OK, so it takes a while sometimes, but you often find out people's true colors in the strangest of ways, no?
You know the one I'm talking about.
They are the people who can't make their own friends, the ones who can't stand to see you have something they don't, the ones who aren't happy at work, so they bash your job all the time. They are the lonely and envious types. They are the emotional sponges of the world.
They are so insecure about their own phase of life, be it looks, money, house, or most importantly, AFFECTION, that they have to try harder to be involved in things you've invested your time in rather than work on something of their own. It's easier taking it from you than it is actually trying to do something constructive. They like to convince themselves that they are without blame and that the problem is yours. They can't function on a level of honesty and respect. They need the excitement that comes from being sneaky. They are social kleptomaniacs. They are in need of therapy.
You'd think I'm talking about the spongey types' colors wouldn't you? But , no...that would be too easy. I'm talking about the ones who are in the washwater that sponge sucks up. The ones who need so much validation, that new found attentions pull them from the very opportunities that validate them completely. They never see the bait of the sponge. Those same people that you thought you knew to be more than that. THAT'S the person I'm on about. The true colors of the ones that really matter. *sigh* You just hope when they take a long look in the mirror that they see what they’ve become and reach for the nearest bottle of bleach with which to scrub their karmas clean.
Is this triggered by something? Someone? Not really. I've just taken stock in the fact that I'm way to nice to certain people who don't deserve it. I’m cleaning out my closet as Eminem would say…lol. I’m just tired of always being the one that can be counted on to be steady. Steady is becoming boring. I’m about to become the one who will rip you a new one. *sweet smile inert here* We all need change now and then, eh?
This is my call to the world of those sponges which sucketh mightily and those that would be sucked...hehe. This I say to them..."You are indeed pathetic excuses for people. Aren’t you? Do hang up your sponge-ness and find someone else’s life to emulate." And to you, oh ones of color changing, "Do find a mirror."
Too bad the people that was for won't ever see it, but it still feels good to get it out. 😛
Thanks for reading, and you’ll be getting your nickel in the mail .
You know the one I'm talking about.
They are the people who can't make their own friends, the ones who can't stand to see you have something they don't, the ones who aren't happy at work, so they bash your job all the time. They are the lonely and envious types. They are the emotional sponges of the world.
They are so insecure about their own phase of life, be it looks, money, house, or most importantly, AFFECTION, that they have to try harder to be involved in things you've invested your time in rather than work on something of their own. It's easier taking it from you than it is actually trying to do something constructive. They like to convince themselves that they are without blame and that the problem is yours. They can't function on a level of honesty and respect. They need the excitement that comes from being sneaky. They are social kleptomaniacs. They are in need of therapy.
You'd think I'm talking about the spongey types' colors wouldn't you? But , no...that would be too easy. I'm talking about the ones who are in the washwater that sponge sucks up. The ones who need so much validation, that new found attentions pull them from the very opportunities that validate them completely. They never see the bait of the sponge. Those same people that you thought you knew to be more than that. THAT'S the person I'm on about. The true colors of the ones that really matter. *sigh* You just hope when they take a long look in the mirror that they see what they’ve become and reach for the nearest bottle of bleach with which to scrub their karmas clean.
Is this triggered by something? Someone? Not really. I've just taken stock in the fact that I'm way to nice to certain people who don't deserve it. I’m cleaning out my closet as Eminem would say…lol. I’m just tired of always being the one that can be counted on to be steady. Steady is becoming boring. I’m about to become the one who will rip you a new one. *sweet smile inert here* We all need change now and then, eh?
This is my call to the world of those sponges which sucketh mightily and those that would be sucked...hehe. This I say to them..."You are indeed pathetic excuses for people. Aren’t you? Do hang up your sponge-ness and find someone else’s life to emulate." And to you, oh ones of color changing, "Do find a mirror."
Too bad the people that was for won't ever see it, but it still feels good to get it out. 😛
Thanks for reading, and you’ll be getting your nickel in the mail .