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The Masked Tickler - M/F (new story)


TMF Poster
Jun 29, 2001
Thought I'd sit down and write a few stories about my alter ego the Masked Tickler. This is the first instalment and I hope you like it.

The Masked Tickler and the Golden Goddess

Sitting quietly in front of his computer screen monitoring the cities activities, the Masked Tickler waits for any sign of trouble. There had been a rash of bank robberies over the past several months and the Masked Tickler was stumped as to who the criminal mastermind was behind the mayhem. The most well known Criminals were already securely locked behind bars or under close observation in the asylum. There must be some new villain in town. Suddenly, the trip sensor he had secretly placed in the Third National Bank vault went off. He quickly accessed the external cameras outside the bank to see if he could determine who the robber might be. The only thing he saw was a green car parked in the back of the alley behind the Bank. He watched and waited, a short time later a dark figure appeared and threw a large bag into the backseat and then drove the green car off into the city. The Masked Tickler quickly punched up the tracking device he had placed in one of the stacks of $100 bills in the vault, “Good” he thought, the bait had been taken. He tracked the car down to a lone building down at the shipyard.

Quickly jumped into the Tickle-Mobile (a customized Black Prowler) and sped off to the shipyard.

He pulled up and parked the Tickle-Mobile a block before the building that the car had been tracked to. Quietly he made his way through the shadows to the lone, dark, three-story building. He searched all around the structure, but found no open door and all the windows were boarded up. He looked up and decided that perhaps there would be a way in from the roof. Taking out his rope and hook from the utility belt he tossed the hook up and it wrapped around a sturdy pole, giving it a jerk to make sure it would hold he climbed to the roof. Looking across the roof the only thing there was a large 6’ by 6’ Skylight, strange enough there was light coming from inside the building. He crept up to the skylight and peered down inside. Directly below the window he saw it, a large King-size bed, but that’s not what caught his eye. What did was the tall Blonde that was lying on the bed covered with money, the money from the bank. The woman was lying on her stomach and from what he could tell wasn’t wearing anything other than the $100 bills. The skylight was padlocked from the outside, taking out a mini torch he cut the lock off, keeping an eye on the blonde. She hadn’t moved for sometime, he felt that she must have fallen asleep. He cautiously opened the skylight and propped it open, then wrapped his cloak of invisibility around him, with this cloak no one would be able to see him and he would be able to move freely. Lowering himself through the skylight he landed on his feet next to the bed, but the drop was a little far and the Blonde sat up in bed.

“WHO’S THERE!” she called out.

She looked across the empty room as the Masked Tickler admired her attractive form from only a couple of feet away. After several moments of silence the Blonde woman rolled backover and played with the money she was laying on.

“Who would have though that this Podunk town would be such an easy and profitable place to set up my new headquarters.” She said

“The Golden Goddess thinks she has found a new home. I’ll clean this place out of every cent it has and there’s no one that’s going to stop me.” She said throwing a handful of $100’s in the air over her.

“That’s what you think” The Masked Tickler said in his deep mysterious voice.

Sitting up quickly and looking around the room the “Goddess” tried to see who was in her lair.

“Who said that?” she asked to the seemingly empty room.

Again the Masked Tickler kept quiet wanting to see if there might be more information he could learn about this new Villainess. The Goddess waited and watched for something or someone to move, but nothing happened.

“Hmm, I must be getting paranoid, either that or I need to get some sleep, these late night robberies really take their toll. I must remember to stash this money tomorrow with the rest of the loot in my secret holding vault.” She said as she stretched herself out across the money-covered bed.

With all the moving around she had done, the Masked Tickler could now see that she was at least wearing golden silk panties and matching silk bra. On the ground beside the bed was a black jumpsuit and boots.

To make sure she was out, the Masked Tickler took out a small vile of tranquilizer and held it under her nose, it had a sweet smell that was pleasing, this made it easier for the one it was used on to inhale it. After a minute he placed the cap back on the vile. Removing the cloak, the Masked Tickler stood there pondering what to do about the “Golden Goddess”.

“So she’s got the stolen goods stored away in a secret location. Hmm, I really can’t turn her in without getting everything back. I’ll have to findout where she’s hidden the stuff…..but how?” he thought

Then it came to him. “I’ll just have to do what the Masked Tickler does best…hehehe.”

Brushing the money off the bed onto the floor He rolled the Goddess over on her back. Taking out the tickle cuffs and restraints he went to work. Cuffing her wrists he then tied them over her head to the underside of the bed. Then he took each ankle and tied it to the corners at the foot of the bed. He then took out another set of restraints and placed one around each leg just above the knee and then tied the ends together under the bed to hold her legs in place.

“Now, just a little test before I revive her.” He said lowering a finger down to her soft smooth bare sole.

Running his finger lightly up and down the sole he watched as the foot twitched and a mild grin fell across the Goddess’s face.

“Good, I think this will work very nicely” he thought to himself
“Time to wake up Sleeping beauty” he said

Wrapping the Cloak back around himself, the Masked Tickler pulled out another vile and removed the cap. Waving it under the Goddess’s nose he watched as she began to come out of her sound slumber. She blinked her eyes trying to focus and as her head started to clear she made an attempt to sit up, but unfortunately couldn’t.

“Hey” she said trying to move her arms and legs.

Reality set in as she realized her predicament. “What the…What’s going on here!” she called out struggling.

She heard no reply, arching her head all she could see was the money scattered on the floor and her body tied to the bed. Her feet dangled slightly off the end of the bed. Then what she heard next sent a chill up her spine, the room seemed to fill with a sinister laugh, it came from all directions.

“Hehehehehe hehehehe hahaha”

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” she yelled

The only reply she got was the same laugh filling the room.

“Hehehehehe hehehehe hahaha”

“WHO ARE YOU!!” She Screamed

From all around her she heard a voice say “Who I am isn’t important. What I am is.”

With a frightened, wide-eyed look the Goddess frantically tried to look around. Deciding to take the bold approach she demanded her release.

“I really don’t care who or What you are, if you know what is good for you…You’ll let me go”

The Masked tickler responded, “I’ll tell you what. Tell me where you have stored the other things you have stolen and I’ll consider releasing you.”

Trying to pull her arms free the Goddess denied his offer. “Not Hardly, I’ll never tell where MY things are hidden. Especially to YOU!”

“You know, I was honestly hoping you’d say something like that.” He replied

Reaching down to the floor, the Masked Tickler picked up one of the crisp new $100 bills. Out of the corner of her eye the Goddess could see the lone bill rising from the floor. Still struggling she watched as the Bill floated up and hovered over her.

“Put that down, It’s Mine! Let me up!” she demanded

“You know, Gold really isn’t your color. Personally, I think you would look better in a nice shade of Pink,” he replied as he lowered the Bill down towards her tight bare stomach.

Having no idea what the voice was talking about the Goddess stared at the floating Bill, she could only think of how she would tear this guy apart when she got free.

“Yes, a nice shade of Pink, perhaps TICKLED Pink would look good on you.” He said as he brushed the tip of the $100 bill back and forth across her bare tummy.

The Goddess to a sudden breath and held it as the Bill lightly tickled her exposed tummy, she was normally just a little ticklish, but she had never been totally restrained this way and tickle tortured. The Bill lightly grazed back and forth just below her belly button, the effect was very annoying. She tried to shift from side to side but could move only a little. The Masked tickler already knew from his little test earlier that the Goddess was ticklish, it was just going to be a matter of time until he found the right spot that would break his determined captive.

The sinister laugh filled the room again as the Bill began to make slow circles around and around her belly button.

“You honestly think this is going to make me talk, HA you’re not as smart as you think you are.” She snapped at him

Unable to see the Masked Tickler he lowered his free hand down to her armpit and began to wiggle his fingers.

“This might not make you talk, but what about THIS.” He said as his wiggling fingers made contact with the soft smooth skin of her underarm.

This caught her totally off guard, she let out a squeal as the invisible fingers made contact and tickled her.

EEEEEEP AHAHAHAahaaahhahaahahahahahahahHAHAHahaha.

“Cut that out!” she yelled

She twisted her body trying to pull away from the tickling. His fingers teased and wiggled down her rib cage and side as he stroked the Bill down the inside of her thigh.

“Now, are we going to be a good girl and tell where the secret hiding place is?” he asked resting the $100 bill on her tummy.

Hehehehe NO hahahahaha Not a chance ahahahahahhahahhahahhahaha.

Suddenly the tickling stopped. The Goddess caught her breath, and waited she knew that he hadn’t given up, but since she couldn’t see him she had no idea where or when he would strike next.

“Suit yourself then, we have all night”

Without warning, He started tickling her sides, just above the hip with both hands. She burst into full-blown laughter, her sides were a definite weak spot for her.


She jerked from side to side the invisible tickle attack was driving her crazy.

“Speak up, tell me and I’ll stop.” He said as he danced his fingers back and forth across her tummy.


Tickling from her hips to her armpits for several minutes was sheer torture for her, but she managed to hold out and not give up the location of the stolen goods. Her upper body was ticklish, but not her most ticklish place.

“Are we having fun? Are we ready to tell the location?” he said as he continued to tickle his victim.


Again, the tickling suddenly stopped, the Goddess fell limp against the bed, mildly giggling as she caught her breath. Her body had begun to glisten with perspiration. Thinking she’d finally won and her captor had given up she spoke.

“Giving up are we? HA I told you it would never work. Release me now and maybe I’ll share some of my acquired wealth with you.” Trying to work out some deal.

“I’ve hardly given up, that was just the warm-up. Your wealth isn’t yours to keep or to bargain with.” The Masked Tickler replied

From the corner of her eye the Goddess could see another crisp $100 bill rise from the floor it hovered in the air for a moment. From the other side of the bed another $100 bill rose and floated in the air now there were two bills twirling in the air.

“I think it’s time we get serious here, we should get down to business.” He said as he twirled the bills

The Goddess watched as the bills twirled and floated down from above her sides, down past her hips then over her legs. She knew that there was only one place they were going. She gave a mildly panic look as they finally floated over her helpless feet. Not wanting to give away the fact that her feet were the most ticklish spot, the Goddess put on a firm look of anger. She tried to focus her mind on anything but the thought of what the bills would feel like against her soles.

The Masked Tickler lowered the bills slowly then started stroking them up and down each sole slowly I an attempt to break her resolve. The Goddess threw her head back and bit her lip trying not to laugh, she knew that if she started laughing she would eventually be done for. The bills tickled and stroked up and down, then with the pointed corners he started twirling small circles in the soft instep.

This was driving her crazy, small beads of sweat started forming on her upper lip, her feet started to twitch and her toes involuntarily curled. The Masked Tickler knew she would break soon, he brushed back and forth across the toes as they curled. Her legs then started to bounce. He felt that a little teasing might speed things up.

In a ghostly voice, “Tickle tickle tickle”

Her lip started to quiver, she squeezed her eyes shut tight, the tickling continued. Turning up the heat a little more the Masked Tickler tickled the right foot with his fingers. Rapidly scratching them under the ball of her foot. The Goddess couldn’t take it, she burst into laughter pleading for the tickling to stop.


“Oh, are we having a change of heart?” he replied

Tickling both feet with his fingers he watched as her toes flexed and curled rhythmically. He continued to verbally tease and taunt his victim.

“Kitchy kitchy Koooooooooooo tickletickletickletickle”


The Goddess fell limp on the bed still giggling as the tingles slowly left her feet. Her feet were her worst spot to be tickled and she knew that she’d never hold out under the Masked Ticklers attack. She reluctantly revealed the location of her secret vault.

“The vault is located in the abandoned subway station downtown. Now please let me go I’ll never steal again. I Promise.” She said

“The Old Subway station, I should have known” the Masked Tickler replied

Removing his cloak revealing himself to the Goddess he looked down on her sweat soaked face and body. His Gray eyes peered through his mask.

“Thank you for the information, but I can’t let you go, that will be up to the police and a Jury of your peers. I’ll just have to leave you here for the Police to pick you up.” He explained

“NO! Please let me go, Don’t leave me here like this.” She pleaded

“Don’t worry the police will be here soon enough, and just to show you what a nice guy I am, I’ll leave you with a little something to keep yourself amused” he said as he removed a small metal can from his utility belt.

From the can the Masked Tickler sprayed what looked like whip cream up and down each side, across her tummy and her soles.

“HEY! That’s cold what is that? Whip cream? What you some kind of Kinky Perv or something?” she said

“It’s just a little something I like to call Liquid feathers, it stimulates the nerves like little feathers, it should keep you amused for a while until the police arrive. Anyway, have fun.” he said as he climbed his way back up the skylight.

When he got to the roof he could hear the Goddess as she started giggling, the Liquid feathers had begun to work its magic.

HEHEHehehehheheheheheheheheheahahhahahahaehhehahhahahahahhaha nooooooooooooohahahahhhaha”

Back at the Tickle Mobile the Masked Tickler radioed in to the police to pick up the Goddess in her lair. The Dispatcher that received the Masked Ticklers call was Tamara Leu a new officer that just transferred from Capitol city.

“This is the Masked Tickler, There’s a package that’s ready to be picked up down at the Shipyard. I’m going to get the stolen money and jewels and return them to the rightful owners.” He said

“Great work Masked Tickler, there’s a car on the way we’ll clean things up” Tamara said

Tamara thought to herself, “That voice, it sounds familiar, but I can’t quite place it. Wait! Could that be Brian? No, it couldn’t be I haven’t seen him since the Academy. But maybe……..”

To be continued

Next issue: Masked Tickler gets a new sidekick
Now that's one superhero I'd like to see in a major motion picture! :devil:

Well done!
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