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The Laughing Professor (Revised): Chapter Nine (F/F Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
The saga continues…


(Revised by T.T. Gore)

Chapter Nine
Robbie and Darlene Ride Again


The mysterious disappearance of Professor Adrienne DeCarlo caused quite a stir at Unknown University. The police investigation turned up the missing biologist’s torn clothes in the university greenhouse, an ominous discovery that suggested a violent attack. On the other hand an examination of the Department of Biological Science’s accounts revealed that a rather large sum of money was missing. Had Professor DeCarlo stolen the money and fled, leaving the torn clothes behind to mislead the authorities? Though people had their suspicions, no one could say for sure.

Dean Dagmar Frost was disturbed by the DeCarlo affair for reasons that she couldn’t quite explain, even to herself. Her intimate personal relationship with the missing biologist doubtless had something to do with it, but Dagmar had never been a sentimental person and there were plenty of fish in the sea, after all. The idea that the disgraced ex-professor of English, Margaret Stanley, had had anything to do with Adrienne’s disappearance never crossed the Dean’s mind. Still, the whole business left her with an uneasy feeling that she was oddly unable to shake.

Coach Tanya Johnson paid very little attention to the DeCarlo scandal. She had hardly known the woman and besides, coaching the girls’ varsity wrestling team took up most of her time. Professional masseuse Jennifer Collins spared scarcely a thought for poor Adrienne. Nor did senior class president and certified wild child Robbie Dixon—until one afternoon when her phone rang and she was summoned to an evening meeting with Dean Frost.

She would probably have blown the bitchy Dean off if the secretary—Janice-somebody-or-other—hadn’t mentioned the name of Margaret Stanley.

“What’s this all about?” Robbie asked suspiciously.

“I’m afraid I don’t know, Ms. Dixon,” the secretary replied. “But I’m sure the Dean will explain everything. May I tell her that you’ll be coming?”

“I guess,” Robbie grumped. “Eight o’clock?”

“Yes,” the secretary confirmed. “Thank you.”

Robbie’s expression was troubled as she hung up the phone. What the hell was going on? True, she and Darlene had played a very risky game, sexually dominating and blackmailing the ex-professor to avoid expulsion. But that was ancient history. The brunette had long since been sacked, and Robbie and Darlene had been on the outs for several weeks after a bitter lovers’ quarrel. Still, the shapely blonde knew that her former roomie would never spill the beans about Margaret Stanley. Or would she? No, Robbie, decided, not even their breakup would have been enough to get Darlene to talk about those “extra credit” sessions with the buxom brunette. There was Coach Tanya Johnson, of course, who’d been involved with the roomies in the Lambda episode, but why would she ever talk?

Well, I suppose there’s only one way to get to the bottom of this, she told herself. What a pain in the ass…


The plain-Jane, thirtysomething secretary let Robbie into the Dean’s office with a smile. The shapely blonde wasn’t really surprised to find that that Darlene was already seated on the leather sofa.

“Just make yourselves comfortable,” the secretary said. “The Dean will be with you shortly.”

Robbie frowned and sat down on the sofa next to Darlene. “What’s going on?” she whispered to her ex-roomie.

“Beats me,” Darlene shrugged. “Something about Professor Stanley.”

“But how could she know?”

“Don’t look at me.“

Their whispered conversation was interrupted by the opening of the office door. Robbie expected the Dean to walk in, but it was the secretary again, smiling brilliantly, holding something in her hand.

“What’s that?” Robbie asked.

“Air freshener,” Janice answered as she raised her arm and fired a burst of narcotic spray straight into Robbie’s face. The shapely blonde’s eyes rolled up and she slid from the sofa to the carpet. An instant later, Darlene joined her.

A tall figure stepped into the office. “Excellent,” said Margaret, gazing down at the limp bodies of her erstwhile students. “Well done, Janice. Now let’s get them into the van. Oh, and Janice, remind me to reward you later—after these two have been secured for the evening, of course.”

“Yes, Professor,” the sexy secretary breathed eagerly.


Robbie awoke to find herself in a strange place. Just what kind of place it was, she couldn’t quite decide. The lights were dim, her mind felt sluggish and it was difficult to concentrate. So it was at least a minute before Robbie realized that she was naked, that she was kneeling with her arms stretched high above her head—and that she couldn’t move!

Leather shackles, attached to a ceiling-mounted ring, encircled her wrists, and leather straps had been buckled over her ankles. She was kneeling on some kind of a padded table, and the sheer vulnerability of her position made Robbie shiver.

“Mmmm-hmmm, I think you’re ready for me now.” The words were whispered into the shapely blonde’s ear, and she recognized the voice immediately. “Turnabout is fair play, Robbie, isn’t it?” Margaret Stanley chuckled.

Robbie trembled…and wiggled her hips.

Margaret knelt to bring herself face to face with the helpless girl. Robbie was deliciously shocked to see that the buxom brunette was naked except for lacy black bikini panties. She was terrified, of course, but somehow that didn’t diminish the sexual excitement that gripped her loins. And she gasped when Margaret leaned forward, bringing her full, firm breasts into contact with the shapely blonde’s rapidly stiffening nipples.

“Oh!” Robbie breathed. “Oh my GOODNESS—!"

“Ah, so you like that, do you?” Margaret leaned back on her knees and shook her head. “Well, as far as I’m concerned YOU are a shameless little TRAMP who’s finally going to receive the PUNISHMENT she DESERVES! And I imagine you can guess just what SORT of punishment I have in mind for you, my dear!”

Robbie moaned with fear and lust as the full reality of the brunette’s evil agenda penetrated her addled brain. Professor Stanley was going to TICKLE her! Just the thought of it made the shapely blonde squirm with dread anticipation.

“That’s right, my dear,” Margaret whispered, “The tables have been turned, and in just a moment you’ll be laughing your pretty albeit stupid little HEAD off! The only question is where to begin…?”

Robbie opened her mouth to beg for mercy—but she never got the chance! With a smile of genuine pleasure, the brunette brought her hands up and dug her sharp fingernails into the shapely blonde’s defenseless ribs!

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Robbie screeched. AAAAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!! AAAAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!! AAAAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAAAAAA!!!” Her breasts jiggled as she tried vainly to wiggle away from Margaret’s tickling fingers. EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!!”

Margaret licked her lips and danced her fingers up to the shapely blonde’s defenseless armpits.


“Louder!” the merciless brunette commanded. “Laugh LOUDER for me, you disgraceful little TROLLOP!”

The shapely blonde certainly did her best! She screamed and howled with abandon as Margaret’s tormenting fingers explored her ribs, armpits and belly. She writhed and wiggled and squirmed. Within fifteen minutes her face was bright pink, her body was bathed in sweat, and she was gasping desperately for oxygen.

As for Margaret, she was becoming increasingly excited by her victim’s frenzied struggles. Continuing the torture with one hand, she let the other stray down to sneak inside the waistband of her panties. The brunette trembled with pleasure as she stroked herself while watching the shapely blonde’s firm young breasts bounce and jiggle.

“GAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” Robbie screamed as a sharp fingernail probed her hypersensitive belly button. “OOOOOOH-HO-HO-HO!!! OOOOOOH-HO-HO-HO!! OOOOOOH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!”

“Mmmm…” Margaret sighed. “Hmmm…”

Robbie’s frenetic laughter gave way to a guttural moan of desire as the buxom brunette’s hand moved up to tease a rigid, aching nipple. The shapely blonde hadn’t really been aware of her own sexual arousal—but Margaret’s touch now sent a fierce erotic thrill through her exhausted body!

“SHIT!” Robbie cried. “FUCK! Oh FUCKING shit!” She arched her back and wiggled her hips. "Omygod—Omygod—OMYGOD—!”

“Aaaah—aaaah—aaaah—aaaah—AAAAAAAAH!!!” Margaret gasped. She trembled visibly as wave after wave of pleasure raced along her nervous system! In the throes of orgasm, she leaned forward to suck on a stiff nipple. Robbie grunted with delight and desire and wiggled her hips again, impatient to be teased and stroked to a shuddering climax!

“Oh no you don’t,” Margaret gasped. She leaned back and gave Robbie a wicked smile. “Whatever made you think that you’d get to CUM, hmmm? Why should I be NICE to such a dirty, NAUGHTY little girl, hmmm?” The brunette licked her lips. “We’re not NICE to naughty girls here—we PUNISH them!”

And Robbie howled in hilarious torment as sharp fingernails attacked her sweat-streaked ribcage once again…


“Wow!” Sandy Vernon giggled. “Your friend’s really getting the works!”

Darlene had no response to that—primarily because of the ball gag that was stuffed in her mouth. But she did roll her eyes and struggle against the leather straps that pinned her to the padded table.

“Oho!” Janice Adams added. “I think this little slut is all mad and stuff because she’s missing the FUN!”

The long-legged vixen and the sexy secretary shared a laugh. Except for scanty panties—scarlet for Sandy, black for Janice—the brunette’s minions were naked. Darlene had also been stripped completely naked prior to being strapped to the table. Her legs were spread wide and her arms were together, stretched over her head. Leather straps around her ankles, her thighs, her elbows and her wrists prevented all but the most futile wriggling.

The screaming laughter—Robbie’s screaming laughter, Darlene realized—continued to pour out of a speaker mounted high on the wall. The curvaceous redhead trembled with terror as she realized what was in store for her.

Janice seemed to sense her prisoner’s dawning understanding. She leaned down to look Darlene straight in the eye. “That’s right, slut,” she whispered. “We’re going to TORTURE you by TICKLING, just as you and that little STRUMPET in the next room tortured poor Professor Stanley!”

“MMMMPH!” Darlene grunted behind the gag. “MMMM-MMMM-MMMMPH!”

“But it’s going to be worse for you than it EVER was for Professor Stanley,” Sandy promised. “MUCH worse! Tell me slut—do you really think it’s literally possible to be tickled to BITS?”

“Wait a second,” Janice broke in. “We can’t forget the magic potion!”

“Glad you reminded me,” Sandy laughed. “Shall I do the honors?”

“Oh, allow me,” the sexy secretary giggled. She approached the table and held up a small bottle. “This is just for YOU, hon,” she whispered.

Darlene writhed on the table in a frantic attempt to escape what was coming, but it was a futile waste of energy. Janice unscrewed the bottle cap, extracted a dropper, and leaned over to place a drop of oily liquid on the curvaceous redhead’s upper lip, right under her nose. Darlene’s head swam as an intense, musky aroma invaded her nostrils, and she moaned behind the ball gag as the sexy secretary deposited several drops on her nipples, in her belly button and between her parted thighs.

The liquid, a preparation of Margaret Stanley’s dastardly cocktail of narcotics and aphrodisiacs, was soon absorbed through the curvaceous redhead’s skin. A warm, tingling sensation spread rapidly through her body, her nipples extended themselves, and the crisp curls that framed her mound of Venus dampened. Janice and Sandy watched these developments with avid eyes. After a moment, the sexy secretary put an arm around the long-legged vixen’s supple waist.

“Think she’s ready?” Sandy finally asked.

“Let’s find out!” Janice chirped, and without further ado she placed a hand on Darlene’s tense tummy. The sexy secretary wiggled her fingers—and Darlene’s body convulsed.

The tickling sensation was unbearably intense, and it got worse when one of Janice’s fingers probed into Darlene’s BELLY button! The curvaceous redhead gasped and grunted into the ball gag. Her hips jerked, partly in ticklish torment, partly from a desire for Janice to move her hand lower…

Sandy stepped to the other side of the table and leaned over to stroke Darlene’s ample breasts with the tips of her fingernails. Her palms brushed the curvaceous redhead’s nipples, causing them to stiffen even more. “Oh my!” she giggled. “I think the slut has ticklish BOOBS!”

“And I think she wants me to put my hand between her LEGS,” Janice replied. “How about it, slut? Is THAT what you’d like, hmmm?”

“UGH!!!” Darlene grunted desperately. “UGH-UGH-UGH-GRRRRUUUUGH!!!”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Janice cooed. “But first you have to say PLEASE!”

“She can’t say anything with that gag in her mouth,” Sandy pointed out.

“True, true! The sexy secretary grinned. “Okay, slut, here’s the deal. I’ll take off the gag and you WILL say please. Got that? If you say anything else—and I mean ANYTHING else—you will be PUNISHED!Is that clear? Nod if it is.”

Darlene nodded frantically.

“Good,” Janice said. “Sandy, will you do the honors?”

The long-legged vixen loosened the strap of the gag and plucked the red ball from Darlene’s mouth. The curvaceous redhead gasped for air, but had the presence of mind to refrain from speaking.

“That’s a good little slut,” Janice chuckled. “Now, what do we say when we want something, hmmm?”

“Please,” Darlene moaned, wiggling her hips. “Oh, please…”

“Please TICKLE you some more?” Janice licked her lips. “Okay!”

And before Darlene could protest, the sexy secretary’s sharp nails were stroking her defenseless armpits!


“Oh, I think she wants MORE,” Janice chortled. “Is that RIGHT, slut? You want more?”

“I think she does,” Sandy agreed. “On her FEET!"

The long-legged vixen strode to the end of the table where Darlene’s feet, which overhung the edge, were wiggling and squirming. She grabbed the big toe of Darlene’s right foot with one hand and tickled with the other. The curvaceous redhead went CRAZY on the table as Sandy’s sharp nails probed and stroked! Unbearably intense tickle-thrills shot up her tense leg to stoke the lustful, smoldering sensation that gripped her loins and belly. The hairs on her arms stood up and her skin broke out in a delicate sweat.


“Oh goodness gracious ME!” Janice snickered. “Our little slut is laughing her idiotic little HEAD off!”

“I bet she could laugh just a little bit LOUDER, though,” Sandy suggested. “Let’s try this!"

The long-legged vixen began probing for the tender spots between Darlene’s toes. The curvaceous redhead’s breasts bounced and swayed as she bucked and struggled against her bonds. “OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO-HO!!!” she howled. “EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEEEE!!!”

The tickling was bad enough—all by itself it would probably have been enough to drive Darlene over the screaming edge of madness—but what made this torment truly unbearable was her rising sexual excitement. Each time her belly convulsed with helpless laughter, the delicious tension in her loins redoubled. The muscles in her thighs and bottom were tense with passionate anticipation. Her rigid nipples ached to be touched and teased.

Gradually, as the long-legged vixen continued to tickle her feet and the sexy secretary concentrated on her armpits and ribs, Darlene could feel the glorious moment of release drawing near. Lustful, throaty cries filled the gaps between her bursts of hysterical laughter, and the curvaceous redhead’s hips began to undulate desperately.

“MMMMPH!!!” Darlene grunted, wiggling her hips desperately. "MMMM-MMMM-MMMM-MMMMMMPH!!!"

And the tickling stopped!

“Well, we certainly don’t want to make the little slut CUM!” Janice reminded Sandy. “You remember what the Professor said.”

“Mmmm,” the long-legged vixen agreed. “But she didn’t say anything about YOU, did she?”

“Why Sandy!” The sexy secretary blushed. “Are you making a PASS at me?”


“What about her?” Janice indicated their trembling victim.

“I have that all figured out.” Sandy winked. “Remember the…you know…?” She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling, and Janice laughed.

Darlene scarcely listened to any of this. The tickling had stopped for the moment, but the yearning in her loins was a torment. The curvaceous redhead would have sold her soul to SATAN in exchange for the release she craved—but these two sadistic bitches didn’t WANT her soul! They just wanted to hear her LAUGH—!

Darlene was brought back to reality by the whirring sound of an electric motor. The table to which she was strapped was rising and tilting. Before she quite realized what was happening, the curvaceous redhead found herself in a vertical position. A moment later, something dropped down in front of her face. It was a hospital-type oxygen mask, made of clear plastic. Sandy fitted it over Darlene’s nose and mouth, tightening the strap to create a good seal. Janice had a hand-held remote control device; she pressed a button and something hissed.

“Sorry, but it’s not oxygen.” Sandy smirked. “ It’s NO2—guess what THAT is!”

“Laughing gas,” Janice added helpfully.

“So that Janice and I can take a little break without giving YOU a little break!” Sandy grinned wickedly. “As you can see, you’re now facing this nice big bed. I thought that while you laughed your cute little ASS off, you’d enjoy watching the two of us, you know, frolic.”

“She’s not laughing yet,” Janice noted.

“She will be—any moment now."

In fact, Darlene was already struggling hard not to laugh—she was horribly certain that if she started, she’d never be able to STOP! But the gas was filling her lungs, and she knew she was fighting a losing battle.

It started with a tiny giggle. Darlene tried to clamp down on the urge, but she couldn’t help giggling again, louder and longer. Soon she couldn’t stop giggling at all. Then her giggles escalated to full-throated, get-wrenching laughter—laughter that simply went on and on and ON—!

Janice and Sandy brought the curvaceous redhead to a high pitch of hysteria by giving her armpits, ribs and belly a brief but vicious tickle. Then they moved to the bed. And as the sexy secretary hooked her thumbs into the long-legged vixen’s panties and pulled them down, Darlene’s anguished howls of hilarity provided the perfect mood music for their tryst…


Thus Robbie and Darlene became the helpless tickle slaves of the sadistic brunette and her apprentices. The captive coeds, kept high on Margaret’s dastardly narcotic/aphrodisiac drug cocktail, were put through an intensive and exhausting program of tickle punishment, sometimes by Janice and Sandy, sometimes at the hands of Margaret Stanley herself.

The basement of the brunette’s charming little bungalow had been transformed into a high-tech tickle torture chamber. The walls, of course, had been effectively soundproofed; no matter how loudly the victims screamed, no passersby ever heard them.

For Robbie, the worst moment came when she was introduced to a device that her captors called “the wheel of fortune.” It was a circular panel, made of plywood covered with thin padding, and fitted with leather shackles to accommodate wrists and ankles. The whole thing was mounted on the wall and when naked Robbie was secured to it in a tight spread-eagle, Margaret—bare-breasted as always—actually rubbed her hands with gleeful anticipation.

With brisk, efficient movements, the brunette attached a small compressed-gas bottle to a clip located on the wheel between Robbie’s wide-open legs. Then she attached a hose and fitted a mask over Robbie’s nose and mouth. “This is NO2—better known as laughing gas,” she explained. “You’ll just LOVE what it does!”

Robbie held her breath.

“Sooner or later you’ll have to inhale,” Margaret chortled. “Maybe I can help!” The grinning brunette probed Robbie’s belly button with a sharp fingernail. The shapely blonde squirmed, gasped—and burst into a fit of shrieking, uncontrollable laughter!

“That’s more LIKE it,” Margaret nodded. “Now enjoy the RIDE!”

She gave the wheel a vigorous spin.

The world rotated crazily as Robbie rode the wheel, laughing like a LOONY bird!. Within thirty seconds her brains were so addled that she hardly knew where she was—but she simply couldn’t stop laughing. Between the gas and the spinning of the wheel, the shapely blonde just about lost her mind. Her sides and belly ached terribly and her throat was raw from screaming. Every time the wheel and her laughter slowed, the brunette supplied another tickle and another spin. And she kept it up until even the drugs in Robbie’s system couldn’t prevent her from swooning into a black pit of merciful unconsciousness…

Darlene’s worst moment came when she and Robbie were introduced to the “bladder control challenge,” as Janice described it with a lewd grin. The captive coeds were placed face up, naked and side by side on a padded table with stocks at either end. Working quickly and efficiently, Margaret’s familiars closed the stocks over their victims’ ankles, necks and wrists. Then, under the threat of imminent tickle torture, they were forced to drink copious amounts of water.

“Now, here’s how we play this game,” Sandy snickered. She patted Darlene’s waterlogged tummy. Janice and I are going to tickle your poor helpless FOOTSIES! Won’t that be FUN?”

“But there’s this little catch,” the sexy secretary added. “You poor babies just drank a LOT of water and pretty soon you’ll need a bathroom break!”

“But you don’t GET one!” the long-legged vixen explained. “You just get tickled and TICKLED until one of you PEES herself!”

“And the one who pees herself gets an extra punishment!" Janice licked her lips. “The one who hangs in there gets to go to the bathroom…then she’ll get a special reward from me…”

The captive coeds, who were doped to the eyeballs with aphrodisiacs, shivered with lustful anticipation. Darlene gritted her teeth, determined to outlast her former roommate.

And the tickling began!

The curvaceous redhead writhed madly and squealed hilariously as Sandy’s sharp, sadistic fingernails stroked the super-sensitive soles and arches of her bare, defenseless feet. Within five minutes, Darlene was desperately tensing her muscles against an urge to urinate that quickly became overwhelming. Sandy’s excruciating ministrations were driving her out of her tiny MIND—and if the tickling didn’t stop soon, Darlene knew that an accident was inevitable! Her only hope was that Robbie would pee first!

But alas, that was not to be.

Darlene's bladder gave up the struggle when Sandy began to probe the tender spots between her squirming toes. Laughing and wiggling, the curvaceous redhead was scarcely aware of her abrupt loss of control. She only realized what had happened when the foot tickling stopped.

Sandy Vernon was grinning down at her. “Oops, you LOSE!” the long-legged vixen chuckled.

And Darlene screamed—!

(To Be Continued!)​
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