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The Kismata Borderlands 2, Part 2 [m/m],[*m/m]

Annals Votary

TMF Poster
Jul 31, 2011
Not much really to say for this section, other than I found this part of the chapter very enjoyable to write. As with the first part, all criticism, positive, negative, and anything in-between, is extremely welcome. I hope you enjoy! 🙂


Vynnen adjusted his glasses and took a deep breath before he walked forward to where Professor Kara was. As he passed Anaís on the way, she threw her arms over him and thrust her lips into his in an amorous kiss, to the giggles of the other students and the impatient cough of their professor. Vynnen blushed furiously when Anaís released him; there was an attractive promise in her smile. It made him feel more confident about the test, if only a little.

When he approached Professor Kara, she snapped her fingers and cleared her throat.

“I’ve just released one of our prisoners into the forest. They will be wearing an enchanted bracelet that prevents them from using magic. It also acts as a translator for the wearer, so that you will understand each other during the interrogation. You will receive a bracelet too, though it is only infused with my displacement spell, same as the one on the prisoner’s bracelet.”

Vynnen nodded, which brightened his instructor’s face. After her debriefing Anaís, it must have been nice to be able to speak uninterrupted.

“You have one hour to locate the prisoner and extract the password that I have told them. Use everything you have learned this year to get the correct password from them, and be sure to consider every advantage you have. One of your biggest ones is that the prisoner does not know for how long they will be interrogated. Your hour begins when you set foot into the forest. Are you ready, Vynnen?”

He stretched on the spot and took a few more deep breaths before nodding excitedly.

“You may start now.”

With one last adjustment of his glasses, he was off, sprinting down the grass until its warmth on his feet was replaced by the coolness of the forest’s soil. He ran until he stopped to look back, and saw that the training grounds were far behind now, and the beauty of the forest filled his vision instead. The sun was still high in the sky, illuminating the forest through a multitude of verdant rays. Vynnen paused to feel the filtered sun on his face.

“If only we had more time…” the young mage murmured.

He blushed as he thought of Anaís. Though she was always the more forward and romantically aggressive one, Vynnen could think of a few ways to turn the tables on his partner in such a dreamy environment. Quickly, he forced such thoughts out of his head and visualized a summoning circle in the empty space nearby. A dog emerged from the poof, with a great yellow-orange overcoat and white underbelly.

“Can you start looking for recent activity?”

The dochin nodded and began to lead his summoner in a six-legged trot, its twin tails wagging happily. Well at least it looks like he’s not far, Vynnen thought as he strode after it. As the dochin led him through the forest, he could not help but simulate various scenarios in his head. He knew almost nothing about his prey, and would have to make the most of his time in interrogation. But there were so many problematic factors. What if he spent too much time finding the prisoner? What if the prisoner would outlast him? Worst yet, what if the prisoner actually enjoyed the tickling? Wait, Vynnen thought, scratch that one. In the long run, maybe the prisoner would look forward to the torture he would receive after he revealed the password. The young mage sighed and hoped that his prey would be so kinky and logical.

Finally, the dochin brought Vynnen to a stop in front of a particularly large, and old, tree. Its roots broke through and over the ground in enormous, gnarled structures, while the trunk of the tree itself looked as though it could be transformed into an outpost home with minimal effort?

“Here?” Vynnen asked his summon, who nodded in reply and walked over to the large tree and began panting anew. The sound of sudden movement by the side of the three caught Vynnen’s attention. He lunged forward with a magic circle ready, the spell aimed at the tree’s ample roots. A cry followed the spell and, with a triumphant smile, the young mage walked around the trunk of the tree to his prize.

A man was seated at the base of the tree, his knees drawn up to his chest, his ankles caught in the grip of the old tree’s roots.

“Wait! Please wait!” he sputtered, his eyes already pleading before the tickling had even begun. Vynnen couldn’t hold back a coy smile when he looked his prey up and down. The man was lean and exquisitely-built; his defined muscles pleasantly shone under the rich, olive color of his skin. He had dark, expressive eyes and a very handsome face, with high cheekbones and a thin nose that led Vynnen’s eyes down to his dark, well-formed lips and angular chin, where a small tuft of dark hair was settled. His hair was an unruly mass of wavy tangles that bounced on his head, the longest and lowest set of which only reached the middle of his ears. He must have been a mage of the northwestern bordering city-state of Isharrat, a land known for its distant, white deserts and exotic oases. And though the prisoner’s appearance was made youthful by his practicing magic, Vynnen knew that he must have been at least a decade older.

“I’ll tell you the password now,” he continued. “It’s rose.”

Vynnen frowned and came closer to the captured man, his every step causing the prisoner to wince and whimper. The dochin followed behind its summoner.

“Say it again, please,” the young mage calmly said.

“It’s rose. The password is rose!”

At those words, something changed in the dochin. It stopped panting and occupied its throat with a low, steady growl.

“My friend thinks you’re lying,” Vynnen said, and a wide grin spread on his face at the look of horror that crossed his prey’s.

“D-don’t! Please! You don’t know what they’ll do if I tell you the password!”

“Oh I think I know. In fact, I can show you how much I know!”

The man yelped as new roots began to take hold of his arms and his thighs, binding his legs together and his arms over his head, until he was a writhing, struggling mass hovering before his hunter. Vynnen licked his lips hungrily when he saw the prisoner’s feet bound tightly before him. And to think, there was a small chance that he would’ve gotten the password straight away. Well, not that it would’ve mattered. The young mage wasn’t sure if he would have wanted to miss the chance to tickle such an attractive victim, even with the password in his possession.

The prisoner’s feet were a shade lighter than the color of his flesh, and touched with slight tinges of pink at his heels and arches that blended pleasantly with the creamy tan color of his soles. His feet were slender, smooth, and pleasingly rounded, with inviting creases that began at the tops of his arches and formed delectable curves along the balls of his feet, stopping just where his arches met his soles and branching out into smaller collections of barely visible wrinkles.

Vynnen approached slowly, savoring every twitch and wiggle his captive’s feet made at his advance. His mouth was watering before he even knew it, and the beginning of a warm erection was pushing pleasurably against his lower dress.

“Will you tell me the real password?” he asked, though he had already decided that no matter what the answer, there was no way he would be able to not tickle those alluring feet for the rest of the hour.

“I-I can’t, please just l-let me go!”

The young mage beamed at his victim’s terrified tone. Now that he had received the invitation, all there was left to do was go to town.


The explosion of laughter was immediate and extremely pleasing. Vynnen raked all of his nails up and down the man’s silky soles without a hint of hesitation. His fingers traced vigorous paths of motion against his victim’s smooth, yielding soles. Though there was less technique and more force in the way Vynnen titillated the man’s flesh, the results were undeniable. The prisoner howled with every scrape and scratch, desperately trying to wriggle free from the tight hold the roots had on his arms and legs and succeeding only in worm-like squirming as his feet were devastated by the tickle torture. Vynnen licked his lips as he brushed at the bases of his victim’s toes, then his arches, then his heels, and then his toes again when the process began anew. His grin broadened at every particularly loud squeal and frantic twitch as he worked determinedly to get the password from his victim, one peal of hysterical laughter at a time.


“Tell me the password and I’ll stop,” was Vynnen’s reply, and he sincerely hoped that his victim wouldn’t reveal it to him just quite yet. He redoubled his assault anyway, just in case the poor man did have something to say, and was now digging his nails into the soft pads underneath his victim’s toes. The man screamed with frantic laughter and struggled all the harder, unable to even speak through his deluge of helpless, shrieking mirth. His feet felt as though they were on fire. Even with his toes free to ineffectually try to slow his tormentor’s ticklish assault, he was completely unable to escape his torment. And somehow, the poor man’s free toes made the tickling worse. When Vynnen snaked his nails in between his victim’s toes, the man scrunched them over his tormentor’s fingers, effectively trapping them and holding them there, free to tickle as they pleased. He immediately realized his error, but by that point it was too late. Vynnen was scratching away with a triumphant grin, while his victim laughed all the harder. Every single nerve around his toes screamed with ticklish electricity, overwhelming his brain, sending him closer and closer to the edge of his sanity.

“How about that password?” Vynnen asked again and bit his lip greedily, well aware of how his member was now throbbing against his lower dress.


The young mage beamed broadly.

“I was hoping that would be your answer.”

He stopped tickling long enough to prepare another spell of movement on the roots that held his prey. The prisoner squealed as his legs and arms were drawn back behind him like a bow, so that his torso was arched forward, close and vulnerable to the young mage.

“Lehet me goho!” the man whimpered as he struggled to catch his breath through a bout of helpless giggles.

“Not until you give me the password,” Vynnen cooed with a smile, wiggling his fingers threateningly at his victim’s bare torso.

“EEEHEEEE! N-no! I cahan’t!”

It may have taken away a valuable minute, but seeing the man’s reactions made it worth it. Vynnen held his fingers out before him and slowly let them descend upon his victim’s body.

“Gehet a-awahawy! Nohoho!” the man squealed and squirmed. It was the writhing that brought the lustiest smile to Vynnen’s face. The prisoner’s torso was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, accentuating the light of the forest’s rays as it cascaded on him, glistening against every curve of his trembling, lithe muscles, transforming every inch of his smooth, hairless flesh into a mouth-watering canvas that just begged to be touched.

“EYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAP! I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” the man immediately erupted as soon as Vynnen’s wiggling fingers made contact with the silky smoothness of his underarms. From the way the man was elevated, the young mage had to raise his arms to tickle his victim, but it left him with the pleasure of watching the man’s thin, well-muscled abdomen roll and twist as its owner struggled vainly to escape the tickling. Vynnen knew he found a good spot. The volume of his victim’s hysterical laughter had risen a notch, just as his squirming became wilder and more desperate as the young mage lightly scribbled his fingers against the man’s skin.


Vynnen didn’t even bother to ask him for the password now. His figured his prisoner’s answer would stay the same, and the only thing left to do was to unleash ticklish hell on the man until he was begging to be given a chance to speak the password. Vynnen spidered his fingers faster, dug them deeper into the hollows of the poor man’s underarms, eliciting even louder and wilder laughter as his victim struggled to speak through his gales of forced mirth. Tears streamed down the man’s face, already crimson with agonized laughter, his eyes hidden behind the tangled hair that stuck to his forehead.

But Vynnen’s eyes kept returning to the hypnotic motion of his victim’s desperately squirming abdomen. Perspiration appeared and gleamed on the surface of his flesh in small, tantalizing beads, until the force of his motions turned them into drops that trickled down, tracing delicate paths against the man’s musculature. The wind carried the tempting heat and delectable scent of his victim’s skin to Vynnen’s nostrils. He could no longer resist. Still mercilessly tickling, Vynnen brought his face closer to the man’s squirming abdomen until finally his lips brushed against its moist, hot surface and his tongue licked up against the line of his muscles.

“YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA DOHOHON’T YAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” the man screamed, even amidst his already deafening laughter. The muscles of his abdomen twitched and Vynnen stopped tickling immediately, letting his gaze rise to meet his victim’s. The man’s handsome face was twisted in a panting, giggling plea, his teary eyes imploring his tormentor.

“Nohoho…hehehe… plehehe…” was all he had the strength to say. Vynnen couldn’t help but feel his face grow warmer at the sight and sound of his victim’s adorable begging.

“The password?” he asked again, as his hand unconsciously began to brush against the throbbing bulge in his lower dress. The poor man bit his lip as fresh tears streaming down his already wet face. It was all the answer Vynnen needed. He stroked the tip of his cock, moist with precum, one last time and set to work on the man’s abdomen.


Vynnen couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he brushed the tips of his fingers against his victim’s trembling abdomen. The slightest touch was enough to release a wave of deafening laughter from the prisoner, but when he used all of his fingers, each unbearably gliding over the moist skin, the volume of the man’s frantic mirth was capable of rivaling a storm. Vynnen let his fingers slide and brush all over his victim’s sensitive belly, loving the way the yielding skin felt under his touch and loving even more the feeling of the sturdy muscles beneath the soft flesh. His every brush and squeeze made the muscles of the man’s belly twitch and shiver, and Vynnen was more than happy to be the choreographer of this delightful dance, not to mention the conductor of the thunderous orchestra that was his victim’s melodious laughter.

“Are you ready to tell me the password yet?”


The young mage laughed victoriously and stopped tickling, and began concentrated on a summoning spell while his victim, who was still laughing, tried to recover. The dochin appeared again in a poof and sat by Vynnen, patiently wagging its two tails.

“Well?” he asked.

“It’s… hehehe… lily… hehehehe…”

Vynnen turned to the dochin with his eyebrows raised. It looked up at its summoner and nodded in reply. This time, the man had told the truth. Vynnen mock sighed and turned his face back up at the prisoner.

“Now all we have to do now is wait to be teleported back… I wonder how will we pass the time?”

Immediately the glints of the man’s eyes that weren’t hidden by his wild hair shone with fear.

“N-nohoho! I already g-gave you the passwohord!”

But Vynnen wasn’t listening.

“This is just for you giving me a hard time,” he said with a sly wink and readied his fingers over the man’s underarms again.


The man struggled and shrieked and finally laughed a scream of surprise. Vynnen’s fingers hadn’t moved from their slow descent to his underarms, but something else began to tickle hm. Something very wet and very slippery and very tickly had just slithered over his soles. He screamed when the sensation appeared again, and he whipped his head to the side of his shoulder to see that the dochin was standing on one of the tree’s roots and was sniffing very hungrily at his vulnerable feet. Whatever hope for mercy he originally had was replaced by a sinking despair.


The dochin had just lapped up his sole again. Just as the man was about to try and shoo away the summon, Vynnen’s fingers fell upon his underarms. An immediate electrical inferno erupted where his tormentor touched. Before he was even able to fully comprehend what had just happened, he was laughing again, throwing his head from side to side, howling with wild mirth as the young mage ran his fingers all over the poor man’s underarms. The dochin’s tongue was still there as well, sending terribly ticklish jolts from the sensitive bottoms of his feet straight to his already overwhelmed brain.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, the prisoner still had enough sense to curse the dochin’s presence and wonder just how the hell it was capable of causing him such ticklish agony. Though he didn’t doubt that it would still tickle terribly, he would have been able to handle stupid, unorganized slurping better than what havoc the summon was currently wreaking on his feet. Its slippery tongue licked in wide, speedy glides, trailing over the bottoms of his upside-down arches and then lapping under and between his toes when they reflexively fanned out. Although the tongue wasn’t as dexterous as a finger, the fact that the dochin wielded it with the smallest amount of tactical intelligence made the tickle torture all the worst.


The poor man’s eyes shot wide open as a third front on his body began to face tickling assault. He stared down in disbelief and saw that his tormentor’s mouth was pressed against his stomach.


Vynnen laughed softly against his victim’s belly, which must have made the tickling worse, judging by the way the man’s muscles contracted and the immediate squeal that rose and was lost again in the sea of his hysterical laughter. He brushed his lips against the soft, moist skin in wide kisses, using his lips as much as his tongue to extract the frantic laughter from his victim. Not that it was his sole reason for using his mouth. Vynnen’s erection hadn’t abated so much as an inch during the entire interrogation, and now he found it even more uncomfortable, even more in need of touching as he tickle-kissed the man’s wiggling stomach. The taste of the prisoner’s skin was absolutely irresistible against the young mage’s tongue. Even with all the distracting twitching, he could feel how easily the man’s silky flesh yielded under his probing licks. He chased after every slippery bead of moisture, loving the way the warm taste filled his mouth.

The man, meanwhile, was doing everything he could to keep hold of his sanity. One spot was bad enough, but to endure three? He roared with frenzied laughter, squirming and bucking, but ultimately doing nothing to escape the torment. The dochin was still delighting in its work on his feet, eagerly lapping up every inch of his soles and chasing after his toes when they were available for play. Vynnen did not reduce his assault on his victim’s underarms either, not even as his mouth was entertained with the man’s unbearably ticklish abdomen. The prisoner let loose a particularly frustrated scream, crying amidst his peals of laughter as he was unable to escape the cruelty of his tickler—unable even to beg for mercy as all concepts of language and reality were driven from his mind by the overwhelming intensity of the torture. Soon he could not even register his surroundings. His entire world dissolved in the tickling fire that consumed the most sensitive areas of his body.

Suddenly the tickling stopped, and the poor man became aware of the warm grass under his body. He drew all his limbs inward and hugged his knees to his chest, rubbing his feet over each other to chase away the final tickling tingles as he laughed quietly and struggled to catch his breath.

Vynnen opened his eyes and realized his mouth now tasted empty air. He jumped, startled by the sudden change in environment and turned to face his peers, who were now giggling amongst themselves. He realized why; but there was nothing he could do about the erection that would hide it. Vynnen wiped away some sweat and saliva that remained on his lips and took off his glasses, which were already fogging up from embarrassment.


The young mage jumped again, almost completely forgetting about Professor Kara in lieu of his current predicament. He turned around swiftly, his face beat red and smiled weakly.

“The password?” she asked, obviously not amused by his state.

He blinked, and for a moment his mind drew a blank.

“I-it’s… it’s uh… lily,” he finally breathed.

“That’s right,” Professor Kara replied with a smile. “And I particularly liked your ruthlessness near the end. I daresay you’ve earned him a little break after that ordeal.”

She turned to look at the prisoner on the floor.

“Before he receives his punishment for giving away the password.”

He cried out and tried to speak in protest, but roots quickly burst from the earth to bind his freshly squirming and screaming form and take him away to the underground of the tower, where the prisoners were kept and tickled.

“That concludes today’s tests. Tomorrow we’ll finish up and the rest of the year’s classes will continue as usual,” Professor Kara concluded with her hands set on her pleasantly wide and curving hips. The rest of the students bowed in turn and began to head back to the rest of the tower.

Vynnen walked awkwardly, trying to somehow ease away the throb of his member, when he suddenly heard the familiar purr of his partner and felt her hug him from behind, throwing her arms around his middle.

“You look like you had fun. Your target was so cute!” Anaís quipped behind him, nuzzling her face into his back, sending shivers up his spine and definitely making worse the situation in his lower dress.

“Yours wasn’t too bad either,” Vynnen replied with a grin and wrapped his arms around his partner’s. “You should have seen your face when you were teleported.”

Anaís burst into a melody of bubbly laughter.

“My face? Did you see yourself just now?”

Vynnen blushed again and let his spectacles slide down his nose before they fogged up too much.

“So then…” she cooed, “what are we going to do about this?”

He leapt when his partner let one of her hands fall lower and wrap around his still hard shaft, giving it a good squeeze and giggling at the resulting moan.

“We should definitely have something special to celebrate our passes,” she coyly breathed into his bare back. “Something involving our bed, ropes, and oils.” Vynnen bit his lip and smiled.

“Mmm… last one there gets tied up?” he suggested with a wicked grin.

“Ohh!” Anaís happily squealed. “You shouldn’t have revealed that! You’ll never win now!” Before he could react, she locked her lips with the bottom of his spine, right above the belt of his lower dress. Vynnen gasped and, before he could help it, melted when her tongue licked up along the line of his back, sending jolts of erotic heat coursing through his body.

“No… haaah… fair…” he gasped and closed his eyes blissfully as her tongue danced up and down that pleasantly sensitive spot. Suddenly the sensation ended, and when he opened his eyes again he saw Anaís running far ahead of him, her bare feet kicking up grass in her flight.

“Aargh! That’s cheating!” Vynnen shouted after her. He was about to commence pursuit, but then rubbed the spot where she licked and continued walking at a leisurely pace. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad being the one under her, if only for today, he thought as an amorous smile tugged at his lips.
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I have to say, this is turning out to be a rather well filled out series. Your doing a very good job of illustrating both the setting and the character developement. I look forward to the next part of the series.
I gotta say, I don't say this much about characters in tickle stories, but I quite like what you did with the two leads Anais and Vynnen here. It's a standard subversion of a traditional male/female dynamic but it works quite very well indeed. Who doesn't love a fiery female? I have no idea why, but a more masculine (I use the term loosely) female and a more feminine dude seems to be quite a pleasing dynamic for a tickle story. Inexplicable.

DOCHIN! I am so sure you took French now. Dog + Chien (French for Dog) = Dochin.
Hopefully they will discover a chatouiller creature soon, or perhaps a titiller beast XD

The young mage sighed and hoped that his prey would be so kinky and logical. This line is just so much win. Why have no other protagonists thought such thoughts?

You know, when it comes to /M work, I am oddly picky. I'm not that much of a fan, to be honest, unless it's an alluring female doing the tickling or the /M happens to be written in first person. I have no idea why, I suppose it's like trying to justify what kind of colour you like, eh? Tickling descriptions were terrific as always, and I'm impressed as a writer you can write both styles, but I just enjoyed the previous part more. Sorry.

And I can see Jaynin's influence in that you rather brazenly mention the protagonist having an errection, but I dunno, it feels a bit strange for you to be so blunt about it. Jaynin's stories are sexcapades a lot of the time (and I mean that with love and respect, I do enjoy his work), but it seems to not quite fit in this story. Unless you suddenly reveal Vynnen is suddenly sleeping with all the professors and Cilla that is. It which case I take that all back. Well played.

Then again tickle-kissing someone else must be a bit like cheating if tickling is a turn-on... hmm, I don't know. If Vynnen was doing that to another woman (say Cilla), and Anais saw them, I don't think she'd be especially happy, no? But yeah, I dunno.

I look forward to seeing what direction you take this series next. Right now it's kinda been random events (I mean, you could read 2 before 1 and you wouldn't miss that much, really), but have you thought of starting an overarcing plot? SURELY THERE MUST BE QUESTS!
I'm loving your critiques more and more. I agree entirely with your interpretation of the dynamic. I also blame the current times we live in for our nnnnfffff at it.

I agree that /f is more of an enjoyable thing for me to write and read, but /m once in a while is fun.

The sexualization throughout the series is something of a complex issue. You might be a bit biased when you look at the sexualization on the male part as Anaís is always thinking about licking/tickling other women's feet, but maybe because it's only thinking so far? Does the fact that it's been with the same sex make it different? That being said, think of the term "partner" here as an open relationship. Each mage is partnered with the other to balance each other and create a unique dynamic that combines of their personalities and abilities, while allowing the possibility of a romantic union to strengthen the partnership itself. For the most part, the mages do understand that their mouths are tickle tools as well, and that seduction can be just as effective as torture. In that sense, I let the reader assume that each partnership is open, though there will, of course, be mages that will take their partnerships further, and even mages that do not feel they are matched well at all!

As always, thank you for taking the time to look a bit deeper into my tickle smut 😛
I'm loving your critiques more and more. I agree entirely with your interpretation of the dynamic. I also blame the current times we live in for our nnnnfffff at it.

I agree that /f is more of an enjoyable thing for me to write and read, but /m once in a while is fun.

The sexualization throughout the series is something of a complex issue. You might be a bit biased when you look at the sexualization on the male part as Anaís is always thinking about licking/tickling other women's feet, but maybe because it's only thinking so far? Does the fact that it's been with the same sex make it different? That being said, think of the term "partner" here as an open relationship. Each mage is partnered with the other to balance each other and create a unique dynamic that combines of their personalities and abilities, while allowing the possibility of a romantic union to strengthen the partnership itself. For the most part, the mages do understand that their mouths are tickle tools as well, and that seduction can be just as effective as torture. In that sense, I let the reader assume that each partnership is open, though there will, of course, be mages that will take their partnerships further, and even mages that do not feel they are matched well at all!

As always, thank you for taking the time to look a bit deeper into my tickle smut 😛

I think we are all sexist, aren't we? Hot guy on guy tickling? Ew. Hot girl on girl tickling. MOAR! I'm more and more certain that's the case. I don't know, I mean, if tickling such a super turn-on for both of them, then it's something that should only be enjoyed with each other, right? Maybe the most comparable is kissing (or if you wanna be more mature, blowjobs), kissing/blowing/tickling is an intimate experience that turns you on, thus it should only really be shared amongst lovers. Maybe that's just my interpretation, but I'm kinda surprised Anais nor Vynnen called each other out on it. I mean, I'm trying to look at it from Anais' point of view. Hey boyfriend suddenly appears, he's licking/kissing the stomach of another dude, and he's rock-hard. I'd be lying if I said my gaydar didn't go off there. I just would've been better for Anais to "Hey, I'm the only one who's allowed to get you so hot like that!" In a sort of stroppy way. But hey, your characters! Maybe I'm just interpreting things incorrectly.

And I never did really get what open relationships meant. I dated an American girl who adamantly defended, but isn't basically like you have the freedom to cheat? Again, I see the hand of Jaynin in your works, and while it fit terrifically in his demon academy (dude, they're demons!) I'm not sure it fits the world you're building that well. Or maybe I just have stuffy old-fashioned traditional values. Or maybe I'm overthinking things.


But yes, overthinking simple things! Tell me, is that not one of life's simple pleasures? But yes, I am fond of doing that, do humour me. I suppose it might even be my raison d'etre (please tell if I have wrongly ovestimated your abilities in French. I'm trying to convince myself that seven years of French class was not a waste of time here by using as much French as possible.)
Nothing wrong with being a little old fashioned. A bit of the protagonists' dynamic is based on me and my significant other. While we are loyal to each other, we openly fantasize about the other getting tickled or getting it on with others of the same sex. But, you are right, we are all a little sexist in that the fantasies are different if we imagine each other with people of the different sex.

I guess it's different for the characters because of the conditioning I mentioned in the post before. My justification is that this is a work of fantasy and that's what I'm sticking with! :cool

And I think you are overestimating my French. I took one class of pass or fail French. I passed, if that's any consolation 😀
Nothing wrong with being a little old fashioned. A bit of the protagonists' dynamic is based on me and my significant other. While we are loyal to each other, we openly fantasize about the other getting tickled or getting it on with others of the same sex. But, you are right, we are all a little sexist in that the fantasies are different if we imagine each other with people of the different sex.

I guess it's different for the characters because of the conditioning I mentioned in the post before. My justification is that this is a work of fantasy and that's what I'm sticking with! :cool

And I think you are overestimating my French. I took one class of pass or fail French. I passed, if that's any consolation 😀

All I can say is that impressed you managed to find a girl who loves to be tickle. You lucky dog XD

Though I personally still think they shouldn't be so open about it. But hey, if it's based on a working relationship in RL, then by all means! I can't really say it's inaccurate or anything then, can I? But still. You lucky boy XD

Oh, p.s. Raison d'etre translates to 'reason to be'. In case my last message didn't make sense 😛
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