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The Laughing Professor (Revised): Chapter Three (F/F Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
The saga continues; this is the first chapter to contain significant new material.


(Revised by T.T. Gore)

Chapter Three
Down for the Count


For days, Margaret Stanley had been wracking her brains for a way out of the mess in which she found herself.

It had been bad enough when the Dean usurped her authority by ordering her to fail Robbie Dixon and Darlene Perry. But now, after the “extra credit” session those two tramps had put her through, she couldn’t fail them anyway! Margaret knew that unless they both got an A+ in Advanced Comp, the little bitches would take their revenge. If the photographs they’d taken ever became public, that would spell the end of Professor Margaret Stanley’s career—and the end of “extra credit” at the hands of Robbie and Darlene…

So regardless of the Dean’s desires, the randy roomies would pass Advanced Comp with flying colors. The brunette gritted her teeth, amended their grades and submitted them to the Registrar. She had no choice. As long as the roomies held those photos, Margaret was at their beck and call. In fact she’d been ordered, via a curt note from Darlene, to attend the annual Grudge Party at Lambda House. So now Margaret walked dejectedly across campus as the last light of day stole from the skies. Her long hair blew about her face in the wind—following the “extra credit” session, she’d received a note from Robbie ordering her to “lose the bun.” Also as instructed, she was clad in shorts and a t-shirt—with no bra. The damned brats seemed to be enjoying the power they’d achieved through their act of domination…

Well, perhaps some time with her Lambda sisters would help to clear her mind. Maybe there would even be “extra credit.” The thought of that sent a thrill through Margaret’s nervous system as she approached the front door of the sorority house.

She paid scant attention to the busy preparations going on about her as she entered the house. The Lambda sisters were putting the final touches to the decorations for their biggest party of the year—the Grudge Party.

The rivalry between Lambda and Theta had scarcely diminished since Margaret’s time as an undergraduate, but it had become somewhat friendlier. Each year the two houses held the Grudge Party, a competition to determine who would possess the notorious party cabin for the ensuing year. Whichever sorority had lost the previous year’s contest was entitled to choose the form and forum for the next Grudge Party.

In the previous year, Lambda had lost to the airhead bimbos of Theta—and a galling loss it had been, since the form was a round-robin Trivial Pursuit elimination match. So with the right to choose this year’s form, Lambda decided to avoid the intellectual angle in favor of a best-of-five-falls wrestling competition.

Margaret took little notice of the wrestling ring that had been set up in the middle of the main room of the house; she was looking around for Robbie and Darlene. But the roomies were nowhere to be seen, so the brunette moved to the table where snacks and drinks had been set up in preparation for the evening's festivities. Thinking that perhaps a cup or two of punch would improve her mood, Margaret poured herself some of the fruity concoction and tossed it back.

The punch had an immediate warming effect on her empty stomach. Though she’d missed dinner, Margaret didn’t really feel hungry at the moment. She helped herself to another brimming cup of the delicious punch, then chose a comfortable spot on the sofa.

Margaret had no way of knowing that the punch had been subtly fortified for the evening’s festivities—fortified with 180-proof grain alcohol, as a matter of fact. She returned to the punch bowl for two more cups of the refreshing beverage—and by the time the wrestling matches began, Margaret was more than a trifle tipsy. Thus she failed to notice when Robbie and Darlene sashayed into the room. The randy roomies took up a position from which they could observe the buxom brunette, whom they planned to waylay later in the evening for some "extra credit."

Lambda's first wrestler dispatched her opponent quickly, pinning her to the mat in less than three minutes. Margaret joined in lustily as the Lambdas cheered their first victory. She toasted the victor with another cup of punch. The brunette had never had much tolerance for alcohol and with that toast, her inhibitions dissolved.

“We can beat ANY Theta BIMBO!” she yelled. “Buncha AIRHEADS, that’s what they are!”

Margaret’s drunken taunt brought titters of laughter from her Lambda sisters—and furious glares from the girls of Theta, including a tall, leggy blonde named Tanya Johnson.

Tanya was the University’s Director of Women’s Physical Education and coach of the girls’ wrestling team. With her classically beautiful features, cropped hair and muscular yet sensuous body, she was a true Amazon. And now her icy blue eyes were fixed malevolently on the drunken professor of English who had just insulted the honor of Theta Chi…

The leggy blonde, an Unknown University alum who’d been initiated into Theta as a freshman, continued to take a fierce pride in her sorority. She was both disgusted with the unprofessional behavior of a fellow faculty member, and angered by Margaret’s insulting comments. Her irritation was plain on her face—as Robbie and Darlene were quick to observe.

The roomies, who’d been planning to commandeer Margaret for another session of “extra credit” after the Grudge Party, were giggling at the brunette’s antics when Darlene noticed Tanya. “Check that out,” she whispered.

“She looks mad,” Robbie whispered back. “You know, this gives me an idea…”

After more whispering, Darlene ambled over to the leggy blonde. A short conversation ensued, which was concluded with an exchange of evil grins and a wink from Darlene to her roomie.

Lambda didn't fare too well in the second bout, losing after an arduous struggle. The third match went to Theta and the fourth to Lambda—though but not without some heated complaints from the Theta sisters.

“She CHEATED!” someone screamed. “That was NOT a three-second pin!”

“WAS TOO!” Lambda screamed back.

The rules for this wrestling match were few and simple. Any hold was legal, there was no time limit, and no interference was allowed from the crowd. To win, it was necessary merely to pin your opponent’s shoulders to the mat for three seconds. No one had thought it necessary to designate a referee, so the argument might have lasted all night. But at that point Margaret intervened.

The tipsy brunette strutted into the ring and looked around with an insolent expression.

“Thetas are BIMBOS!” she yelled. “And they’re also a bunch of CANDY ASSES who WHINE because they’re LOSERS! Well, BOO-HOO!”

The Theta girls screamed with rage.

“I could lick any Theta BIMBO with one HAND tied behind my BACK!” the brunette informed them with a snide smile.

At this point, Tanya Johnson strode majestically into the ring.

“Think you can take me—bitch?” she hissed.

The room hushed as Margaret looked up at the blonde, who had several inches on her. “You’d be a piece of CAKE!” she yelled right into Tanya’s face.

“LET THIS BE THE DECIDING MATCH!” Robbie shouted into the silence.

The Lambdas protested, knowing that Margaret didn’t stand a chance against the incredibly in-shape Tanya. The Thetas responded with cries of “CHICKEN!” and “PUSSIES!”

So the Lambdas agreed—some of them thinking, no doubt, that watching the uptight English professor get her ass kicked would be worth losing the party cabin for a year.

Tanya took her place in the Theta corner. She flexed her muscles—a sight which, since she was wearing a tank top and gym shorts, caused more than a few of the spectators to run a hand down a trembling thigh. Robbie and Darlene pushed to the front so as not to miss a moment of the spectacle to come.

The bell sounded and the contestants moved toward one another.

Margaret swung at Tanya in an attempt to knock her to the mat, but the leggy blonde neatly sidestepped the blow, then watched with a mocking smile as her inebriated opponent windmilled towards the ropes, bounced off, and stumbled back to the center of the ring.

Then Tanya made her move. With catlike quickness, she lunged forward and tackled the brunette, sending her sprawling face down on the mat, falling atop her, and pinning her. But since Margaret’s shoulders were not yet touching the mat, it wasn’t an official pin.

Legs flailing, Margaret tried unsuccessfully to squirm out from beneath her opponent’s lithe body. It was a futile effort. As if she were playing with a rag doll, Tanya grabbed the brunette’s wrists, yanked her arms over her head, and pinned them to the mat with one hand. Then, with a quick grin to Robbie and Darlene at ringside, the leggy blonde shoved her free hand under Margaret’s tee shirt and dug her sharp nails into the brunette’s ribs!

“EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Margaret squealed. She thrashed and wriggled on the mat. “EEEEEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

Both Lambda and Theta laughed uproariously at the brunette’s discomfiture. There were gleeful whistles and raucous calls for Tanya to keep on tickling. And there were some in the audience whose tongues touched their lips as they watched…

Tanya rolled Margaret onto her back, pushed up the brunette's tee shirt, and began to stroke her svelte belly. The audience cheered. “Take it OFF!” Darlene shouted. “Take it OFF!” a score of voices echoed.

The leggy blonde complied. Better still, she used the tee shirt to tie Margaret’s arms behind her back. With both hands now free, she straddled the bare-breasted brunette. The crowd pressed forward, eager to see what would happen next.

Tanya sensed the rising heat of the moment. She herself was enjoying the situation, half-conscious of its erotic overtones, and she was eager to complete Margaret’s humiliation. So with no further ado, she brought her hands down in a vicious tickling attack on the brunette’s exposed ribcage!


The crowd loved it! “STRIP HER!” someone yelled. Loud cheers greeted this suggestion—and Tanya didn’t need to be asked twice! Deftly, she removed Margaret’s shorts. Helping hands darted through the ring ropes to pluck the brunette’s running shoes from her feet, leaving her clad only in skimpy black panties and white ankle socks.

Margaret was weeping with shame, yet gasping with passion. The feelings that possessed her mind and body were confusing and contradictory—a potent combination of humiliation and exhilaration. As Tanya resumed her assault on Margaret’s ribcage, the howling brunette wished nothing more than to have her stiff nipples tortured too…

The volume of her laughter and the intensity of her struggles inspired some of the girls at ringside to join the fun. They snagged the brunette's kicking feet and began to stroke her sensitive soles through the thin socks. In the process, Margaret’s legs were forced apart. Tanya took advantage of the situation to torment her victim’s nipples with one hand while stroking her moist cleft through the panties with the other. In short order, the brunette was writhing with complete sexual abandon, squealing with laughter—and begging for more!

Tanya rocketed her helpless victim over the edge by wiggling her nimble fingers inside Margaret’s panties while bending to suck on an erect, aching nipple. The buxom brunette moaned with delight as a fingertip caressed her engorged love button. A moment later she arched her back, wiggled her hips and started to cum her idiotic BRAINS out—!

Grunting, laughing and sweating, Margaret writhed in orgasmic ecstasy. The pleasure was so intense that her mind and body couldn’t stand it for long. The brunette passed out with a final gasp of delight on her lips and she was in a dark place far, far away when Robbie jumped into the ring with a blanket.

“I think that’s enough!” she told the avidly staring audience of Lambda and Theta girls. “We’ll take care of her. She needs to go home.”

The shapely blonde covered Margaret with the blanket. Then she, Darlene and Tanya hauled the nearly naked brunette out of the ring.

Considering the show they’d just witnessed, the girls of Lambda House could not complain about losing the competition—and the party cabin—for a year. The punch flowed, the Grudge Party went on, and the humiliating defeat of Professor Stanley at the hands of Tanya Johnson was the subject of much laughing conversation into the wee hours of the morning.

Meanwhile Professor Stanley—who had not been taken home—was spending those same wee hours as the guest of honor at a very private party…


anya and the roomies had spirited the brunette across campus to Theta House. They knew that because of the Grudge Party they’d have the place to themselves. And most particularly, they would have the Pledge Room to themselves.

Unless a brisk spanking with the ritual paddle could be classified as torture, it would have been inaccurate to describe the Pledge Room a torture chamber. It was, rather, the place where Theta pledges underwent the various humiliations and rigors required to qualify as full-fledged sisters of the sorority. In particular, it was equipped with several means of restraint, the better to concentrate the attention of misbehaving pledges…

Margaret awoke to find herself being hoisted up onto a leather-covered table. She was placed in a kneeling position, her wrists were bound with a leather strap, and her arms were hoisted high above her head. A gentle hand parted her thighs and her ankles were strapped down with her feet over the edge of the table.

The brunette shivered—partly from fear, partly because she was still naked except for panties and ankle socks. Though the lights were low, she could make out the forms of Robbie, Darlene and the leggy Tanya. And then she noticed something else. Her three captors had also stripped down to their panties! Margaret’s throat constricted in terror and delight at the thought of being tickle-tortured by these three bare-breasted beauties.

“Hello, Margaret,” Robbie said sweetly. “That was quite a performance you put on at Lambda House. We really enjoyed it. I think you did, too.”

“I think Margaret wants more tickling,” Darlene added. “She just loves being tickled and tickled and tickled…”

“Does she? Mmmm, let’s see how much she can take,” Tanya suggested with a salacious smile.

The brunette finally found her voice. “No!” she cried. “Oh please please PLEASE don’t TICKLE me—!”

But she didn’t really mean it. Indeed, the brunette hoped to egg them on with her pleas for mercy. And it worked!

Darlene stepped around the table to stare avidly at Margaret’s beautiful behind, which was barely covered by her scanty black panties “Hey, Robbie, did you bring the stuff?” she asked.

“Sure did!” the shapely blonde replied. “It’s all in the book bag.”

“I need a feather,” the curvaceous redhead giggled.

Robbie fished a long, stiff goose feather out of the bag and handed it to her roomie. Darlene grinned and began to taunt the trembling brunette.

“Are you ticklish back here, Margaret?” she snickered. “Are you ticklish on that cute butt, hmmm? Let’s find out!”

Darlene yanked down the panties and Robbie, standing in front, completed the job by ripping them off. Margaret’s skin crawled in dread anticipation of the ticklish agonies to come—then Darlene swept the feather lightly up her butt crack!


She bucked and writhed madly as the feather danced between her sweet, quivering cheeks. The indescribable sensation sent thrill after ticklish thrill racing through her nervous system—and in no time at all Margaret was screaming with laughter at the top of her LUNGS—!

Tanya watched with hot eyes as the buxom brunette’s large, firm breasts bounced and jiggled. When Robbie handed her a feather, she used it to caress a stiff nipple. “Does that feel good…?” she whispered.


But the leggy blonde was enjoying herself far too much to allow her victim any respite! Margaret’s shrieks of ticklish torment and pleas for mercy were music to Tanya’s ears—never before had she experienced such a magnificent feeling of power! Ah, how she relished her ability to make the brunette squirm and squeal with just the lightest touch of a feather!

Meanwhile, Darlene was continuing her assault from behind. Now she was dipping the feather lower, between Margaret’s thighs, to tease her throbbing love button. The brunette wiggled her hips furiously in a futile attempt to achieve orgasm. But Darlene denied her that blessed relief, stroking just enough to make Margaret sob with sexual frustration when she wasn’t busy laughing her silly stupid HEAD off—!

Removing a third feather from the backpack, Robbie joined in the fun. She concentrated on the brunette’s belly button, inserting the tip of the feather and twirling it rapidly—whereupon Margaret did her best to turn herself inside out! Tickled to distraction and writhing with unfulfilled lust, she entreated her trio of tormenters to give her the sweet release she BURNED for—!


“Oh, the poor BABY!" Robbie chuckled.

“I think she wants to cum,” Darlene said. “Is that it, Professor? Do you want to CUM?”


“Well, I don’t think we should let her cum,” Robbie said. “I haven’t even tickled her armpits YET!”

“And I haven’t even tickled her FEET!” Darlene added.

Suiting the action to the word, the randy roomies shifted to these new targets, leaving Margaret’s breasts, belly and loins at the mercy of the leggy blonde. The brunette scarcely felt it when Darlene tugged off her socks, because Tanya was now very close…she was licking her lips…and she was leaning forward to take a rigid, yearning nipple into her mouth…

Where once the tip of a feather had once danced, now only Tanya’s gentle hand explored. She found the brunette’s throbbing pleasure button…and rolled it between her thumb and forefinger…

The aching muscles in Margaret’s legs, belly and buttocks tensed. The roomies were still tickling her armpits and feet, and she was still laughing like a total IDIOT idiot—but the brunette’s attention was becoming totally focused on the joyous, swelling sensation between her thighs. Gooseflesh roughened her skin, making the hairs on her arms spring to attention…

Tanya’s other hand was inside her own panties. The leggy blonde stroked her moist slit with stiff, demanding fingers. She shivered in response to the excruciatingly delightful sensation that was creeping along her nervous system. Small shocks of anticipatory pleasure shot through her breasts and belly. She could feel a hot, urgent, orgasmic thrill building in her loins. Tanya sucked harder on the squirming brunette’s breast…


“OH!!!” Tanya shouted. “OH-OH-OOH-OOOOH-OOOOOOOOH!!!

The roomies stepped back to enjoy the spectacle as the buxom brunette and the leggy blonde wiggled their hips, trembled, gasped and moaned in the throes of simultaneous orgasm! It was a hilarious performance and when it was over Tanya expressed her approval of the experience by covering her gasping victim’s torso with passionate kisses!

“Maybe we should let Coach Johnson put Margaret to bed,” Darlene whispered as she watched the leggy blonde release the gasping brunette from her bonds.

“Then who’s gonna put me to bed?” Robbie pouted.

“Hey, who’s your best friend?” the curvaceous redhead replied with a wink and an intimate caress.

So Tanya agreed to take Margaret home and put her to bed—which didn’t necessarily mean that the exhausted brunette would be getting any sleep! No, Margaret was destined to spend the next several hours in bondage to the desires of the leggy blonde. As for Robbie and Darlene, they adjourned to their room to quench a few desires of their own. The randy roomies were sleeping blissfully in one another’s arms when their Theta sisters finally rolled in just before dawn…

(To Be Continued!)​
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