I liked the new (now old) way better than the old (now new) way.
The pop up was a great idea, but perhaps it was too labour intensive for my processor. The images usually popped up a little bit too slowly. If you can get the images to pop up a little bit faster, this is excellent additional functionality for the forum.
I like viewing pics quickly. Perhaps the pop-up could display a quick view of an inferior quality image (same dimenions but smaller file size)? That way I can see if I like the image very quickly. This is especially important when I want to make an informed choice as to whether or not to download a free clip - (which obviously influences whether or not I then buy that clip).
The images attached with a clip are usually too small as thumbnails to determine whether or not the 'lee' appears to have a good reaction. I want to see a bigger image as quickly as possible to inform my choice. In these cases I preferred having a big black box pop up with the image just by hovering over it. This was far more convenient than clickling on the image and having it slowly open up in a new browser window. Much better to contain everything in one place.
Could you canvass opinion Re: The Pop-Up image viewer to a larger audience? What does the TMF really think? Surely only people with technical issues are likely to visit this section of the forum. These people may have even visited the forum to voice their discontent. Furthermore, only people dissatisfied with the new pop-up option are likely to review and comment on a thread specifically created to voice discontent with the pop-up.
Maybe TMFers DO prefer the old, click an image system - but is this really the case? After all, only 1 or 2 people have gone on record as not liking thew new system and one or two people have also gone on record in favour of it (Me, Crystak) or not minding either way (Annie).
I say - bring back pop up!