Here's a thread to vent those little rants...
There's a song... "Little Things mean a Lot" and they do!
Although the song speaks of other things, mostly good things, it holds true in all areas of life. We all know about the big things that piss you off like coming out of the mall only to find someone has backed into and severely dented your car, having someone break into your house while on vacation and trash your house while robbing you blind... those are no-brainers...
But what about those little things?
Little things like... the guy that sits behind you in the theater and talks during the whole movie, or the idiot who pulls out in front of you while you are driving and makes you slow down only to turn onto another street three blocks later, or going into the bathroom only to find, at an inconvienient time, that someone has used most or all of the toilet paper and has neglected to replace the roll, or the person who types in cyber-abbriviations to the point where trying to read their posts creates a headache... I could go on and on... but you get the idea.
Feel free to vent and place those little rants here...
There's a song... "Little Things mean a Lot" and they do!
Although the song speaks of other things, mostly good things, it holds true in all areas of life. We all know about the big things that piss you off like coming out of the mall only to find someone has backed into and severely dented your car, having someone break into your house while on vacation and trash your house while robbing you blind... those are no-brainers...
But what about those little things?
Little things like... the guy that sits behind you in the theater and talks during the whole movie, or the idiot who pulls out in front of you while you are driving and makes you slow down only to turn onto another street three blocks later, or going into the bathroom only to find, at an inconvienient time, that someone has used most or all of the toilet paper and has neglected to replace the roll, or the person who types in cyber-abbriviations to the point where trying to read their posts creates a headache... I could go on and on... but you get the idea.
Feel free to vent and place those little rants here...