'll make sure of that. With another roar, it turned and jumped out of the window; retreating off into the forest.

Carrie was sobbing hysterically now; curling up into a ball as Camilla ran to her; holding her in her arms. Vivian joined her as she noticed the painting Carrie was clutching furiously at. She picked up Carrie and the two took them to Camilla's room, barring the door as they all huddled in the bed.

Carrie cried for hours as the two lay there holding her. By the time Carrie finally fell back asleep, they looked at what she had found.

Vivian and Camilla began crying, the tears running down their faces as they tightly held onto Carrie and fell asleep; praying that in the morning, the little girl would forgive them for what they'd done...
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