There are two television commercials,currently on
air in North America,featuring teenage commercial
actresses that are prime tickling targets.They are:
1)Corrie-the Take-out window person on the Mcdonalds
ad.(Very cute and Bubbly)
2)The girl who is continually sniffing her fragrant
closet in the Fabreeze Ad.
Has anyone else seen these commercial spots?
Anyone else have other ads in mind.Share it with us!
Maybe I've started a new forum.(Television Commercial
Celebrity Tickling Discussion).It might not work
Universally,as not all commercials are playing
air in North America,featuring teenage commercial
actresses that are prime tickling targets.They are:
1)Corrie-the Take-out window person on the Mcdonalds
ad.(Very cute and Bubbly)
2)The girl who is continually sniffing her fragrant
closet in the Fabreeze Ad.
Has anyone else seen these commercial spots?
Anyone else have other ads in mind.Share it with us!
Maybe I've started a new forum.(Television Commercial
Celebrity Tickling Discussion).It might not work
Universally,as not all commercials are playing