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The Pink Rose - Parts 4 & 5


TMF Master
Mar 4, 2014
The Pink Rose - Parts 4 & 5

This was one of the earliest pieces I've written...it is a bit of a mystery story with a female protagonist as a FBI agent. Hope you enjoy!

Part 4

Three days passed in which Sarah endured the torments in agony. By the third day she was screaming, begging for Brian and Eric to reappear. When they did appear she'd scream the ABC's at the top of her lungs interspursed with "Please, I'm begging yooooouuu!", but Eric and Brian would stay in their roles as doctors. Then on the third day, the brothers came into the room arguing,...

Brian yelled at Eric, "What do you mean you set the controls on that device of yours to stop today? The police chief is going to be here in an hour and she won't be laughing then!"

Eric looked equally angry at his brother and spoke in a controled, low, modulated icey voice, "Well, you'll just have to get him here earlier then. We can take her elsewhere later where they'll never find her."

"WE CAN"T MOVE THE POLICE CHIEF'S SCHEDULE UP!", his brother yelled even louder. Then he took a deep breath and said simply, "Fix this." and walked out slamming the door.

Eric walked up to Sarah, a pleading look in his eyes, "Please laugh for me, Sarah. You gotta let yourself laugh for me, or my brother is going to kill us both. Just pretend to lose it, and I'll let you go once the chief leaves the room, no one will have to know we caught you."

Sarah looked back at his brown contacts which gave him an almost puppy-dog look., feeling the sensations slow down to where she could finally catch her breath for the first time in days, "You've gotta be kidding me!" she practically spat up at him angrily.

The sensations continued slowing down more and more, and the more they did the more confident she was growing by the minute. It must of shown on her face because Eric's eyes were getting wide, and he began begging, "Sarah! Noooo! Don't stop laughing! Laugh, Sarah! Laugh!" he began frantically pushing the buttons on his control and yet the sensations were all but gone now.

"I am going to get out of here, and then I'm going to hunt you down and arrest the hell out you!", Sarah responded, looking up through her red dyed hair.

Eric suddenly tilted his head to the side like a predatory bird, and the frantic look in his eyes disappeared, making him look curious, 'You mean you don't love me yet?"

The very idea! Sarah couldn't believe the absurdity of the question.

At that moment, Brian came into the room, "Why isn't she laughing?"

"I told you, I'd timed it for three days begining three days ago at this same time of day. "

The door began to open then, and Eric immediatly raised the control to his ear like a cell phone and excused himself from the room with a glaring Brian staring after him,

Sarah's boss came in with Niki, who'd taken over the case since Sarah had disappeared.

"I'm glad to see you are doing better, Mrs. Applegate," Niki began.

"But I'm actually Sarah, Sarah Steinhart! This man and his brother kidnapped me, tortured me and forced me to sing the alaphabet!" Sarah blurted, tears of relief falling down her cheeks.

She didn't notice the sly smile that Brian's lips began to turn into, but she felt the little sensations begin, barely there, under her armpits, her stomach and back of her knees...

"...can you provide us with proof of this, mam?" Niki was saying, sounding doubtful and iundulgent when Sarah let out and uncontrollable, "NOOOOOOHOHOHAHAHAHA!"

"That's what I thought." she heard her boss say and saw him and Niki turn to leave, shaking their heads sadly, "Please go ahead and take her to the public asylum with their last victims..."he mumbled disappointingly as he left.

"PLEEEHEEHEEEASE! HELPMEEEEHEEHEEHEE!" Sarah screamed through her laughter as they left.

"But that is what we are here for, Mrs. Applegate.", Brian looked down lovingly at Sarah and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, that IS what we are here for, Sarah, Darling.", Eric's voice agreed as he reentered the room, his eyes twinkling as he waved the little control at her mockingly, "I can't believe you fell for that one, love!"

It had all been a set up! Sarah's eyes were huge now as she realized she was at the brother's whim to be moved anywhere they chose.

As if reading her mind, Eric leaned in close to her, like a lover, and smiled, "Oh yes, Sarah! Now we will have some REAL fun with you!" He held the control over her face mockingly and pushed a button, letting the tickling begin in her lower regions once more, making Sarah gasp in spite of herself....he then held it so she could see his finger increasing the level of the sensation, "Ohhhhh!" Sarah felt the desire welling up in spite of herself.

"Hmmm, I think she likes it." Brian said looking down at her, "Give her a little more, Bro."

Eric's grin became a sinister smile, "Gladly!"

The tickling went deep inside, under her armpits, around her nipples and was growing, in spirals outward from those areas, making her swoon and then turning those unending swoons into giggles.

Both of them now looked at her as if they might devour her entirely, "You're so beautiful in this moment.", Eric said, as if she were the love of his life.

"Come on", Brian said coldly, looking at her like a little boy looks at an ant under a sunlit magnifying glass, "Make her Rapture. Make her Rapture more than she can bear it, make her scream."

"Gladly", Eric replied, looking as playfully mischievious as his brother looked disturbingly distant, and increased the pleasure and tickling at once four times over...

"Oh! Oh! Oh....Pleeeassse!" Sarah orgasmed, screaming "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" in spite of herself, letting the release of three days of denial wash over her...

Both brothers stared down at her, studying her like she was a science project, one's eyes cold and calculating, the other's eyes laughing with dangerous mischief...

"Now.", she heard Brian say, "More than she can bear it."

"Gladly", Eric answered, same as before, and again, Sarah found herself screaming in pleasure, but this time it grew and grew and grew, past anything she had ever felt before, to the point it was torturous, the waves sending her reeling and the tickling growing with each wave...

"I said, MORE than she can bear." She heard Brian's irritated voice behind her clinched eyelids.

"Ohh", Eric answered mockingly, "I thought that was just a figure of speech."

Suddenly the orgasms came, one on top of each other, making her scream and scream and scream, and in between each she felt every part of her body being tickled, as if fingers and feathers were penetrating to every individual nerve ending, making her laugh and an laugh her head off.

"Now", Brian said, "She's ready for public transport."

"Agreed.", Eric answered just as disturbingly calmly.

They began removing the body cast off of her, put a hospital gown on her, covered by a straight jacket. Sarah tried to fight, but couldn't control her body's innate reactions to the viscious tickling and session of orgasms that wouldn't stop.

One time she got off the table and ran for the door, but Eric simply opened the door for her and smiled wickedly, "Here's your chance, Sarah. Run for it!" At which moment the tow brothers cracked up as she tried to dash out the door, only to be brought to her knees with the next orgasm, more powerful than the one before. Her scream made others come out of their offices into the hallway, people who she knew, but from whose looks obviosuly didn't know the crazy screaming woman laughing hysterically on the floor.

The two brothers merely came out and took her by the arm, walking her down the very hallway she'd wanted to go, then through the door outide where they waved at her boss as they put her inside the padded wagon.

Then after Eric jumped into the back with her, and Brian began driving to who-knows-where, they turned the the little device down to the point she was just whimpering.

"Awww, come on now, Love," Eric teased as the car rounded a corner, "You can't tell me your FBI interrogation resistence tactics didn't prepare you for this?"

Sarah looked up at him, face to face with his dancing eyes, as he extended one finger to the soft left sole of her foot, "NooooohohohohahahahaHAHA!..."she laughed and pulled her leg away.

He laughed back at her, "We have a long drive ahead of us love, and as padded wagons don't have radios or CD players in the back, you get to be my music during the drive! And I'll let you in a little secret..." he leaned in close to her, "I'm a traditional romantic at heart.", he pulled out a pik rose from behind and tickled her neck and cheeks with it, making her giggle and squirm in the straight jacket, "Meaning, I like doing things the old fashioned way."

He tossed the rose over his shoulder and wiggled his fingers at her, saying amidst mock-evil laughter, "Tickle Fight!"

Part 5

The padded wagon must have left the city eventually as it began bumping Sarah and Eric around like crazy. Thankfully the walls were extremely soft and kept them for gettting hurt. However, Sarah quickly found that attempting to evade Eric's tickling fingers while bound up in a straight jacket was simply futile!

Nevertheless, she couldn't ignore the sensations, nor fight against the desire they created in her to try and evade his touch. Nor could she ignore the feelings of arousal that were occuring more and more frequently around him. She felt angry that she didn't know if the device was off or if it was causing her reaction. She prayed it was all the device as she couldn't stand the thought of being aroused by the last four days...

On and on the bumpy ride went, and Eric's twinkling eyes and laughter were irritatingly infectious. He looked at her like she was the most gorgeous creature on the earth and regularly told her he found her so...in spite of her full well knowing she must look her worst.

But the bumping continued and she found herself having to concentrate to fight the urge to smile at the silly game that ensued of his letting her "escape" and then tackling her feet or sides, or squeezing her knees till she squealed with laughter, jerking away to the opposite corner, then attempting to turn her back to him in disgust, only to feel the irrisistable tickling of the rose's petals against her tiny toes...

"Oh, come on, Sarah, love!", He spoke into her ear seductively, "I think I spied a smile trying to appear when I KNOW I wasn't tickling you! Come on and let me see it, Sarah, dear! I won't think less of you..."he placed his strong hands gently on her shoulders, "Actually, the fact that you could still have it in you to enjoy this little tete au tete in the face of all you've endured these past few days, and with the unknowing of what or where you're headed to, makes me only respect you all the more!"

Sarah refused to speak to him and turned away.

"Oh. The silent treatment! I love the challenge of defeating ticklish women in the silent game!", in a flash he grabbed her feet and had them pinned under his legs, "Let's see if you can keep from smiling when i do this..."

He drew little tiny circles all along the bottoms of her feet in an unbearable "barely there" tantalizing way that made her gasp out loud, then bite her quivering bottom lip as she tried not to smile.

"Don't you even think about smiling, Sarah. If you do, you know all those giggles you're trying to deny me will come flowing out, and we don't know when that will end do we?"

He was mocking her. And the situation was arousing her, damn it. And she could feel herself losing it...

Jus then, the car came to stop and they heard a gate opening and dogs barking. Then the car moved forward, the gate closed and the dogs barked for a long way until the car stopped again.

"I hope you'll learn to love it here, Sarah", Eric wrote each word he spoke in cursive with his finger across the bottoms of her ticklish feet, "I-really-want-you-to!"

She fighting her body so hard, but the giggles pushed their way out and quickly turned into frantic laughter, prompting him to smile delightedly at her and ravage her feet furiously to keep her going even more!

At that moment, his brother opened the back of the truck, "Come on out, you love birds!" he sung at them, then made a mock bow and a flourish, at the house in front of them,"Welcome to The Manor House. Home of where dreams come true!", he then looked up at her from under his brows at her and smiled unabashedly, "Ours that is!"

The brothers helped Sarah out of the vehicle and let her scrutinize the horizon.

"We own the five homesteads on either side of us. Each is several acres wide and the neighbors next to those only come here during the tourist season, which this is not. Our property is surrounded by a wall, that should you feel coruagaous to take your chance to climb over, you should first know that on the other side are our rather hungry dogs who are allowed to wander freely between it and the outermost wall next to the road. There are several acres between the two walls. Here," Brian held up an antique spyglass to her face and she looked through it, realizing her had told the truth.

Knowing this her shoulders slumped and she let out a sigh of helplessness.

"Beautiful.", Brian said looking at her like a butterfly in formaldihyde.

"Brian.", Eric chided.

Brian rolled his eyes, "Oh, alright. Let's get her to her room and prepared for dinner then."

The two brothers took her into the mansion where she stood stunned at all the breathtaking paintings, furniture and soft fabrics. The floors were marble and deep dark woods and their were two matching stairways curving from the first to second floor of the home.

They took her up one of the stairways where she noticed the carpet beneath her feet was some of the deepest and softest carpet she had ever felt. They led her down a long hallway, then up another flight of stairs, then they took her to a room on the third floor that was decorated with all her favorite things...

An expert copy of her favorite monet painting was hanging over a gorgeous wooden fireplace that was carved with images from Dicken's stories, her favorite! She saw the soft violet curtains she'd wanted to buy for her home so bad, but had had to return to the shop when she couldn't afford to keep them due to unforseen bills. She saw a jewlrey box she'd looked through the window at longingly and saw jewlry in it that was hers and items that she'd dog-eared in magazines or circled in catalogues...

She walked to the bathroom and saw the tile floor was like the tile she'd admired in a store and had mumbled outloud thinking no one was around, "One day you'll be mine!"

At that very moment she heard Eric say in a seductive voice, "One day you'll be mine!"

She jerked up, the pins and needles running across her neck and back, terrified.

But he only smiled, "I've got no weapons, Sarah. I don't have to do anything to keep you here. the grounds will handle that just fine. But i know you'v got to be hungry, so let me untie you and you can get cleaned up and come downstairs when you're ready."

Sarah saw herself in the mirror then and realized how badly she wanted to clean up, "Okay", she agreed, allowing him to untie the straight jacket and remove it form her. she even let him massage her shoulders which hurt from wearing it.

"There's stuff to remove the hair dye and the fake tan in the shower, and theirs your favorite bath products next to the tub. Take your time, as I'm cleaning up then cooking dinner, so there's no hurry. There are also clothes in the closet. Feel free to come down in PJ's if you want."

"Thank you," she said automatically, then winced at her being polite to her captor.

He smirked, "You're giving gratitude to me now? I like that, Sarah. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

He then lit a scented candle, her favorite lilac, of course, and left.

Continue reading at: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?p=707698#post707698
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