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The Pink Rose - Part 6


TMF Master
Mar 4, 2014
The Pink Rose - Part 6

This was one of the earliest pieces I've written...it is a bit of a mystery story with a female protagonist as a FBI agent. Hope you enjoy!

Sarah loved feeling the hot water run through her hair and over her body, easing her tired muscles. She emerged, looking at herself in the mirror and smiled, happy to see her own light skin tone and normal hair color once again.

She wrapped the towel around herself as she went into the bedroom and found a mixture of her old clothes alongside several new items that ranged from ball gowns and cocktail dresses to kinky role-play outfits to jeans and pajamas. She decided to do as he suggested...no point in dressing up for her kidnappers. She made a pact with herself to try and get along tonight so she could get a hot meal and some sleep.

She put on a really soft pair of pajamas, then added some socks and shoes....no point in tempting fate was there?....then a robe and went down stairs.

She followed the aroma of flavors until she found them in the kitchen looking like identical twins once again, with jet black hair, deep sparkling blue eyes and huge grins.

"Catch!", Brian yelled at her and tossed a strawberry at her head.

She did and popped it in her mouth.

"Yep, her motor skills have returned.", he noted on a pad with a pen he suddenly whisked out of his apron.

Eric rolled his eyes, "My brother, the brainiac.", then came around the counter with a long wooden spoon and looked at her, apraising..."Good. that robe looks great on you....hmm, um hmm...."he walked around her appraising her, seemingly pleased. Then, extending the wooden spoon, he lifted the bottom of her robe to reveal her pajama bottoms and socks and shoes, "Tsk tsk, you naughty girl, you should know better." he pointed at her shoes.

"But the floor is cold and you said I could wear whatever I want!"

Eric simply pointed down at the shoes and said, "Untie them."

Sarah looked at him like he was insane, she couldn't help it.

"Do it. Now.", his voice was severe once again.

She hastily untied her shoes and took them off.

"Hand them to me."

Sarah bent over, picked them up and handed them to her captor, glancing up briefly, expecting to see a pair of harsh eyes and was shocked instead to come face to face with laughing eyes instead...

He took her shoes, tossed them at his brother without even looking, and his brother, who was chopping vegetables lifted his knife just in time in the air to cut them each in half before lifting a paper bag to catch the now destroyed shoes. He then tossed the knife in the sink, picked up another one and continued chopping.

Sarah stood, her mouth hanging open at what she'd just witnessed. But then both brothers started laughing and pointing at her face. Eric wiped tears from his eyes and gestured for her to follow him into the next room. Shocked into silence, she followed. He placed his hand on her back gently to guide her towards some cushions on the floor next to the fireplace and she tensed up instinctively with nervous fear.

"Hey now,"He sat down next to her, "None of that, please. We brought you here to torture giggles out of, not screams of pain...and besides, your cute little feet will be warmer here next to the fire.", he lifted a remote, pushed a button and fireplace began to roar.

He pointed to her feet and then pointed to his lap, allowing his eyes to communicate the I'm-not-joking intention of his demand.

Sarah extended her legs to him and he took her socks off, tossing them into the fire one by one, "I actually don't mind the socks, but you need to learn the rules of the house. In fact, you have it in you to endure a lot more than you think you can, and I'm going to be your guide towards helping you to discover that."

With that, he lifted up two small pieces of the plush rug they were sitting on. They were like "C" shaped flaps that had been cut into the deep, soft rug, so they were absolutely indiscernable to the eye when laying down. He then pulled out a long chained hand cuff, each covered in soft padding with velvet, and snapped them around each ankle.

"As I explained before, there is no point in your attempting to escape here, as there is no where for you to go. But, we do have our little toys for fun and discipline....or is that discipline and fun?" He laughed, shot her a playful look, "I always get those two mixed up!"

He ran a finger down the sole of each foot, making her jerk them back and realize they weren't true metal chains, but made of some stretchy super strong material. He plucked one of them and said proudly, "Bungee cord. One of my personal inovations. This will enable you to sit in any way you want, curl up, lay down, anything within a two foot radius from where you're tethered. Now, as I recall, we were inturrupted during our ticklefight..."

Sarah felt tears rising in her eyes, and not being able to stand it anymore, she blurted "Why are you doing this? Why me?"

In a flash he was beside her, his right arm around her and his left hand lifting her face to meet his eyes. They were full of passionate yearning, "Don't you know yet? I'm doing this so you will become lost in my world Sarah, lost to the point you'll never want to leave."

Sarah pulled away scooting backwards from him as he just sat still, looking at her with a smile on his lips.

"Is...is this another game?", she hated the way her voice was quivering now.

"It can be if you want it to be. But I figured you'd prefer to eat before any more games ensue."

Sarah looked at him for the longest time she had had a chance to without any disguises. He was really quite devastatingly handsome. The confidence he exuded was sexy as hell. In another time and place she would have considered a one nighter with the guy, easy. But this wasn't a one nighter. This was a situation she knew she needed to escape. And it wasn't good that they had let her see them undisguised now. She decided to learn what she could...

"So how did you get out of police custody?"

He laughed and crawled on all four towards her, stopping only a foot away, "I just phoned in a tip on myself, let your police buddies pick me up, then waited until they realized they had nothing but a tip that didn't check out, waltzed on out of there, grabbed a uniform on the way out, and bingo, showed up at your date with my brother, Brian."

He took another step towards her, still crawling on his hands and knees. She moved away again, "But your brother knew about the exchanges we had in the holding cell."

He inched closer to her again, a sexy as hell smirk on his face, "We bugged each other. I didn't have to call him."

By now they'd circled halfway around her tethers.

"You're evading me, Sarah, my sweet girl, and I haven't evaded a single question of yours yet...that doesn't seem fair now, does it?" his voice was deep and husky.

Sarah gulped and continued to back away in a circle, "But why me?"

"Because after analyzing the data collected on your life, accomplishments, education, intellect, and shall I say, surperb physique, you were a perfect match for what I was looking for.", he paused, looking almost hungry and winked, "Am looking for."

Then he lunged at her, making her crab walk backwards as fast as she could go only to realize too late that he hadn't moved from where he'd been at all. Instead he was holding his sides laughing at her being faked out by him, "Oh! Sarah, Love! You're too much! Simply too much!"

He then reached over to her feet and tickled them, making her squeal and was straddling her before she could even think, digging into her soft stomach and sides with soft playful strokes, working his way up to her armpits, making her giggle and squirm, "Just try and tell me there isn't some small part of you in there that isn't enjoying this! I dare you!" he teased.

"Hey!" Brian's voice was in the door of the room, "You didn't tell me you were going to play, bro! I thought you were bringing her in here to warm up!"

Sarah looked up between her giggles at Eric's face, and for a moment swooned, at the playful way such an handsome man was dominating her, then chided herself for it...what would the boys on the beat have to say about this?...

"I saw that.", Eric winked at her while leaning down, his fingers still flying, finding all the hidden ticklish spots she hadn't been touched in since childhood, making her giggles more and more incessant, "I AM warming her up." he continued tickling her armpits then moved back down along her sides, down and finally around her upper thighs. There, he tickled closer and closer towards the inside of her thighs until he was tickling her mound through her pajamas, making her reach a whole new pitch in her laughter.

Suddenly Sarah felt fingers running across her feet and began to shriek. Eric stopped and look delighted at her face as he watched her cheeks become a deep pink. He reached into his back pocket and brought out a tiny cell phone video recorder, "Keep going bro, this footage is great! That's it Sarah, Darling, share your beautiful laughter with the world, my Love!"

"Stop filming and help me make her really lose it!", Brian yelled at his brother.

"I'd love to!", Eric tossed the little camera to a nearby couch, got off of her and then attacked from the side, making her squirm like crazy trying to avoid another ten fingers.

Sarah couldn't believe it...not being completely tied down was actually more torturous than how it had been at the hospital in the body cast. The two men were laughing now almost as much as she was, letting her evade them only to be reined in by the bungee cords tying her ankles...then ruthlessly going after every part of her till she'd curl up in a ball only to have them tickled her exposed sides, back, neck and feet...if she put her feet under her body away from their hands, they'd tickle her armpits, squeeze her knees and and sides till she, squealing with laughter and tears jumped only to have them each grab a foot and commit ten flying fingers to flying across them...

After about an hour of this, they released her, allowing her to catch her breath as she lay panting on the floor.

Brian leaned over her smiling, "So, did you work up an appetite?"

Eric poked her a couple of times in her ribs, making her giggle, "Nooohohoho!"

He looked down at her, mocked-disappointedly, "No? But it's your favorite! Veal Piccata with pasta and vegetables, ceasar salad and lemon soufle!"

Brian tickled her other side lightly, while sticking out his bottom lip in a pout, "Besides, I made it all by myself while my brother here, got to play with you!"

They didn't wait for her to answer before lifting her up and offering her an elbow on each side to escort her to the dinning room where the table was set beautifully and in candlelight.

Brian started serving her the salad while Eric pulled out her chair. "It's all so beautiful!", she said truthfully as she began to eat with the silver fork.

"Do you think you could learn to find it beautiful every day? All of it?", Eric asked, taking her right hand away from her fork and kissing it.

Before she could answer, Brian leaned over, pouring her wine, "My brother and I were born with insaitianble appetites. We like doing everything to the extreme. We were also born into the means to finance our appetites, no matter how extreme. You see, Sarah, finding a woman the normal way would never work for us. We share everything. I've found my woman. She doesn't know it yet, but you've met her, and she came to understand this about us."

Sarah's attention went on full alert, "Caroline Herra? The lawyer?"

Brian nodded, "An absolutely BRILLIANT lawyer that is. The truth is everything about her is fantastic. But she, like so many other amazing women, would have settled. We showed her there was more. much more, and she came to see reason."

"She actually wants to be here?", Sarah couldn't comprehend it.

"Yes, we are going to be married soon. Just as soon as my brother seduces you and you agree to be his alone, then we'll have a double wedding, the two of you will move in here permanently, be our playmates, lovers and wives, and travel the world with us on various adventures happily ever after and all that jazz." Brian grinned at her.

"Yes", Eric was leaning in close to her other side now, removing the salad dish and replacing it with the veal and pasta,"I'm confident that in time you will choose to live an extraordinary life with us instead of sticking to the predictable ordinary one you're in now. I promise you that no one else will appreciate you the way we will. And," he paused smiling when he saw her obviously enjoying her meal, "I garauntee that no man will be able to make you feel the way I can. No one else will be capable of both dominating you and respecting you to the extreme that I will spend the rest of my life doing."

Sarah looked up at him in mid-bite. He looked completely sincere.

The crazy thing was she was begining to believe it. The two brats could have bought off most women easy, but instead they'd wanted challenges, they'd welcomed the task of conquering and they'd dedicated themselves to learning everything about her, what she loved, favored and craved...Get a hold of yourself! Sarah reprimanded herself again, there's a word for that. It's called Stalker! Sarah made herself remember her first highschool romance, made herself feel THAT feeling and pushed it into her eyes as she looked from each of their faces, "Well, you certainlly have a strange way of proposing gentlmen, I'll give you that!" she laughed flirtaciously, then continued to eat.

Eric's face lit up, "Finally! See, I told you you'd eventually have fun with us!"

Sarah finished chewing and took a sip of wine, "Fun has never been in question. But then I'm a detective and I love puzzels, challenges of any kind. Most of the time solving them takes no time at all. You guys are different. You keep me guessing. In fact, buy those standards, you're the msot fun I've had in years!", she laughed voluntarily for the first time in days.

This time Brian's face grew into a grin, but his eyes didn't look convinced yer, "Bro, I do believe your sweet lady is telling us exactly what we want to hear...."

Sarah felt a small feather tickling her toes and jerked away, but it just seemed to follow her...

She giggled, "I thought we were having a conversation!"

"We are", Brian's grin had become a wicked one, "But I want to watch your face as we play around with you. I want to see proof that you are enjoying it!"

She felt another feather following her other bare foot, "Eeek!Staahhaaahaahaaapit boys!",she made sure her reprimand was as playful as possible.

Eric had been leaning back in his chair watching her adoringly and now asked, holding his wine glass up, "Sooo, do you think you could stand this kind of situation in the middle of a chic formal restaurant in Paris, or in a library in Argentina or...."he pretended to be shocked,"A confession booth in Rome!"

The mental image actually did make her laugh for a whole other reason besides the tickling around her ankles and toes.

"Stop, bro!", Eric raised a hand, and both feathers eventually came to halt, but she was still laughing at the idea of being tickled in a confessional. The two men looked absolutely delighted at her.

"You're right, she is gorgeous like this.", Brian said sipping his wine, "Caroline will love her too!"

Sarah finally stopped laughing, and said, "In all seriousness boys, stop making me laugh, as it's my job to bring you two in, and it doesn't look good for a cop to be amused by the ones she's hunting down."

Eric pulled a bouquet of pink roses from around his back, and stuck one in his mouth, jumped up on the table and began to dance a flawless spanish dance then jumped down off the table and handed them to her, the one rose still in his mouth and his eyebrows wiggling!

The girl in her instantly grabbed them into her arms and giggled, the cop in her chided herself, What the hell am I doing?'

"Yeah!", Brian yelled, "Let's all dance!"

From somewhere music started coming out of hidden speakers and Steve Miller The Joker Lyrics began to play. The two men sang along and took turns dancing with her out of the dining room and onto the terrace...

"Some people call me the space cowboy yeah
Some call me the gangster of love
Some people call me Maurice
Cause' I speak of the pompetous of love..."

Brian twirled her, singing the whole time just as perfectly as the singer, then lifted her up and tossed her, but it was Eric who caught her and continued singing...

"People talk about me baby
Say I'm doin' you wrong, doin' you wrong
But don't you worry baby don't worry
Cause' I'm right here at home..."

The two of them kept twirling her from one to the other, and singing together the refrain, tickling her between turns...

"Cause' I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
playin' my music in the sun
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a mid-night toker
I get my lovin' on the run
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh"

Brian lifted her and set her on top of the railing while Eric knelt on one knee and serenaded...

"You're the cutest thing that I ever did see
I really love your peaches
Want to shake your tree..."he tickled her feet while Brian steadied her and kept her from pulling her legs away as Eric tickled and sang...,"Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time Ooh wee baby, I sure show you a good time..."

The two brothers sang again in perfect unision with the song, dancing and tickling her across the terrace, back into the house, up the stairs and into her room where they wound up jumping on the bed laughing together while the brothers threw pink rose petals into the air...

"Cause' I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
playin'my music in the sun
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a mid-night toker
I sure don’t want to hurt no one

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh"

She fell down on the pillows, realizing Eric and her were alone now, and he kept singing over her, leaning on his hand as he looked down over her and into her eyes adoringly...

"People keep talkin' about me baby
Say I'm doin' you wrong
Well don't you worry, don't worry, no don't worry mama
Cause' I'm right here at home
You're the cutest thing I ever did see
Really love your peaches want to shake your tree
Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time
Come on baby now, I'll show you a good time..."

...he opened his hand and pulled a pink rose seemingly out of the air and handed it to her.

Sarah's heart was beating fast like a school girl's, she was no longer having to imagine in order to fake them out, she WAS feeling happy and attracted to them...to THEM! Thiswas so weird....how was she becoming attracted to a PAIR of twins...twisted twins at that! But before she could protest Brian was back with the soufle and three forks. The song started back up and they dug into into it ravenously, tickling her in between bites, then began tossing bits of soufle at each other, having a food fight in her bedroom...

Sarah was really cracking up now, loving every minute of it, thinking of how she would have loved to do this very thing when she was a teenager. Then she saw some soufle had fallen on her knee and began to reach to remove it, when Eric grabbed her hand, kissed it, then began to eat the dessert off her leg, letting his tongue tickle her behind her knee cap, making her crack up, Brian then began doing the same thing along the underside of her elbow, and they had her giggling and swooning around on the bed.

When the soufle was used up, the two brothers didn't stop kiss-tickling her in her most ticklish areas, working their way down to her feet, letting their tongues make her giggle, then pausing to sing at her while their fingers continued tickling between her toes...

"You're the cutest thing I ever did see
Really love your peaches want to shake your tree
Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time
Come on baby now, I'll show you a good time..."

Sarah was so aroused now and didn't fight it when they worked their way back up, tickling and kissing, she wasn't even thinking when she returned Eric's kiss on her lips while feeling Brian's lips on her neck and both men's hands tickling her armpits and stomach...

Their faces we perfectly identical, so it didn't even register when they switched during her writhing...

The music grew louder and louder as she found herself crescendoing willingly under their hands, again and again, feeling their warm breath against her neck as they sang..

"...Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time
Come on baby now, I'll show you a good time..."

She'd never felt this before, this complete and utter desire to surrender to anyone or anything. She didn't even worry when they placed a blindfold on her, as her body just didn't want the sensations to stop...

She heard their voices in her ears and the light tickling and kissing making her desire release and embrace it again and again, never even questioning who was causing what...it was simply mindblowing and she was thrilled to be lost in it all!

The last thing she remembered was feeling a ring being placed on her ring finger amidst another series of sensations and the song going on endlessly in her mind while their tickling fingers stimulated her in endless ways....again and again she would black out to only wake up in the midst of ecstasy and laughter and each time she came to from being passed out she felt like she was rising out of the depths of a black pool of water into the most fabulous dream which never disappointed...

Continue reading at: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?p=707700#post707700
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