Oh Babbles... my dear Babbles, where do I start?
Your post is a complete contradiction in terms. You cannot support the maiming/mutilation of one gender and condone the maiming/mutilation of the other.
You seem to forget that NON-CONSENSUAL male genital mutilation is something we see every day in television and the media, usually perpetrated by the opposite sex. Women are taught through the media that mutilating a man's genital's, usually by beating it with a blunt object or kicking it, is perfectly a justifiable retaliation or punishment to met out against their male counterparts. It is displayed over and over again in the feminized media/culture as a completely justifiable act. In fact, I can recall a recent beer commercial where a group of women were actually fantasizing about mutilating a man's genitals in various ways - electrocution, blunt objects such as bats and metal clubs, and (of course) the "classic" kick to the genitals. I don't seem to recall any outrage over this commercial by females. Show me one instance in the mainstream media where mutilating or beating a woman's genital's is portrayed in a justifiable or comical light. Just one.
Can you imagine the outrage if there was a commerical that showed men fantasizing about beating a woman's vagina? I think we'd have Gloria Allred screeching her little head off about that one.
When it comes to the BDSM community (a community I have been a member of ever since I discovered my sexuality), there are very FEW truly non-con videos out there, and they're quite old. In today's climate of trigger-happy lawsuits, it would be foolhardy for any production company to create a truly non-con video. The lawsuit that would ensue would bankrupt them. No "pay off" at the end would deter the victim from suing. The proof is on tape and they'd take the company for everything they had. If you truly believe these "non-con" videos are what they say, you're a very gulliable person.
It's interesting that you mention femdom because when you compare the amount of femdom sites (female on male) to maledom sites (male on female), you can see a huge disparity. Femdom sites outnumber maledom sites almost 5 to 1. This ratio has increased due to the recent Obscenity Laws that have been put into effect. For instance, the maledom site
www.insex.com has been forced to shut down and open up a much tamer version of itself called
www.hardtied.com. Yet, it's sister femdom site
www.insexm.com has remained untouched. Another example: on clips4sale.com, there are virtually NO maledom stores, yet there are literally HUNDREDS of femdom sites. Men being electrocuted, whipped, urinated on, and suffocated by women. Clips4sale.com's answer? They don't condone torture. In other words, men dominating women is considered wrong, but women dominating men is considered entertainment. That is sexist in every sense of the word.
I'm an Equalist. If women humilating/dominating men is acceptable, then men who humilate/dominate women is also acceptable. You can't condone one and not the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
I'm sure a Master or two could clear a spot in his busy schedule to accomodate those of your ilk... a few single-tails with your name on them.