On November 24, 1971 a man entered the Portland Oregon airport. Using the name Dan Cooper he bought a ticket on Northwest Airlines Flight 305 to Seattle Washington. Shorty after take off he contacted a flight attendant and announced a hijacking, claiming to have a bomb.
Landing in Seattle, Cooper received $200,000 in twenty dollar bills and four parachutes, then released the passengers. He told the pilot to set a course for Mexico City, which required a fuel stop in Reno Nevada. Somewhere over Washington State Cooper lowered the aft door and jumped into the night. In 1980 $5,600 of the ransom money was found by an eight year old boy, some 40 miles from where Cooper supposedly jumped.
Is it possible Cooper survived the jump, living out his life in quiet anonymity?
Landing in Seattle, Cooper received $200,000 in twenty dollar bills and four parachutes, then released the passengers. He told the pilot to set a course for Mexico City, which required a fuel stop in Reno Nevada. Somewhere over Washington State Cooper lowered the aft door and jumped into the night. In 1980 $5,600 of the ransom money was found by an eight year old boy, some 40 miles from where Cooper supposedly jumped.
Is it possible Cooper survived the jump, living out his life in quiet anonymity?