Following on from the positive reaction to my first interactive ticklee, I’m pleased to announce a brand new victim is now ready to be tickled. There’s a new prize up for grabs and I think those of you who were disappointed before might be a little happier this time round… – click on the “Battle Of Wills” link.
Thanks to all those who provided feedback on version 1. I think I’ve managed to get most suggestions incorporated into this release, though there’s still some work to do. The main improvements this time around are:
· True random personality for both overall and area-specific ticklishness
· Rule-based reactions (albeit still quite basic)
· Vocabulary based responses
· Reactive images
Basically ‘she’ should respond rather more realistically than previously and as the character is generated ‘on-the-fly’ every time someone plays there shouldn’t be a predictable path that guarantees victory. Oh, while I remember, it is possible for a character to be generated that genuinely isn’t ticklish and can’t be broken, though most can with enough perseverance.
Any thoughts, queries or problems please let me know either here, by personal message or by e-mail (address is in my profile) and I hope you enjoy it. – click on the “Battle Of Wills” link.
Thanks to all those who provided feedback on version 1. I think I’ve managed to get most suggestions incorporated into this release, though there’s still some work to do. The main improvements this time around are:
· True random personality for both overall and area-specific ticklishness
· Rule-based reactions (albeit still quite basic)
· Vocabulary based responses
· Reactive images
Basically ‘she’ should respond rather more realistically than previously and as the character is generated ‘on-the-fly’ every time someone plays there shouldn’t be a predictable path that guarantees victory. Oh, while I remember, it is possible for a character to be generated that genuinely isn’t ticklish and can’t be broken, though most can with enough perseverance.
Any thoughts, queries or problems please let me know either here, by personal message or by e-mail (address is in my profile) and I hope you enjoy it.