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The Soul Spider (Furry F/F )


TMF Poster
Dec 15, 2003
Ok, so this is alot different from your usuals, but what the hay^^

The Soul spider
By Chris Watts (Caroo)

Authors Note:
As most of you would I draw lots of bound female furries getting tickled or in a periled situation? Now I’ve read many stories around the yahoo groups and I like a lot of them.
This is my story. And the way I write things may be different. So please read on and enjoy.

Ps: Please forgive the any and probably many spelling and grammar mistakes in the story.


I’m a predator. But I cannot kill another.
Yet I must, like the others. It’s life.
Why kill. I don’t need to destroy the pray to feed.
It’s my instinct to kill.
But I have no instinct.

I have a soul….

Hopeless Freedom!

She walks through the grass, past the trees that tower over her.
She swipes the ground with her toes and carries a sack behind her.
And she’ll keep on going. Katie is an outcast.

Katie once belonged to a race of cat people. Once….
Katie was strange in comparison of the other females. She questioned the males of her race constantly, and this always got her punished, tortured and excluded. And she’d been whipped and stretched on the rack one to many times. She packed all essentials she needed and ran into the rain forest. But that was over three days ago.

She walks on, beaten and battered from the last torture she endured. But underneath the pain was a girl.
Katie’s 17 years old yet perfectly developed. She was a perfect 6 feet tall. Had short but fuzzy pink fur, pink fur was the rarest of fur colour in all the mammal races of Magiklata. Katie’s hair colour was a light toned purple that perfectly contrasted with her fur. Her breasts while not giant where large enough to make any male of her race turn in giddy amazement.

But her most unique feature was her crystal blue eyes. All who ever meet her say that you can see your soul in the eyes of her blue. They were kind eyes. And exploited for her kindness.

Her feet were sore and she hadn’t eaten in over a day. Katie was weak from both the torture and rain forests hidden cruelty. She sits down on a large rock and undoes her sack to drink the last of the water. Yet unknown to her a predator is observing her every movement. Figuring her out.

“ This is hopeless, I have no water, no food, and I’m tired, sore and lost. I don’t regret running but… I’m gonna die!” Katie whimpers out load. She huddles herself into a pink ball of tears and blocks out all life. She’s had enough

The Sun falls under the canapé, Animals of darkness craw out into the night. And Katie, hopeless and near death, falls asleep. With her predator still studying her behind the shadows.


Katie awakes from her sleep of sadness. There’s only darkness surrounding her. But noises are everywhere, terrifying noises.
Shrieks, Hisses, roaring and Cries of pain enter Katies’ mind. She can’t take it. It reminds her of the experiences in the torture room.
Her soul cries out and with no thought Katie runs. She has no direction or sense left. Faster and faster, No more pain she thinks, never more.

Katie stops but not because she wanted to. She hit something.
It didn’t hurt at all. She struggles to get free of the invisible wall her body is bound to. But the more she tries the harder it is to get free. Then in a split second of terror she realises, she’s in a giant spider web! In fear Katie opens her mouth to scream but before she can even breathe something bites her behind the neck, and Katie’s unconscious even before she can feal any pain….
The poor cat girl is now at the mercy of her predator.

Katie regains consciousness. Light headed and extremely drowsy. Her first instinct is to stretch out like all cat girls do. But she can’t.
Her mind wakes up and she realises her predicament. She hanging upside down and almost totally bound up.
The transparent silky substance started around her ankles, her feet were totally vulnerable and her big toes were bound to each other. The webbing covered the rest of her legs and stoped at her exposed pussy. And then covered everything else except her round pointed breasts and head.

Katie hears movement around her. It sounds like it coming from all directions and it terrorises her to the bone. Then the sound comes from right above her. She looks up and screams. There, looking back at her was a giant spider.

Even though it does nothing Katie desperately struggles to get free from her silky prison. The spider laughs at her attempts.
“ My dear, you’re only making it stronger. You’re too weak to even move your tail, let alone your bondage. And besides there’s no intelligent life out here for miles.” The predator informs her.

After her long pointless struggle Katie ceases and then starts to sob and whimper. She still can’t believe the predicament that she’s in. The bound kitty looks into the spiders’ eyes.
“ What are going to do to me? You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” She asks sobbing. The spider doesn’t answer her.
“ I’ve heard the stores of the giant spiders. You catch animals, even intelligent ones and slowly eat them alive, liquefying their insides and then spawning your eggs in the barely alive victim.”
Katie bursts out in tears. Her own words have made her even more terrified. The spider still says nothing. The spider is still looking into the abyss of her kind blue eyes.
“ I didn’t wanna die like this ‘sob’. I wanted a family ‘sob’ and to die an old feline in a harm cosy bed ‘sob’ with a cute male around my arms.”

Katie looks at the spider in search of an answer. The rases all of it’s arms and Katie shut her eyes. She got her answer and all that she does is wait for the strike…

It never comes.

Then she feels a hand touch her lips. It’s warm and furry. Katie opens her eyes and sees another cat-girl in front of her.
But with four long black spider legs coming out of her back.


She hung upside down in front of Katie. Smiling at her, the smile tortured Katies mind. What was it thinking?
“ You’re very pretty you know.” The predator says to Katie in a teasing tone.
“Such a cute pink and what a body to match. I’m soooo lucky that I found you. A few more days and I would of died from hunger.” The predator pulsed for a second and went face to face to Katie. The fear and terror in her was at it’s peak. But she couldn’t close her eyes to escape. For there was no escape.
“ But now I have a pretty little kitty all to myself, and I’m going to eat you all up.”
More tears ran down Katie’s eyes. But with what energy she had left Katie asked.
“ Who are you? What are you?”

The predator looked surprised, she thought that Katie would be begging for her mercy.

“ My name is Siggy. I’m a Were-spider. This cat like body is my true form but whenever needed I can turn into a giant black spider to catch little helpless cuties like you.” She said stroking her finger up and down the middle of her breasts. The sensation erected Katie’s nipples and a blush went over her tier-soiled face.

“ You shouldn’t be so embarrassed about your body, it’s like a jewel.” Siggy said to Katie. This comment only made her blush more. Maybe if she could get Sissy preoccupied she’ll let her go.
“ But what about the scars all over my body?” she asked Siggy. Siggy just smiled even more at this.
“ Well you don’t have to worry about those any more. The Venom I bit you with made them disappear, making your body perfect and flawless like it should be.”

Siggy replied to her, then with no warning moved out of Katie’s vision. She could fell Siggy up behind her legs and feet.

“ Did you know my Venom doesn’t just heal and paralyse you? It also relaxes your mussels and makes them very very sensitive to touch.” Siggy said giggling a bit.
“Did you also know I need 3 different forms of food that you can provide me with. And the first one is laughter.”

With saying this Siggy started poking Katies defenceless bound feet with her fingertips.

The reaction was almost instant. The sensation of Siggys fingernails dancing on Katie’s feet started to make her giggle. She tried so hard to hold her laughter in and it worked at first. But in reply to Katies silence Siggy tickled faster and harder.
“ Resilient are we my whittle kitty cat.” Siggy taunted her.
“ Sooo helpless, you can’t even wiggle your toes. Oh I’m gonna have so much fun with you.” Siggy added.

Katie couldn’t stand the attack on her feet anymore. She busted out laughing and crying at the same time. In her mind she tried so hard to wiggle her toes around but it just didn’t happen.

“ Arrrr mercy-y-y plllease. I’ll do anything for youuuu hahahaha!” Katie said to her torturer. Siggy was enjoying this tremendously; she could feel her body glow inside from the sweet nectar of Katies laughs.
“ Oh helpless one you’re already doing more then enough. And besides, I’m only warming up on you.”

Katie’s eyes grow with terror. ‘WARMING UP!’ She thought to herself. The ticking on her feet now alone made her plea for mercy. ‘What is she going to do to me?’

As if it was an answer to her thoughts the Werespiders’ four long, pointy black spider legs began tickling her in all sorts of places. One poked her behind the knees while another digged into the webbing and wiggled under her armpits. The third leg spun circles on her belly while the last leg tickle attacked her ribs.

“No. No please. Hahaha have a hearteee he he he he nooooo!” Katie pleaded and pleaded.
Siggy wasn’t really listening; she was having too much fun at Katies’ expense.
All the tickling that was going on reminded her of when she was being tortured back in her village. She remembered how the other young girls who committed petty crimes like stealing bread or showing off their bodies in pubic got put in the stocks for a day or two. But unlike the men who had the stocks over their wrists and hag fruit thrown at them. The young girls would have there ankles put in the stocks and there feet would be washed and cleansed for anyone to come up and tickle them for as long as they wanted.

Of course Katies punishment was always high, She disagreed with the views of the inquisition and the fact that she was such a rare fur colour didn’t help her chances.
Katie could remember crying in the castle dungeon wishing they’d give her the ankle stocks, unfortunately the only torture upon her feet where lashings.

Katie started to cry again; even though the tickling was so intense, her sadness came up again and took over. She couldn’t escape the thought of dieing.
Siggy already had feed off more then enough laughter. She was now doing it out of pleasure. She looked down at Katies face and stoped her tickling attack.
Siggy moved back to the original position.

“ Little one why are you crying now?” She asked Katie in an almost comforting voice.
Katie looked back it her with her eyes and said.
“ You’re only toying with me aren’t you? You’re still going to kill me.”
Siggy didn’t answer her. She delved even deeper into Katies blue eyes. Then smiled at her.
“ Take a guess what the 2nd form of food is.” Siggy said.
“ I don’t know, my insides.” She said helplessly whimpering again. Siggy shook her head.
“ Nope, It’s Cum.” She said happily to her. Katie was confused.
“ What’s that?” she asked the Werespider. This took Siggy totally by surprise.
“ You mean a cute little thing like you has never cumed before.” Siggy asked.
“ What is cum? Is it painful” Katie asked back.
Siggy then got the evilest little smile on her face.
“ Hmmmm, I think I’ll have to show you my dear.”

Siggy rased one of her spider legs and in one quick slash cut and divided the webbing between Katies’ legs in two. Then spread Katie’s lags right open wide so see looked like a Y shape then rebound Katie in that shape. Her poor pussy was now totally exposed to the world.

“What are you going to do to me now?” Katie asked hoping for mercy.
In reply Siggy patted the fur around Katies pussy, then put in finger just I tiny bit in, then out. A very little jolt of pleasure went through Katies’ body. In Katies’ entire life she never had one object touch her pussy. She was told that if she did pleasure herself she would go insane and see the devil.

“ No please don’t, I’ll go to hell for this.” She pleaded to Siggy.
“ But I’m doing it to you so you can’t be held responsible.” Siggy said in a playful voice.
She had a point so Katie just continued her sobbing. But that wouldn’t last long.
“ I wonder what happens if I stick two of my fingers right into your cute, snug virgin puss.” Siggy said then admedianly stuck her two longest fingers in, wiggled them around and around, slipped them out, and repeated.

Katie, as if it was an instinct moaned in pleasure. This makes Siggy very happy so she did it faster. ‘What’s happening to me, oohhhhh” Katie thought to herself.
Siggy just kept going faster and faster and went in deeper and deeper. Katie stomach was growling from the intense pleasure. She wad never been played with before, and she loved it.

Then Siggy stoped. Katie looked at her in frustration but only for a second. Siggy stuck her finders inside her puss as far as they would go and pushed them up hitting smack on the G-spot. Then to further it she danced her fingers on the G-spot making Katie speechless. The pleasure hit her so hard Katie couldn’t think of anything. And for the first time in her life, she cumed and cumed good.

Katies eye’s relaxed, her whole bound body felt like butter. She purred heavily and smiled at Siggy. Siggy found Katies purring to be the cutest thing ever.
“ Oh little one.” She calmly said.
“ Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hmmmmm yaaaaaaaa” she moaned back.
Siggy smiled back at her.
“ I kinda need more cum then that, lots more, so…”

Siggy moved her head right down to Katies purring puss and give it a tiny little lick.
Katie’s eyes lit up again and a cross between a purr and a moan occurred. Siggy saw this as her invitation and licked her away. To Siggy the cum tasted just as good as homey so she had no regrets with getting it all over her. She’d just lick it all up later.
Then came the big gun for Katie. Siggy had found her clit.

“ It’s time to eat you my dear.” She said happily, Katie wasn’t listening. Katie as far as herself was concerned was in heaven.
Siggy licked around the clit teasing Katie. The anticipation even more arousing Katie. Then in one big surprise started to nibble on it.
Siggy didn’t stop. She nibbled on it like a baby bunny would and didn’t ever stop. Siggy never draw blood but it felt like Katies life was being nibbled to bliss. Katie cumed once, twice, again and again each time better then the next. Her pussy had become a full-glassed cocktail of cum.
“ Hmmmm that was fun, now it’s time for me to feed.” And feed Siggy did.
Siggy licked up every list drop of it, even the cum that ran all the way down to Katies face. Siggy then went behind Katie and lunged over her neck.

“ The last thing I need from you is your blood, can I take it?” Siggy asked Katie.
Katie nodded. She was so weakened, mind and body from the ordeal. But if she were to die now, she would be going out the happiest girl alive.
Siggy sunk her fangs into her. Katie could feel her blood leaving her.

“ Thank you..awwww.” Were Katies last words before fainting. And Siggy continued drinking on happily.

I’m Alive!

Slowly Katie came to. The sound of raindrops hitting a roof. Her eyes again very blurry. But she was elsewhere from the forest. Warm and Snuggled. Katie focused her eyes and looked around at her surroundings. She was lying down on a bed of some sort and wrapped in a sheet of warm silk. But not bound.
She was in a house. But it was weird, the room she was in was huge and had no corners, it was an almost perfect round circle. The walls where made of a wood and there was a warm fire in the middle of the floor.

Katie didn’t feel frightened at all, the warmth was comforting to her and she knew that she was fine. Katie tried to get out bed. She stumbled at first due to how weak she was from her ordeal. But got balance quickly.

Katie entered the next room and standing there cooking a hot soup was the Werespider in her true cat girl like form. She turned around and got startled by Katie standing there.
“ Oh you scared me kitty. Are you ok?” She asked Katie. Katie however was kinda stunned. Siggy hadn’t killed her.
“ You spared my life, why?” Katie asked Siggy. Siggy walked a few steps to Katie and poured some soup into a bowl.
“ I was never going to kill you, you only assumed that though most of the ordeal. I said I was going to eat you and I did. That was the best clit I’ve ever had kitty.”
“ But you never said you wasn’t going to kill me.”
Siggy rolled her eyes in the back of her head.
“ Context dear. I had eaten your laughter, eaten your cum and took over ¼ of your total blood. Anymore and you would have been in trouble.”
Katie was confused from the conversation, She’s been told her whole life that spiders kill anything they catch, but she was standing right from one that was pouring soup for her.
“ Ok so you had no intention of killing me. But why, if you did kill me you would have gotten a lot more nourishment?” Siggy smiled at this question.
“ You my cute kitten have a pure heart… kinky but still pure. You gave me everything I needed to become pregnant.” Katie looked down to Siggys’ belly. It had blotted 2 inch’s forward from yesterday. “ There triplet girls, they’ll be born in 2 months thanks to you. And if you weren’t pure of heart you would be rat food by now.”

Katie looked back at Siggys’ face. Seeing no longer a monster but an animal just like her.
“ You can stay here for a long as you like and then continue to where ever you were planing to go….” Siggys’ Sentence was interrupted by two hands hugging her tightly.
Katie was smiling and looked like she was going to cry.

“ Can I stay here with you Siggy?” Katie said softly. Siggy didn’t know what to say or do.
“ Why would you want to?” She replied. Katie just closed her eyes and told the truth.
“ You appreciate me and played with me in ways I had never imagined possible. You’re going to need someone to feed off and keep your babes healthy. As long as you don’t take all my blood and you do that nibble thing to me I couldn’t think of anywhere else better to go.”

Siggy went silent. She gave Katies’ proposal some thought. Then after a while smiled back at her and hugged back.

“What’s your name kitty cat?”

“ Katie.”
Great Ideas And Story. Well Written. I Hope It Gives Some Of Tt's Resident Artists Some Food For Thought.
Awesome story. I feel bad for Katie but glad things worked out for her in the end.
Damn old post lol. Does it matter? not in the least. Ty for bringing it up, had completely forgotten this one.
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