Hello all! I've been a longtime lurker on here and I finally decided to write and post something. Tell me what you think. Keep in mind this is my first attempt at writing something like this lol but comments are welcome.
*Also, this is very sexual and intense.If that's not your thing...ummm, don't read it 😛*
*Also, please forgive my horrible punctuation lol*
“Whew, thank God that's the last one!” Kate sighed as she all but dropped the small
brown box in the corner of her new living room. Wiping the sweat from her forehead
Kate took a good look at her new surroundings and smiled, she had fallen in love with
spacious three bedroom, two bathroom home the second she had laid eyes on it. Recently
divorced, the move was to be the start of a new chapter in her life and Kate was eager to
get settled. The marriage, Kate's first and her ex-husband's third, was a whirlwind affair
and didn't even last three months. The divorce had devastated Kate but she was happy to
finally be free from her loveless, and sexless, relationship.
As she finished rinsing her hands and face in her new bathroom, Kate looked up and
gazed at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. Though she was still a virgin at age
thirty two, Kate remained optimistic she wouldn't have to wait much longer for the
real “Mr. Right.” Standing five feet six inches tall with shoulder length light brown hair
and sparkling blue eyes, Kate wasn't fat but instead had great curves and a very soft look
to her body. Smiling as she posed in the mirror, Kate was shaken from her thoughts by
the ring of her doorbell.
As she made her way to the front door, Kate could see a an attractive young woman through
the glass. Looking about her mid twenties the woman had dark brown almost black hair and
eyes. Her smile was infectious though, Kate noted, as she felt her own smile forming as she
opened the door.
“Hello, can I help you?” Kate asked cheerfully.
“Hi, yes! My name is Sara Whitmore, I'm your new neighbor!” The young woman replied
enthusiastically, “I noticed you moving in and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.”
“It's nice to meet your Sara I'm Kate, Kate Stewart. Would you like to come in for awhile?
It's pretty hot out there.” Kate replied, shaking hands with her young neighbor.
“I appreciate your offer Kate but I have some business to attend to at home first. But hey,
I've got an idea. Why don't you come over to my place later this evening for a drink? I
can introduce you to my roommate Jenna and we can get to know each other a little better.”
“Actually, that sounds like a great idea Sara. I've kind of had it with moving boxes today
so I could really go for a nice relaxing evening.”
“I bet, so it's a deal then,” Sara replied smiling, “Why don't you head over to my place
around eight-thirty or so then. I'm the house right here on your left.”
“Eight-thirty sounds great, it'll give me time to clean up.” Kate answered.
“Perfect. See you then!” Sara said, heading back towards her house.
As she closed the door, Kate smiled at the prospect of potential new friends. She was
now convinced that she had made the right move. Almost immediately Kate began
tearing through the boxes of packed clothes for a suitable outfit to wear. She finally
settled on a silky rose colored blouse with dark capri pants and a pair of open toe
heels and after a shower and at around eight-twenty five headed next door.
Before Kate was even able to ring the doorbell, the door opened and she was greeted
by a tall, attractive blonde who also looked in her mid-twenties.
“You must be Kate! I'm Jenna, Sara's roommate. It's so nice to meet you!” The blonde
said, her green eyes sparkling.
“Hi Jenna, it's nice to meet you too!” Kate replied.
“Come on in! Sara's in the kitchen mixing some drinks, is there anything in
particular you'd like?”
“After the day I've had? A nice tall glass of red wine if you have it, and keep 'em
coming!” Kate replied laughing.
“No problem! Just have a seat and we'll both be out in a second!” Jenna answered, still
Kate took a seat on the plush beige couch and took in her surroundings. The girls' home
was absolutely beautiful, and clean to the point of perfection as well. Kate couldn't see
any hint of dust or any object out of place, it was almost like one of those staged model
“Here you go! One tall glass of red wine and there's plenty more where that came from!”
Sara sang as she and Jenna entered the room.
“It looks like pure heaven.” Kate joked as she took the glass.
“So Kate, tell us a little about yourself.” Jenna added while taking a sip of her own
“Well, I'm a recently divorced administrative assistant. I moved to do the whole start
fresh thing and I just fell in love with the neighborhood.” Kate answered, “What
about you two?”
“Jenna and I have known each other for years, we both graduated about two years ago.
I work at a law firm downtown and Jenna works as a receptionist.” Sara replied.
“So how did you two meet?” Kate asked.
“We met online actually.” Jenna replied.
“Really? Like on one of those social networking friend sites?” Kate said.
“No, like one of those alternative lifestyle sites.” Jenna said, a sparkle of naughtiness
in her eye.
“Alternative lifestyle?” Kate replied, confused.
“You know, like S&M and bondage and those things.” Sara said smiling.
“OH! Oh I had no idea you two were...like that.” Kate said, blushing bright red.
“It's OK. Jenna and I are “like that” but we're not a couple or anything. We became
best friends because we share the same fetish honestly.”
“Fetish? Umm why don't we talk about something else girls? This topic seems a
little intimate for a first meeting.” Kate laughed as she put her glass down.
“No I think this conversation is fine.” Sara replied with a forceful tone, “You see
Kate, Jenna and I like to enslave and torture helpless women.” Sara added bluntly.
“We absolutely love it!” Jenna added, “But it's sooo hard finding the perfect candidate
though. But when we saw you moving in today, we both knew you'd be perfect!”
“I don't understand what do you mean I'm a perfect candidate?” Kate replied.
“We mean this: you're our new slave Kate and we're going to have a lot of
fun playing with you.” Sara said, a sinister smile forming on her face.
“I'm not sure what you two are talking about, but I think we all might've
had a little too much to drink so I think I better call it a night and go home now.” Kate
said as she tried to stand up to leave.
“Actually, Jenna and I aren't drunk, we've just been sipping on juice this whole time.”
Sara said, taking another drink, “And you're not drunk either Kate what you're
feeling are the drugs we put in your drink.”
“W-wha do you mean??” Kate said as her legs gave out and she collapsed back onto
the couch.
“It was just a little something to help you go nite-nite, that's all.” Jenna said as she
and Sara moved and sat down on each side of Kate on the couch.
“We didn't think you go along with this willingly.” Sara added with a very matter of
fact tone.
“P-please, w-what's happening? P-p-please...d-d-don't...do...this...” Kate muttered as
her vision blurred and she felt herself slipping closer and closer into sleep.
“There there princess.” Jenna said and she ran her hands through Kate's hair, “Just
take a little nap for us and when you wake up...”
Kate never heard the ending to Jenna's sentence as everything went black.
After what seemed like a eternity, Kate groggily opened her eyes, her vision slowly focusing. Attempting to move her hands to rub her eyes she found they wouldn't budge. Startled, Kate then attempted to sit up but again found her body un-responsive. Panicked Kate began tried to scream
but her ears were greeted with a barely audible muffled whimper. Now wide awake and
scared out of her mind Kate lifted her head to find she was bound spread eagle to a
padded table. Thick leather straps at her wrists, ankles and above her elbows and knees
kept her secure and completely immobile. Looking down Kate also noticed she had
been gagged with several strips of duct tape and could tell her mouth had been packed
tightly with what felt like a small hand towel. Kate's only comfort was that she was still
fully clothed right down to her open toe heels, however this brought only minor comfort
as Kate began to take in her surroundings. Looking around Kate was horrified as what
she saw. Hanging on the walls were various pieces of bondage equipment including
whips, paddles, various ball gags and other leather contraptions. Looking to her left
Kate noticed a small table with many unusual objects neatly laid out on top. There
were various sized feathers, an electric toothbrush, small paintbrushes and a few plastic
The room held no other pieces of furniture and aside from the small table and all
the bondage equipment hanging on the wall it seemed to be a normal empty bedroom.
As Kate continued to try and free herself the door suddenly opened and in walked
a smiling Sara and Jenna.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty!” Jenna sang as she immediately ran up and began to
run her hand through Kate's hair.
“It was tough fighting the urge to wake you up Kate. Especially for Jenna, she's
super eager to play with you.” Sara said as she closed the door behind her and locked it.
“MMMNNNPHHH!!! MMNNNNNNNNMPPHH!!” A wide eyed Kate tried to scream
through her gag. She had no idea what the girls were up to, but she was scared out of her
mind and wanted to beg and reason with them.
“Hush now.” Sara said, placing a finger over Kate's gagged mouth, “Just relax Kate.
There's no reason to get excited now.”
“You see Kate,” Sara continued as she joined Jenna and began to curl her fingers through
Kate's hair, “Since we met Jenna and I have always wanted our very own slave. A
beautiful woman we could dominate, torment and own. But try as we did, we were never
able to find that perfect someone...until you came along.”
“Yeah the second I looked out my window and saw you unpacking your car I knew
you'd be just perfect Kate!” Jenna chimed in.
“You fit the bill perfectly Kate,” Sara said, a evil smile creeping on her face, “You have no
husband or children and you're completely new to the area. It'll be easy for us to erase
any trace of you and no one will be any wiser. While you were out Jenna already faxed
your new boss a letter of resignation from you and we both made sure to dispose of your
car and all your personal belongings in your home. Leaving them in the boxes like you did
made our job a lot easier. With it being dark out no one saw you come over and because you
don't know anyone else here, no one will be looking for you. With my expertise in contract
law I can act as your legal representation and void your mortgage agreement and get your
house put back on the market. You won't be needing it anymore anyways, and any family
that comes looking for you will just be chasing a ghost I'm afraid.”
“Isn't this great Kate??!! You'll be staying here with us from now on and I can promise
you,” Jenna added with a sinister grin, “We're going to have a lot of fun.”
Kate tried to scream, tears streaming down her face. This is a nightmare, this is
impossible it can't be happening!! Kate thought to herself as the realization that she
had been kidnapped by these two clearly insane women began to sink in.
“Now you're being rude Kate.” Sara said as she reached down and pulled Kate's
blouse up, exposing her soft, creamy looking tummy, “I guess we need to start
teaching you how to behave.”
And with that statement Sara began lightly flicking her fingers over Kate's bare
stomach as Jenna began slowly raking one finger down Kate's side over her ribs.
Instantly and instinctively Kate began to squirm to avoid their wandering fingers.
“What's a matter Kate? Ticklish?” Jenna said, grinning widely.
“MMMMPNNNPHHHH!!!NNNNNNNNNN!!!!” Kate pleaded into her gag, shaking
her head side to side.
“As we said earlier Kate, Jenna and I love to torture and torment helpless women. But
we don't do it using the traditional pain methods. Instead, Jenna and I love to tickle
our playthings and well, you'll see.” Sara said smiling.
Kate's mind began to panic. Though she hadn't been tickled since she was a young
girl she knew she was incredibly ticklish and as Sara began to focus on her belly
button and Jenna on her ribs, Kate began to thrash violently in a massive wave of
fear and panic, tears streaming down her face and she struggled to make the
tickling stop. Then, all at once, she got her wish. She looked up through her
tear filled eyes to see Jenna propped up on her elbows, smiling her evil smile, and
Sara standing with her arms crossed with a serious look on her face.
“Now Kate,” Sara began, “Before we continue, we're going to go over some rules OK?”
“First, you're no longer a person. From now on you're just our plaything, our toy, our slave.
Understood? Second, you'll only speak when spoken to and when you address us you'll address
Jenna and I as “Mistress”. Now, I'm going to remove your gag and when I do, if you understand,
you're going to say “I understand Mistress Sara” got it?”
Sara then reached down and pulled the tape off Kate's mouth and removed the balled up
pair of socks from her mouth.
“P-p-please Sara, p-p-please let m-me go,” Kate wheezed, trying to catch her breath,
“T-this is c-crazy, please please d-don't do this to me. Plllmmmphhh!!”
Before Kate could continue Jenna quickly placed her hand over Kate's mouth,
again gagging her.
“Kate, Sara didn't ask you to whine or beg. She asked if you understood the rules so far.
Now be a good girl and answer the question. Say, “I understand Mistress Sara.” Jenna said,
removing her hand from Kate's mouth.
“Now Kate,” Sara continued, “Who owns you? Who do you belong to?”
“N-nobody owns me! I don't belong to anyone. I'm a free person, now let me go!
Kate said, becoming increasingly frantic.
“Wrong answer Kate. Now I'm going to ask you again, who do you serve? Who
do you belong to Kate?”
“You're a slow learner Kate,” Jenna said smiling as she stuffed the pair of socks
back into Kate's mouth and Sara sealed them in with some fresh strips of duct tape.
“But that's OK,” Sara added grinning, “We were hoping you'd be a tough little cookie.”
“Now we're going to start your training for realz now Kate, OK?” Jenna teased as she
and Sara each pulled a pair of scissors from their pockets, “But first, we need more
skin to play with. Hold still so we don't cut you Princess.”
“MMNNNNNNN!!!NNNNNNNN!!!MMMPNNPHHH!!!” Kate pleaded through her
“Sorry Kate, but for the time being you've lost permission to speak.” Sara said as she
finished cutting through Kate's blouse and pulled the tattered garment from her body.
“OMIGOSH!! Kate, you're boobs are HUGE!” Jenna said as she and Sara stared at
the two large, fleshy mounds held in place by a lacy black bra, “I can't wait to play
with those melons!!”
“What're are they Kate, DD?” Sara asked as she stared.
Kate blushed bright red and closed her eyes as she began to cry. She pulled at her bonds
helplessly, hoping someone some way would come to her rescue.
“Now then, let's get rid of these capris.” Jenna said as she and Sara turned their scissors on Kate's
“Oh hush Kate, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust us, we're going to get to know
every inch of you soon, so just relax.” Sara said calmly as she and Jenna pulled Kate's shredded pants from her legs, leaving her in her in matching black lacy panties.
“Oooohhhh sexy Kate!” Jenna giggled as she began to rub Kate's pussy through her
into her gag and she again began to thrash violently in her bondage.
Her face red, tears streaking down her cheeks she was now completely frustrated and angry.
Frustrated that she couldn't move, she didn't like being spread out and completely immobile.
She wanted to pull her arms down, her nose itched and she wanted to bend her legs. She hated
the gag, it made her feel claustrophobic and the socks stuffed her mouth so completely she
couldn't move her tongue. Her mouth felt dry and she couldn't swallow very well and to top it all
off, she had two crazy young women who didn't care. Two psychotic young women who
were treating her like some toy, completely oblivious to her suffering, to her feelings.
She wanted to get up and kick both of their asses and being unable to move only served
to increase her frustration.
After minutes of struggling, Kate eventually gave up and sobbed openly behind her gag.
She had exhausted herself and was breathing heavily through her nose. She looked up
through her tear filled eyes to see Jenna laughing and Sara standing with a slightly
annoyed look on her face.
“Are you done?” Sara asked coldly, “Cause if you are it's time we got down to business.”
Walking over to the small table, Sara picked up two long, soft looking feathers and
handed one to Jenna before again taking her place to the right of Kate.
“I'll ask you one more time Kate, are you going to be a good little slave for me
and Jenna?”
Kate closed her eyes and sighed heavily before slowly nodding her head no.
“I see. Well, here is your first rule of being a slave Kate. You belong to Jenna and I.
You are our property and our toy.”
With that Jenna and Sara then lowered their feathers to Kate's smooth, pale armpits
and began to lightly tickle them. Immediately Kate began to whimper and squirm,
trying her best to avoid the feathers' torturous touch to no avail.
“Cootchie cootchie coo Princess.” Jenna taunted as she expertly feathered Kate's left
armpit with long, slow strokes, “Is our little princess ticklish?”
as she continued to squirm and struggle, but her bondage held her fast and immobile.
Without warning, Sara flipped her feather around and began using the pointy end to
lightly and quickly tickle the very center of Kate's right armpit as Jenna picked up the
pace and began quickly twirl the feather around her left armpit. Kate's back arched up
off the table and her toes and hands clenched as she screamed as loud as she could
into her gag, her face bright red, a steady stream of tears and sweat pouring down her
face as she quickly inhaled short breath after short breath through her nose. After awhile
Sara looked down at her watch and noticed that she and Jenna had tortured Kate for thirty minutes straight already.
“So Kate,” Sara calmly asked the hysterical, thrashing beauty, “Are you ready to answer
our first question?”
Frantically Kate began nodding her head up and down.
“OK then, you'll get one chance. That was thirty minutes Kate if you answer incorrectly
again you'll get an hour, understand?”
Eyes wide open, staring into her captors cold, unfeeling eyes Kate again frantically nodded
yes. A wave of relief washed over her body as the tickling then stopped. Sara then reached
down and again pulled the tape and socks from Kate's mouth. Kate then lay there, sobbing
hysterically for a few minutes, trying to catch her breath and compose herself.
“(sob)...whimper....O-ok I-I-I'm ready to..mmmmphhhh” Kate couldn't finish as Jenna
quickly shover her hand over her mouth again before leaning down and whispering in her
“Remember Princess, answer correctly because if you don't it's going to be a very, very
long time before we give you another chance. Understand?” Jenna said as she nibbled on
Kate's ear.
Kate slowly nodded yes, whimpering under Jenna's hand.
“Now then Katie, who do you serve? Who do you belong to?” Sara asked calmly.
“I-I-I b-belong to y-you, Mistress Sara a-and M-Mistress Jenna. I am your toy.” Kate said softly,
tears flowed freely down her face.
“Good girl, such a good girl.” Sara cooed as she patted Kate's head like a little puppy,
“And now, when we tell you to do something...?”
“I-I'm supposed (sob)...I'm supposed to do it the first time I'm told.” Kate replied as she continued
to cry.
“And if Sara and I want our pussies eaten? Who's going to make us cum?” Jenna
asked, licking her lips.
“(sob) W-what?? B-b-but you n-never said any..MMPNNNPPHHH!!!!” Kate was cut off
by Sara shoving the socks back into her mouth.
“Tsk tsk tsk Kate. You were doing so well, you really were. But I guess we still have
more work to do don't we?” Sara said shaking her head as she applied more fresh
duct tape to Kate's mouth.
Kate screamed into her gag, frantically trying to tell Sara she was sorry, to beg for another
“Oh don't worry Kate,” Sara said as if she'd read her mind, “You'll get another chance....
in a hour....”
her head side to side.
“As I was saying, you'll get another chance in a hour. But first, Jenna and I would like
to take a look at those cute little feet of yours.” Sara said smiling wickedly.
Kate's face went white as a ghost and her heart stopped. Sara and Jenna were going to
tickle her bare feet. For one whole hour. Sara and Jenna then walked down to Kate's
feet and slowly began unstrapping her heels, all the while staring coldly into Kate's eyes.
Kate was whimpering into her gag, trying to plead with her eyes, hoping these two women
would have some kind of mercy on her. As the cool air hit her bare feet, Kate closed her
eyes and again began to sob uncontrollably at her helplessness. Her tear filled eyes popped
open though as she felt something cool and wet being rubbed all over her feet. Looking
down she could only whimper and feebly shake her head no as she saw Sara and Jenna
rubbing baby oil all over her feet.
Noticing her panic stricken stare, Jenna smiled and wickedly reassured Kate, “Don't
worry pumpkin, this will make your feet like ten times more ticklish, I promise!!”
Kate just closed her eyes, she was convinced these two were completely heartless and
insane. She then watched helplessly as Jenna then handed Sara a plastic hairbrush and again
took up her long soft feather.
Smiling wickedly and with zero empathy in her voice Sara then said with a wink, “Now Kate,
believe me; this hurts us more than is hurts you sweetheart.”
Kate held her breath and watched as the two then lowered their instruments of torture
to her helpless bare feet. Though she never took specific care of them, Kate's feet were
beautiful. A size seven with slender toes with pale, creamy pink soles and dark red nail
polish, they were a dream come true for Sara and Jenna who both licked their lips as
their tickle tools touched down on the bottoms of Kate's feet.
As if shocked by lightning, Kate's back arched up high off the table, her fists curled
into balls, her toes curling under, shaking and throwing herself side to side in her
bondage with her eyes shut tight; Kate then let out a blood curdling scream into her gag
as her feet were tickled mercilessly. Jenna slowly stroked her feather from heel to toe as
she grabbed Kate's big toe and pulled it back. Sara had grabbed all of the toes on Kate's
right foot and pulled them back roughly and forcefully as she quickly scrubbed Kate's sole
with her plastic hairbrush. Kate's hysterical gagged laughter and frantic thrashing continued
the whole time. Passing quickly from hysterical to silent laughter Kate struggled to pull in
air from her short, erratic breaths through her nose and after thirty minutes she began to
feel faint.
In the back of her mind Kate began to pray for death, she wanted to die. She couldn't live
out her life as a slave and absolutely couldn't live a life where she was tickled like this
every day. She hoped these two psychos would tickle her to death. Tears flowed from
her intense foot tickling and as Kate began to realize that there was going to be no
escape. She would never get married again, never have kids, her dream house was gone
and she would spend the rest of her life being tortured or worse, sexually servicing,
these two crazy girls. Unable to keep any fleeting thoughts in her mind anymore,
Kate simply threw back her head and laughed.
“That's right baby girl, laugh for us. C'mon Katie, laugh baby. Cootchie cootchie coo!”
Jenna taunted as her feather traced a evil figure eight on Kate's left sole.
“That's right sweetheart, just laugh for your new mommies. Get used to it bitch, because
this is all your life's going to be from now on, the life of a slave. We're going to keep
you here Katie, and you'll be tickled every day and when you're not you're going to
service Jenna and me and our friends if we feel like it. When we throw a party, you're
going to be the party favor ****!!” Sara said laughing as she continued to brush Kate's
right sole.
Then, as Kate's vision began to blur....everything stopped. Sobbing hard Kate
began to try and draw in deep breaths and blinked until the tears left her eyes.
As her breathing became normal and her vision cleared, Kate looked up to
see Sara and Jenna holding their scissors again. Without saying a word, Sara
and Jenna began cutting through Kate's bra and panties. They then pulled the
shredded undies away and Kate lay there completely naked. Her face burned
bright red from humiliation and she continued to cry.
“OK slut, here's the fun part.” Sara said smiling, “Tell me Kate, when was your last orgasm?”
Kate's eyes popped open wide at that statement. Truth be told, she had never even had
sex before, let alone had an orgasm. Due to his constant travel and many secret affairs,
Kate never even consummated her marriage to her ex-husband. Sure, when she
was a teenager she has used a vibrator on herself, even accidently popped her cherry
but that was along time ago and since then the idea of sexual pleasure had become
foreign to Kate. Looking away to avoid eye contact, Kate's faced burned a bright red
from humiliation and the realization that these girls were now going to rape her.
“Wow, lookit her face Sara, Jenna chimed in, “I don't think she's ever even gotten off
“Well, we're going to change that. Aren't we Kate?” Sara said as she grabbed Kate's
chin and forced her to look into her eyes. Leaning down she whispered into Kate's
ear, “Don't worry baby, just relax and enjoy it, Jenna's tongue is amazing as you're
soon to find out.”
With that said, Jenna then straddled Kate's left leg, leaned over and began kissing her way
up Kate's leg as her hands began softly tickling Kate's tummy. Sara joined in and leaned
over and took one of Kate's nipples in her mouth and began to suck and nibble it while
her fingers lightly tickled Kate's armpits. Kate began to squirm, the tickling, the sucking
of her nipple and Jenna's tongue on her legs felt really good. Soft giggles began to escape
her gagged lips which then turned to deep moans and Jenna began slowly licking and biting
her outer lips. Instinctively, Kate's hips began to thrust her sex deeper into Jenna's mouth as
Sara continued to kneed and tickle her tits. Kate's eyes were clamped shut and she shook
her head from side to side. Sure, what these girls were doing to her felt really good but
Kate still didn't want this and tried to fight her betraying body every step of the way.
Suddenly, Kate heard the gentle whir of the vibrator as Jenna inserted it deep into
her soaking wet pussy. Kate's moans became more frantic as Jenna began to fuck her
with the vibrator and Sara continued to play with her breasts. Jenna then lowered her
mouth to Kate's hot, wet sex and took her swollen clit into her mouth and began to
suck and nibble hard while continuing to fuck her with the vibrator. Sensing she was
close, Sara then leaned up and removed Kate's gag.
“Now then Kate, whom do you serve?” Sara asked, a look of triumph on her face.
“(gasp) Y-y-you. I-I-I serve y-you Mistress Sara a-and Mistress Jenna too” Kate managed to
breath out.
“Good. Now who does your pussy and your body belong to?”
“My Mistresses. My pussy belongs to my Mistresses..”
“Excellent. And are you going to disobey anymore?”
“N-n-no Mistress. I-I-I promise I'll be a good girl. P-p-please d-d-don't m-make me.
“Don't make you what Princess?” Sara asked mockingly.
“Oh no babydoll. You're going to cum for us. Then after you're done, you're going to
eat our pussies and make us cum. You're going to make us cum all over that pretty little
face of yours....do you understand?”
“Y-y-yes Mistress. I-I-I-I'll do whatever you s-s-say (Sob)” Kate cried, resigned to her fate.
Her spirit now broken, Sara walked over to Kate's feet and began to lightly tickle them as
Jenna began to suck on her clit harder and pound Kate's pussy faster and faster. Suddenly,
Kate screamed out as she came, squirting all over Jenna's face and leaving a puddle of
her cum all over the table.
Sobbing loudly, Kate's tears poured down her face. Her will broken and exhausted from hours
of torture and abuse she didn't even resist as Sara pulled her skirt and panties off,
climbed onto the table and lowered her wet pussy onto her mouth. Once she was done,
Sara climbed off of Kate and watched as Jenna took her place. An additional hour and
four orgasms more for both Jenna and Sara, Kate lay there broken and a mess. Her hair
was matted with sweat and her bangs were stuck to her forehead. Her face was covered
with cum and her body was covered in sweat. Her face was bright red and there were
visible tear tracks down her cheeks. As Kate lay there she hoped it was finally over. She
had lost the will to fight and was resigned to living as pet and tickle toy for the rest of her
“Kate?” Sara asked as she slowly leaned down and planted a soft kiss on
Kate's lips.
“Y-y-yes M-Mistress?”
“Jenna and I have a gift for you my pet.” Sara answered smiling.
Jenna pulled from her pocket a bright pink dog collar complete with a bright gold colored
tag. Holding it up for her to see, Kate could read the tag completely and it said “Princess Tickle
Toy”. Fresh tears flowed down her cheeks as Jenna buckled it around her neck and gave her
a deep kiss on her lips. Exhausted, Kate just lay there.
“Now then Princess, there's only one thing left to do.” Sara asked, winking at Jenna.
“W-w-what's that Mistress Sara?” Kate answered nervously.
“Well, Jenna and I are curious...after an orgasm....are you more ticklish??” Sara asked
with a sinister smile.
Kate's eyes opened wide in panic as she felt Jenna shove a big ballgag into her mouth and
buckle it into place.
“Just a few more hours, 'kay babydoll?” Jenna said with a wink.
Kate screamed into her new gag. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
*Also, this is very sexual and intense.If that's not your thing...ummm, don't read it 😛*
*Also, please forgive my horrible punctuation lol*
“Whew, thank God that's the last one!” Kate sighed as she all but dropped the small
brown box in the corner of her new living room. Wiping the sweat from her forehead
Kate took a good look at her new surroundings and smiled, she had fallen in love with
spacious three bedroom, two bathroom home the second she had laid eyes on it. Recently
divorced, the move was to be the start of a new chapter in her life and Kate was eager to
get settled. The marriage, Kate's first and her ex-husband's third, was a whirlwind affair
and didn't even last three months. The divorce had devastated Kate but she was happy to
finally be free from her loveless, and sexless, relationship.
As she finished rinsing her hands and face in her new bathroom, Kate looked up and
gazed at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. Though she was still a virgin at age
thirty two, Kate remained optimistic she wouldn't have to wait much longer for the
real “Mr. Right.” Standing five feet six inches tall with shoulder length light brown hair
and sparkling blue eyes, Kate wasn't fat but instead had great curves and a very soft look
to her body. Smiling as she posed in the mirror, Kate was shaken from her thoughts by
the ring of her doorbell.
As she made her way to the front door, Kate could see a an attractive young woman through
the glass. Looking about her mid twenties the woman had dark brown almost black hair and
eyes. Her smile was infectious though, Kate noted, as she felt her own smile forming as she
opened the door.
“Hello, can I help you?” Kate asked cheerfully.
“Hi, yes! My name is Sara Whitmore, I'm your new neighbor!” The young woman replied
enthusiastically, “I noticed you moving in and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.”
“It's nice to meet your Sara I'm Kate, Kate Stewart. Would you like to come in for awhile?
It's pretty hot out there.” Kate replied, shaking hands with her young neighbor.
“I appreciate your offer Kate but I have some business to attend to at home first. But hey,
I've got an idea. Why don't you come over to my place later this evening for a drink? I
can introduce you to my roommate Jenna and we can get to know each other a little better.”
“Actually, that sounds like a great idea Sara. I've kind of had it with moving boxes today
so I could really go for a nice relaxing evening.”
“I bet, so it's a deal then,” Sara replied smiling, “Why don't you head over to my place
around eight-thirty or so then. I'm the house right here on your left.”
“Eight-thirty sounds great, it'll give me time to clean up.” Kate answered.
“Perfect. See you then!” Sara said, heading back towards her house.
As she closed the door, Kate smiled at the prospect of potential new friends. She was
now convinced that she had made the right move. Almost immediately Kate began
tearing through the boxes of packed clothes for a suitable outfit to wear. She finally
settled on a silky rose colored blouse with dark capri pants and a pair of open toe
heels and after a shower and at around eight-twenty five headed next door.
Before Kate was even able to ring the doorbell, the door opened and she was greeted
by a tall, attractive blonde who also looked in her mid-twenties.
“You must be Kate! I'm Jenna, Sara's roommate. It's so nice to meet you!” The blonde
said, her green eyes sparkling.
“Hi Jenna, it's nice to meet you too!” Kate replied.
“Come on in! Sara's in the kitchen mixing some drinks, is there anything in
particular you'd like?”
“After the day I've had? A nice tall glass of red wine if you have it, and keep 'em
coming!” Kate replied laughing.
“No problem! Just have a seat and we'll both be out in a second!” Jenna answered, still
Kate took a seat on the plush beige couch and took in her surroundings. The girls' home
was absolutely beautiful, and clean to the point of perfection as well. Kate couldn't see
any hint of dust or any object out of place, it was almost like one of those staged model
“Here you go! One tall glass of red wine and there's plenty more where that came from!”
Sara sang as she and Jenna entered the room.
“It looks like pure heaven.” Kate joked as she took the glass.
“So Kate, tell us a little about yourself.” Jenna added while taking a sip of her own
“Well, I'm a recently divorced administrative assistant. I moved to do the whole start
fresh thing and I just fell in love with the neighborhood.” Kate answered, “What
about you two?”
“Jenna and I have known each other for years, we both graduated about two years ago.
I work at a law firm downtown and Jenna works as a receptionist.” Sara replied.
“So how did you two meet?” Kate asked.
“We met online actually.” Jenna replied.
“Really? Like on one of those social networking friend sites?” Kate said.
“No, like one of those alternative lifestyle sites.” Jenna said, a sparkle of naughtiness
in her eye.
“Alternative lifestyle?” Kate replied, confused.
“You know, like S&M and bondage and those things.” Sara said smiling.
“OH! Oh I had no idea you two were...like that.” Kate said, blushing bright red.
“It's OK. Jenna and I are “like that” but we're not a couple or anything. We became
best friends because we share the same fetish honestly.”
“Fetish? Umm why don't we talk about something else girls? This topic seems a
little intimate for a first meeting.” Kate laughed as she put her glass down.
“No I think this conversation is fine.” Sara replied with a forceful tone, “You see
Kate, Jenna and I like to enslave and torture helpless women.” Sara added bluntly.
“We absolutely love it!” Jenna added, “But it's sooo hard finding the perfect candidate
though. But when we saw you moving in today, we both knew you'd be perfect!”
“I don't understand what do you mean I'm a perfect candidate?” Kate replied.
“We mean this: you're our new slave Kate and we're going to have a lot of
fun playing with you.” Sara said, a sinister smile forming on her face.
“I'm not sure what you two are talking about, but I think we all might've
had a little too much to drink so I think I better call it a night and go home now.” Kate
said as she tried to stand up to leave.
“Actually, Jenna and I aren't drunk, we've just been sipping on juice this whole time.”
Sara said, taking another drink, “And you're not drunk either Kate what you're
feeling are the drugs we put in your drink.”
“W-wha do you mean??” Kate said as her legs gave out and she collapsed back onto
the couch.
“It was just a little something to help you go nite-nite, that's all.” Jenna said as she
and Sara moved and sat down on each side of Kate on the couch.
“We didn't think you go along with this willingly.” Sara added with a very matter of
fact tone.
“P-please, w-what's happening? P-p-please...d-d-don't...do...this...” Kate muttered as
her vision blurred and she felt herself slipping closer and closer into sleep.
“There there princess.” Jenna said and she ran her hands through Kate's hair, “Just
take a little nap for us and when you wake up...”
Kate never heard the ending to Jenna's sentence as everything went black.
After what seemed like a eternity, Kate groggily opened her eyes, her vision slowly focusing. Attempting to move her hands to rub her eyes she found they wouldn't budge. Startled, Kate then attempted to sit up but again found her body un-responsive. Panicked Kate began tried to scream
but her ears were greeted with a barely audible muffled whimper. Now wide awake and
scared out of her mind Kate lifted her head to find she was bound spread eagle to a
padded table. Thick leather straps at her wrists, ankles and above her elbows and knees
kept her secure and completely immobile. Looking down Kate also noticed she had
been gagged with several strips of duct tape and could tell her mouth had been packed
tightly with what felt like a small hand towel. Kate's only comfort was that she was still
fully clothed right down to her open toe heels, however this brought only minor comfort
as Kate began to take in her surroundings. Looking around Kate was horrified as what
she saw. Hanging on the walls were various pieces of bondage equipment including
whips, paddles, various ball gags and other leather contraptions. Looking to her left
Kate noticed a small table with many unusual objects neatly laid out on top. There
were various sized feathers, an electric toothbrush, small paintbrushes and a few plastic
The room held no other pieces of furniture and aside from the small table and all
the bondage equipment hanging on the wall it seemed to be a normal empty bedroom.
As Kate continued to try and free herself the door suddenly opened and in walked
a smiling Sara and Jenna.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty!” Jenna sang as she immediately ran up and began to
run her hand through Kate's hair.
“It was tough fighting the urge to wake you up Kate. Especially for Jenna, she's
super eager to play with you.” Sara said as she closed the door behind her and locked it.
“MMMNNNPHHH!!! MMNNNNNNNNMPPHH!!” A wide eyed Kate tried to scream
through her gag. She had no idea what the girls were up to, but she was scared out of her
mind and wanted to beg and reason with them.
“Hush now.” Sara said, placing a finger over Kate's gagged mouth, “Just relax Kate.
There's no reason to get excited now.”
“You see Kate,” Sara continued as she joined Jenna and began to curl her fingers through
Kate's hair, “Since we met Jenna and I have always wanted our very own slave. A
beautiful woman we could dominate, torment and own. But try as we did, we were never
able to find that perfect someone...until you came along.”
“Yeah the second I looked out my window and saw you unpacking your car I knew
you'd be just perfect Kate!” Jenna chimed in.
“You fit the bill perfectly Kate,” Sara said, a evil smile creeping on her face, “You have no
husband or children and you're completely new to the area. It'll be easy for us to erase
any trace of you and no one will be any wiser. While you were out Jenna already faxed
your new boss a letter of resignation from you and we both made sure to dispose of your
car and all your personal belongings in your home. Leaving them in the boxes like you did
made our job a lot easier. With it being dark out no one saw you come over and because you
don't know anyone else here, no one will be looking for you. With my expertise in contract
law I can act as your legal representation and void your mortgage agreement and get your
house put back on the market. You won't be needing it anymore anyways, and any family
that comes looking for you will just be chasing a ghost I'm afraid.”
“Isn't this great Kate??!! You'll be staying here with us from now on and I can promise
you,” Jenna added with a sinister grin, “We're going to have a lot of fun.”
Kate tried to scream, tears streaming down her face. This is a nightmare, this is
impossible it can't be happening!! Kate thought to herself as the realization that she
had been kidnapped by these two clearly insane women began to sink in.
“Now you're being rude Kate.” Sara said as she reached down and pulled Kate's
blouse up, exposing her soft, creamy looking tummy, “I guess we need to start
teaching you how to behave.”
And with that statement Sara began lightly flicking her fingers over Kate's bare
stomach as Jenna began slowly raking one finger down Kate's side over her ribs.
Instantly and instinctively Kate began to squirm to avoid their wandering fingers.
“What's a matter Kate? Ticklish?” Jenna said, grinning widely.
“MMMMPNNNPHHHH!!!NNNNNNNNNN!!!!” Kate pleaded into her gag, shaking
her head side to side.
“As we said earlier Kate, Jenna and I love to torture and torment helpless women. But
we don't do it using the traditional pain methods. Instead, Jenna and I love to tickle
our playthings and well, you'll see.” Sara said smiling.
Kate's mind began to panic. Though she hadn't been tickled since she was a young
girl she knew she was incredibly ticklish and as Sara began to focus on her belly
button and Jenna on her ribs, Kate began to thrash violently in a massive wave of
fear and panic, tears streaming down her face and she struggled to make the
tickling stop. Then, all at once, she got her wish. She looked up through her
tear filled eyes to see Jenna propped up on her elbows, smiling her evil smile, and
Sara standing with her arms crossed with a serious look on her face.
“Now Kate,” Sara began, “Before we continue, we're going to go over some rules OK?”
“First, you're no longer a person. From now on you're just our plaything, our toy, our slave.
Understood? Second, you'll only speak when spoken to and when you address us you'll address
Jenna and I as “Mistress”. Now, I'm going to remove your gag and when I do, if you understand,
you're going to say “I understand Mistress Sara” got it?”
Sara then reached down and pulled the tape off Kate's mouth and removed the balled up
pair of socks from her mouth.
“P-p-please Sara, p-p-please let m-me go,” Kate wheezed, trying to catch her breath,
“T-this is c-crazy, please please d-don't do this to me. Plllmmmphhh!!”
Before Kate could continue Jenna quickly placed her hand over Kate's mouth,
again gagging her.
“Kate, Sara didn't ask you to whine or beg. She asked if you understood the rules so far.
Now be a good girl and answer the question. Say, “I understand Mistress Sara.” Jenna said,
removing her hand from Kate's mouth.
“Now Kate,” Sara continued, “Who owns you? Who do you belong to?”
“N-nobody owns me! I don't belong to anyone. I'm a free person, now let me go!
Kate said, becoming increasingly frantic.
“Wrong answer Kate. Now I'm going to ask you again, who do you serve? Who
do you belong to Kate?”
“You're a slow learner Kate,” Jenna said smiling as she stuffed the pair of socks
back into Kate's mouth and Sara sealed them in with some fresh strips of duct tape.
“But that's OK,” Sara added grinning, “We were hoping you'd be a tough little cookie.”
“Now we're going to start your training for realz now Kate, OK?” Jenna teased as she
and Sara each pulled a pair of scissors from their pockets, “But first, we need more
skin to play with. Hold still so we don't cut you Princess.”
“MMNNNNNNN!!!NNNNNNNN!!!MMMPNNPHHH!!!” Kate pleaded through her
“Sorry Kate, but for the time being you've lost permission to speak.” Sara said as she
finished cutting through Kate's blouse and pulled the tattered garment from her body.
“OMIGOSH!! Kate, you're boobs are HUGE!” Jenna said as she and Sara stared at
the two large, fleshy mounds held in place by a lacy black bra, “I can't wait to play
with those melons!!”
“What're are they Kate, DD?” Sara asked as she stared.
Kate blushed bright red and closed her eyes as she began to cry. She pulled at her bonds
helplessly, hoping someone some way would come to her rescue.
“Now then, let's get rid of these capris.” Jenna said as she and Sara turned their scissors on Kate's
“Oh hush Kate, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust us, we're going to get to know
every inch of you soon, so just relax.” Sara said calmly as she and Jenna pulled Kate's shredded pants from her legs, leaving her in her in matching black lacy panties.
“Oooohhhh sexy Kate!” Jenna giggled as she began to rub Kate's pussy through her
into her gag and she again began to thrash violently in her bondage.
Her face red, tears streaking down her cheeks she was now completely frustrated and angry.
Frustrated that she couldn't move, she didn't like being spread out and completely immobile.
She wanted to pull her arms down, her nose itched and she wanted to bend her legs. She hated
the gag, it made her feel claustrophobic and the socks stuffed her mouth so completely she
couldn't move her tongue. Her mouth felt dry and she couldn't swallow very well and to top it all
off, she had two crazy young women who didn't care. Two psychotic young women who
were treating her like some toy, completely oblivious to her suffering, to her feelings.
She wanted to get up and kick both of their asses and being unable to move only served
to increase her frustration.
After minutes of struggling, Kate eventually gave up and sobbed openly behind her gag.
She had exhausted herself and was breathing heavily through her nose. She looked up
through her tear filled eyes to see Jenna laughing and Sara standing with a slightly
annoyed look on her face.
“Are you done?” Sara asked coldly, “Cause if you are it's time we got down to business.”
Walking over to the small table, Sara picked up two long, soft looking feathers and
handed one to Jenna before again taking her place to the right of Kate.
“I'll ask you one more time Kate, are you going to be a good little slave for me
and Jenna?”
Kate closed her eyes and sighed heavily before slowly nodding her head no.
“I see. Well, here is your first rule of being a slave Kate. You belong to Jenna and I.
You are our property and our toy.”
With that Jenna and Sara then lowered their feathers to Kate's smooth, pale armpits
and began to lightly tickle them. Immediately Kate began to whimper and squirm,
trying her best to avoid the feathers' torturous touch to no avail.
“Cootchie cootchie coo Princess.” Jenna taunted as she expertly feathered Kate's left
armpit with long, slow strokes, “Is our little princess ticklish?”
as she continued to squirm and struggle, but her bondage held her fast and immobile.
Without warning, Sara flipped her feather around and began using the pointy end to
lightly and quickly tickle the very center of Kate's right armpit as Jenna picked up the
pace and began quickly twirl the feather around her left armpit. Kate's back arched up
off the table and her toes and hands clenched as she screamed as loud as she could
into her gag, her face bright red, a steady stream of tears and sweat pouring down her
face as she quickly inhaled short breath after short breath through her nose. After awhile
Sara looked down at her watch and noticed that she and Jenna had tortured Kate for thirty minutes straight already.
“So Kate,” Sara calmly asked the hysterical, thrashing beauty, “Are you ready to answer
our first question?”
Frantically Kate began nodding her head up and down.
“OK then, you'll get one chance. That was thirty minutes Kate if you answer incorrectly
again you'll get an hour, understand?”
Eyes wide open, staring into her captors cold, unfeeling eyes Kate again frantically nodded
yes. A wave of relief washed over her body as the tickling then stopped. Sara then reached
down and again pulled the tape and socks from Kate's mouth. Kate then lay there, sobbing
hysterically for a few minutes, trying to catch her breath and compose herself.
“(sob)...whimper....O-ok I-I-I'm ready to..mmmmphhhh” Kate couldn't finish as Jenna
quickly shover her hand over her mouth again before leaning down and whispering in her
“Remember Princess, answer correctly because if you don't it's going to be a very, very
long time before we give you another chance. Understand?” Jenna said as she nibbled on
Kate's ear.
Kate slowly nodded yes, whimpering under Jenna's hand.
“Now then Katie, who do you serve? Who do you belong to?” Sara asked calmly.
“I-I-I b-belong to y-you, Mistress Sara a-and M-Mistress Jenna. I am your toy.” Kate said softly,
tears flowed freely down her face.
“Good girl, such a good girl.” Sara cooed as she patted Kate's head like a little puppy,
“And now, when we tell you to do something...?”
“I-I'm supposed (sob)...I'm supposed to do it the first time I'm told.” Kate replied as she continued
to cry.
“And if Sara and I want our pussies eaten? Who's going to make us cum?” Jenna
asked, licking her lips.
“(sob) W-what?? B-b-but you n-never said any..MMPNNNPPHHH!!!!” Kate was cut off
by Sara shoving the socks back into her mouth.
“Tsk tsk tsk Kate. You were doing so well, you really were. But I guess we still have
more work to do don't we?” Sara said shaking her head as she applied more fresh
duct tape to Kate's mouth.
Kate screamed into her gag, frantically trying to tell Sara she was sorry, to beg for another
“Oh don't worry Kate,” Sara said as if she'd read her mind, “You'll get another chance....
in a hour....”
her head side to side.
“As I was saying, you'll get another chance in a hour. But first, Jenna and I would like
to take a look at those cute little feet of yours.” Sara said smiling wickedly.
Kate's face went white as a ghost and her heart stopped. Sara and Jenna were going to
tickle her bare feet. For one whole hour. Sara and Jenna then walked down to Kate's
feet and slowly began unstrapping her heels, all the while staring coldly into Kate's eyes.
Kate was whimpering into her gag, trying to plead with her eyes, hoping these two women
would have some kind of mercy on her. As the cool air hit her bare feet, Kate closed her
eyes and again began to sob uncontrollably at her helplessness. Her tear filled eyes popped
open though as she felt something cool and wet being rubbed all over her feet. Looking
down she could only whimper and feebly shake her head no as she saw Sara and Jenna
rubbing baby oil all over her feet.
Noticing her panic stricken stare, Jenna smiled and wickedly reassured Kate, “Don't
worry pumpkin, this will make your feet like ten times more ticklish, I promise!!”
Kate just closed her eyes, she was convinced these two were completely heartless and
insane. She then watched helplessly as Jenna then handed Sara a plastic hairbrush and again
took up her long soft feather.
Smiling wickedly and with zero empathy in her voice Sara then said with a wink, “Now Kate,
believe me; this hurts us more than is hurts you sweetheart.”
Kate held her breath and watched as the two then lowered their instruments of torture
to her helpless bare feet. Though she never took specific care of them, Kate's feet were
beautiful. A size seven with slender toes with pale, creamy pink soles and dark red nail
polish, they were a dream come true for Sara and Jenna who both licked their lips as
their tickle tools touched down on the bottoms of Kate's feet.
As if shocked by lightning, Kate's back arched up high off the table, her fists curled
into balls, her toes curling under, shaking and throwing herself side to side in her
bondage with her eyes shut tight; Kate then let out a blood curdling scream into her gag
as her feet were tickled mercilessly. Jenna slowly stroked her feather from heel to toe as
she grabbed Kate's big toe and pulled it back. Sara had grabbed all of the toes on Kate's
right foot and pulled them back roughly and forcefully as she quickly scrubbed Kate's sole
with her plastic hairbrush. Kate's hysterical gagged laughter and frantic thrashing continued
the whole time. Passing quickly from hysterical to silent laughter Kate struggled to pull in
air from her short, erratic breaths through her nose and after thirty minutes she began to
feel faint.
In the back of her mind Kate began to pray for death, she wanted to die. She couldn't live
out her life as a slave and absolutely couldn't live a life where she was tickled like this
every day. She hoped these two psychos would tickle her to death. Tears flowed from
her intense foot tickling and as Kate began to realize that there was going to be no
escape. She would never get married again, never have kids, her dream house was gone
and she would spend the rest of her life being tortured or worse, sexually servicing,
these two crazy girls. Unable to keep any fleeting thoughts in her mind anymore,
Kate simply threw back her head and laughed.
“That's right baby girl, laugh for us. C'mon Katie, laugh baby. Cootchie cootchie coo!”
Jenna taunted as her feather traced a evil figure eight on Kate's left sole.
“That's right sweetheart, just laugh for your new mommies. Get used to it bitch, because
this is all your life's going to be from now on, the life of a slave. We're going to keep
you here Katie, and you'll be tickled every day and when you're not you're going to
service Jenna and me and our friends if we feel like it. When we throw a party, you're
going to be the party favor ****!!” Sara said laughing as she continued to brush Kate's
right sole.
Then, as Kate's vision began to blur....everything stopped. Sobbing hard Kate
began to try and draw in deep breaths and blinked until the tears left her eyes.
As her breathing became normal and her vision cleared, Kate looked up to
see Sara and Jenna holding their scissors again. Without saying a word, Sara
and Jenna began cutting through Kate's bra and panties. They then pulled the
shredded undies away and Kate lay there completely naked. Her face burned
bright red from humiliation and she continued to cry.
“OK slut, here's the fun part.” Sara said smiling, “Tell me Kate, when was your last orgasm?”
Kate's eyes popped open wide at that statement. Truth be told, she had never even had
sex before, let alone had an orgasm. Due to his constant travel and many secret affairs,
Kate never even consummated her marriage to her ex-husband. Sure, when she
was a teenager she has used a vibrator on herself, even accidently popped her cherry
but that was along time ago and since then the idea of sexual pleasure had become
foreign to Kate. Looking away to avoid eye contact, Kate's faced burned a bright red
from humiliation and the realization that these girls were now going to rape her.
“Wow, lookit her face Sara, Jenna chimed in, “I don't think she's ever even gotten off
“Well, we're going to change that. Aren't we Kate?” Sara said as she grabbed Kate's
chin and forced her to look into her eyes. Leaning down she whispered into Kate's
ear, “Don't worry baby, just relax and enjoy it, Jenna's tongue is amazing as you're
soon to find out.”
With that said, Jenna then straddled Kate's left leg, leaned over and began kissing her way
up Kate's leg as her hands began softly tickling Kate's tummy. Sara joined in and leaned
over and took one of Kate's nipples in her mouth and began to suck and nibble it while
her fingers lightly tickled Kate's armpits. Kate began to squirm, the tickling, the sucking
of her nipple and Jenna's tongue on her legs felt really good. Soft giggles began to escape
her gagged lips which then turned to deep moans and Jenna began slowly licking and biting
her outer lips. Instinctively, Kate's hips began to thrust her sex deeper into Jenna's mouth as
Sara continued to kneed and tickle her tits. Kate's eyes were clamped shut and she shook
her head from side to side. Sure, what these girls were doing to her felt really good but
Kate still didn't want this and tried to fight her betraying body every step of the way.
Suddenly, Kate heard the gentle whir of the vibrator as Jenna inserted it deep into
her soaking wet pussy. Kate's moans became more frantic as Jenna began to fuck her
with the vibrator and Sara continued to play with her breasts. Jenna then lowered her
mouth to Kate's hot, wet sex and took her swollen clit into her mouth and began to
suck and nibble hard while continuing to fuck her with the vibrator. Sensing she was
close, Sara then leaned up and removed Kate's gag.
“Now then Kate, whom do you serve?” Sara asked, a look of triumph on her face.
“(gasp) Y-y-you. I-I-I serve y-you Mistress Sara a-and Mistress Jenna too” Kate managed to
breath out.
“Good. Now who does your pussy and your body belong to?”
“My Mistresses. My pussy belongs to my Mistresses..”
“Excellent. And are you going to disobey anymore?”
“N-n-no Mistress. I-I-I promise I'll be a good girl. P-p-please d-d-don't m-make me.
“Don't make you what Princess?” Sara asked mockingly.
“Oh no babydoll. You're going to cum for us. Then after you're done, you're going to
eat our pussies and make us cum. You're going to make us cum all over that pretty little
face of yours....do you understand?”
“Y-y-yes Mistress. I-I-I-I'll do whatever you s-s-say (Sob)” Kate cried, resigned to her fate.
Her spirit now broken, Sara walked over to Kate's feet and began to lightly tickle them as
Jenna began to suck on her clit harder and pound Kate's pussy faster and faster. Suddenly,
Kate screamed out as she came, squirting all over Jenna's face and leaving a puddle of
her cum all over the table.
Sobbing loudly, Kate's tears poured down her face. Her will broken and exhausted from hours
of torture and abuse she didn't even resist as Sara pulled her skirt and panties off,
climbed onto the table and lowered her wet pussy onto her mouth. Once she was done,
Sara climbed off of Kate and watched as Jenna took her place. An additional hour and
four orgasms more for both Jenna and Sara, Kate lay there broken and a mess. Her hair
was matted with sweat and her bangs were stuck to her forehead. Her face was covered
with cum and her body was covered in sweat. Her face was bright red and there were
visible tear tracks down her cheeks. As Kate lay there she hoped it was finally over. She
had lost the will to fight and was resigned to living as pet and tickle toy for the rest of her
“Kate?” Sara asked as she slowly leaned down and planted a soft kiss on
Kate's lips.
“Y-y-yes M-Mistress?”
“Jenna and I have a gift for you my pet.” Sara answered smiling.
Jenna pulled from her pocket a bright pink dog collar complete with a bright gold colored
tag. Holding it up for her to see, Kate could read the tag completely and it said “Princess Tickle
Toy”. Fresh tears flowed down her cheeks as Jenna buckled it around her neck and gave her
a deep kiss on her lips. Exhausted, Kate just lay there.
“Now then Princess, there's only one thing left to do.” Sara asked, winking at Jenna.
“W-w-what's that Mistress Sara?” Kate answered nervously.
“Well, Jenna and I are curious...after an orgasm....are you more ticklish??” Sara asked
with a sinister smile.
Kate's eyes opened wide in panic as she felt Jenna shove a big ballgag into her mouth and
buckle it into place.
“Just a few more hours, 'kay babydoll?” Jenna said with a wink.
Kate screamed into her new gag. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!