My most cherished chum, I know that stern responsibility tugs upon your effort and attention from a dozen different directions these days (not least of which, from your own recent monumental contribution to our Community's lasting mythos, the completion of your epic Bounce/TIS crossover, Origins II! My own commitments have rendered me tardy in enjoying and responding to its wonders... please depend that I'll do so as soon as I can possibly manage!)... I'm most honored and joyful that you made the time to reply! I can't thank you enough for your words of praise, and especially for the chance to portray the peerless Captain Dusty, most daringly endowed of fetish characters! Being permitted to team her up with darling Teeva was a once-in-a-lifetime chance that I've paid my own mountain of platinum to experience! My timid attempt to recapture the unfettered, unashamed roller-coaster ride that is TIS (bathing it in cool blue light for abstraction purposes!) barely hints at the wild wonders your landmark series sustained for so long... yet a tribute to Dusty would have seemed pallid without it! She's a stunning creation, and I loved every moment I was privileged to draw her! I pray the opportunity will arise soon again!
Grateful thanks, too, for your kind mention of the watch-dragons! That was dream imagery... literally! They haunted my sleep (in a harmless, entertaining way), forty-plus years ago! I never had an excuse to employ 'em before now... it really pays to have a long memory!
One of the most thrilling features of our Community is that we have your hard-earned productivity, creative genius and selfless, cheerful enthusiasm to inspire and delight us! It means so much more to me than my comix tribute can adequately express! I, for one, will never be out of your debt... that won't keep me from continually trying to make good, though! Please keep on (to the the degree that outside responsibilities will let you) doing all the things for us that you do so uniquely well! Your ongoing, enduring legend make me try all the harder!