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The Ruthless: Enter Marlina [M/F] and [F/F]


TMF Master
Jul 21, 2003
[Author's note: this story takes place a month after the events of issue two, but before issue three. This is the first time Marlina appears in the storyline as a student reporter excited to meet her idol Stacia Walton at a local charity event]

Stacia Walton. Stacia Walton.

The two words flitted about randomly in her waking mind. Smiling, she cooed a bit and rolled over in bed. It was perfectly warm underneath the covers.

Marlina’s eyes fluttered opened suddenly as she drew in a large amount of air. She stood up, stretching in morning’s embrace.

Marlina went to bed late last night; all she could think about was Stacia Walton. Channel Four’s top field reporter. The woman was a legend in her field, and Marlina wanted to be just like her. Right after freshman orientation she wasted no time in applying immediately to the campus’s top radio station, in hopes of becoming just like her hero.

And last night, the station manager dropped a bombshell on her. Stacia was going to be covering a local charity event just off campus for Channel Four. And they wanted Marlina to attend, as well as part of the student body voice..

It was finally Marlina’s chance to rub elbows with some of Bay City’s elite. Having grown up in some rather dilapidated areas of southern California, it was time to Marlina to finally shine and show people what she was made of.

She jumped into the shower, excited to start this otherwise unnoteworthy day. As the warm water enticed, Marlina paused just a moment. Her station manager gave her a strange smile as she gave her the assignment.

What was that all about, she wondered.

No time to ponder obsessively. She only had two classes today, and then needed to get ready for the charity event.

“Hey Tony!” Marlina giggled, “You know where this place is at tonight? I gotta be there in like, ummm, 45 minutes.”

“I don’t know,” Tony replied, leaning back, “what’s it worth to you?”

Tony was the radio station’s afternoon DJ. He had a blatant disregard for the station’s required playlists. His insubordination was tolerated only because of his popularity on the campus. Previous attempts to remove him had not been received well by the students.

“Oh shit!” Tony exclaimed, “We’re back on the air. Sorry about that bit of deadspace there, folks.”

Marlina giggled at him. Only Tony could forget he’s on air so easily.

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the lovely laugh of Miss Marlina Martinez, our resident reporter here at 94.1. And she’s getting ready for a charity event in…Rolling…Mountains…Gardens…what the hell was it, help me out here!”

“Hills! Rolling Hills!”

“Ah yes, the cultural elite of Bay City. Hard to tell if they’re more plastic and vacuous than their lawn gnomes.” Tony breathed controlled venom into the mic. People listened, and that’s all that mattered to him. He patted his lap and motioned towards Marlina.

Marlina laughed, and slowly slinked over to Tony’s chair, sitting on his lap, “Well, I have no idea about lawn gnomes. I don’t even know where the hell this place is. Hey guys, if anyone knows where the Jonston place is, can you call into the radio station? I have to be there like right now!”

“I don’t know, Marlina, I think our student body is going to need more incentive to help you out there. I think we need to post more pictures of your student body on the website. Amiright guys? If you agree, please, for the love of God, call in now! She’s sitting on my lap, just waiting to model for us in her underwear.”

Marlina gasped with fake indignation, “And just what gave you that idea?”

Tony stopped to place a call on the air, “Hello? Are you there?”

“Marlina…” a female voice crept from the speaker, “The Jonston place is only a half mile from campus. Take the east entrance from Red Square, off McCowley Hall, and just follow the Boulevard for a bit. You’ll see a crested gate on the left side of the street that has a Latin saying on the fence, you can’t miss it”

“God bless you!” Marlina exclaimed, “You just saved my life! I gotta get all dolled up and run out there!”

“No problem,” the female voice answered. “And don’t let Tony con you into the underwear modeling bit. He thinks he’s a real photographer or something.”

Marlina shared a laugh with her new caller friend. She loved the banter between Tony and his listeners. It was a love hate relationship, especially with the ladies.

Grinning widely, Tony dug his fingers into Marlina’s sides, “Don’t worry, gentle listener, I have ways of making Marlina pose for our faithful, even if she gets horrible advise from our lovely listeners from time to time…”

Marlina turned around and stuck out her tongue at him.

“Not ticklish?” Tony asked incredulously.

“Not even a little bit.”

“Now that’s just sad. Everyone’s ticklish!” Tony was convinced she was lying.

“Not me,” Marlina exclaimed. “Go ahead, try it.” She stood up and put her arms up in the air. Tony took the bait, and started poking furiously around Marlina’s underarms. Marlina started giggling lightly.

“Ah ha, I knew it!” Tony announced victoriously.

“Oh what, that? No I was just amused that you actually thought I was going to get in my underwear today.”

The female listener on the phone started laughing. Tony could only watch as Marlina swished out his door and winked at him.

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my future wife,” Tony announced on the air, “she just doesn’t know it yet.”

Marlina rushed past the iron gates and gave the doorman a passing smile. Her feet were already killing her and she’d just put on the heels a couple minutes ago. She was used to soccer cleats and sneakers, not these torture devices passing off as fashionable footwear. But the station manager was very particular about her outfit. They even had a tailor come out, check out Marlina’s body, and specially craft a dress for her. All paid by this Jonston guy, whom she’d never met. The event had a strict dress code. If she didn’t follow along, she couldn’t get in.

Marlina’s heart skipped a beat. Not ten seconds had passed, when she spotted a very familiar redhead not more than forty feet in front of her.

“Stacia!” Marlina couldn’t contain herself. Stacia Walton, in the flesh, turned around to see who was calling her name.

An unfamiliar girl, no older than 20 and probably a student at the nearby university, was calling out to her. The girl was Hispanic and filled out her dress perfectly. Stacia looked on, interested. She always sized up those wanting her attention.

“Stacia!” Marlina repeated, “Sorry about that, I’ve just…I’m your biggest fan. I swear, even more than the horny guys in my dorm last year.”

Stacia smiled and gave Marlina a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I’ve followed you since I was in junior high. I read all about your 2-week shoots in Greece, the run-ins with pirates out of Tahiti, and saw the documentary you produced on teenage self-esteem. I just love you! Would you mind talking with me for a minute? I’m here to cover the event for our campus radio show, and would love to have an interview”

“Absolutely…” Stacia paused, “What did you say your name was?”


“Absolutely, Marlina. What would you like to know?”

“There’s a lot of buzz about this charity event. What’s it all about?”

Stacia licked her lips, and took a confident step towards Marlina. She locked her eyes with Marlina, and reeled her in like a fish. Before Marlina could even gasp, the two were embracing, noses virtually touching. Marlina could hardly resist the siren’s call.

“This charity event is about love. It’s about tolerance. How tolerant are you of other lifestyles, Marlina?” Stacia smiled and held Marlina quite close to her.

“I…uh…” Marlina stammered, caught up in the unexpected moment. Then she quickly composed herself, realizing she didn’t want to blow this one opportunity.

“I find myself fairly accepting,” Marlina started, “as do most students my age. We try not to be terribly judgmental about such things.”

“That’s nonsense,” Stacia replied. “Kids your age are accepting of things that are socially acceptable to your age group. You are tolerant because you are expected to be. College is expensive, wouldn’t it seem an awful waste of money if you didn’t pretend to be rather worldly, vastly knowledgeable people after such a short time? So naturally you feign open mindedness. It is an easy thing to claim, a very different thing to practice.”

Marlina didn’t know how to answer, if Stacia was mocking her, making a point, or just being silly.

“For example, right now, would you make out with me on this front lawn? Not for love, but strictly for the sake of doing it?”

Marlina hesitated again.

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t totally serious. Just trying to prove a point.” Stacia smiled, and tried to put Marlina at ease.

“What point is that?”

“That you’re going to see things in here you’re not going to understand. But it’s ok.”

“Ok, now you have me really curious, Miss Walton. You just tried to come on to me, now you’re telling me it’s totally crazy in there? Is it like the end of civilization or something?”

Stacia laughed, “Why do you assume it’s the end? Why, it’s just another beginning, like the rest.”

Marlina looked skeptical.

“Don’t believe me? You’d be surprised what may surface if you relax and let it happen. You seem very guarded, like someone who doesn’t really belong here, but is trying too hard. Don’t force it, kiddo, just let it be.”

Stacia grabbed Marlina by the hand and pulled her inside the house. She showed the bouncers their credentials, and was greeted with a warm welcome and ushered inside.

“So can you let it go?”

“Let what go?”

“Everything! Just go with it!”

Marlina didn’t know what Stacia was talking about. But nodded feebly.

“Ok, here’s the deal. I will do an interview with you, if you agree to just let go.”

Marlina nodded in excitement.

Stacia smiled, then turned around and shook the hand of Mark Jonston, the host of the event, “Mark, I’d like you to meet Marlina.”

“Nice to meet you, finally,” he smiled warmly. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“She’s kind of green, but has a lot of promise!” Stacia chimed in.

Marlina blushed at the backhanded complement.

“I see! Well, welcome to our charity event!”

“So what do you think of her?” Stacia asked brazenly. The frank question took both Mark and Marlina by surprise.

“Well, she’s quite lovely, Stacia. Stunning, actually. Much more than her pictures or boss let on” Marlina blushed even more, and couldn’t muster a proper response.

“That’s good, Mark. Because I told her in order to get an interview with me, she’d have to do anything you say!”

Marlina didn’t refuse. She looked shyly up at Mark, not sure of how to react.

“Very good, then!” Mark opened right up, “I’d like to see what she has on underneath that dress.”

Stacia knew exactly what he meant. And Marlina was a little stunned at this new and strange world she’d wandered into.

Stacia motioned towards a nearby piano bench and Marlina complied.

“Now then, you’ve upheld your end of the bargain, so now you may start the interview,” Stacia said. Mark stood to watch the two.

“Well ok, Stacia. I’ve never been to anything quite like this. What’s this charity for?”

Stacia murmured absent mindedly, “It’s a fundraiser to raise awareness of the presence of racism in our neighborhoods.” Stacia started to feel around the base of Marlina’s dress, causing the girl to squirm a bit. In triumph, Stacia pulled out a rather dainty ankle attached to a foot not used to wearing heels.

Marlina continued, “So what’s it like being WIA’s top 10 sexiest Americans four years in a row?”

Stacia showed the foot to Mark, who nodded in obvious approval. Stacia began to quickly unbuckle the shoe in order to free it. “It’s a nice honor, you know? I never thought of myself as very sexy growing up. So it’s gratifying to be thought of like that sometimes. But I also want to make sure I’m not just a sex symbol for all our viewers out there. After all, there are important stories that need to be covered.”

Marlina nodded.

Stacia had thrown the shoe to the floor, and took hold of a bottle of Champagne chilling in an ice bucket nearby. “These are really exquisite toes, Mark. Incredibly thin, shapely, delicate.”

Stacia turned to Marlina, “Ticklish?”

Marlina laughed, “You know, you’re the second person to ask me that, today. And no, I’m not.”


Stacia started slowly pouring the wine onto Marlina’s outstretched foot, causing her to wince a little at the chill. Wine dripped copiously off all corners of Marlina’s foot.

Stacia looked up at Marlina, “Please…continue…”

With that, Stacia winked at Mark, then leaned down and absorbed Marlina’s toes into her mouth. Rolling the tongue and gently kneading the toes, Stacia masterfully worked Marlina’s foot like a veteran. She had done this 100 times before, and would do it 100 more times before she was done.

Marlina’s question stopped. A slight tingling sensation originated at her toes, raced up her spine and shot straight into her brain.

Marlina burst into helpless laughter. The feeling of Stacia’s tongue between her toes was just maddening. Marlina threw her head back, beat the arms of the chair, and just howled with laughter on the bench.

Marlina had never been ticklish. Her family tickled her on a weekly basis growing up. And yet, they never got a reaction. Not her underarms, her ribs, knees, nothing. Even the soles of her feet proved infertile ticklish grounds. And yet, Stacia solved the mystery in less than 10 minutes.

“Thought you weren’t ticklish?’ Mark remarked, trying not to sound smug.

Marlina couldn’t answer. She knew her tape was rolling, and the interview was going to sound ridiculous like this. But she couldn’t stop laughing. Stacia’s tongue tickled worse than anything else in the world.

Marlina shrieked with laughter as passing guests pointed and giggled at her predicament. She tried to contain herself, but went absolutely spastic with her foot in Stacia’s mouth. She couldn’t jerk away, or she risked kicking her hero in the face.

Stacia held the foot greedily, licking, tasting, and loving. She loved the introduction of the wine to Marlina’s virgin feet. The effect was intoxicating to Stacia. She’d never met anyone that wasn’t ticklish. But Marlina was hyper ticklish between the toes, it seemed. And that’s where Stacia’s tongue dwelled. Repeatedly. Back and forth, quickly repeating until the Latina’s strength was fully depleted. Stacia wondered if the interview was over already. She hadn’t remembered really saying anything, but Marlina just broke down into continuous laughter after she took the foot into her mouth.

Stacia started to flick her tongue under Marlina’s toe ridge. This caused the campus reporter to buck wildly and belt out another round of desperate laughter. But Stacia couldn’t stop.

“You remember those reflexology courses I was telling you about, Stacia?” Mark began, “Try the intersection of the arch and crested moon.”

Stacia regained a fair amount of interest in Mark again. She did remember what he told her once upon a time. She didn’t believe it, but wanted to try on Marlina. The girl seemed to have strong reactions.

Stacia held the foot up higher, and licked lightly under Marlina’s arch, and a little to the right. Her tongue gathered more hint of the Champagne as it continued to drip from Marlina’s foot. Stacia lightly flickered her tongue on this spot probing slightly.

Marlina tensed up noticeably. No longer laughing, she put her head back onto the chair and started writhing slowly on the chair. Stacia continued probing, until…

Marlina gasped loudly, and instinctively placed her hands between her legs. She shook a few times and moaned as Stacia manipulated her nerve endings with just her tongue. The redhead knew she had a good spot. She found the spot. The one that had eluded Mark for years. The g-spot on the female foot. Stacia dove in for the kill.

Marlina tensed up again, bit her lip, and let out a loud proclamation of pleasure. She leaned back, forcing the piano behind her to emit a large cocaphony of sound throughout the room. As she rocked back and forth, the ornery melody continued. Marlina’s orgasmic cries echoed in time with the striking of the notes.

Stacia appreciated the view of the night’s entertainment. She would always remember this party as the night she simultaneously made a woman climax and played a piano with just her tongue.

[This incident introduces the character Marlina Martinez, who made a brief graphical appearance in the pinup to issue #2. It also is the first text demonstration of Stacia's "unusual" relationships with the females in her life. Stay tuned to The Ruthless comic universe as Marlina and Stacia will make repeated appearances]
And the story's illustrated!

Here's a pinup that sort of goes with the story. It takes place at the same charity event, but a bit later, after Marlina composes herself. Stacia and Doctor Collins are pilloried and tickled for charity while Marlina covers the event with Mark.
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