Respect and Honor Wishes, needs to stay mutual
Yes, I do agree with you and I do believe that there is
a fine line between asking and requesting to be tickled
and a huge difference in just expecting and just assuming that someone will tickle you. Yes, I must say there is a great big difference.
In order for others to know what you wish and know what you want, you have to tell them. No one is a mind reader and no one truly knows your thoughts and no one can truly read your feelings. Only you truly know what you think and what you truly feel on certain topics and certain issues; this especially holds true when it comes to a person's individual unique desires and fantasies especially when it boils down to a person's tickle wishes and tickle fantasies.
There is nothing wrong with asking someone if he or she wishes to be tickled or wants to tickle you. That is acceptable and great and that is fine. However it is a whole entire different scenario and different thing altogether; if a person just expects or assumes/demands that someone tickle him or her or that he or she tickle that person. That is assuming and jumping to fast conclusions that always leads and spells out DISASTER.
Assuming that someone wishes to tickle play with you or wishes that you tickle play with him or her without mutual agreement-is not good. It is an assumption and a guess at best and it is not a mutually agreed upon decision-therefore if any tickling occurs by either the lee or ler-it will not be sane, safe and consensual-that is not good-also leads to trouble, mixed messages, and an uncomfortable situation at best-most likely hurt feelings and resentment.
It makes more sense to ask someone if he or she wishes to engage in fun tickleplay than just assuming that their answer will be "yes" without asking or seeking what his or her response will be to the question, request that is. It just makes sense. When a man and a woman wish to engage in certain special intimate activities; there needs to be mutual consent and mutual agreement-else if not there is not mutual agreement and that constitutes-these activities are done unwilling and that is not safe, consensual and mutual...if a man does these activities takes a woman against her will-then that is rape. If a man and woman can't agree mutually-then it is a given-that these special intimate activities most likely are not going to take place. Mutual consent is a must and very IMPORTANT.
It is just common sense. If someone says "no" aka as saying their safe word/safe words, or in the case says
no and really means no besides also using safe word/safe words-and his or her body language clearly states "thanks
but no thanks" that him or her does not wish to be tickled or engage in those certain special intimate activities-then their wishes need to be respected and honored. Period.
What is so hard about that? What is so hard about respecting and honoring another's wishes? Why do some people make it such a puzzle, such a complicated thing?
If a person says no and says w their actions and words and body language, "thanks for asking appreciate it, but please no I do not wish to be touched, don't wish to be tickled" there is your answer, respect it and honor it. Not that hard. Yes it might be disappointing, but really is it worth losing and possibly risking emotionally violating that person's trust in you just so you can sneak in a tickle.
I wouldn't think it would be worth that in the long run.
Those that can not respect and honor this, I am sorry but they do not need to be engaged in tickleplay or in any type of these certain special intimate activities, I am sorry but that is how I feel on this-can't help it I feel very passionate and strongly on this. A person has a right to his or her feelings and each person has their own personal reasons why he or she wishes not to tickle, wishes not to be tickled or touched or feels like not being affectionate.
May he or she is not just in the mood to be tickled or may not be in the mood to tickle a person. These things do happen time to time, believe it or not-everyone has moods. Everyone has bad days and not always happy good days. That is bound to cause anyone to not feel like himself or herself-likely he or she likely may not wish to tickleplay or be affectionate or receive affection.
It is not personal. It could easily just be that he or she is having a really sad rough bad day or week and just isn't feeling emotionally receptive or not wishing to tickleplay
or be affectionate-he or she knows that they wouldn't be able to be there in the moment and just wishes not to spoil or ruin the good time for the other person or
other persons that may or may not be involved in
the affectionate play or tickleplay. To me this is a easy
question to answer-just makes sense-ask for permission
and respect whatever the answer is -if it is yes enjoy and have a blast and a great time enjoying the tickleplay-let the tickles play out. However if sadly the answer is no respect and honor the lee or ler's wishes and take it as a raincheck and maybe at a later date and another time ask again and seek their answer. Who knows it could change over time but if not if that not be the case-please do the decent and kind loving thing-respect and honor that and do your best to try to brush it off and move on. That way everyone is happy and pleased no one feels bad and you can focus your time and energy finding those who will give you the tickles of your life that you are searching for.
This is just my thoughts on this. Just curious what do you all think on this?
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