I've had the opportunity to tickle many native Mandarin Chinese-speakers (one of the perks of being married to one; plenty of cute friends, co-workers, and family within arm's reach, every one of them ticklish), and not a single one of them has ever done a thing other than A) squeal B) laugh or C) make some unholy "ARGH" sound that would frighten most common household pets. The most common verbal exclamation was always "Wa! (Wow!)", usually once said tickling had ceased and she was allowed to catch her breath. (There was also a few occasions of D) get turned on, but we won't go there. 😀)
Chinese can be pretty sexy, especially when spoken by a lovely woman ('course, anything spoken by a lovely woman is sexy to me), but Japanese just has the kind of inflections that, combined with the typical Japanese woman's voice, make it a *really* beautiful language. Spanish holds no appeal for me (I'm surrounded by it, so it's commonplace and no longer exotic) and French is just too nasal and obnoxious.
I've heard Korean and Vietnamese spoken a bit by women I've tickled, but they're not the kind of languages you'd love hearing while they were being tortured out of their minds. I much prefer the squealing... and they did plenty of that once I got my hands on them. 😀