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The Memory Remains


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
I’d been planning this for months now, ever since you’d confessed this particular little fantasy to me. Lying there in bed, bodies wrapped together in the aftermath of a particularly inventive bout of lovemaking we’d started talking about what we fantasised about, given money and time were no object of course. For the most part it was just that, fantasies, but as soon as you told me this one, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to let it go. Lying there in the dark as you whispered “you’d make me your slave, tie me, tease me, tickle me, fuck me, whatever you wanted” and I knew that was one dream that I had to make come true.

It hadn’t been easy. Even thinking about that situation on my own was enough to bring images to mind of intricate bondage and sensual torture to make the Marquis De Sade look like Mary Whitehouse and I knew that if I ever got to actually do any of those things with you your very presence would make me want to go even further. I started planning at the beginning of April, and it would take until mid June before everything would come together.

First, and most important, I’d need somewhere with a lot of space that I could set up in advance and where there’d be no-one around to hear your laughter. That turned out to be the easy bit, as I talked a friend into loaning me his parents’ beach cottage for a while. They rented it out in the summer, so I had till the start of July to get everything ready. Better yet it was set well back in the sand dunes, and the immediate area around it was actually considered private property. Not that it would make much difference, until the tourist season kicked off those dunes were more or less deserted.

The hard part was in planning exactly what I’d need to make this fantasy special. I suspected you’d have settled for a large bed, some handcuffs and a feather, but I’ve always been a believer in doing something properly, and frankly I really wanted this to not only live up to your expectations but also surpass them. It took the best part of six weeks, grabbing what time I could without making you too suspicious, to get everything built, and another two to get it all in place.

It seemed that this was going to be one of those rare weekends when everything seemed, well, almost perfect. The sun was blazing, it was way warmer than usual for that time of year, more like August than June, and if the weather forecast was to be believed it was going to be like this all weekend long. I’d hired a little Lotus sports car and we had the top down and the tape deck playing as we headed out along the beach road. I was trying desperately hard to keep the grin off my face, you knew me too well to see a full-on Cheshire cat grin and not think something was up and I really didn’t want to spoil the surprise. You had your head resting on my shoulder, your hair being caught gently by the wind, tickling my slightly and it was the closest I’ve ever been to heaven. Finally we arrived at the cabin and I grabbed the luggage (a swimsuit each, a change of clothes, and that was about it) and opened up the front door, holding it open to let you in first. You slipped past, turning to brush your lips on mine as you went, turned back and stopped dead.

The cottage was set up so the front door opened right onto the main room and I’d spent some considerable time getting everything to look right. I’d put spotlights around the room to highlight the more impressive of the displays and rigged them to come on when the front door was opened. One light shone on an open cupboard that seemed to hold every sort of feather and brush known to man, each in their own holder and in perfect condition. Another light showed a matched set of shackles, two attached to hooks in the ceiling, two directly to the floor. A third revealed an odd set of straps hanging from the ceiling, all of them padded and gleaming menacingly in the light. But it was the last object that captured your attention.

There, in the centre of the room was a large wooden X frame, but like none you’d ever seen before. There were restraints at the end points of the X, another set about halfway down the each beam and a wider one in the middle. All over the X were holes, some so small it looked like a pencil would have a hard time fitting through, others big enough to fit an arm or leg through. It was finished in a black satin effect that reflected every single bit of light in the room and gave it a distinctly menacing look. I saw your eyes flick back and forth between the X and the ‘tool’ cabinet, as if your mind couldn’t quite believe what you were seeing. Finally you turned round and looked up at me, and I saw the question in your eyes before you asked it.

“What…” you started but I cut across you “Oh, didn’t I mention, as of dawn tomorrow, you’re here to be my tickle slave for the weekend my love. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you enjoy yourself, well, for some of the time at least.”

“Dawn tomorrow, but, umm, why not, well, why wait?” You ask, and I’m glad to see you’ve accepted this so quickly and easily. “Two reasons my love, one, I want to give you some time to think about what exactly I’m going to do to your body once you’re tied up, stretched out and helpless, watching those swirling feathers descend towards your naked, soft skin. Reason two, while I do want to hear you scream tonight, I want it to be for a slightly different reason.”

So saying I scoped you up in my arms and headed for the bedroom. I laid you down on the bed and slid your top up over you head, and slid the skirt from around your waist. I started at the top of your head and worked my way down, kissing, licking and nibbling every inch of flesh, occasionally pressing in just the right way to make you giggle and jump slightly. I kept moving down your body, over your ribs and stomach hoping that you were excited enough not to realise I wasn’t just being a little clumsy in my motions, but was testing every tickle spot on your body to get an idea of where to start in the morning. By the time I reached your waist you were moaning and wriggling under me, but I kept up the slow, deliberate pace, hooking your panties as I went and rolling them down your legs just ahead of my wet, willing mouth. As they slipped past your toes I shifted slightly and started to rub and suck your feet, being careful to keep my actions deliberate to avoid tickling you if I could. There’d be plenty of time for that later, right now I wanted to take you right to your limit before I pushed you over the edge, hoping that I’d be able to make this seem like a mere shiver over the next two days.

I managed to keep you on the edge for another half an hour, until you were literally panting for release, then I made the fatal mistake of looking right into your eyes and the look of sheer need I saw there overrode anything else I may have done. We came together in a shuddering climax that left us both drained and exhausted in the bed. Almost automatically we moved together, curling up as I reached down and pulled a sheet over our entwined bodies. You fell asleep almost immediately and I soon felt myself following. My last proper thought before sleep claimed me was, despite how beautiful you looked curled up against me now, you’d look even better when you were begging for mercy in the morning….

Part 2
I woke with the feeling that something was wrong, or at least out of the ordinary. I guess I must have been more tired than I thought, as it took me a few seconds to come fully awake, and that proved to be a big mistake. Still slightly dazed I opened my eyes and blinked to try and clear my vision. It didn’t work, and I heard a click from somewhere above my head as something cold encircled both wrists. Finally I came to properly as I realised what was going on, my hands were caught, I presumed with a set of handcuffs and the pressure over my eyes suggested a blindfold of some sort. Denied any chance to fight back, I resorted to the only weapon I had left and started talking.

“Umm, Destiny, what are you doing?”

“Just carrying out my fantasy my love, that is why we’re here isn’t it?” I swear I could hear the smile in your voice, and decided I had nothing to loose by trying to maintain some semblance of confidence.

“Well, if this is your fantasy, I think you’ve got it back to front, aren’t you the one that’s supposed to be in chains?”

“Later lover, later. You see, there’s something I guess I forgot to mention when I described all this to you. And as you so kindly provided both the toys and the body I couldn’t resist trying this. ”

“Try what?” I ask, and I couldn’t quite keep my voice from wavering as the possible answers to that question flashed through my mind.

“Well, first I’m going to slide your cock inside me,” you tease, matching your actions to the words as you straddled my body and worked me in until you were sitting astride my hips, effectively pinning me to the bed. “And, as it’s far too early for me to be doing such strenuous work, I’ll give you some encouragement to move for me.” So saying you drove your fingers into my ribs and dug in!

I’m insanely ticklish at the best of times, and caught like this, still only just coming to terms with what was happening, I had no chance of offering any sort of resistance whatsoever. I exploded with laughter and tried to throw you off me, trying to find any leverage I could to escape those maddening fingers. But it was hopeless, you knew exactly what you were doing when you set me up like this, I couldn’t get a grip on anything with my hands, and you were perfectly positioned to eliminate any chance of being able to get my legs under me. My only real chance was to try and buck hard enough to throw you off, and in the process of course I’d be giving you exactly what you wanted. The only problem was my pride wasn’t going to let me give in that easily and I fought to keep still as the rest of my self-control dissolved.

I knew I couldn’t hold on to even that small a victory for long, but apparently that surrender wasn’t going to come soon enough for you. Your fingers shifted, one hand moving up to tickle my armpits and neck, the other moving across and down slightly to torture my stomach and belly button. That was just too much for me to take, and I started writhing under you, trying to sink down into the bed before throwing my hips upwards to try and stop your relentless probing. I came close a couple of times, then felt your legs slide around my body and squeeze me as you rode me despite my best efforts to dislodge you.

“Noooo, plehehehase Destinahahahahy, stopppp, I can’tttt take this, stopstopstop, no mororore, pleaseStop!” I was going insane, your fingers seemed to be everywhere from my waist to my neck, never giving me a break or chance to catch my breath and I was becoming exhausted from the efforts to pitch your body off mine. Suddenly you stopped, yanking your fingers away as if they’d been burned.

“Okay, okay, as you asked so nicely, I’ll give you a short break” you practically purr at me, and I suddenly realise just how wet this has made you as you slide your hips in a slow circle around my trapped cock. You pause for about a second before continuing “There, did you enjoy it?” and your hands dive back into my armpits sending me straight back to hell. You start to squeeze harder with your thighs and through the laughter, I realise you’re only moments away from coming. Figuring that my best bet for getting out of this situation is to give you exactly what you want, I fight to get some rhythm in my movement and just for a second it seems like it may be working as a groan escapes your lips. Then you lean over me and start flicking your hair over my chest and stomach. The extra sensations are too much and I start thrashing wildly under you, any semblance of rhythm gone as I struggle to breathe, I can’t even laugh any more and my mouth hangs open as I gasp for air as best I can. Suddenly I feel you clench around me and then your orgasm sweeps over you, your cries the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard as you draw out your pleasure as long as you possible can.

You slide off and pull the blindfold from my eyes, unlock the handcuffs and slide down besides me, and suddenly I realise that there was something else going on here besides your surprise attack. Without it, I know I’d have been unable to resist you as you writhed and screamed under my touch, and wouldn’t have been able to keep focused on fulfilling your fantasy. Now, the thought of sweet revenge would give me extra incentive to focus on the job at hand. I gaze down into your eyes and see just a hint of smugness at what you’d done, and decide its time for some payback…

I slide one hand down your body, and slip it under your legs, rolling you slightly so that you’re half on top of me. I guess you were expecting me to be a bit out of it for a while after what you just put me through, as you get caught completely by surprise as I sweep you up in one motion and get my feet on the floor. I move as quickly as I can while making sure not to drop you as you squirm to try and get away, but you’ve got no purchase, no grip and it’s only a few steps into the main room. I head for the left of the room, towards the matched set of ceiling and floor shackles trying to work out how the hell I’m going to get you strapped in place without letting you slip away. I decide to take the easy option and drop to the ground, making sure to cushion your body with mine, relying on the surprise of the fall to give me the second or two I need. As soon as you’re on the ground I flip round and, still lying on the ground, lock first the left then the right ankle cuffs into place. You’re twisting round but it’s already too late and I shift so that I’m kneeling over your back, wrap my arms around your waist and pull you upright, giving you enough time to get your feet under you as we go. Again, your surprise at the speed of the motion works in my favour and I get your right arm up and locked in place before you get a chance to try and yank your wrist from my grasp. I get your left hand up high enough to reach the cuff but you’re fighting back now and I can’t quite get the leverage I need to secure you. Not wanting to give you any chance to fight back, I drop my face to your neck, lock my lips loosely around your skin and start blowing, goosing your skin and making you squeal. Automatically you jerk your head to the left and your body shifts with it, just giving me enough reach to secure your wrist. I step back and walk around you slowly admiring every curve as you pull at your bonds, trying to find a way out of this predicament.

I give you some time to get used to your position, keeping a careful eye on the restraints to make sure they’re not too tight or uncomfortable. After a few minutes you stop twisting and settle down, seemingly accepting your fate, at least for now. That look of defiance is still in your eyes and the look you give me as I stare at you is loaded with equal parts challenge, pride, apprehension and lust.

“Okay, you’ve got me, but you know you’re not going to break me so why bother?” you ask in a display of bravado that definitely isn’t matched by your body language.

“You’re very confident for someone in such a compromising position.” I note, running my fingers over your upper body as I do so, light fleeting touches that threaten to tickle but aren’t quite hard enough to make you do more than flinch. I come closer, dropping my voice as low as I can while still being audible “I’m going to reduce you to a laughing, hysterical, mess my dear Destiny, and I’m going to enjoy doing it. And at the end you’ll be so desperate you will be begging fo..”

You cut across me, “Oh, I’m going to beg for you to stop? ‘Oh please, I’m too ticklish, please stop’ that sort of thing? I don’t think so, there’s no way I’ll do that.” You reply, sarcasm and defiance dripping from every word, that confidence on display again as I move away towards the small kitchen. As I reach the door, I turn and leave you with something to think about:

“To stop? No my love, you won’t be pleading for mercy, you’ll be begging for more.”

I’m only gone for a minute or two, just long enough to grab a much-needed drink and to check a couple of surprises I had lined up. I grab a stool and sit down in front of you, and again run my eyes over your body. You really do look gorgeous spread out like this, still flushed from the combination of sex and struggle that got you into this position in the first place. In my right hand I’m holding a long, stiff white feather and I start twirling it between my fingers as I stare into your eyes. A small moan escapes your lips and I start slowly circling you, getting a little closer with each step until finally I’m standing right behind you. I slip both arms around your waist, the left holding your body still, the right bringing the feather up and waving it slowly in front of your face. I feel you tense as I move the feather down and edge it closer to your skin. Closer and closer, circling your breasts until finally it makes contact, long sweeping motions across the surface of both breasts, tickling but also deliberately intended to turn you on and the sounds you’re making seem to match this, a mix of giggling and moaning that’s intoxicating. But this is only the warm up after all, and after a minute of this I drop the feather and start scratching your stomach and ribs with my fingers.

You buck so hard I’m caught off guard and loose my grip on your waist, which suits me fine as I dig both hands into your ribs and start goosing your sides. You writhe under the attack, but your bondage only gives you an inch or two in any direction and its easy enough to keep my hands on target. The moaning is gone now, replaced completely with escalating laughter, your head thrashing around as you try to keep your body under some sort of control. I start shifting my hands up and down, alternating tickles between your armpits, ribs and hips, making sure to keep the length and type of tickling as random as I can to keep you guessing what’s going to happen next.

As much as I’m enjoying this I really want to be able to see your face so duck round to face you, grab the stool and sit down right in front of you, putting everything from your armpits to your knees within easy range, my face about on a level with your stomach. I switch tactics, going for gentle tickles now, sliding my hands all over the front of your body, just enough to tickle while bringing the erotic aspects back into the game. Again you react just as I hoped, head thrown back, eyes closed, moaning and twitching as I explored your body. I slide my hands further down, gently tickling your hips, ass and thighs, keeping my gaze locked on your face, waiting for you to yield to temptation and watch what’s being done to your extremely sensitive body. I circle my hands on your thighs and move inwards, brushing the edges of your pussy with my outstretched fingers. That does it, you look down and I take that as my cue. Slowly I lean forward and down, aiming deliberately at your pussy, planning to put my lips on yours and increase your stimulation.

I get within inches of your damp core, pause, and switch targets. I shift upwards, lock my lips around your belly button, dart my arms around your hips to hold you still and start blowing and licking at your extremely ticklish belly. It catches you completely by surprise and you scream with laughter, as my tongue probes down into your belly, fingers scrabbling over your ass making you jerk and bounce in my arms. I move my right arm from around your waist and reach under the stool I’m sitting on. My hand finds the small black feather I’d taped to the underneath of the stool and pulls it out, my body hiding this from your view. I reach up and start flicking the feather quickly over your clit and the reaction is amazing. Caught between the torturous tickling on your belly, the light teasing tickles on your ass and the stimulation from the feather every muscle on your body seems to shudder at once, a sound that’s equal parts laughter and groan rises as I speed up the stimulation on your clit, I can feel your muscles tense up as you approach your climax, a few more seconds is all that it’ll take, just one more touch and you’ll explode in ecstasy.

I don’t give it you, but lean back and smile up at you as you gasp at the sudden removal of the stimulation and you shake, trying to find something, anything to give you that last push over the edge, but there’s no way, you need me to provide that stimulation and right now I want something in return.

“Please” you gasp “please, I need, I need to come, god, please don’t stop, don’t leave me like this, one more touch, PLEASE!”

“It’s not that easy my dear Destiny.” I reply, putting as much ‘evil menace’ in my voice as I can. “You see, you have a choice to make. On the one hand, you can end this, all this now, I’ll let you down and we’ll spend a nice weekend at the beach as we had planned. Oh, and you’ll agree not to do anything to relieve those, shall we say, needs you feel raging inside you.”

“NO! Please, I can’t, I’ll do anything but please let me come”

“Anything? You might regret you said that my dear, you see if you want I’ll bring you to climax right now, but there is a price to pay. Specifically, you’ll be tortured like this for the rest of the day, and you won’t be allowed to come until the end of the day, to do otherwise would be…unwise. Unless I give you permission of course. What do you say, do we have a deal?” I sweep the small feather across your nipples as I asked the question, just to add a little extra incentive to your answer.

“YES! Yes, I’ll do it, anything, anything you want, ANYTHING!”

That was all I needed to hear, and move the feather back between your thighs. I slide a finger into your sopping wet pussy, and resume the flicking motion over your clit with the feather. It takes all of three seconds before you screamed in ecstasy and grasped my probing finger with your pussy, the spasms shaking your body until you’re left hanging limp and exhausted in your bondage.

Part 3
Seeing a chance to move you without any major resistance I release the cuffs from your feet and hands and scoop you up. You’re still in your own private heaven, practically vibrating from pleasure and certainly don’t notice what’s going on until it’s far too late. I head over to the set of straps hanging down from the ceiling and stand you under the shortest ones. I bring them down slightly and secure the restraints around your wrists, then scoop you up and slide you over the largest two straps. These aren’t hanging down like the rest of them, as both ends of each strap are attached to the ceiling, so the strap acts almost as seat as I secure one behind your back and the other around the curve of your ass. I reach down and bring your left leg up and secure that to one of the two remaining straps, then repeat the motion with your right leg. Suddenly you find yourself swinging from the ceiling, your weight supported comfortably by the straps but completely helpless to do anything other than rock back and forth. Worse, virtually your entire body is now exposed for tickling, you’ve agreed to this for the rest of the day and it’s only just past noon!

I give you a few minutes to adjust to your new position, and to let you rest for a while. Once I’m sure that you’re comfortable I walk back to the kitchen and retrieve a small case from the fridge and two small paintbrushes from the cabinet. I head back over to you and place the case down on your stomach causing you to jump from the feel of the cool metal against your skin. Leaning over you I flip the lid up and your eyes go wide as a set of body paints greets your gaze. I move the case over to the top of the stool, and slid one of the brushes down the sole of your right foot, enjoying the squeal of protest that escapes you lips. The chilled paint would be bad enough on its own, but I’ve put a great deal of time and care into picking suitable brushes for this most delicate of tasks, and the combination of cold liquid and stiff bristles is like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

I take my time, enjoying the sight of your gorgeous, naked body bouncing and writhing in its bondage, letting your own body movement move your foot under the brush. Actually, while definitely falling under the ‘abstract’ category the picture on your sole isn’t half bad, although I’ve got no idea how you’d display it. Every so often I dip the brush back into the pot, picking a different colour each time and then applying the smallest possible brush stroke to your helpless sole. After all, I’ve got a lot more to paint today than just your feet, and I’m going to let you get any surplus energy out of your system now.

Over the next hour I slowly cover your feet in a rainbow of colours, and gradually your trashing dies down as you surrender completely to the tortures being inflicted on you. I leave your toes till last and switch to a tiny brush that’s more commonly used to do detail work on model kits for this delicate job. I spread your toes apart and place the hard shaft of the brush between them. I look up and our eyes lock as you plead with me not to do it. I slowly pull the brush back until the first tuft of bristle if just resting against your skin and pause. I push your toes gently and you take the hint, squeezing them around the brush as I walk up the length of your body, drinking you in with my eyes, every single curve glistening with sweat, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look better. I reach your shoulders, stop and lean over you, brushing your hair back from your face gently and bend down. We kiss, and for a long moment there’s nothing else in the world but this, everything else just fades into the background. Reluctantly I pull back, and I see you visibly relax, reassured that I know where the limits are, that you really can trust me not to push you too far. I walk slowly back down your body, this time brushing my hand along your skin, raising goose bumps wherever I press. As soon as I’m close enough I reach down and quickly pull the brush through your clenched toes, the resulting scream of laughter enough to spur me on to more sadistic measures.

Over the next twenty minutes, your toes are subjected to a tickling worse than any you’ve ever known. I’m pretty sure that your toes are your most sensitive spot, and fully intend to make this the ‘high point’ of the day as far as your tickle torture is concerned. I prod, swipe, swish, pull, twist stroke and vibrate that little brush between your helpless toes and I feel like I’m flying as you try to laugh and beg at the same time. Finally I relent and pull back, your feet now covered in bright swirls and swoops of colour as you lie limp in your bondage. I decide it’s probably best to give you a break and grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. The water soothes your throat as you gulp it down and I slide both arms under your body, taking your weight and letting you relax and ease your muscles for a few minutes.

I give you about ten minutes, we’ve got plenty of time after all and I want to make sure you’re ready for your next session. I slide out from under you, letting the straps take your weight again and head back down to the box of body paints. This time I pick up two brushes, a large, soft paintbrush in my right hand and a soft, round brush in my left, the sort that’s normally used in a hairdressers shop to sweep loose hair from a customers neck. Coating the paintbrush in the body paint I move up so that I’m level with your knees and start sweeping the paintbrush up your right leg. While it tickles, it obviously does more than just that, as you start to moan and giggle with each stroke. As I move up towards your knee I circle your leg with the brush, making sure to touch every single inch of your skin with those soft, teasing bristles. Once I’m high enough up I reach out with my left hand and start flicking the other brush over your waist and pussy. There’s no doubt at all that you like this as you let out a grunt and start bucking upwards every time I come within touching distance of your now dripping wet pussy. I take my time, trying to keep my movements over your sex as random as possible, while trying to keep the paintbrush steady and smooth up your legs. I sweep past your knees and on up your thigh, all the while trying to keep you on the edge rather than pushing you over it.

As I reach the top of your thigh I duck under you and swap the brushes in my hands and start the process all over again, much to your obvious disappointment. But I know that, deep down, I’m reaching the limits of my own patience, as the temptation to move right to the big finish gets greater and greater. I rush slightly on your left leg, moving up with the brush so that I finish right by your waist. I put the paintbrush down and flick the other one gently over your nipples, causing you to squirm with longing.

“Time to deal again my love” I say, knowing that right now you’d agree to anything I ask if I offered you that last, elusive touch. “You see, I suspect that despite everything you’ve gone through today there’s still a little part of you that’s thinking ‘wait until it’s my turn’ or something along those lines, am I right?” Your silence is proof enough on that point. “Well, I’ll let you into a little secret, I am going to give you a chance to get that revenge you’re plotting, but under my terms.”

“The deal is this, if you want to cum, I’ll happily oblige you, right here and now, but you’ll agree to be, let’s say, placed at a disadvantage tomorrow. Your choice.”

“Yes, please, I’ll do it, but I need to” is about as far as you get. I’d been ready for your acceptance, although I was surprised at just how quickly you’d accepted. Before you finish your answer I bend down and slide my hands behind you and start to kiss and lick your pussy, delving deep inside, savouring your taste. Immediately you spasm under me and cry out as your orgasm overtakes you. It’s doesn’t last long though, too much too quickly and your body just wasn’t ready for it. Smiling I stand up and slide my cock inside you, I don’t think I’ve ever felt you this wet before and there’s no resistance whatsoever as slip in. You look up at me with a gaze that damn near sets me on fire, your eyes heavy with lust and desire.

Without warning I dart my hands forward and slide my fingers into your armpits. You’re completely unprepared for this and try desperately to dance away from my tickling digits as I poke and prod that smooth skin. As I’d hoped your writhing produces a perfect rhythm as you slide up and down my cock with every jerk. I keep the assault on your armpits going, occasionally running my fingers down to your ribs for a change of pace as I revel in the sensations your gyrating body is causing. Suddenly your laughter turns to moans, I feel you tighten around me and then, with a rush, we come together. It seems to last forever as we both find our much needed release in the other, it’s all I can do to stay on my feet and eventually I’m forced to collapse forward, resting my head on your chest as I try to get my breath back. I slide my arms around you, not to tickle for once but just to hold you, enjoying the feel of your body against mine as we both struggle to come back down to earth.

Once I’m sure I can support you I start releasing you from your bondage, letting you lean up against me as you struggle to stand on legs that seem unable to support your own weight after what you’ve just been through. I sweep you up and carry you into the bathroom, and we both get under the shower. For a long while we just hold each other under the water, steam building up around us as we both try and adjust to what we’ve gone through today. I help you wash off the body paint, making sure to let you do the more ticklish areas then head out to dry off and dress. You join me about thirty minutes later in the kitchen as I put the finishing details on some fajitas and break open the wine. We head outside and sit on the sand in front of the cottage, watching the sunset over the ocean. It’s a peaceful, perfect scene, and a stark contrast to what had gone on over the last twenty-four hours.

“So, did that live up to your expectations?” I ask, almost reluctantly, afraid of what the answer might be, a fear that seems to be born out when you keep staring out over the ocean for a moment or two before finally giving me your reply.

“Lived up to my expectations? You demolished them, that was just incredible. I never felt so, so, I don’t know, alive? ”

I lean over and kiss you, and we sink to the ground wrapped in each other’s arms. What the hell, if I’m going to push my luck, might as well do it properly.

“So, you up for your chance at revenge tomorrow then?”

“Just try to stop me!” You breathe in a horse whisper into my ear, as you run your fingers gently over my ribs for a moment. The sand’s soft and still warm under us and we fall asleep under the night sky, dreaming of tickling revenge.

Part 4
The soft light of dawn washes over us as we lie in each other’s arms on the sand and wakes us up. The sand’s cooled down overnight, but not so much that it’s uncomfortable and neither of us feels any pressing need to move. We stare out over the waves as the sky lightens gradually and the world goes from black outlines through shades of grey to full colour. It’s a sight that most people never really get to see, you simply don’t get it most places these days, too much pollution in the air I suppose. But out here everything seems perfect, and the fact that we can experience this together makes it all the sweeter.

We stay like this for over an hour until finally the need for food wins out over our desire to enjoy the moment and we head inside. The exertions of the previous day have left both of us crying out for a decent breakfast, and for a while we’re both far too busy concentrating on the smells and tastes of a full fry-up to think about much else. Once we’re done I get to work cleaning up the remnants of yesterdays tickle marathon while you head outside, saying you need to go work off some energy. It takes about fifteen minutes to get everything straightened up and I head outside to join you.

I should have guessed you’d be in the ocean, after all we’ve been at this place for almost two full days now and you haven’t managed to get near the water yet. I dive in and swim out to you, enjoying the chill of the water against my skin. Damn, I’ve been living in the city too long, I’d forgotten just how good this could be, how free it makes me feel. It takes a few minutes for my body to get used to the unfamiliar activity and then I can relax back into the waves. I look around and can’t spot you anywhere nearby, or on the beach for that matter. I know this bit of coast pretty well, there aren’t any real nasty currents anywhere close to the beach and the bottom slopes gently down for at least a couple of hundred yards until you get to the drop off so I’m not too worried about you getting into any sort of serious trouble, but just for a second I feel fear touching the back of my mind.

And quickly forget all about it as a pair of hands touch my back and start tickling me underwater. I jump and try to turn round, but I’m at a distinct disadvantage, the bottom’s all sand here and there’s nowhere to get any real sort of purchase. The tickles continue and as I keep giggling I decide to wait it out, after all you’ve got to breathe sometime, Sure enough, after just a couple of seconds the contact disappears and I look around trying to see where you’ve gone. It’s another ten seconds until you pop out of the water a safe distance away, grinning back at me as you grab another lungful of air and slide back beneath the waves. Well if that’s the way you want to play it….

I grab a quick breath and slip under the surface. I’ve always been comfortable in the water, my eyesight’s pretty good and I know how to move quickly without using too much energy in the process. The problem is it’s been about five years since I was last in the open sea, and more like seven since I did any real distance swimming, so you’ve probably got the edge on me in conditioning. I drop down to the sandy bottom and do a slow circle, trying to get some idea where you are when suddenly I feel fingers on my feet again. Holding in the laughter I pull my legs up towards my chest and just use my arms for the first couple of strokes to avoid any chance of kicking you accidentally. I’ve got the first part of a plan, but it’s going to be a tricky move to time.

I glance back under my arm and see you head for the surface for a quick breath. I speed up slightly, trying to get the distances about right, this is only going to work the once and I don’t want to waste the chance. My lungs are burning as I finally head up for my own air, and you’re right behind me. Perfect. I go up steep, for this to work I need to get some height when I break the surface. I burst out and grab a deep breath as my momentum carries me up, until I’m almost waist high out of the water. I twist over and down, doing a kind of half loop so that I’m swimming back the way we’ve come, but a couple of feet farther to the right. You’re close enough that you get no time to react and as we pass each other I reach out and grab your ribs, tickling as best I can and swinging round so I’m now following you. You swim faster, but I know this might be my best, and for that matter, only chance to get the upper hand and do everything I can to keep up. Suddenly the teasing tickles get too much for you and I see a mass of bubbles come flying out of your mouth as you laugh and head to the surface.

You clear the water, getting your feet under you as you come up coughing and spluttering. I slide an arm around your waist to try and hold you in place as I goose your ribs and belly with my other hand. You feel fantastic twisting in my grip, your hair slapping against my chest as you struggle to get away. The water’s helping you though, I can’t get a good grip and you manage to wriggle out of my grasp, diving back into the water and heading for the beach. Not wanting to give up that easily I strike out after you, trying to work out what you’re up to. There’s no way you’re simply running away, I’ve known you too long to fall for that and you’re at least as good as me when it comes to cunning, sneaky plans. I know that my only chance of not getting the hell tickled out of me as soon as we’re back on dry land is to try and think at least two steps ahead. Unfortunately at the moment I’m drawing a blank.

You scramble out of the water and head into the sand dunes, you’ve definitely got the edge on me in straight line speed and you manage to open up enough of a gap that I loose you as soon as we’re in amongst the sandy hills. I glance around and make a quick decision. Walking along the tops of the dunes would probably be a better bet, far less chance for you to ambush me, but there’s no way I could stay hidden while doing so. Besides, while my pride insists that I make sure I don’t loose this game, there’s a part of me that wouldn’t mind doing just that. I stay in the valley between two large dunes, trying to keep as quiet as possible as I walk, following your footprints in the sand. They seem to disappear into a small patch of grass and as I get nearer I realise my mistake just before I hear movement behind me. I was so engrossed with following your footprints I forgot to check the smaller dunes for anything obvious, letting you double back and hide there as I went past. I spin around as fast as I can, but all I can do is brace as you throw yourself at me, tackling me to the ground.

The landing’s easy enough, but you’ve got the upper hand and pin my arms to the ground with your knees, facing my feet. I’m in trouble and I know it, there’s no way to get any grip, and you can reach right down to my waist without moving from your current position. There’s no warning, no teasing, you just dive straight in, running your fingers over my ribs and belly, sliding your nails over my skin, driven by the thought of vengeance for what I put you though yesterday. There’s no way I can fight this, and explode into laughter under you, doing everything I possibly can to buck you off. Your fingers dance upwards and run over my chest and up into my armpits. You’re too damn good at this, even without being able to see exactly what you’re doing you’ve got me damn near helpless underneath you as I struggle to draw air into my lungs past my laughter.

Desperation fuels me as I dig down with my feet and legs, trying to compress the loose sand down to give me some sort of platform to push from. I heave upwards and actually manage to lift you up, for a moment I’m supporting both of us with my shoulders and legs, but I can’t find the extra push to throw you off, and collapse back into the sand. You lean down, your hair sweeping over me as you do so, tickling my sides, as you out your lips over my belly button and start to blow. God, it tickles, I lose any semblance of control as you keep blowing raspberries on my sensitive skin, and, one huge upward heave coupled with your slightly unbalanced position, finally throws you off me.

Once again you head for the safety of the dunes, but I’ve learnt my lesson and there’s no way I’m going to let you get away from me again. I chase you up the side of one of the larger dunes, gaining on you now, using hands and feet to climb up the shifting wall of sand. Despite my best efforts though you manage to reach the top ahead of me and start heading down the other side. I’m only a couple of seconds behind you though, and as I reach the summit spot something that might just help me make those seconds up. It’s a chunk of wood, looks like part of an old sign or something, about two foot wide and four long and I remember an old trick me and me friends used to do on these dunes. Grabbing the wood I throw it down at the very top of the dune and jump on. My weight tips it over the lip and suddenly I’m skiing down the sand, pushing down as hard as I can with my legs to try and keep on the ‘board’. From experience I know that the longest this ride can last is to a point about six feet before the bottom of the hill, where the sand builds up and the end of the wood will just dig in and stop, leaving me to fly into a majestic heap on the sand, but maybe that’ll be long enough. I lean over to the left and edge closer to you, the bottom of the hill getting ever closer. I feel the wood dig down and fling myself off the left, arms out. I manage to get the timing just about perfect as I grab you and we roll down the hill together as I make damn sure not to land on you.

We land tangled in each other’s arms in the sand and both have the same idea at the same time as we both start tickling anything we can get our hands on. My hands are flying over your waist and thighs as you concentrate on everything from armpits to waist. We’re both lost in laughter now, neither of us daring to stop tickling to defend ourselves for fear of getting caught in a far worse situation. Your neck makes a tempting target and I lower my lips to your skin and let my laughter tickle you. You try and match me, but your head rolls back, as the ticklish sensations at your neck push you over the limit. It’s only a matter of time before you give in to this, and we both know it.

As your right hand pokes and prods at my waist your struggle to bring your left up to my chin. Slowly you guide my head up, away from your neck and shoulder until you’re looking me right in the eye. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful sight, your mouth open in laughter, wet hair spilling over your shoulders, and those sparkling, dancing eyes are irresistible. We both move at once, bringing our lips together for what we intended to be a kiss, but neither of us wants to risk stopping out tickling assault just yet and so it turns into more of a shared laugh. Gradually, the tickling slows and the rest of the world seems to fade away, leaving only your body, your smile and for a long time that’s all there is.

I’m not sure how long we lay at the bottom of that dune, but when we climbed back up to the top the sun was already a long way past its zenith and a cool breeze blew off the sea. I look over at you and, not for the first time, wonder what on earth you see in me, why such an amazing woman would choose such an (in my mind anyway) ordinary person.

“So, was this weekend everything you hoped for my lady?” I ask in my best ‘faithful servant’ voice.

“I can’t think of a single way it could have possibly been better.” You reply. “Although I still don’t know why you went to so much trouble”.

“You don’t?” I ask, surprised. “At least it’s an easy question to answer. I love you Destiny, it’s as simple as that.”

You stare at me for a moment, and I feel a slight twitch in my stomach as I wonder if I’ve said the wrong thing. Then you smile at me and slide your arm around me, resting your head on my shoulder as we start down the other side of the dune, heading for home. I feel you giggle gently against my shoulder and look down questioningly. You give me your best innocent look as you breathe into my ear:

“I never told you about my other ticklish little fantasies, did I? ”
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