Darkdork! I thought this was and 18 and over site! Darkdork!!! Laughter, laughter.....
By odd coincidence I just e-mailed Gloria Pall on Friday and heard back from her Saturday. I have a copy of the (I think) 1954 Life magazine where her tickling is presented in a two page spread (showing her full figure, BTW, feet, body and face at the same time from an overhead angle). She's agreed to sign it for me! Well, for $25. But you only live once, right? Jealous, anyone....?Please, all I want is attention.
You want freeze-frame dissapointment, rent Tampopo. Watch the scene where the cute Japanese girl gets tickled by her stomach by shrimp running in place on her belly (being held there by her boyfriend). Then, when they cut to the close shot of the shrimp, notice that it's a chubby man that actually has the little critters touching his body. Yeah, a guy - an not even a good looking one you could kind of blurr in your mind and fake some kind'a fantasy with!
Shouldn't it have been "Dorknight" instead?