Just found out via-email today that I have a suprise exam TUESDAY, for something we've barely gone over 😡😱 Can you say gotta keep my ass off stuff like the TMF to concentrate? lol
As far as work.. gotta train my replacement for the week I'm off( taking off to NJ to see my folks next weeK ) and omg is THAT gonna be an OH SHIT moment! ( I'm a Quality Assurance person and it took me months lo learn all the stuff that I have to, and they expect me to teach someone this in like 1 week??)
Good luck to all.. hope everyone's "Oh Shits" resolve themselves!
Btw Stitch, from a fellow College student, good luck on your exam!
( whose mine crashed around 9 ish and who was dragged out to pub triva by an equally brain dead friend)