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The Shrine Maiden: Chapter 2 [M/F]


1st Level Orange Feather
Nov 19, 2002
The Shrine Maiden
Chapter 2

By FeatherDaemon
Copyright 2009

All was quiet around the Shrine of the Serene Springs. The chaos of the night before had subsided. The morning sun was making its presence felt as it slowly ascended into the sky. The warm red glow illuminated the horizon with its morning palette while the purple of the night sky slowly began to retire. The air was quiet with only the sounds of a few distant birds chirping their morning songs. A soft warm breeze blew through the courtyard displacing the cool air of the evening.

Nobuko stood in the courtyard weary and silent. The shock of the previous events of the evening slowly began to settle on her. What had happened? It could not be easily explained. Things like that simply did not happen. Yes she was a miko of the shrine, but everything was all tradition. Things like that simply did not happen in the waking world. She was thankful that she truly listened to the lessons of her Grand-Uncle. What more could be true that she thought was only fantasy? The explanation surely must be logical, but that was dependent on her acceptance that her reality had changed. The strange box, the changeling demons and her... Reika. Yes, of the three Reika was her most pressing need to address.

Reika was up at the top of the wall looking over the top. She floated there; her slippered feet just hanging beneath her. She acted like everything was normal for her; as if she had always existed. In reality she had come into existence just a few hours prior. Yet truly in a sense she had always existed as a part of Nobuko's mind. She was that part of Nobuko's mind which always railed against Nobuko's self-imposed strict and austere lifestyle. Nobuko had always taken the tenet of living a pure lifestyle to the extreme. Reika had always chafed under that damned woman. Now she was free.

As Reika looked over the wall she could not see any sign of the three visitors from the night before. From her vantage point she could easily see the myriad of streams behind the shrine. They twisted and turned through the forested vales and swales far beyond the field of her vision. The dense wall of forest could be seen far off in the distance. More than likely the hengeyokai had changed into another animal form to augment their fruitless search for the small wooden box.

Reika turned around and looked down at Nobuko looking up at her. She could feel Nobuko's thoughts as if they shared a single mind. Were they still the same mind or did she always have this independence from Nobuko. She couldn't tell. She did feel that link to Nobuko. She knew that somehow Nobuko would always have the final say somehow. She felt no desire to be truly independent from Nobuko. She had no idea whether or not she could just run away. Would such an action destroy her; once again just being a voice and not having a physical manifestation? That could not be chanced.

Reika raised her hand and looked at it in the clearer light of the day. She could just about see through it. "Translucent," she thought to herself and mused upon it. "Then that's it. I'm not real, but still it's better than before." She turned back to the wall and touched it. The wall impeded her hand. "Well, I am real in that sense. I can touch and pick things up and I still think and feel. Hey, I won't knock it. Well maybe I will." She knocked the wall then laughed.

Nobuko continued looking up at Reika. Reika seemed to just be realizing that she existed. She looked rather humorous and a little pitiful at the same time. Nobuko had always taken that her body existed for granted. How could one not do so? To see someone truly experience a body for the first time was rather cute, albeit surreal, in her eyes. However with all that being said what the hell was she going to do having that part of herself free and floating before her eyes. "I'll just have to deal with her as I always have."

"Hey what are you laughing about up there?" Nobuko yelled up to Reika. "I hope that you are not going crazy."

"Very funny Nobuko," Reika replied as she descended back down towards Nobuko.

"Did you see them from up there?" Nobuko asked with concern.

Reika replied giving her report. "Not a sign of them. They must be farther back into the forest. I hope that little ruse of yours keeps them out of here."

Nobuko looked over to the wood carved Dragons flanking the main gate. "I hope they keep those demons out of the shrine." Nobuko paused and thought of the day before. "Those demons did have to trick me into inviting them in perhaps we are safe in here. That will buy us some time."

Reika looked at the shrine and the walls around it. "We may be safe, but we can't let this turn into a siege. Those guys may return with friends; something that the walls won't keep out."

Nobuko sighed. Her life was so simpler just a day ago. She wanted just to throw the stupid little box into the fire pit. Yet somehow she knew she couldn't. Anything that demons were after, something which was hidden in her shrine was her responsibility. She had no idea of when her Grand-Uncle would return. She now understood why everybody carried those stupid cell phones. No, this was her responsibility. She would do her job as caretaker of the shrine until his return.

Nobuko and Reika looked at the small wooden box. It was not very ornate. It did not seem valuable at all. Of course, that would be a perfect disguise for something of great value and hidden. Nobuko tried to look for a way to open the box but saw no opening. There was no seam, nothing to indicate pieces of wood joined together. Still however something was inside. She could feel something shift around inside the box. There were no markings that she could detect it looked like normal wood patterns.

Nobuko looked at Reika, "Do you see anything here that I don't?"

Reika looked more intently at the small cedar box then stopped. "I don't see anything special. Apparently our perception of the world is the same."

Reika looked at Nobuko and saw the tired and disheveled state she was in. A twinge of guilt fluttered through her. Reika hated guilt. The feeling so often was used as a weapon on her.

"You should clean up and get some rest. You had a long night." Reika suggested. "I'll keep watch here. I don't feel tired."

Nobuko broke her gaze and nodded her head in agreement. The adrenaline was long gone and she was truly feeling how drained she was. Nobuko looked at Reika and questioned whether or not she could honestly trust the apparition. She quickly realized she had no choice. She had to sleep sometime. Yes, yesterday was far simpler than today.

"No funny business!" Nobuko warned.

Reika displayed her most innocent face, "Moi? Funny business? I'm hurt. Get to bed, Nobuko before I drag you there myself."

Nobuko walked back towards the house giving Reika one more stern look at the door then closed the door.

** ** **

Out in the forest the search was fruitless. The magical resonance of the object was so faint it would take time to make an impression. Making such an impression required the object be in one location and not floating along like a piece of driftwood. With all the intersecting streams twisting and turning the chance of just spotting the box was near impossible. The streams just all branched off in different directions and flowed on into the forest.

The three demons spent the morning hours as hawks crisscrossing the forest in blind hope that they would just be lucky enough to spot the object. The angry screeches of the hawks terrified the local fauna as they all recoiled in fear of the intruders.

Finally the three chose the high branches of an old oak tree to confer their findings.

"Damn that woman!" Ner'gul squawked furiously.

"We'll be here forever in this forest looking for the blasted thing." Met'zili uncharacteristically cursed.

Ko'bal turned to the two with a serious gaze," This is getting us nowhere. Mr. Donzu will be expecting a report soon. The sooner the Master is informed of the situation the sooner he can give new orders. We'll never be able to get back into the shrine."

"Feh, Donzu." Ner'gul had nothing but distaste for the humorless, emotionless bureaucrat. "You deal with him. That's fine with me. I'm going back to the bar. Screw this damn place."

Met'zili looked at Ko'bal with concern, "It's not our fault that the Kami chose to intervene. We can't be held responsible."

Ko'bal looked back at Met'zili, "I'll deal with Donzu you guys just go back. If we have any further orders I'll let you know."

The three demons all glowed brightly for an instant then vanished leaving a black imprint of their forms standing on the branches. The silhouettes remained briefly then faded away.

** ** **

Several hours passed as Nobuko quickly cleaned herself up and collapsed onto the floor. She always slept in the traditional style on a mat on the floor. The mat welcomed her body as her muscles relaxed against the firm strength of the floor. She didn't even have a chance to ponder the events which swirled about her mind in a storm. Her mind quickly drifted into a relaxing sleep.

Reika kept watch outside in the courtyard. She enjoyed her new form. She felt active and full of energy. She never had been able to experience full of life and power. She was a longtime passenger always wanting to be able to be in control. She flew, pushing herself to see how fast and how high she could go. It wasn't possible to fully push herself in the confines of the courtyard, but she had an idea of how fast she could move and it was pretty fast. It seemed that she could fly about as fast as Nobuko could run. This seemed somewhat logical in her estimation.

She returned to the walls several times during the course of the day. There was no sign of any activity. The forest around them was seemingly quiet in the morning, but returned to normal by the afternoon. It seemed to that the demons had indeed given up for the time being. As the novelty of the outside wore off Reika returned to the house.

After a brief pause to look around the house Reika decided to go look in on Nobuko. She gently slid the door open and floated into the room. She suppressed a laugh as she felt like some dread spirit intent on inflicting some gross horror. I'm sure that Nobuko would have agreed knowing the nature of their relationship. How was she going to convince Nobuko to lighten up? Especially in the light of all that transpired. Oh she wished that she could just break the link that bound them and run wild feeling true sensation for her own. Alas, all her feelings were dependent upon Nobuko.

She turned away from the sleeping Nobuko and looked around the room. This was her room too in a sense. She did manage to win some arguments with Nobuko in here. But always at the last minute Nobuko would stop. Reika felt the anger building in her. She felt that need which seemed to drive her existence. But, she relaxed and calmed back down. Now was not the time.

As she was looking around the room Reika saw it. She saw the little doll which had given birth to her existence within the mind of Nobuko. It was a little geisha doll. Nobuko had received this little doll as a reward at the local Cherry Blossom festival. The clothing of the doll matched Reika's clothing exactly. Nobuko had poured every impure thought into this doll. Reika carelessly knocked over another doll which fell behind the shelf as she reached in to grab her little doppelganger.

"You are a cute little thing." Reika mused. "At least Nobuko had some taste in choosing her vessel of impurity." Reika chuckled quietly to herself.

Reika placed the doll back on the shelf. She ignored the other doll she knocked over and turned her attention back to Nobuko. Reika could see the rapid movements of Nobuko's eyes under lids.

"I wonder what she's dreaming about in there." Reika wondered as she hovered over Nobuko's sleeping form. "Maybe I can take a peek." Reika thought as she concentrated on the link which bound the two.

Reika felt her consciousness meld into the mind of Nobuko. The feeling was very familiar. She quickly pulled back out and jerked back. She looked down at her hands and touched her head and arms.

"I'm still here. Thank heavens. That felt way too familiar. Maybe I can peek around while she's sleeping." Reika thought in relief.

Reika focused once again on entering Nobuko. Again she felt the movement of her mind into Nobuko's. The confined warmth felt natural and inviting. Reika resisted that urge to recant her independence and began to search. It was very easy for Reika to locate Nobuko's dreaming mind. Nobuko's mind was Reika's natural world.

"Ahh... so what's Nobuko-chan dreaming about?" Reika hummed while she looked into Nobuko's dream.

Reika saw a re-enactment of the night before as she peered like voyeur.

"I should have figured. Nobuko really had a very exciting day. All that mental energy has to vent off somewhere." Reika laughed as she watched. "I could have a lot of fun in here. I've had fun before, but I never had so much control. Poor Nobuko-chan will never know what hit her. In addition, it will only be a dream. I'll help Nobuko during the day, but her dreams are mine. Not tonight though Nobuko needs her beauty sleep."

As Reika planned some devious thoughts for Nobuko, Reika noticed that Nobuko's dream lingered very intently on her time bound to the tree. Reika saw Nobuko's bound body between the trees. Nobuko's laughter was filling the air as the three demons tickled under Reika's instruction.

Reika put her finger to her chin as she watched. "I really was rather easy on her. I know that Nobuko can handle much more. If Nobuko wants to be some ninja-priestess-super-demon-hunter, well I'll have to start treating her like one."

Reika continued to watch as Nobuko subconsciously re-enacted the dream over and over again.

** ** **

Mr. Donzu approached the dais where Archduke Taliv Vortigern held court. The courtroom was hewn of rough granite. Huge braziers of dark iron flanked the walkway to the steps leading up to the throne. Each brazier was set next to a huge marble pillar which ascended to a ceiling far, far above ground level. Looking up one could five upper level balconies. Looking left and right the courtroom spread at least 10 meters in each direction with 20 meters from the door to the throne. The room was darkened from the smoke and heated well beyond normal human tolerances. The architecture was very reminiscent of an old Gothic fortress. A huge ruby encrusted gilt dome sparkled from light of the torches and fires below.

The minions of the court scuttled about as the grey, emotionless man walked along. Dressed in a grey business suit, plaid tie, dark shoes and wire-rimmed glasses the unperturbed Mr. Donzu walked with an unbroken cadence. He was a tall, thin grey-haired man in his late 60's. His attire contrasted heavily with the fancy robes which the courtesans wore or the bizarrely flanged mail armor of the guards.

The dark palatial courtroom held many creatures some looked human, others were not so much. Mr. Donzu ignored everyone about him as he walked down the long blood red carpet. As he approached the base of the rounded stairs of the dais two huge burly, hairy guards who each stood roughly 8 ft. tall raised their immense halberds to allow him passage. This action engendered no response from the man as he walked up the steps.

Mr. Donzu, walked past the strange looking blue tri-pedal creatures playing some wild and vivacious court music on a variety of unique stringed instruments. A buxom red-headed, perhaps human, singer sang a sultry tune.

Finally at the top Mr. Donzu saw the destination of his journey, the Archduke Vortigern. Vortigern was the epitome of rough hewn physique. His hair though scruffy and black held a well kept air as if every hair had a specific assignment. Two large reptilian wings expanded in a wide span. He stood 7ft tall and dwarfed the bureaucrat in every way. He wore a dark black business suit and held a golden goblet of wine in his steely grip. A golden chain could be glimpsed aound his thick, muscular neck.

Vortigern bounced a voluptuous succubus on his knee as spied Mr. Donzu's approach up the dais.

"Ah, Donzu, you're right on-time as always. You couldn't be late if you tried, could you?" Vortigern greeted haughtily. "What have you me for today?"

"Lord Vortigern, I have the report from the hengeyokai which were sent to retrieve The Lachesis Eye." Mr. Donzu replied flatly.

"I see, since it is not in your hands now there must have been complications." Vortigern said as he took the time to tweak the knee of the cute succubus eliciting a fit of giggles from the shapely demoness.

"Let me see the report." Lord Vortigern ordered as he continued to torture the succubus' knee. The little chestnut-haired demonic moll writhed on his leg, pinned in his strong single-handed grip. Lord Vortigern calmly looked over the report.

"This is most interesting, but not totally unexpected." Lord Vortigern said after perusing the report. His demeanor displayed an intelligence which one might not expect after first sight of the man.

"Yes, there was chance that the Kami would choose to intervene. It shows that they are aware of the situation. Unfortunately, there is no indication of what side they are going to take." Mr. Donzu said dryly.

"They are quite the enigmatic little bastards, aren't they? I'll deal with them later. They are of no concern at the moment apart from the news that they are in the game. It's better this way; makes everything all the more interesting. Not as interesting though as the little minx that thwarted our repo men. I think that she'll do well as a vessel." Lord Vortigern thumbed an amulet attached to the gold chain which he pulled out of his suit coat. "She still has the Eye, too. Good for her." Vortigern said with a little bravado.

"Shall I arrange for her to be brought over?" Mr. Donzu inquired.

"Not just yet," Vortigern answered calculatingly, "I want to see if she can open the box first. Besides by the sounds of this report she has some issues to sort out. What have the Kami done to that poor soul?" Vortigern laughed.

The succubus skimmed her eyes over the report as the large man moved his tickling hand from her knees to her side pinning her close to his chest.

"I must say though," Vortigern said as he dropped the papers to a side table and picked his goblet back up, "this miko is going to be fun play with if this report is any indicator of her... tendencies. Should she get out of line, well then..."

Vortigern displayed what would happen to Nobuko by grabbing both hands of the succubus, pulling them above her head with one hand and tickled her ribs with his free hand. The dangling breasts of the succubus shook back and forth in her silver brassiere. She struggled and screamed in fits of laughter trying to pry herself free from his grip. Back and forth from one set of ribs to the other his strong fingers probed and prodded against bare skin. The helpless succubus giggled madly. She swayed from side to side trying to evade his fingers in a hopeless, yet erotic dance.

"I see. I'll make note of the miko's sensitivities. What of the hengeyokai?" Mr. Donzu replied without missing a beat.

"Oh, them," Vortigern said as he dropped the arms of the winded succubus grabbing her by the feet as she tried to sneak away.

"Please, no," begged the succubus as she tried to hold onto the top step of the dais; her grip broken by the nonchalant pull of Vortigern.

Vortigern's skilled fingers danced over her sensitive feet wrenching more sobs of frenzied laughter from the moll. She franticly pounded her fists on the carpeted stone floor.

"I'll leave them up to you. Perform an assessment on their usefulness and determine whether or not they should be kept on retainer." Vortigern said with a professional flair as his fingers worked a particularly sensitive spot under the toes of the uncontrollably laughing demongirl. Once more she grabbed the step with all her might and tried to squirm away to no avail as Vortigern reached over to give her armpit a little tickle. She immediately folded her arms in defense.

Mr. Donzu continued his address. "Understood, the surveillance reports from our other agents are also complete. They will be delivered by courier tomorrow. I'll see that they're delivered to your attention." With that Mr. Donzu turned around to retrace his exact steps back to his office.

After a few more minutes of intense tickling the screaming, drained succubus was eventually released. She sat on the top of dais steps catching her breath. She fanned herself with her hands as she regained her composure. She then stood up with perfect grace and slinked back over to Vortigern.

"Oh, Vorti-dear, you're out of wine." She said shaking the empty bottle. "Let me go get you some." She said quickly inching over to the dais steps.

Vortigern was reading the report more thoroughly when he heard her request. He looked into his goblet then up at her. "Good idea Brandi and hurry back. I'm not done with you." He responded with a wink.

Brandi bit her lip and whimpered and quickly dashed off down the dais. Her cute little wings and forked tail bounced behind her as she ran.

** ** **

When Brandi was out of sight of all the usual eyes she darted down a little used servant's passage. Into a dark a twisted path she ran. Her blue eyes glowed faintly in the darkness as she looked for a waiting set of red eyes; serious, angry female eyes.

She quickly caught her breath, "I have your report, Mistress."

A quick flash of sparkling energy shot from the lower blue eyes to the higher red eyes.

"You little dear, I saw the whole thing. You watch yourself with him, understood?" The eyes warned. "He can't be trusted."

"Yes Mistress, I understand." The succubus responded submissively. "I'll do my best."

"You better go now. If you are away too long he'll lose interest and find someone else." The red eyes commanded.

The succubus quickly scampered off.

"Vortigern, don't you dare think I've forgotten you." The red eyes closed to slits.

** ** **

Reika let Nobuko sleep through the day and into the night. Nobuko awoke with a start early in the morning. It was still dark outside as Nobuko fumbled for her clock.

"4 AM... It's the next morning. Ugh, I missed the whole day?" Nobuko said drowsily.

Nobuko was stumbling down the hall towards the kitchen when she saw the table set with breakfast ready. Some tea, rice and miso soup with tofu and seaweed was set and still steaming hot.

"Don't expect this every morning. You got that!" Reika chided.

Nobuko thanked Reika warmly and quickly consumed her meal. She then took her morning bath and dressed. She found Reika waiting in the garden.

"My... er... our... Grand-Uncle has some old books maybe we can dig up some clue as to what this thing might be." Nobuko haltingly suggested.

"I spent most of the night looking at that stupid little box." Reika informed Nobuko. "You really can't open that thing. It's locked tight. You can't damage that thing."

Nobuko looked at Reika, alarmed, "Damage? You didn't."

"I got a little mad at the thing. I am little frustrated you know!" Reika said as she playfully punched Nobuko. "At first I took a little knife; a small one. I thought maybe there was some seem I was missing. The knife didn't even scratch the wood. So I took a bigger knife, nothing. Then I whacked it with a cleaver, nothing. I tried to smash it with rock. I tried to burn it, nothing and nothing. This thing is indestructible!" Reika related her night of warfare with the small cedar box.

Nobuko sighed.

"Give me the katana!" Reika screamed. "I wanna play baseball with it."

"Absolutely not!" Nobuko recoiled as she refused. "The box may be indestructible but we don't know if what's inside it is."

"Oh... yeah." Reika replied sheepishly.

"Let's go look at Grand-Uncle's old records." Nobuko wearily sighed.

The two proceeded to the "office". It wasn't really an office. It was more piles and piles of paperwork going back generations. Filing cabinets, crates, chests all were filled with mainly tax and utility information. For the whole day and into the night the two searched. Nobuko didn't bother going to her room to sleep. She just curled up on an old blanket which she dragged from her room.

The following day the two continued poking through the paperwork. After everything was exhausted they rummaged through all the old rooms in the house and shrine. They even rummaged through the defunct stable and servants quarters.

"I can't believe this place had servants at one time." Reika muttered aloud. "This place is such a run-down shack."

"Stop it Reika, it's not an old shack. The place has personality." Nobuko defended her beloved shrine home.

"Hermits and crazy people have personality too. That doesn't mean I have to like it. This place is creepy." Reika continued her jabbing.

"Ah yes, coming from the floating woman to speak about crazy." Nobuko retorted.

"Huh!" Reika sniffed. "You just wait!"

"Oh I so scaled" Nobuko replied with a little intentionally poor Japlish which she had remembered from her English lessons back in high school.

Reika just smiled and waited. And wait she did until Nobuko was fast asleep that evening.

** ** **

Reika once again took to her duty of the night watch as Nobuko retired for the evening. Reika looked down at the sleeping body of Nobuko with great relish. This was going to be like old times for her with much strength of persuasion. She just felt that certainty. After all, I know the types of guys Nobuko-chan could possibly fall for in her waking reality.

Reika allowed her essence to once again flow into Nobuko's mind. Reika easily navigated the swirls and eddies of Nobuko's sleeping mind. She looked in on Nobuko's dream. She saw Nobuko standing in the courtyard of the shrine practicing her sword forms and exercises.

"That's right Nobuko-chan; a focused mind is strong mind. Don't allow such false paths in life to divert you from what is right and true. All things will come to you in due time, of cou--rse, Nobuko-chan." Reika condescended deliberately stretching the word course.

"Now let's have a little fun. Let's see strong, noble, tall, dark and handsome should do very well." Reika spoke to herself musically as she began to take control of Reika's dream. "And he must have a noble steed to ride in on."

Nobuko heard the hoof beats of a rider approaching the gate. She broke from her morning forms to inspect the approaching person. The shrine was not expecting any visitors today. Certainly she was not expecting anyone approaching on a horse. It must be a messenger sent by her Grand-Uncle. Yes, that to be it.

Nobuko turned and saw the man on horseback approach. He was dressed in a formal kimono with a long elegantly wrought katana strapped his back. He was well-built with short dark hair and he handled his horse with studied expertise. He must be able to wield that katana with the same expertise.

"What could he possibly want with me?" Nobuko wondered curiously.

"Excuse me young maiden, I've been travelling far. I saw your shrine her in the woods. I couldn't help but notice the beauty and elegance of this holy ground and all contained within its walls. I ask your leave to meditate her and perhaps spend an evening of rest if I could indulge." The man requested politely.

Nobuko's heart fluttered momentarily seeing such a beautiful man wish to spend some time here in meditation. He must have only been a few years older than him perhaps 23 or 24. She looked cautiously at him. "You may spend the day here in meditation that is free to all. I am afraid though that you can not stay here for the evening. The shrine is closed to all at night. I've... I've ceremonies of purification to perform. I'm... I'm sorry."

The man dismounted from his horse. "Thank you for the time for meditation. If I can not spend the evening inside the walls then I'll simply sleep outside. The road I must travel is long and hard. The road is always fraught with danger. I'll survive, as always."

Nobuko almost relented but held her ground. "The shrine is this way. Please follow me."

Nobuko led him a few steps before he halted and stopped her. "Before I enter your shrine and pray. I must wash away the dirt of my travel and stain of my sin." He said as he began to undo his kimono top.

"Yes... yes you must..." Nobuko pointed to the cold water tap and bucket off to the side. Her heart fluttered madly as she could not remove her eyes from the man. He walked with such confidence in only his soft loincloth. "He must be a soldier of the Emperor himself."

He knelt down at the tap filled the bucket with cold water in perfect compliance with ritual and poured the water over his head, back and shoulders. He did so three times.

He stood up, grabbed a nearby towel and slowly wiped the cold water off as his well-defined body.

Nobuko began to pull away. Reika felt Nobuko try to wake herself from her dream.

"Oh no you don't," Reika smiled as she flicked with her fingers sending a spidery line of sparking energy which hit Nobuko. Nobuko felt a tingle hit her body which she couldn't control.

Nobuko directed the man after he dressed once more to the shrine. She performed a tea ceremony for him then allowed him to meditate. She returned to the courtyard practice her forms once again but could not concentrate on them as she could only think of the man in the shrine. She just wanted to be with him to watch him in everything he did. To simply breathe the same air of such a noble man as him was pure joy.

Time passed in a flicker as it always does in dreams and Nobuko once again saw the man approaching her. Immediately her breath began to quicken as she tried to ignore him. She had to ignore everything about him. Unfortunately, her body began to betray her as her nipples stiffened beneath her kimono.

"I see that you are once again practicing your kata. You body stance is good but I see glaring imperfections. I'm sorry to say. You may be good in some respects but any seasoned warrior would disarm you in no time. Please allow me to return your kindness here." The man approached her.

"Look, stand still like me." He stood in a stronger, more confident pose.

Nobuko did her best to mimic his stance but she could not quite do it. The man walked up to her and waited momentarily before placing his hands on her body. Nobuko made no attempt to stop him as she craved his warm, enveloping embrace.

The man placed his hands on her shoulders and massaged to relax her a bit. "You're far too tense. Strength flows like water, unstoppable and unpredictable. You can't accomplish that wound up like a crossbow string." He coached her as his hands continued ease her muscles making adjustments in her stance.

It was then his hand slid up her side applying the deep muscle massage. Nobuko screamed in a nervous explosive shriek. She collapsed her arms to her sides laughing.

"What have we here? Ticklish? This won't do at all!" The man chided.

Nobuko was knotted in a shock of nervous energy. "I'm sorry. I was caught off guard. Let my try that again." Nobuko said quickly her heart racing with anticipation. She felt open and exposed even in her battle stance.

The man walked around her again looking for signs of weakness. "If you're ticklish girl then you're in a world of trouble as a warrior." His hands once again moved to her waiting pose. This time his hands, his strong fingers tweaked her sides near her hips.

The ticklish sensation ran through her body and she flinched. His fingers quickly darted up her sides to her armpits. She bit her lip trying to hold back her giggles, but the boldness of the situation and desire quickly dissolved her will. She cried into a fit of giggles still managing to hold her pose. Her face burnt red into a hot blush.

Unexpectedly he knocked her off balance, "You balance is poor, you ticklish little miko." His weight easily maneuvered her down to the grass below. "Perhaps you are better suited to more remedial lessons in sword play."

Nobuko was defenseless in all respects. She simply wanted to be washed away in his passion. He gently wrestled her to the ground pinning her arms above her head. Her kimono belt loosened and her top fell open. The man's fingers probed skillfully against her bare flesh. Nobuko twisted and struggled as she tried to escape his fingers.

"D-Don't say such c-cruel things, I c-can't help it if I'm tickl-IIIII-shhhhhhh...!" Nobuko defended her fighting ability, but truly deep down she didn't want it to stop. "P-p-please n-n-nooo m-m-ore..." Nobuko squirmed unable to stop his fingers.

The man looked deep into her eyes. "You and I were locked in combat when I first arrived. I'll not give up an advantage when it leads to victory. Not when the prize is as precious and rare as you."

"Aaaaaaaaaa hahahahaha. Errr... heheheheheeeeeee!" Nobuko couldn't control her laughter any more. The fire within her grew into tempestuous blaze. He spent several long tortuous minutes just working her ribs occasionally flicking her nipple.

The exploring hands of the mysterious, alluring man tickled up along the insides of her thighs. The pinned miko tried again in vain not to be taken so easily, but strength for strength she was overpowered. The gently grazes up along the insides of the thighs caused her muscles to twitch madly. The laser hot sensations were racing through her body. Her hips bucked into fruitless effort to stop the maddening sensation.

"P-p-please. St-op that! It's t-tooooooooo mmmmmuch." Nobuko desperately protested.

"I'll not yield until I've conquered you, miko." The man's hypnotic words stoked her growing lust.

A quick graze across her panties sealed her fate. "Nobuko's eyes turned white in desire. His hands confidently massaged up along the conquered territory settling on her nipples as his lips interlocked with hers in a passionate kiss.

Reika watched passionately, "You enjoy the rest of your dream Nobuko-chan. I better get breakfast ready. It's almost morning.

** ** **

Nobuko awoke drenched in sweat, breathing heavily as the shock of the vivid dream washed over her. She has had such dreams in the past but never so... intense. Embarrassment flushed over her face as she recalled her dream. Her heart was still beating fast. She quickly looked to see if Reika was anywhere in the room gloating over her, but she was alone.

As she shifted and moved to stand up she realized in horror that not only sweat attributed to the dampness. She jumped up and ran like a women possessed took a long cold shower. When she finally made it to the kitchen she saw Reika lounging on the floor watching television.

"Morning, Sunshine," Reika chimed was she saw Nobuko enter the room. "I pretended to make myself breakfast. I left some over for you. You can help yourself to it. It's so much easier when I don't feel like a maid cooking for you."

Nobuko just harrumphed and made a sour face at Reika. "I never asked you to make me anything."

"Ooo, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the floor this morning. Well what else am I supposed to do? It's get's boring at night." Reika equivocated in her response. Reika briefly smirked while Nobuko was looking away. "Well anyway, eat up. We have a busy day today."

"What do mean by busy Reika?" Nobuko looked quizzically at Reika.

"Why we are going into town today." Reika declared happily.

Nobuko frowned, "Who says?"

"I do." Reika retorted merrily. "We are not spending the end of time behind these walls. We haven't seen a peep of anybody or anything in days, except for a few usual patrons which you had to turn away. It is your duty to return the situation back to normal."

Nobuko chewed her food lost in thought briefly thinking of the dream she had the night prior. She had foggily heard the gist of Reika's request.

Reika pressed on, "Look we can go to the library. Maybe we can poke around the town a bit." Reika looked hopefully at Nobuko.

"Fine, maybe you're right, but one sign of trouble and we run back immediately. We only stay out while its daylight." Reika jumped up in elation.

"We have one problem though." Nobuko stated finishing her breakfast.

"Yes, what is that?" Reika looked curiously.

Nobuko pointed to Reika, "You."

"I'm not staying here, end of discussion." Reika pouted.

Nobuko stood up bringing her dishes to the sink. "You are dressed like a geisha, face powder and all. They don't wander the streets of small villages and they don't fly!"

"Fair enough, I'll try and wash my face." Reika floated over to the sink and turned on the water. She cupped some in her hands and splashed her face. The powder did come off. She grabbed a small cloth and removed the remainder.

Nobuko handed her a small towel and she dried her face. When Nobuko looked at Reika without her make-up she was astonished. "You, you look exactly like me."

"Well quit gawking, let's go." Reika ordered. Reika felt quite naked without her make-up and did not like the feeling.

The two gathered up a few items and proceeded to walk the few miles it took to get to town.

** ** **

Town was hardly the heart of civilization. It did serve the needs of the community. Buses did stop in regularly to shuttle people to and fro. The architecture of the town was traditional with a few modern buildings here and there.

The library was one such building. Built as a public works project in the 60's the building served as a makeshift agora for many of the older folks who congregated outside selling their wares.

Nobuko and Reika ran up the steps into the stone building. Nobuko was clad in her normal miko uniform and Reika was clad in her flowery kimono with a headscarf and sunglasses. Nobuko alone was enough to engender a few whispers. Nobuko rarely spent much time in town. Many of the townsfolk were actually quite surprised to see her. Many whispers were shared back and forth about the pair much in the same way as if somebody had seen a vacationing foreigner far off the usual Kyoto tour. To the townsfolk she was somebody saw only at the shrine.

In addition there had been some other notorious incidents with some of the local male youths who had attempted to get to know Nobuko better back in high school. Surely the delivery men had spread the tale of their unfortunate encounter with Nobuko a few days prior. Her visit the library with some exotic stranger would keep them entertained with tales for weeks.

The morning was spent going over the founding of the town and its early history as fishing village. The unfortunate result of that search only led her to the knowledge that her shrine pre-dated the town which she already knew. Sadly no books here had any information beyond which she already knew which was that the shrine was built back during the bakufu period.

They were ready to leave when somebody caught her eye. It was Arisa; a girl that Nobuko had known back in high school. One of the few girls she spoke with on a friendly basis. They weren't really friends, just study partners put together by their teachers. She hadn't thought about Arisa in years.

Nobuko's eyes perked up.

Reika whispered, "Remember her? Wasn't her father a writer or researcher or something like that."

Nobuko replied softly, "Of course I remember who she is. You wait here and stay out of trouble."

Nobuko walked up to Arisa who sat at a pamphlet kiosk reading a book. Arisa was a rather short girl especially in comparison to the taller Nobuko. Arisa had wide round glasses short reddish-brown hair with red highlights tinted into it. Brown dress pants and a white, un-tucked dress shirt rounded out her appearance. A might buxom as well. Arisa looked up and was quite startled to see Nobuko looking down at her.

Arisa and Nobuko exchanged a few customary pleasantries and Arisa invited Nobuko to sit down. In their rehashing of old times Nobuko rediscovered that Arisa's father was a reporter for a neighboring city's newspaper. In addition Nobuko learned that Arisa actually had a job here in the library. When Nobuko had offered a roundabout explanation of what she was doing in the library Arisa jumped at the chance to help.

Nobuko obviously mentioned nothing of her encounter with shape-shifting demons. She did however relate her discovery of the strange cedar "puzzle box" which she had discovered while cleaning the shrine. Nobuko did her best to maintain her usual stoicism when she learned that Arisa's grandfather had many ancient scrolls detailing the truly ancient tales and legends of the area. Nobuko felt slightly ashamed that she didn't know this stuff, but she was still young. She readily accepted Arisa's offer of assistance.

Nobuko haltingly and with strained effort made the introduction and formally introduced her 'cousin' Reika to Arisa. The three made their leave of the library and proceeded to Arisa's family's house.

Now Arisa herself had a bit of a reputation in town as an eccentric girl. Any girl with red highlighted streaks in her hair, among other things, would receive such notice. Many of the older folks muttered openly at the sight of the three colorful young ladies walking down the street.

Arisa's house was rather large for the houses of the surrounding area. Nobuko had no idea that Arisa's family was wealthy at all. Reika marveled at the beauty of the interior of house making several pointed comparisons which eventually ended with Nobuko giving Reika a sharp elbow to the ribs. Arisa noticed none of this as she gave the grand tour.

They finally reached Arisa's room which had computer prominently displayed in the corner. The desktop background of two prominent anime characters kissing made Nobuko blush and Reika chuckled at Nobuko's discomfort. Arisa also had extensive DVD and doujinshi collection. Nobuko couldn't pick up a book without blushing.

"Now let's see this box of yours, shall we." Arisa requested.

Nobuko fished it out of a small satchel she was carrying. "I found this beneath one of the floorboards in the interior of the shrine."

Reika was engrossed in one of Arisa's doujinshi and ignored the two sitting over on the bed.

Arisa peered at it. Her eyes looked magnified under her glasses. "This looks rather ordinary, but it is totally seamless. That is rather unusual." Arisa pondered as she took a few sketches. She judged the weight of the box roughly and noted its dimensions. "Look, I'll dig through my grandfather's stuff. He is rather anal about his collection and has everything perfectly organized. Come back tomorrow and I'll let you know what I've found. I'll be here. It's nice to see you again Nobuko. Don't make yourself such a stranger. I almost forgot you still lived around here. I thought you got married and moved to Europe or something like that." Arisa said kindly as she smiled.

Reika winced at the words and suppressed an urge to punch Nobuko.

Nobuko and Reika left Arisa's house and returned home. Midway through their trek home Nobuko was horrified to see that Reika was still carrying the small book.

"Look, I'll bring it back tomorrow. Arisa's get plenty to do. I doubt that she'll be reading it tonight. I must say that I like Arisa. I always did, but you never listened to me. You need more friends, you know, Nobuko. Could you imagine if I wasn't actually here and you were just walking along talking to yourself?" Reika laughed.

Nobuko responded with silence and a sour look.

"Oh, don't give me that. I kid because I love." Reika winked and gave Nobuko a little hug.

The two continued their walk home through the forest as the sun began to set in sky.

** ** **

Once again as Nobuko fell into her sleep Reika slipped into Nobuko's mind. Nobuko felt giddy with the mischief that she was about to instill. It is an amazing fact how dreams can be spawned by simply glimpsing upon an object or picture. Nobuko had opened up one of Arisa's more ecchi doujinshi novels and saw a few panels of some of the characters sitting and talking in a raunchy pachinko bar.

Nobuko had little idea how pachinko worked but she had a clear judgment of the kinds of people who played such games of chance. As Reika watched, Nobuko walked into the bar in her dream world and sat down. She ordered a drink as she looked dismissively at the people around her. Reika looked around as well and chose one of archetypal men on Nobuko's subconscious A-list.

"Mmm... yes tonight it will be the rogue who steals your heart tonight Nobuko-chan." Reika laughed as she saw that Arisa had been incorporated into the dream as well. She was drunk and singing bawdy karaoke songs on the bar's stage; gesturing for Nobuko to join her." Reika laughed at the scene. The divide created during Nobuko's high school years was part of the dream as well. "Well Nobuko-chan I'll save you from heart-wrenching memories of past decisions."

Reika manipulate the dream to pull one of the swarthier looking men to sit by Nobuko at the bar.

As Nobuko was to getting up to find a seat by herself somewhere the man quickly spoke catching Nobuko off-guard.

"Why are you ignoring your friend up on the stage?" The man inquired jocularly.

"Who says I'm ignoring her? I just don't have any interest in making a fool of myself. If you'll excuse me..." Nobuko said attempting to remove herself again.

"Well the crowd seems to enjoy her and she's having fun. That doesn't seem to be acting the fool. I would say that you're the fool for knocking it before you try it." The man replied to her smiling with a twinkle in his eye. His attitude was goading Nobuko into another response.

The inexperienced Nobuko played right into his hand. "Oh so you're quite the philosopher dispensing wisdom in a pachinko bar."

"And you're more the fool listening to the fool dispensing the wisdom in the pachinko bar." The man cleverly retorted. "You look new here, allow me buy you a drink. We can exchange some witty banter, listen to bad karaoke and get drunk."

"Oh I really shouldn't..." but before Nobuko could refuse the man spoke to the bartender and had a drink on the table before she could complete her sentence.

"Sorry, you can't leave, you have a drink. It's the rules around here." The man's smile and carefree demeanor was more intoxicating than her drink. She couldn't help but laugh at her predicament as she smiled back.

"Let's dance!" The man exclaimed again catching Nobuko off guard.

"To that?" Nobuko incredulously pointed Arisa's painful rendition of Putting On The Ritz.

"Yes we have to right now, One Night in Bangkok is next on the cue and I don't want to hear Arisa murder that song." He said as he pulled Nobuko to the dance floor.

The pair danced as Arisa's slaughtered 80's one hit wonders. They laughed as they verbally sparred. Again Nobuko began to feel that nervousness, the emotion of the moment; her heart giving conflicting signals.

As the evening wore on the bar came to last call and the man invited Nobuko to a nightcap back at his room. Nobuko knew in her mind what accepting this invitation could entail she wanted to but hesitated. Everybody in the bar just stopped and just started staring at her. She felt surrounded and overwhelmed. The man was her escape his hand waiting. She frantically looked around but the people started moving closer. Just as Nobuko was about flee the conflicting emotions of the dream Reika again sent another little magical thrill into Nobuko.

That nudge pushed Nobuko to accept the man's waiting hand. The next moment she found herself a hotel room. She turned to leave, but turned around again to see the man looking at her, calling to her. She heeded the siren's call and walked over to him.

"I can see that you're nervous, well I'll admit I am too." He smiled disarmingly. "Look we'll play a little game to take the edge off."

She watched him intently waiting for the next move.

"He tossed a deck of cards to her. Strip Poker..." He joked, startling her. "Look you choose a card, any card, I'll guess it. If I do, you are mine for the evening. If I'm wrong then you're free. It's as simple as that."

"So I'm reduced to a prize then." She shot back with a challenge. "Fine, I'll accept your drunken little wager. You little hot shots are all the same." She smiled daringly. "Go ahead and lose your bet."

He grinned with that damn alluring face remaining silent and pointing to the deck.

She turned around to see the mirror behind her. "And don't think I'm falling for that little man." She opened the deck to insure the cards were all different. She held the chosen card to her thumping chest.

The man pointed with flick of his wrist. "Queen of Diamonds to the treasure I am about to collect."

Both Reika and Nobuko looked on with shock and disbelief at the correct answer.

The man confidently strode over to Nobuko. He gently took her hand and walked her over to the bed. She was lost in his twinkling eyes as he led her over to the bed. She lay down next to him but quickly found her hands tied to the bed posts and feet bound together.

"No... no... not you too. This isn't fair." She sputtered out in nervous anticipation as the man firmly secured her feet in an arm lock. He gently pulled off her thin white cotton socks. Her breath hitched as she felt the cool air on her feet.

"I noticed you when you first walked into the bar. I just needed to get to know you a little more. And yes, I couldn't help but notice the perfect shape of your foot when you were sitting at the barstool. Don't think me odd because I didn't notice at first your more striking features." The man said while admiring Nobuko's feet.

Nervous tingles pricked through Nobuko feet. The wait was making the sensation far worse. It was as if energy was building within her feet waiting to be released. The signs of tell-tale anxious worry were clearly displayed by Nobuko's fidgeting.

The man calmly reached over to his dresser drawn and pulled out a long, thin feather as he continued his admissions. "I had to get you on the dance floor. You can tell much about a lady's feet by the way she dances. The strength, form and care you displayed were hypnotic."

He slowly dragged the feather along her instep just to watch her toes clench. The feather lazily drifted over to the other foot and again he watched her toes clench. The feather then danced over her soles in some jagged figure eights. He could feel the gentle tugs of her bound together legs. Soft moans and whimpers drifted over to him offering encouragement.

Nobuko breathed in quick intakes. She had no balance from which to stop the tickles. She couldn't move her captured feet. The impulses carried those delicious, torturous sensations up along her legs. Her eyes were closed as she tried to resist the delicate serenade of the feather. That wicked thing felt so good on her feet. She hated the loss of control but craved it just as well. That damn smile of his, she should have just walked away when she had the chance.

The feather quickened in its assault on her feet. Nobuko could tell that the man enjoyed his craft. The man pried back her middle toe and began to explore the soft delicate skin between her toes. The jolt was electric as Nobuko began to giggle madly.

"No, s-stooooop. You'vveeee ha-ha-had y-y-eeeour f-f-funn. Hee hee hee haha haha haha hee noooo moore..." Nobuko stammered, pleading, but the feather continued.

"I'm sorry my dear." He said as he turned to her, smiling that impish, devious grin. "You are me prize remember."

Why was she so foolish? Nobuko questioned herself. As she thrashed against the bedposts for what seemed to be hours. Her laughter was mixed with whimpering sighs and sexy exhales of breath.

The man unbound her feet and quickly retied them to the bedposts. Her legs and thighs became brazenly exposed as he turned to face her with his long, thin feather and murderous smile.

Nobuko saw him turn towards her with that feather and its intent. She felt it drag along the insides of her legs. Up along the insides of her thighs it traveled. She knew that she would eventually give into its call. Her legs trembled, expecting, desiring...

** ** **

Reika was lounging on the couch reading the little manga book as she heard the stomping approach of Nobuko.

"Why are you always so grumpy in the morning?" Reika said as her eyes peaked above the book.

Nobuko just flashed an irate look and raised a crooked finger at Reika while gurgling something that sounded like 'zip it'. Reika couldn't quite tell.

Nobuko threatened violence with her katana and then stuffed it into her dougi.

"This really is a fascinating read. You would enjoy it, I just know it. I was down here mindning my own business reading this all night." Reika lied as she smirked at Nobuko. "Are you carrying your bed sheets to the wash, again? Dear me, I never knew you were that fastidious?"

Nobuko stormed off to the shower, blushing with embarrassment.

Reika watched Nobuko as she walked off. "Two or three more nights of that and you'll be putty in my hands!" Reika said as she chuckled softly.

** ** **

Nobuko spent the entire morning in the shrine in meditation as she purged the lecherous thoughts from her mind. She knew that Reika was somehow behind the dreams. Her private dreams were never that intense before. She couldn't prove that Reika was doing it, but there was no other explanation. Reika was a by-product of her own desires after all, but she was much more now. It was all so confusing.

"Please Spirits, you've heard me once. I truly do understand your desires, but still. I require clarity and peace if I am to solve these problems in my life. I know that something out there is threatening. I know the mysterious box is a part of that puzzle. Maybe Reika too is a part of the equation, but please hear my prayer. I... I... can't hold out from Reika forever if these few days are an indication of the future. I want to make this choice on balanced terms." Nobuko prayed silently.

That silence was broken by Reika's caterwaul outside the shrine, "WE'VE GOT TO GO TO ARISA'S HOUSE. HURRY UP THE PRAYING STUFF!! YES I AM BEING ANNOYING!!"

** ** **

The pair made their trek through the forest to Arisa's house. Unbeknownst to them dark eyes watched them from the tree tops.

** ** **

The locals we're again stunned by the appearance of the formerly hermetic miko and her strange friend. Hushed gasps were heard as the pair meandered through town on the way to the Nomiyomaki residence. Why had all this strangeness descended upon their quaint little village? The rumor mill again exploded at high capacity.

The sun was low in the sky as they reached the house.

"It's late Reika! No more town visits for you. You dragged me into every store. Now we're late. Late!" Nobuko fumed at Reika.

They walked up to the house and pressed to doorbell. From the interior they heard what sounded like jumping thuds perforated by a girlish, "Pom-kyu... Pom-kyu... Pom-kyu..." Nobuko and Reika looked at each other silently as the noise grew nearer.

A schoolgirl with long yellow hair opened the door.

Nobuko stared, stunned few a seconds then finally muttered, "Is your Onee-chan home?"

"Onee-chan? My Onee-chan lives in Cleveland with her wealthy American husband!" The strange girl sounded like Arisa.

"Arisa?" Nobuko stammered.

Reika was chortling at Nobuko's social confusion. "Why haven't we been over here more often, cuz?"

"Welcome back! I found some stuff we can look at. Maybe we can crack open that mysterious box of yours."

Reika burst out and doubled over quickly guffawed at the unintended double-entendre as Nobuko elbowed Reika with intent to do dire harm.

Arisa turned back around and 'pom-kyu'd back up the stairs to her room.

Upstairs in Arisa's room the three sat down. Reika put back the doujinshi she borrowed from the day before and exchanged it for a new one which looked of great promise. Nobuko did her best to avoid looking at Reika, Arisa, the books, the computer, the DVDs, the posters. She settled on staring at what she hoped was a plush cat.

Arisa walked over to a large gunny sack in the corner. "I found some of my Grandfather's old scrolls. The scrolls sat on what looked like wigs and clothes in the sack. If he knew I was even holding these he'd disown me, but they looked promising. I can't read them but there are some pictures and one looked like your item. There's a bunch of weird kanji on there I've never seen before. It's like reading Chinese. I was hoping that you would know how to read the old stuff. I'm totally lost."

Reika shot up and screamed in uncharacteristic seriousness, "We've got to get out of here! NOW!"

Nobuko was about to grab the scroll when a black soccer-ball sized object crashed through the window. The three women screamed in surprise. More balls crashed in as chaos ensued in the room. The balls sprouted what looked like long snake-like legs. The legs attempted to grab at the women.

Arisa grabbed the gunny sack and spun around with it batting one ball-creature back out the window. Nobuko drew out her katana to the surprise of Arisa and sliced at one hitting it directly cleaving it in two. The creature poofed out in a cloud of acrid smoke. One of the balls lunged at Reika who jumped into the air dodging its flailing attack. The ball ricocheted of the wall directly at Nobuko who sliced it twain. A fourth ball bounced itself at the hovering Reika grappled with her knocking her out the broken window.

Nobuko and Arisa quickly dashed down the stairs and out of the house. As they ran out of the house Reika crashed into the ground wrestling with the creature. Nobuko quickly thrust her katana into the body of the creature.

Reika yelled, "More are coming! Many more! We need to get back to the shrine!"

"What's going on?" Arisa screamed in a mix of terror and fascination.

"No time!" Reika ushered them on.

The two young women ran madly in the direction of the shrine while Reika flew without care. Off in the distance more balls seemed to appearing from nowhere.

Nobuko was surprised and relieved at the strength of Arisa's strides. Arisa was still managing to carry her gunny sack as well.

Reika had managed to commandeer a garden hoe as she was fighting with the flailing balls. Luckily for them the creatures didn't seem to be able sustain much damage, but for every one ball they struck two more appeared.

The running battle lasted throughout the flight to the shrine.

"Where are they coming from?!" Arisa cried as she batted two more away with her gunny sack.

Three balls sprouting arms and overcame Arisa and started to drag her away into the forest. Nobuko and Reika both doubled-back to rescue her stabbing at the monsters. The three looked in on in horror at a wall of bouncing terrors coming at them from behind. The shrine's open main gate was only meters away.

"Hurry! Run!" Nobuko screamed.

The three scrambled to their feet and ran with all their might to the gate. The balls bounced in unison in un-ending pursuit coming closer and closer.

The three dived for the threshold and landed in the courtyard out of breath.

"Why are we in here? We're trapped in these walls?" Arisa cried panting on the ground.

Nobuko stood up at the gate with her katana intending on making a last stand. The balls bounced right at the gate and jumped at the threshold.

Just then two giant spectral long-necked dragon heads appeared and breathed a chromatic fire at the creatures vaporizing them all immediately. A cloud of acrid smoke was all that remained.

The three stood there in silent amazement.

"You will be telling me what is going on, ne." Arisa looked at Nobuko with her wide glasses back on.

** ** **

Nobuko and Arisa sat on the steps outside the shrine each holding a cup of tea.

"So that's it." Arisa replied after hearing a little more of the story. "Count me in, no way in heck I'm passing this up."

Nobuko sighed and nodded.

** ** **

Mr. Donzu stood on the hill outside the shrine wall where the three hengeyokai had made their initial plans. A small winged daemon sat on his shoulder.

"Please inform Lord Vortigern that the miko and her party have been moved into position and await transport."

The small winged daemon flittered off and disappeared.

** ** **

Reika hovered up in Nobuko's room looking at her little doll. She was musing over what she would do to poor Nobuko-chan in her dreams tonight. Just then a hand and arm draped in white silk with gold lacework came into her peripheral vision. The hand picked up the doll which Reika had knocked down behind the shelf days before. A doll which wore a white silk robe with gold lacework.

"You knocked my doll over, Reika-kun. How careless of you." The voice said softly, but sternly.

Reika spun around in abject horror and shrieked in a voice which could raise the dead. "YOU!"

Nobuko just smiled knowingly and continued to sip her tea. Arisa stared blankly at Nobuko. Nobuko just smiled.
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