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The Shrine Maiden: Chapter 4 [M/F][M/F]


1st Level Orange Feather
Nov 19, 2002
The Shrine Maiden​

Chapter IV

[M/F] [M/F]​
By FeatherDaemon
Copyright 2009​

[Note - If you have not read the previous chapters they can be found in the links below]
[ame="http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=47091"] *Chapter 1* [/ame]
[ame="http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?p=499493#post499493"] *Chapter 2* [/ame]
[ame="http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=50458"] *Chapter 3* [/ame]

The steel tight keep of the Basalt Fortress had stone iron-reinforced walls which measured 3 meters thick and 10 meters in height around its perimeter. The keep proper was many stories in height with the main body being carved directly from a mountainous stone which jutted forth from the ground. The bulk of Vortigern's army held regular drill practice in the courtyards surrounding the keep and in the forested hills surrounding the fortress. Great winged-beasts patrolled the air about the keep and occasionally battled each other delighting the soldiers below. Guards and spies kept an ever vigilant post watching both the exterior and interior of the walls.

Inside the keep were halls and rooms which percolated with the underground commerce which the walls protected. There were merchants, mercenaries, slaves in orbit about their masters and mistresses, men and women of various trades, dancers and entertainers of all kinds. Every profession and trade was represented in some form or another. Not all in the keep were dark-natured per se, but they had their various reasons for being there. The keep was a bustling nexus for those wishing to conduct their black market businesses out of the reach of the Empress or any other worldly power. The keep was their sanctuary.

The keep itself was only the upper fortress of an immense underground complex which delved deep into the ground in vast circular levels. The ground between each level and the sides of each level were naturally fortified by large iron deposits which seemed to be formed specifically to protect the keep from any manner of disturbance. These levels, too, were patrolled by the watchful and plentiful eyes of Vortigern. The levels were populated by 'humans' and 'demons' and shades in-between. All manner of creatures that dwelled here swore their fealty to Lord Vortigern. That fealty could be counted on in various degrees and in different ways.

The bottom-most level of the keep was the personal pleasure palace of Lord Vortigern. The most spectacular and pampered suites of the upper levels paled in comparison to the palatial suite. The stalwart, Spartan roughness of the outer courtyard met its opposite here. The elegance of the architecture showed of imported talent of cities and people long lost to the icy grip of history. Wonders and artifacts from the 'Other Side' also were on display here in the suite: strange weapons and trophies, sparkling jeweled statues, strange fabrics and clothing, finely crafted books amongst a plethora of other treasures. Many objects were magical or would be deemed magical to un-educated eyes.

Deep in the back of the palatial suite was Vortigern's private playroom. The walls of the chamber were of a strange metal, similar to iron and were impossible to cut, rust or even scratch. They were burnished to the point of near reflection. In the room was a padded table with restraints made of the same metal as the wall. There was a work table near the wall which displayed instruments: some of torture, others of a more erotic intent and some perhaps of both. The door to the room was closed and locked. Strangle looking globes on the walls which gave off a red luminescence lit the inside of the chamber.

The door to the chamber was locked and only Vortigern knew the secret to that lock. He was standing over the padded table looking down. The ceiling of the room was a mirror. Up in the reflection of that mirror was Brandi the succubus and she appeared to be looking down on herself. Although in actuality, she was affixed quite securely to the padded table at the bottom-most level of the keep with all those walls, eyes, guards, soldiers and distance between her and freedom.

Brandi looked up at herself in the mirror. She saw her body bound to the padded table. She saw the light glinting off of the strange metal chains and restraints which held her bound fast to the table. Her arms were bound above her head stretched diagonally out. Her legs were similarly bound and she was drawn tight. Her well toned and copper-skinned legs pulled against the restraints as did her arms to no avail. She could barely move them an inch let alone entertain any hope of breaking free. Her flat and tone stomach gently breathed in and out as she calmly, yet nervously, looked at herself up in the mirror.

She was nervous, very nervous. Vortigern was so serious when he grabbed her and escorted her to his private playroom. What made her nervous was Vortigern's idea of play. She had been with Vortigern many times in this suite and had many wonderful nights of pleasure with him. It was her duty, but it was also very enjoyable. She had no regrets being his most personal attendant. It was a bragging point for her amongst the ranks of the succubi and incubi.

Now, however, this was different. Had her true intents finally been discovered? If that were true she could find herself in a new career as a gallery slave or far worse. People who crossed Vortigern and were discovered soon found themselves in utter misery. Death was their own choice in the matter.

"Vorti dear, you look so serious here. I must say its a bit of a turn on. How about you let me go and I'll make it worth your while over on the couch." Brandi seductively offered.

"No Brandi, I'm afraid I can't do that right now perhaps a little later. As I explained when I brought you down this was a matter of espionage; our little discussion." Vortigern smiled as he removed what little clothing she actually had on. The delights of her body were not lost on Vortigern; her status was clearly by merit. The cool air flowed across her body and added to her feeling of nakedness and defenselessness. That in turn increased her nervous discomfort.

"Wow, espionage, you know I don't know anything about that stuff. I took a vow. I don't hear or see anything. You know that. Why would I jeopardize such a good gig?" Brandi attempted a reply in her most convincing tones.

Vortigern walked over to the small work bench and began picking up various instruments which were optimally used while the recipient was in an anestheticized condition. The whimpering noises coming from Brandi caused Vortigern to shuffle through some of the larger, more intimidating items meant for torture which had the desired effect of increasing her nervous utterances. This drew a smile from Vortigern. He enjoyed toying with his victims.

When he was finished he set his tools aside. He was in his business-suit which was specially tailored to accommodate his body type and wings. He stretched his arms and wings a bit then removed his sport jacket and tie then put them off to the side. He undid the top few buttons of his shirt, rolled up his sleeves then turned back around to face Brandi.

"I told you earlier that you are not being accused of anything. I simply require your participation in this discussion; a soundboard to bounce some ideas off." Vortigern spoke with a non-descript and casual voice.

Brandi was clearly not relaxed by this having seen Vortigern's poker face many times. "Ummm... OK. Then you let me go and we'll have serious talk over on the couch. Hmm?"

"In a little while, but first we need to have a little discussion, here. I need to play a bit while I think." Vortigern picked up some long pointed clear crystals with a cluster base. He planted each cluster base into a receptacle in the table on opposite sides of Brandi's head. The points were turned towards Brandi.

"Ah, Vorti dear, I really don't like the looks of those things. What are you doing?" Brandi squirmed nervously on the table. Her tail had been placed through a hole in the table and was flicking back forth rapidly.

Vortigern smiled as he adjusted the crystals. "Ah, these are harmless. In my younger days I studied crystal magic; a spate of youthful dalliance, but useful. These are empathic transmitters which are linked to their partner crystals which have applied to two of your sisters in your profession. These crystals will receive the empathic feelings of your sisters and transmit them into you. We all know that we succubi and incubi need space when certain business is conducted. Being naturally empathic you wouldn't want any trade secrets being unwittingly transmitted in the heat of passion." Vortigern explained as he returned to the bench.

"I know all that and if these crystals are going to tap me into them I would prefer to respect their privacy." Brandi eyed the crystals apprehensively not wanting any of the sensations of her sister succubi flowing through her. Vortigern was up to something and she needed to have the clarity of mind to endure it.

"Nonsense my dear Brandi, these are harmless. You'll suffer no lasting after-effects. It is just that in your profession you are somewhat de-sensitized to sensory, particularly tactile, stimulation." He said as he slid a finger along her right side.

Little goose-pimples erupted on her skin as she twitched a bit. "Stimulation? What are you driving at Vorti? Come on, these are unethical. You shared this profession once, you should know that." Brandi flashed her pleading green eyes at Vortigern.

Vortigern chuckled and explained. "As you may have noticed I've expanded far beyond my former profession. You should know that. You also forget that I am the law here. It is within my rights to grant special dispensations to my subjects."

Brandi bit her lip to keep from saying that they were all subjects of the Empress.

He took a crystal from the bench, a long red crystal wand, and tapped it to one of the crystal near Brandi's head and it started to glow. Immediately the sensations of one of the succubi began to be absorbed by the receptive Brandi. She began to shift uncomfortably in her bounds. Her eyes opened wide. Her body slowly strained against her bonds. Her back and breasts thrust upwards in an attempt to push away from the table.

"Please! Please! D-D-Don't turn the other one on. Please!" Brandi cried unable to block out the invading feelings of stimulation.

Vortigern walked around the table to the other side then slowly dragged the red crystal wand across Brandi's chest. He lazily traced the wand around Brandi's aroused nipples. Then slowly he moved the wand towards the other transmitter crystal. "I wonder if your other sister is feeling the same things? Shall we find out?" Vortigern toothily grinned as Brandi begged.

"N-N-No... D-D-Don't... please!" She gritted her teeth trying to brace herself for the next onslaught.

The red crystal wand tapped the waiting crystal and activated it. Brandi's response was electric. The tickling sensations ravaged Brandi's psyche as if she were in both succubi who were themselves willingly being treated to such wonderful assaults.

Brandi fought savagely against her restraints trying to stop the feathers and fingers which weren't there. She fought desperately against the psychically transmission but couldn't block it out. Tears were flowing from her wide-open eyes as her grin was growing wider and wider. She was bucking and squirming on the table. Vortigern stepped back to appreciate the show. Brandi clenched as her whole body tensed, she shook; desperate to fight off the inevitable. Seconds passed by like eons each second sapping her resistance. Finally in one frantic squeal she giggled into frenzy then into outright laugher.

"Please! Heeeeeeeese. Not faaaaaaaaaair! Tickling! No! No! No! Why do those tramps need to beeeeeeeeee so daaaaaaaaaaaamn sensitive?!" She growled briefly before again exploding into frenzied laughter. Her sharp fangs were bared in fiendish, ticklish agony as she spat at Vortigern. "You won't get way with thiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeesssssss!" Her copper speckled skin was sweating as she fought against the sensations; her overworked muscles continuing to spasm uncontrollably.

One phantom sensation was devilishly playing with one of her nipples. Another phantom feather was flicking oh so carefully in one of her armpits. Fingers were probing the worst parts of her ribs; deeply massaging the bone and it was driving her insane. The sensations which were pleasure on one end was pure torture to her unrelenting and unending when one crystal waned the other waxed. Now something was tickling just inside her left ear as she tried to shake the ticking away.

"Very good, I see that you are now prepared for our conversation. We can proceed to our discussion about spies within the fortress. Again, my dear Brandi, you are not accused of anything. I just would like your input on what you may have seen - who you may have seen." Vortigern responded to her quite comfortably.

"Damn it! I hate this, but I have to stretch this out. Damn it! What if he doesn't believe me? He could truly break me this way! I've got to get out here!" Brandi thought as her mind and body struggled.

"I cleared my schedule just for our special appointment, Brandi. We have all day to converse." Vortigern threatened as he walked back over to the work bench. He picked up another instrument from the bench then proceeded to Brandi's feet.

Brandi saw Vortigern and threw her head back in despair. "Oh shit!" She cried out as she gulped in needed oxygen. She then continued in her fruitless battle against her chains. Vortigern walked over to feet and playfully spread her toes as a worked a small, thin, strangely buzzing wand between her toes. She threw her head and exploded into renewed frenzied laughter.

She just had to fight as long as she could, though she knew it was hopeless. Vortigern would drag a confession out of her.

** ** **​

Sgt. Imiro pushed Winter his dappled gray hard towards the temporary SanGreal camp of Commander Bellisar's strike team deep in the Plains of Eviron. He had another horse running hard with him. Riderless, the horse followed in nearly the exact hoovesteps as Winter. He had news which Commander Bellisar had to hear. He spotted the temporary camp tents with their pennants flowing boldly in the winds of the plains.

Sgt. Imiro pointed to a group of horses and their attendants. "Fury, that way." The riderless horse broke off and galloped over to the attendants. Sgt. Imiro continued towards the Commander's tent with its high light-blue and white cotton walls rippling in the gusty breeze. Approaching the tent he slowed then quickly dismounted. Winter walked slowly over to a station near the tent. Winter glanced over to Fury with a look of concern in her eyes.

"Commander, Fury has been located. He was two leagues to the west of Basalt Fortress and injured. There was blood on his saddle. He was riderless." Sgt. Imiro reported with a hint of restrained concern in his voice.

Bellisar looked up from his maps dispassionately. He had heard many of these reports in his years of service. He knew to restrain emotion and to focus on the issue at hand. "Any sign of Lt. Tora? What of Fury's report?"

"Fury told me that he and Lt. Tora were attacked just outside of the Maythorne. Lt. Tora was hit and knocked free from the saddle. He attempted to recover Lt. Tora, but he was ordered to return. He took a spear which penetrated the barding. I was able to field dress him, but he'll be out of action for some time. He's quite upset and ashamed for losing his rider." Sgt. Imiro answered. "The last thing he saw was Lt. Tora being pursued into the Maythorne."

Bellisar stood up and stretched out his had to Sgt. Imiro's shoulder. "Thank you for the report. I'll talk to Fury once he's calmed down. The last thing he saw was that Lt. Tora was alive. That is better than knowing that she was stricken down. The Maythorne is a rough place, but don't forget that Lt. Tora grew up in the Viantolo Range that forest would be a second home to her. So she is not without an advantage. She is proficient in her skills. She'll find a way to make it back. Now go clean yourself up while you can, camp will break in an hour."

Sgt. Imiro nodded then saluted before turning to leave the tent. Bellisar exited his tent and walked over to a nearby hill and took out his spyglass. He turned towards the direction of the Maythorne Range. It was a mere speck in his view, hundreds of leagues across the plains. It was deceptively small in the circle of the spyglass. A rescue mission could jeopardize the entire battalion. He knew that Tora would never approve and he couldn't either. Deep in his heart he wished to hear her tale of adventure and escape from her lips over a fine brew and a campfire. He could picture her slightly exaggerated story and wild laughter of her comrades. Of anyone in a similar situation Tora stood an honest chance of doing it.

** ** **​

Galena and Reika flew for hours into the darkening sky. The forest and mountains were now within sight. They did not look inviting but the exposed nature of the plains offered nowhere to hide. There was an army out there. There were people and things that wanted them. A swarm of those ugly demons or armored monstrosities could attack at any time. The shelter of a dark and foreboding forest would not have been their first choice; unfortunately it was their only choice. Going back to that battle was not an option.

Reika looked behind as she had done hundreds of times in the past two hours and saw no signs of pursuit. That lack of seeing anything did nothing to calm her nerves. It only spurred on her imagination; if not from behind an attack was going to come from somewhere.

They finally set down on the edge of the forest and walked just within the treeline.

"Where are we?" Arisa said with a mix of awe and fear.

"This is a long way from Kansas." Reika replied with a little levity which eased the others.

Galena looked around analyzing the forest around them. "This must be some private reserve. I thought I saw what could have been a road far off in the distance. That could indicate some level of civilization. Whether or not they are friendly is a different story."

Nobuko drew out her katana and wiped the dark ichor off of her blade with an oiled rag. It was the first time she had actually used the cloth to wipe blood off her katana. Her use of her katana had been instinctive she didn't even think when she stabbed the prone demon creature. She felt that she had crossed some threshold. It was a threshold that needed to be crossed if she were to survive. Like everything else that had happened this place was real. She laid the katana across her knee as she sat on a fallen log.

"Let's just stay here for now while we get our bearings straight. We should take advantage of our safety and freedom while we have it. We are in some foreign land. We know that this place is populated. We saw armor, weapons and soldiers. We saw them fighting which means a war of some kind is going on here and that means opposing factions. Maybe if we find the right person they can help us get home." Nobuko was surprised that all of that came out of her.

Arisa nodded her head in the affirmative, "sounds good to me."

Reika slowly floated over to Galena, her eyes downcast as she tried to force some words out of her mouth. "How - how did you do that?" Reika asked quietly.

Galena looked over Reika. "If you had been paying more attention to yourself and not fixated on - other - matters you would have that answer already. You did something similar before yourself."

Reika looked at Galena, confused at the statement. "I did? When?"

"In the shrine, you attacked the hengeyokai and knocked them unconscious." Galena patiently responded to the query. "Such powers are inherent within you if you let your passions aside and think on the matter."

"That wasn't me. That was - them - the kami." Reika stuttered.

"No, that was you, Reika." Galena explained truthfully.

Reika looked up at Galena warily. "Thank you. Now this doesn't mean I like you or anything so don't go getting any weird ideas that I'm going to become a nun or anything." Reika smiled and floated away.

Galena nodded and smiled. "Perish the thought." She said with a friendly sarcasm. Perhaps she could reform Reika. It would take more than some flowery words. She knew that fact. If she had to knock some sense into Reika using quite literal, baser methods that option was always on the table.

** ** **​

"Down the stairs." The little daemon muttered chipperly. "Down the stairs."

"The big private room. The shiny ball. Give the shiny ball. Look. Look. Dark. He's here? Where here? Follow the ball. The ball knows."

"No not the room. The shiny metal room. The bad room. I hate the room."

"No! The door's closed. No! Why closed? I hate the door. Look! Open? Noooo. Hate closed."

The tiny eyes looked around the huge room. Such a pretty room, nice room, soft room, strange room. The small figure paced back and forth nervously.

"In there. He's in there. He'll be angry. He'll yell. Big ones always do. He's biggest. Oh, why closed? He'll be angry. Must give shiny ball, pretty ball. Ordered to!"

The little hand reached up and scratched his talons at the closed door of the shiny metal room. 'Scritch - scritch - scritch' went the claws against the metal.

The clanging of internal locks could be heard from the door. The bolts unlatched and the doors slid apart. The fearful little eyes looked up expectantly at the looming figure overhead.

The voice boomed above him. "What is it daemon? Ah, a message." The huge hand came thrusting down to smash him to the ground, but it stopped and gently took the shiny ball.

Another voice from inside the room coughed and cried out weakly, "Ple-ase h-help m-me. G-get m-mee out of h-here. Then again devolved into laughter and sobbing. "Help me!" The voice weakly spurted out.

"The pretty voice. The nice voice. The bouncy voice. I know the nice voice."

The giant figure above him stared at the ball then the giant arm came crashing down again. The hand quickly stopped before hitting him and returned the shiny ball then patted him on the head.

The voice boomed out. "Return to this to the one who gave it to you."

The doors slammed shut just as the pretty voice once again began to beg.

"Return the ball. Return the ball. Up the stairs. Up the stairs." He chirped.

The little daemon re-traced his journey back up through the complex as he had done countless times before. Each time was a new and fascinating adventure for the little daemon.

"Here we are place. Easier place. Funny old man place. Oh! Box with funny colors place. Like the funny pictures. Moving pictures! Hope to see moving colors. Sweeping colors. Pretty colors."

The little daemon jumped up on the chair but the box didn't have the pretty colors. The box had the scritchy-scratchy marks. The scritchy-scratchy marks were boring.

"Drat! No fun. No sweeping colors." He sighed.

The funny old man walked into the room. "Ah, good you're back. Give me the shiny ball." He reached over and took the ball.

The face of the looming demon from a few moments ago appeared. "I have received your report that our guests have spotted near the Maythorne Estates. That was to be expected since they were last seen fleeing in that direction. Take no further action and allow nature to take its course. This presents the perfect opportunity to test out the Eye. If all works out well then we'll know our investment was worth it. If not, then Varspis will have some exotics to add to his collection. I've set the plan in motion. I need you to..."

With a wave of the funny old man's hand the little daemon was dismissed from his duties and merrily hopped out of the room in search of new adventure.

** ** **​

Deeper within the Maythorne Range eyes were watching the happenings within the forest barony. The Baron Varspis was sitting at his comfortable oak work desk relaxing a he always did. He often looked over his small realm scrying by way of a small pool of water in mother of pearl lined dish. Not much really happened in Maythorne. There were a few logging and mining villages dotting the Maythorne, but nobody was foolish enough to venture into the deepwood.

An old house servant quickly walked up to the Baron. The man hastily removed his gardening gloves and coiffed his wafty hair. "A battle sire! A battle not to far from here. A SanGreal raiding party hit one of the Portal sites! I heard it from one of the caravan runners passing through. A whole garrison was eliminated in one strike! The war that everyone's been talking about could finally be here!"

The Baron looked up from the small pool. He was an older man with dark brown eyes and salt and pepper hair. The hair was somewhat wild looking but well-styled with side-burns that flared outward. He wore a black suit of an older out of fashion design and a prominent white stiff-wing collar. The Baron accepted his gardener's report and bade him to return to his duties. He was about to retire for the evening, but perhaps a little more scrying is in order. The last thing he needed was Vortigern's thugs or SanGreal do-gooders prying about in his private affairs. Vortigern often sent people up into his woods snooping about. Wasn't his oath of loyalty enough?

The Baron sat back down and returned to his dish. He reached into a nearby pouch and took a small pinch of ground ivory and sprinkled it on the water. The water sparkled and once again allowed Varspis' eyes to gaze through his forest domain.

** ** **​

The three Hengeyokai exited from the District A Municipal Authority Building. It was a large stone building which dominated the upper seaboard district of Polis. The city workers were clocking out and walking off in small groups ready to spend a few hours of the evening in their various night holes. The sun was setting far off in the west. The three looked over to the sunset which was reflected on the ocean. The far off waves crashing into the beach.

"Ain't that a beautiful sight?" Ner'gul said as he waxed poetic.

"Aye, the setting sun often stirs one's heart." Ko'bal said as he put his hands into his grey uniforms pockets. The large golden badge of imperial office on his chest.

"Yeah, especially when one has gainful employment! Isn't this great! We're municipal employees in the service of the Most August Empress Naibikos Supreme Queen of Ypertatopolis." Met'zili said practically hopping. Actually he was hopping.

"Ahh, Met'zili... your legs?" Ner'gul looked at Met'zili pointing his finger downward.

Met'zili looked down and saw his goat-legs. "Haha! I guess I was a little excited forgot to change all the way back."

Ko'bal looked to his comrades. "Yes this is a great opportunity, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We actually have a job to do."

"Sure, big job, serving some papers to some old fart out in hicksville." Ner'gul scoffed at that as a form of work. "However, if we play our cards right, grease some wheels, get to make a few friends downtown; we can get assigned to some cushy toll-booth post skimming silvers from the till. That's what I'm aiming for."

"In a few years we could be fully compensated government hacks with a 70% pension and a housing allowance." Met'zili said starry eyed.

"Well right now we're the Empress' errand boys so let's get a move on. I want to get out to the Maythorne tomorrow.
The three disappeared and ported off into the night.

** ** **​

Lt. Tora crashed through a patch of thickets as she ran headlong into the thickening forest. She knelt down for a few seconds to catch her breath. Oxygen was as necessary as distance. It had been hours since she was ambushed. It was only her luck that she was pushed off her saddle and not pulled that allowed her the life she had now. She regretted sending Fury away but together they were no match against the ambushers. Only Fury could inform the others of her situation. She knew no help would be forthcoming and that she was on her own.

She looked up at the lowering sun in the sky. She had managed to put some distance between herself and her pursuers. Every step she took she was thankful for all those drills in her armor. Even though her armor was more of a lightweight set of plate it was still heavy. She heard the thudding footsteps and angry bestial shouts approaching closer. She felt the area where she was wounded earlier it was still very tender, but it was healing. Her medkit served her well, if she made it back she would have to thank Erindell personally.

She had downed four of the eight soldiers who attacked her but she knew that she was running out of tricks. The fools had run straight into a patch of scissor-grass. They were easy cannon-fodder to put down. The other four were more clever they would not be so easy. She stood back up and began to run again. She looked carefully as she ran for anything which could prove useful.

There she saw it - a patch of quicksand. If she could just lure them into it. Quickly she skirted around the outside of the watery death trap. She saw the figures running towards her. "Good! Very Good!" She thought. "Look at me and not at the ground. The forest is dense enough around here. It's well hidden." She rested herself against a tree purposely allowing herself to be seen.

When she was sure that she was seen she quickly jumped through the trees. The gauntleted fist that met her caught her totally off guard. The blow knocked off her helmet and sent her backpedaling into the quicksand. She was caught in the trap she intended for them to fall into. The grinning face of the demon officer looked down on her as she crashed into the wet sandy surface.

"That was for making me run all day." The large somewhat dog-like faced demon officer barked down at her. "You are not the only one to grow up in a forest!" He angrily growled down at her.

The three other demon soldiers doubled-over catching their breath muttering their own curses at her. They watched as she did her best to halt her lowering ballast. She could easily get out this even in her armor, but such a feat would be worthless now. Yet if she could take one more of these vile beasts down before she died then perhaps her soul would be freed. She reached down into the muck and reached for her dagger in her belt.

She pulled out the dagger and pulled her hand out the rising sand line which was up to her chest now. She hesitated as she locked eyes with the demon officer before her. She maneuvered the dagger in her hand to get a more accurate throw.

The officer eyed her and laughed, "You get one shot, you better make it good." He said as he firmed his grip on his sword.

She threw the dagger with a clear an accurate throw which would have hit him square between the eyes if he hadn't deflected the dagger with his broadsword.

"You lose." He laughed as he walked to the edge of the sand pit. "I should let you drown for killing four of my soldiers. But you are far more valuable alive." The officer grinned as a lasso landed on the sand around her and quickly constricted. The three soldiers pulled her out of the sand and quickly bound her wrists behind her. Her mouth was gagged. A rope was placed around her neck which pulled her with them.

The officer found her helmet and picked it up. "A souvenir to take back home." He laughed as he directed the group away.

** ** **​

Nobuko stood up from her log. "We can't stay here all day. We have a few more hours of sunlight, I think. Let's see if we can find that road. Maybe there is some shelter, a house or shed we can hide in. I really don't like being open like this."

Reika was lost in some thoughts of her own and only nodded in approval. Galena too was quiet as she was keeping a lookout higher up in one of the trees. Galena spoke quietly down to Nobuko. "I'd offer to look around a little bit up here, but I think that it would be best for us to stay together." Nobuko nodded in agreement.

Arisa walked over to Nobuko and offered her a seasoned rice ball which was wrapped in plastic wrap. "Here have one; we don't know when our next meal could be. I have a few that I packed away before we left." Nobuko gladly accepted the food and unwrapped it. She took a bite as a she started walking.

Nobuko looked to Arisa. "Be sure to keep any wrappers, if they have people tracking us we don't want to make it too easy for them."

The four once again proceeded into the forest. Galena kept high in the treetops as they carefully walked. It was impossible to avoid making noise walking in brush, but they did their best not to be too obvious.

They continued their hike deeper into the forest for the next few hours with only the sounds of birds and the occasional dash of an animal off in the distance. There was no indication of any sign of civilization.

Arisa looked to Nobuko with a growing concern. "It's starting to get dark. I don't think that we'll find that road or any shelter. It's really starting to look a little spooky."

Nobuko walked closer to Arisa. "We'll be fine. When we find a place to sleep we'll just have to be really quiet. There are four of us here. Reika and Galena could help us get into a big tree we could sleep up there if need be."

Arisa looked back to Nobuko again. "That's a great idea. Not much should be able to get at us up there."

Galena quickly dropped down to the others and shushed them both quiet. The four stopped moving as the last of the sunlight dipped out of view. "I saw something up ahead. A campfire I think. You three stay here I'll go check it out." Galena said as she floated back up into the air and further up ahead.

The three of them stood quietly in a nervous wait. Galena's white form was quickly lost in the darkness as she flew off.

** ** **​

The demon soldiers stood around a campfire as they roasted some small beast on a makeshift spit. They were all laughing and having a rather boisterous discussion about the Coliseum games and which teams were better The Greens or The Blues. Their prisoner was not forgotten. She was securely tied to a log.

Lt. Tora was glad that they seemed to be leaving her alone. Aside from being roughly dragged behind them they didn't seem to take too much interest in her. They did periodically check her bonds and give her some water, but not much else aside from that. She was down on her side tied to the log. Her head was lying on a small patch of grass.

One of the larger demon soldiers stood up. "Oy, I'll be right back, got to drain the snake."

He walked past Lt. Tora and stood behind a tree. He rather voluminously made his sense of relief apparent as a loud hiss was heard splattering against some leaves. The noise reminded Tora that it had been some time since she had the same sense of relief. The sound of his relief was very disconcerting to her.

As he walked back to the others he stopped by Lt. Tora and lightly kicked her log, "Oy you! You need a drink. Last chance tonight."

The thought of drinking anything else tonight was the last thing on her mind. She looked at him with a slightly pained expression. "No. No I am fine."

The demon soldier looked at her with a little grin in his somewhat bovine face. "You need to take a little bit of a tinkle do ya?"

"No I said am fine, thank you." Lt. Tora attempted to steer the conversation away from her need to relieve herself.

"Maybe so, maybe so, but maybe you should anyway just to get it out of the way. It's a long walk back with no potty breaks or bushes to squat behind either." The demon soldier said as grinned at her. He took a small blunt stick and worked it in-between her armor plates. The thin chain and cloth under her armor was well suited to stopping a blade but not pressure against her ribs.

The surprise of the stiff stick against her ribs caught her off guard. Her eyes opened widely for a moment. Of all the things conceivable this was completely ridiculous. She thought as the poking of her ribs threatened to force a giggle of her. One of the other demon soldiers saw what was happening and walked over. The other two were disinterested and continued to talk of the arena games. The demon soldier who walked over found a similar stick and a similar chink in her armor.

"Stop that! Stop that!" Lt. Tora protested with the pitch of her voice rising each time. The pressure of her situation added to her growing need to relieve herself. The demon soldiers continued to laugh at her and taunt her poking her in the ribs hoping to see if they could just make her pee, but not wanting to end her situation too quickly.

Galena watched the whole situation from up in the trees and quickly reported back to the others.

** ** **​

Also observing the activities below was the eyes of Baron Varspis. The Baron was about to retire for the evening himself when his roaming eyes caught the campfire of Vortigern's soldiers. He knew that they were bound to be in his forest. The ordeal of the SanGreal soldier caught his interest for a few minutes. He didn't care what they did with their prisoners so long as they eventually moved on out of his preserve which they were. He could deduce that intent from their conversation.

That was not what caught his eyes. What caught his eyes was the floating apparition observing the camp. He was certain he never saw her before. Such a creature he would have known. She had such an elegant and regal look to her. She had a bit of a SanGreal look to her, but her clothing was far different. It was nothing he had observed in his forest before. So his eyes watched her. He saw the concern in her eyes for the prisoner below, but it was a questioning concern. She was gathering information like a spy. He watched her as she turned away from the scene below and hurriedly glided away into the forest. Where would she lead him he wondered?

** ** **​

Galena flew with all the haste she could muster back to the others. They saw her approach and anxiously waited for her news.

"Its a demon camp up ahead. I saw four of them, plus a prisoner. A human prisoner. She was wearing the armor of those we saw attacking the camp." Galena reported intently. "If we could rescue her she might be able to help us."

"What could we possibly do? There could be a whole nest of demons over there. Not that I don't want to, but we don't want to make matters worse." Reika looked concerned and unsure of herself.

Nobuko looked to Reika. "You are right, we don't know what we could be getting into, but still we have to do something."

"We have to make a decision soon. Two of those soldiers were doing something to her and it didn't look pleasant." Galena interjected.

Galena looked to Reika and spoke directly to Reika's mind in words that the other two could not hear. "Reika, you and I can attack those demons. We can do it. We are not totally powerless here."

Reika looked to Galena and responded in the same manner. "I... I don't know. I'm not sure how to do it."

Galena looked to Reika and continued. "Just pay attention to me. You'll figure it out. Don't forget, you did do it before."

Galena looked to Nobuko. "Are we going?"

Reika silently watched Nobuko.

Nobuko looked to Arisa then the others. "Can you two cause a distraction which will allow us to get to the prisoner?"

Galena looked to Reika then back to Nobuko. "You leave that to us. You two follow closely behind."

Reika quickly looked to Galena. "What are doing?!"

Galena smiled back at Reika. "Just follow along. I'm sure that you'll catch on quick enough."

Back at the camp the two demons continued their tickling assault on the bound Lt. Tora. The woman was struggling against her bonds, fitfully giggling trying to keep herself from peeing in her armor. She was slowly losing that battle as one demon soldier decided to slowly pour some water out of his canteen.

Suddenly a violent wind kicked up as a small cyclone blew around the campsite. Leaves, branches and small twigs all fluttered about in the wind. Up in the trees an angry spirit dressed in white robes which was also battered about by the wind cast an angry glare down at the demons.

"How dare thee act so perversely in my forest?" The angry white spirit woman cursed down from the tree tops.

Another spirit woman dressed in elegant black floral patterned robes hissed down at the demon soldiers. "Pitiful creatures taking advantage of a helpless woman!"

The three demon soldiers fearfully scrambled away from the bound SanGreal soldier towards their weapons on the other side of the camp. The officer stood his ground and confronted to the two spirit women. "You stay out of this! She killed four of my men! I claim her by right of conquest!"

Nobuko and Arisa saw their opening and quickly scrambled towards the bound soldier. Nobuko hacked at the binding cords with her katana.

The demon officer noticed the scuffling in the corner of his wide peripheral vision. "The prisoner!" He screamed as he lunged towards Nobuko and Arisa. Reika saw this and threw her body at him to intercept him. Nobuko was able to cut away the rope binding the soldier to the log, but had to raise her katana to parry a blow from one of the demon soldiers who found his weapon. Nobuko fell back on the defensive as she continuously parried his repeated slashes.

Lt. Tora jumped to her feet and kicked back another demon soldier who had rushed her. He had no weapon as he punched at Tora. Arisa rushed to Nobuko's side and slashed at the demon soldier attacking Nobuko. The rapier's blow hit the sword hand of the demon soldier causing him to bellow loudly and drop his weapon. Nobuko took the opening granted her and stabbed at the demon soldier. He clutched his chest and dropped.

Nobuko looked at Arisa stunned that Arisa had a weapon.

Arisa looked to Nobuko's astonished face. "Oh this? This is part of my costume too. SCA Cosplay 3rd Kyoto Division. I only do livesteel. I love the rush." She said as she giggled.

Nobuko did a double-take then she and Arisa rushed back into the camp.

Reika wrestled with the demon officer who grappled with her on the ground. "Oooh... so big and strong, you terrible brute. I think I'm enjoying this a little too much. Ho! ho! ho!" She gaily laughed as she bantered with the demon officer. "But boy do you stink, eww." She levitated off of the ground and began to spin in the air. The demon officer was caught by surprise and spun off and crashed into a tree. Reika brought her hand to her face. Her hand crackled with energy. "Ah yes, this should be helpful!" She smiled as she threw it at the prone officer. The energy enveloped his body and he slumped to the ground.

The unarmed demon soldier once again rushed at Lt. Tora after regaining his balance. Suddenly a flash of light of shot down from the angry spirit in the flowing white robes. It struck him in the eyes blinding him. His arms clutched at his eyes as he tried to block the light. Lt. Tora took the opening a kicked her iron greaves straight between his legs. He howled in pain as he fell backwards into the onrushing soldier behind him. The blade which was meant for Lt. Tora struck into the back of the blinded demon soldier.

The remaining soldier finding his sword stuck in the back of his ally retreated. His face turned white as he saw the others advancing on him. He ran as fast as he could into the dark forest.

Nobuko looked to Arisa. "We did it."

Arisa beamed back at Nobuko, "I guess we did, didn't we."

Nobuko immediately cut the bound wrists of the mysterious armored woman. The others slowly returned to the camp not wishing to startle the person they just saved.

Lt. Tora rubbed her hands together and warily looked around at her saviors. Two young women and two spirits. They were strangely dressed, but they appeared friendly and they did rescue her. "Who are you? Did Bellisar send you after me? I kill him if he did."

Nobuko looked curiously at the armored woman. "My name is Nobuko, she is Arisa, she is Reika and she is Galena." Nobuko introduced everyone pointing to them. "And no, this Bellisar did not send us. We happened upon you here in this wood and we figured you could use a hand."

"My name is Tora. I'll not argue if Providence sent you. I am indebted for your aid. How did you find yourselves out here in the Maythorne? This forest is far off of any well-traveled paths."

Nobuko uneasily to her friends. "Well that is a long story."

An older male voice of noble heritage called into the camp. "That is a story that I would certainly love to hear."

The five women spun around to see an older, nobly-dressed man with very distinctively styled salt and pepper hair looking at them. He was flanked by two men in studded leather armor wielding crossbows. He held his right hand, palm open, to the side of his head. "You people are trespassing on my land and are causing quite a racket, but I offer you the Empress' Peace nonetheless if you accept it."

Lt. Tora raised her hand likewise, "I accept the Empress' Peace if you offer it." She looked to the other strange women who just saved her. "They don't know the Peace of the Empress." She thought to herself they indeed must be from far away as they look.

Nobuko slowly raised her hand in the same manner as she saw displayed, "We accept the Empress' Peace if you offer it."

The man said, "Good now that that is out of the way allow me to introduce myself. I am the Baron Varspis. This is my estate. I saw you dispatch Vortigern's soldiers. I have no love for him so for that I offer you the hospitality of my estate. It is not far from here. You don't wish to be caught in the forest at night. It is not safe, there are far worse things than Vortigern's thugs about."

Nobuko noticed that the Baron's guards had not dropped their crossbows. She looked to Tora who seemed perhaps just as wary but resigned to accept. She then looked to Reika who shrugged her shoulders basically saying 'we may as well' without saying so much.

"A night of peace would be most welcoming. Thank you good Baron." She said as she bowed as did Arisa and the others. The Baron who was one to always follow a stranger's protocol bowed in a similar manner.

The Baron pointed behind him. "My estate is this way." They all turned and followed him. Two more guards with bows drawn suddenly appeared from the wood and followed behind.

** ** **​

Brandi looked up at Vortigern, she was exhausted. She just wanted the 'interview' to end. This treatment had lasted for hours. The crystals transmitted unrelenting sensations throughout her body. It felt like she was being tortured in three different bodies. The transmitting jewels must have been switched off on different succubi many times. Each switchover was an entirely new assault on non-desensitized tickling which coursed through her body.

On and on it went. Vortigern discussed his suspicions of why the gate was attacked, who could possibly know, what interest they could have. Brandi knew the answer and she was refused to give to him. Vortigern smiled down at Brandi all the time while he applied his various tools to her. He pressed that damned buzzing stick against her to emphasize and punctuate his sentences and questions.

"Damn it!" She thought. "If he knows then doesn't he come out with it? Why do I have to admit it to him?" She was very careful with her thoughts not knowing what other tricks he might have up his sleeve.

Brandi violently jerked at her arms restraint as he applied the device to her armpit. She groaned and squealed pitifully laughing at the assault. The sensations shocked through her helpless and exposed underarm. She clamped her teeth down, closing her eyes strongly as she tried fight the feelings. Then nonchalantly the device was placed in her other armpit and her body violently jerked the other way.

"You know there is just something missing in all my explanations as to what happened." He said as pushed the device down along her ribs then delicately down along her stomach. Brandi tried to jerk her stomach but such movement was pointless. Her trembling body once again erupted into laughter tears were flowing from her eyes. She cursed and spat as the device journeyed down along her legs down to her feet once more.

"If there was something that you could add then I could plug it in. You're a resourceful one. I'm sure that there is something that you could tell me." Vortigern said clinically as he worked the small buzzing wand between her toes once more. Brandi clenched her toes at the wands torturous, annoying sensations. She wanted to just kick that damn thing out his hand just once. But she had no balance or even any strength to kick strongly.

Her laughs were mixed with wails and sobs as he held her foot firmly and applied the damned instrument to her foot. He grabbed her other foot and started delicately working on a weak spot he found. With one last spastic effort she threw herself at her chains and lifted herself off the table for few seconds. Her mouth was open as it just barely squeaked out laughter. Then she collapsed back on the table; exhausted.

"Renantha!" Brandi screamed just wanting the torture to end. That was the name that Vortigern had sought. Renantha the former Succubus Queen and She-Devil who formerly held power in the Basalt Palace. Brandi hoped for all in her existence that Vortigern accepted the name. It was the truth, but not the whole truth. Renantha was deposed and supposedly dead, but that would never stop that scheming bitch.

"The gall of that woman! To try and come back. It would be just like her to do so. She never knew when she was beat." Vortigern bellowed.

"That was the most mind-blowing experience in my fucking life, but please, turn these damn things off, please!" Brandi stated and asked slipping back into character.

Vortigern looked back and Brandi and retrieved the red crystal and deactivated them. "I knew that it had to be her. You never renounced your oath to her did you?" He looked accusingly at Brandi.

"Umm... no, sorry." Brandi winked as she smiled sheepishly. "Them damn crystals are so naughty. That really is unethical; Vorti, but maybe we can do that again sometime." She giggled as she looked at him.

Vortigern looked at Brandi with an unconvinced eye.

"Look, I had to do it, but I can help you out too. She doesn't know that I ratted on her. I can give you information about her. Besides if you kill me, she'll just get someone else. It's easier if you know it's me. Plus if she ever came back to power she'd treat me even worse for being your moll. She threatened me and used me." Brandi said as she cutely pouted.

"Give me a little while to think on that." But right now we have a little more business to finish here. He said as began to undo his belt.

Brandi immediately brightened up. "Oh, I thought you'd never get to that. Come on, up here."

** ** **​

The small group finally made to the estate of the Baron Varspis. A large iron gate ran for hundreds of meters in either direction. The gate swung open at a snap of the Baron's fingers. It was dark, but what could be seen in the lantern lights was a large well manicured lawn with fountains, bushes and statues. A large villa was far off in the yard.

Lt. Tora was trying to place that name, Varspis. She heard that name before and it was just outside her mental grasp.

~End of Chapter 4~​
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Fantastic fourth installment 😀 Very well written! Love this story ^_^!
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