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Authors Note: this is not my story but a true experience shared with me by my friend and tmf user SamsASeamstress. Recounted by myself in interview style, based on how it was told to me by Sam. This story aims to both entertain and highlight the issues of harassment woman face (and what a kick ass chick my friend is) . Published with Samantha's (aka Sam's) consent and knowledge.
Francesca: So Sam you are going to tell me about your experience with a jerk of a gym fitness coach who tried to use tickling as a tool to mess with and dominate you, how you turned the tables on him, and the dynamic this created between you two. Can you set the scene for us and tell us a little about yourself?
Sam: Sure Fran. My name is Samantha, usually called Sam. And I am a blonde, and a fitness girl who lifts weights. I am tall, around 6'1 and tough, and without blowing my own horn rather easy on the eyes based on others reactions . I live in Texas and am a fitness coach.
This story happened when I was 24, and first getting into fitness to take better care of myself. It involved my then, now x-fitness coach, a man named Youssef who was 26. This story takes place during fitness sessions in a gym with others present over a period of 6 months before I broke off contact.
Francesca: Sam so what was Youssef like? How would you describe your relationship? And how was tickling involved?
Sam: Well he was a Fitness coach, and a good one who taught me things. But he also thought he was superior, and tried to hit on me. He would mock me, try too make me mess up and touch me - to try and dominate me I suppose. One of the main ways he tried to do this was with tickling.
Francesca: He sounds like the creep too many of us have to deal with. Could you tell us how he used the tickling in your professional relationship, was it playful at first or?
Sam: No, looking back it was always done with a sense of creepiness or a motive to dominate me, but I didn't see it fully this way at time at first or didn't much care. I saw it as banter.
In terms of tickling, to be specific in the beginning, he tried underarms, ribs, and sides on me when we did pull-ups all the time. He tried my armpits a LOT. Whenever I was lifting small weights, pull ups or when we would work on how long either of us could plank he would try to tickle my underarms to get me to slump down from my plank. Or on some of the arm exercise machines he would come up behind me after a water break to "surprise" me. I would say there were a lot of "little times" that he tried to get my underarms and sides.
One time he tried my knees, failed and then my thighs and failed. I made him stop straight away because I felt like when he got to the thighs he was feeling confident, thinking he could try more things... Because that day he was complimenting me a lot. I bet if I let him continue groping my thighs he would have asked me out on a date which I didn't want.
I never laughed because of his tickling, it bothered him that I could always will it off, and he would try harder or tease more next time. I never thought much of it and would sass him back about it, but never retaliated tickle wise.
Francesca: So what caused the escalation? Things didn't end on positive terms from what you said before?
Sam: There was a day where he was having me do our usual situp routine but when I sassed him he wrestled off my shoe and tickled one of my feet. But when he tried he was surprised that I didn't react there either.
At that point, I think I had enough and it was already a touch weird to try and take off the shoes of your trainee so I said "What about you?" and he tried to lie and say he wasn't ticklish. But I did to him what he did to me and yanked off his shoe and started raking at his foot. He went fucking nuts. It was at that point that I went all out on him and held him in a lock and took both his shoes away and tickled him for several minutes before mocking him. Asking him how he'll like it if I tried all the places he kept trying on me.
From then on the tables were turned, when I started fighting back I usually let him realize his futility first and then countered.and I kept tickling him during certain regiment sessions, mainly briefly, but enough to annoy him. Yeah he tried a few more times. Because I told him the same things I tell everyone. I am ticklish, but you'll never make me laugh by just attacking me. Very few ever have. I guess that was in a way dangling a carrot in his view, but he did try a LOT less after the shoe incident. but he did still try, mainly briefly.
The one notable (more than brief) time he did try after I tickled his feet, was actually the one time he came close to getting me to laugh. This was after we went for a long run for leg day and I was tired. I sasssd him and told him he could have run faster. He responded by tickling my hips, skittering his fingers, and I felt something that was getting to me, unlike his previous attempts to tickle me, but I didn't exposes this externally. Being tired meant my normal guards and nerves of steel weren't in play which was the reason this happened, wasn't to do with the hips specifically. He tried for 2 or 3 minutes, but I held it inside with no outwards reaction and he stopped, not knowing he was getting to me. If he had felt he could keep going he could have got a giggle out of me eventually, but I can hold out a longgg time and he never got a reaction from his attempt at my hips.
Francesca: Sounds like you got him good and hung tough to stop his (unknown to him) best attempt. All this sounds like the beginning of the end, but not the straw that broke the camals back so to speak?
Sam: Well things had got a bit strained and awkward/weird by this time, but the incident that ended it all was one time I got him extra bad during push-ups, where I kept him pinned and raked his ribs and underarms and hips for several minutes until he quite literally screamed at me to stop. I called that a great victory to his face haha. But later on I found out he felt kind of emasculated that I kept tickling him in public when that was exactly what he had been trying to do to me. But I guess since I'm a girl it's totally acceptable right *eye roll*
So I broke it off with him as my fitness coach. He was a bully, pervy, and really only trying to coach so he could harass cute women anyway.
Francesca: Thanks for sharing Sam. I really enjoyed hearing about that and how you stood up for yourself and beat the bully at his own game. It also shows the kinds of predators woman seem to encounter in not just gyms, but also other places sadly.
One question through, you said this took place in a gym with others around. Did nobody say anything?
Sam: Absolutely. It was at the gym with other people doing their own weight lifting or training. Some regulars had already expressed some annoyance that they saw him teasing me at times during workouts but when I gave him a taste of his own medicine they either laughed it off or thought we were a couple.
Francesca: Makes sense, and sadly people don't often step in to stop buying or too ask if anything is wrong. Anything else you want to say before we wrap up?
Sam: Just thanks for writing this up Fran, I appreciate it I think it highlights something important, and if nothing else hope it entered.
As for last words, for anyone thinking to tickle me... once I know someone's trying my nerves just kind of lock up and it won't work. Especially if I focus. I should put in my bio description that I'm an extremely unfun target haha!
Francesca: So Sam you are going to tell me about your experience with a jerk of a gym fitness coach who tried to use tickling as a tool to mess with and dominate you, how you turned the tables on him, and the dynamic this created between you two. Can you set the scene for us and tell us a little about yourself?
Sam: Sure Fran. My name is Samantha, usually called Sam. And I am a blonde, and a fitness girl who lifts weights. I am tall, around 6'1 and tough, and without blowing my own horn rather easy on the eyes based on others reactions . I live in Texas and am a fitness coach.
This story happened when I was 24, and first getting into fitness to take better care of myself. It involved my then, now x-fitness coach, a man named Youssef who was 26. This story takes place during fitness sessions in a gym with others present over a period of 6 months before I broke off contact.
Francesca: Sam so what was Youssef like? How would you describe your relationship? And how was tickling involved?
Sam: Well he was a Fitness coach, and a good one who taught me things. But he also thought he was superior, and tried to hit on me. He would mock me, try too make me mess up and touch me - to try and dominate me I suppose. One of the main ways he tried to do this was with tickling.
Francesca: He sounds like the creep too many of us have to deal with. Could you tell us how he used the tickling in your professional relationship, was it playful at first or?
Sam: No, looking back it was always done with a sense of creepiness or a motive to dominate me, but I didn't see it fully this way at time at first or didn't much care. I saw it as banter.
In terms of tickling, to be specific in the beginning, he tried underarms, ribs, and sides on me when we did pull-ups all the time. He tried my armpits a LOT. Whenever I was lifting small weights, pull ups or when we would work on how long either of us could plank he would try to tickle my underarms to get me to slump down from my plank. Or on some of the arm exercise machines he would come up behind me after a water break to "surprise" me. I would say there were a lot of "little times" that he tried to get my underarms and sides.
One time he tried my knees, failed and then my thighs and failed. I made him stop straight away because I felt like when he got to the thighs he was feeling confident, thinking he could try more things... Because that day he was complimenting me a lot. I bet if I let him continue groping my thighs he would have asked me out on a date which I didn't want.
I never laughed because of his tickling, it bothered him that I could always will it off, and he would try harder or tease more next time. I never thought much of it and would sass him back about it, but never retaliated tickle wise.
Francesca: So what caused the escalation? Things didn't end on positive terms from what you said before?
Sam: There was a day where he was having me do our usual situp routine but when I sassed him he wrestled off my shoe and tickled one of my feet. But when he tried he was surprised that I didn't react there either.
At that point, I think I had enough and it was already a touch weird to try and take off the shoes of your trainee so I said "What about you?" and he tried to lie and say he wasn't ticklish. But I did to him what he did to me and yanked off his shoe and started raking at his foot. He went fucking nuts. It was at that point that I went all out on him and held him in a lock and took both his shoes away and tickled him for several minutes before mocking him. Asking him how he'll like it if I tried all the places he kept trying on me.
From then on the tables were turned, when I started fighting back I usually let him realize his futility first and then countered.and I kept tickling him during certain regiment sessions, mainly briefly, but enough to annoy him. Yeah he tried a few more times. Because I told him the same things I tell everyone. I am ticklish, but you'll never make me laugh by just attacking me. Very few ever have. I guess that was in a way dangling a carrot in his view, but he did try a LOT less after the shoe incident. but he did still try, mainly briefly.
The one notable (more than brief) time he did try after I tickled his feet, was actually the one time he came close to getting me to laugh. This was after we went for a long run for leg day and I was tired. I sasssd him and told him he could have run faster. He responded by tickling my hips, skittering his fingers, and I felt something that was getting to me, unlike his previous attempts to tickle me, but I didn't exposes this externally. Being tired meant my normal guards and nerves of steel weren't in play which was the reason this happened, wasn't to do with the hips specifically. He tried for 2 or 3 minutes, but I held it inside with no outwards reaction and he stopped, not knowing he was getting to me. If he had felt he could keep going he could have got a giggle out of me eventually, but I can hold out a longgg time and he never got a reaction from his attempt at my hips.
Francesca: Sounds like you got him good and hung tough to stop his (unknown to him) best attempt. All this sounds like the beginning of the end, but not the straw that broke the camals back so to speak?
Sam: Well things had got a bit strained and awkward/weird by this time, but the incident that ended it all was one time I got him extra bad during push-ups, where I kept him pinned and raked his ribs and underarms and hips for several minutes until he quite literally screamed at me to stop. I called that a great victory to his face haha. But later on I found out he felt kind of emasculated that I kept tickling him in public when that was exactly what he had been trying to do to me. But I guess since I'm a girl it's totally acceptable right *eye roll*
So I broke it off with him as my fitness coach. He was a bully, pervy, and really only trying to coach so he could harass cute women anyway.
Francesca: Thanks for sharing Sam. I really enjoyed hearing about that and how you stood up for yourself and beat the bully at his own game. It also shows the kinds of predators woman seem to encounter in not just gyms, but also other places sadly.
One question through, you said this took place in a gym with others around. Did nobody say anything?
Sam: Absolutely. It was at the gym with other people doing their own weight lifting or training. Some regulars had already expressed some annoyance that they saw him teasing me at times during workouts but when I gave him a taste of his own medicine they either laughed it off or thought we were a couple.
Francesca: Makes sense, and sadly people don't often step in to stop buying or too ask if anything is wrong. Anything else you want to say before we wrap up?
Sam: Just thanks for writing this up Fran, I appreciate it I think it highlights something important, and if nothing else hope it entered.
As for last words, for anyone thinking to tickle me... once I know someone's trying my nerves just kind of lock up and it won't work. Especially if I focus. I should put in my bio description that I'm an extremely unfun target haha!