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The Pink Rose - Part 2


TMF Master
Mar 4, 2014
The Pink Rose - Part 2

This was one of the earliest pieces I've written...it is a bit of a mystery story with a female protagonist as a FBI agent. Hope you enjoy!

Sara's stomach flipped. But her instincts were trained to be strong. She held her position, never letting her eyes grow wide, her mouth hang open or her breathing to become rapid....but all the while, her heart was pounding faster and faster. Nevermind that, she told herself, cooly grabbing the chair opposite him and straddling it, hiding the fact that she felt completely thrown off by leaning on top of the back of the chair in her best, "I'm just one of the boys" poses. "Alright then, we'll play it your way, 'Eric' if 'Eric' is indeed even your name. What do you want and why do you feel the need to play games?

The man's eyes never stopped twinkling. He looked adoringly at her, as if she were the love of his life. "You're fantastic, Sara. Absolutly fantastic. Do you have any idea of how many I have spent my time cultivating the traits of which you possess by your very nature?"

Sara wasn't impressed,"Nope. I haven't the slightest clue. Why don't you tell me?"

'Eric' just chuckled and looked down at his lap, shaking his head. Then, still chuckling, he began to raise his head up and look right into her eyes, "I'm pretty vain, Sara. That fact probably doesn't surprise you one bit. Someone would have to be pretty vain to assume he could waltz into custody of the FBI after making a date with one of their agents and then still fully expect her to meet him for the date. I'm fully aware of how absurd you find the slightest possibility of that happening to be. You're an intelligent woman, and therefore you call the absurd as you see it. I am merely utilizing the absurd to monopolize your full attention for myself. You see, I told you already. I'm vain. I not only firmly believe that I am worth every ounce of your attention whenever I want it, I know that you are going to not only show up at that 2:00 date, but that you are going to follow every twist and turn I leave for you thereafter until you reach the point where you surrender your mind, that excellent mind, to my every whim to play with. And I will play with your mind Sara, because I can. But the real torments will come later, when you submit your heart to me. 'Cause you see, Sara, then there really will be no going back for you. Oh, no. No going back. The trick then will be to see if you can keep me interested once I've conquered you. Why? Because I'm vain, Sara. Terribly vain. So vain in fact that I simply must have a woman of equal physical, intellectual and emotional assets. Right now you are that woman. And in a week you will be wild about me, Sara. You can be assured of that. In two weeks you will lose yourself in me. In three you will do anything for me. In four you will be heartbroken over me. in five you will be frantic to find me. In six I might take you back if I think you still possess those rare traits without requiring any cultivating on my part. That's the part where I generally get bored of those which once held such promise. But then again, you hold more promise than anyone I've yet taken. Perhaps you will be different, Sara. Perhaps you'll never let me fully conquer you. I certainlly hope so, because while the game of tormenting you once you realize I told you exactly what I was and what I would do and what you would do as a result, is definitely enticing, it does get rather predictable after a while." He concluded his monologue as if he had just been talking about something as banal as the weather.

Sara laughed hard then, not even trying to hide it.,"Okay, then Buster, you're on. Make me love you. Make me wild about you if you can. It's been a long time since I've found a man or woman that could do that for me."

It was 'Eric''s turn to look surprised.

Sara winked at him,"Oooooh, yeah. Or didn't you know? In all your careful research, I mean, I bet you even know what kind of jelly i like on my PB&J..."


"Yep thought so," she got out her pad and pen and started writting as she spoke outloud,"Professional Assessment,'First Class Stalker' See, big guy, that should stroke your vanity a bit. You are a First Class stalker in my book. Strange plight for a self-proclaimed narcissist." She even winked at him.

The man looked furious. He hadn't changed his pose one bit, but she could feel his fury emanating from behind his eyes,"You doubt me, don't you Sara?"

"Would you expect your potential equal to do otherwise?", she snapped back not even looking up at him as she began to get up and walk towards the door.

"You shouldn't doubt me, Sara. Remember, in a week you will be wild about me. You won't have any other options. In two weeks you will lose yourself in me. In three you will do anything for me. In four you will be heartbroken over me. In five you will be frantic to find me. In six you will be wishing that I take you back. You'll anticipate me at every turn, wondering if you are the one I finally chose. You saw Caroline today. See how she missed me? Be careful, Sara, or I can put you there. There are others. But she irritated me. Don't irritate me, Sara."

Sara turned to look at him. He had so much sincerity on his voice, the condecending ******* almost sounded compassionate towards her! She wasn't used to being addressed to in this way. Serial killers were more considerate. She walked towards him and looked dead on into his eyes as she did so, "in a week you will be an investigation. My option will be to forget you after work as I date others. In two weeks I will be close to discovering if you are guilty of anything other than being an egomaniac. In three you will do anything for me to leave your life alone. In four you will be called into the court system, should I see fit. In five you will be frantic to find money to post your bail. In six you will be wishing that you had never bothered me. And that, 'Eric-Brian', is if you haven't done anything more than stalking and harassment. Anything more, and you will wish you were dead. That's what you mean to me now, and what you will mean to me then." Sara then turned and walked to the door. The man said nothing, letting her go unaccosted.

But then she got a delicious idea. A totally unprofessional idea. Sara leaned down and took one of her shoes off, pretending to empty it of something and wiggled the soft, silky sole so he could get the perfect view of it. Sure enough his eyes had grown wide, he was breathing heavier and his lips were slightly open. She called him on it. "Oh, yes, Eric. I'm ticklish. I'm probably the most ticklish person you'll ever know. When my girlfriends or boyfriends have tickled me in the past, it just takes one little stroke to make me frantic.", she even giggled for effect as she continued,"But..."she ran one fingernail from the base of her toes to her heel,making him visibly tense like a starved predator,"That is an experience you'll never get to be the cause of.", She put her shoe on, and stared hard at him for a moment, then relaxed her expression, "Too bad too, Eric. As you strike me as the kind of tickler that just might be viscious enough for me."

At that she shut the door, confident that she'd taken him down a peg or too. The FBI observers met her in the hallway. "Great job, Sara! And he thought he could play mind games? Good improvisation at the end. Now we'll see if he has any psychotic reactions. You're free for the rest of the day. Get rested, though, as we'll want you in here tommorrow."

Sara nodded, "Sure thing. See ya'!"

None of them were watching Eric in the interogation room's hidden behind-the-mirror side room. None of them were in there to hear him laughing out loud, "You're fantastic, Sara. Absolutly fantastic! And you will be tickled my love! Oh! You are going to be tickled good!"


Sara wished that Chez Girard wasn't so convienant to her home. How easy it would be to forget all about her day if the one way street the little bistro sat beside wasn't the only access towards her driveway. Bet he'd done that on purpose.

She couldn't help but to scan the 2:00 crowd as she went wizzing by.

She almost drove off the road when she saw him! He even waved a bouquet of pink roses at her!

She didn't even make it to her own garage, which was only two blocks down. instead she parked, putting her police ID in her car window before locking it.

Then she nearly got run over as she ran towards his table where he calmly sat, sipping a red wine. She climbed over the patio railing and walked towards his table. "What the hell is going on here?"

"In wine there is truth, my love!", he offered her a glass from the bottle next to him, "I'm so glad you came."

Sara refused his offer and flagged down a waiter to order her own glass, then answered,"I thought you said you knew I'd come."

He raised his glass as if in a toast to her,"And you did, Sara, my love. You did exactly as I requested. I knew you would, but that doesn't mean I needn't be grateful about it."

Sara looked at him with utter disbelief. How could he be such a gentleman when he was really just an egotistical ass?

"After all,", he was continuing,"You gave me a delightful challenge today. And I do so very rarely recieve challenges. So let's get to know each other, Sara.Ticklish subjects and all!"

At that moment, the waiter set Sara's favorite italian dish, carpaccio, in front of her, prepared with her unusual request of extra cheese and side of vineger. She began digging in almost automatically, as the sight reminded her how hungry she was. But then, when she'd taken at least five bites, she stopped, mid-chew and stared, wide-eyed for the first time at him.

"Yes, of course I knew you'd still come here. That's why I pre-ordered your favorite dish for you. I even told you that earlier this afternoon, didn't I?" He was dabbing some bread into the olive oil in the middle of their table as he continued, "I understand you better than you think, Sara. I get you. In fact, I might just be the first and last person to ever really get you." He took a bite, and chewed, letting his words sink in, then he continued,"Obviously, you can't keep me locked up. So why don't we do this. Date me, Sara. I'm not even asking for exclusive dating. You said you had others you'd be dating while investigating me. Fine. But date me alongside them. It's really your only option if you want to keep an eye on me. As I can disappear without a trace. But I'd frankly rather get to know you, and you frankly need to observe me to decide rather i'm insane or not!" He made a silly face then at her, that made her smile in spite of herself.

He sat in front of her looking stylish in jeans, silk t-shirt and black sportcoat,"Catch me one way," he held out one of the pink roses to her," and you'll get a promotion. Or catch me the other way", he held out another," and you'll get one hell of a story to tell people should we work out!", he put them together, "either way, you win." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down at her as he said it, holding them out to her in one hand.

Sara pondered it over in her mind. It was tempting. She'd have great proximity to him and could get it authorized as surveilance. She smiled confidently as she took the roses. she reached her arm up and across the table to take them when it happened...a soft light tickling was suddenly so unbearably tantalizing under her armpit that she yelped, "Aiiiheeheeheehee!"

Continued at http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=79046
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