tickler in black...
You said, "i have never seen any of their [Paradise Vision's] videos... i've also never seen any of jeff's videos."
I work in a VERY competitive business, and I can't imagine NOT keeping very close tabs on what my competitors were producing, what they were charging for it, and anything else about them I could monitor.
Given that, until recently, you were, in a very real sense, competing with MTP, PV and a host of others for our limited video market dollars, I can't fathom how you were able to stay in business as long as you did without ever seeing what your competition was doing.
Even though I always viewed Femfeet/TC's videos as consistently the best on the market, and never once thought, "well, the last few have been pretty weak, maybe I won't buy their next one," now I can't imagine how much even better your work could have been, if you had not only seen what your competitors were putting out, but had used them as the "minimum standard," above which you needed to stay.
I think there's a lesson out there for those video producers who DO want to make a living at this, beyond it being just a "labor of love"... watch your competition, and do better than they are at giving the customers what they're asking for.
It's Business 101, that's all.