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The Stranger - Pt 001 - Jennifer White


1st Level Orange Feather
Dec 30, 2001

Police officer Jennifer White had been on the force for about four years and had lately been assigned to the streets and alleyways of the inner city. Many of her fellow officers eschewed the inner city as a dirty place with too many difficult societal problems like the street people, poverty, prostitution, drugs and gangs. Jennifer, though, had always felt a somewhat higher calling that required her to help the most disadvantaged of the people in any way that she could. She had earned the respect of many of the people in this area because she treated everyone with dignity and respect. They could see that she really cared about them.

Several hours earlier in her shift, Jennifer had been called to one of the main streets in the area where a man had collapsed on the sidewalk. When she arrived on the scene, she found that one of the street people had collapsed and was nearly unconscious. A shopping cart containing his meager belongings was nearby. It was a sight she had seen many times before, except that this time there was a very elegant looking older gentleman down on one knee and attending to the man. All of the spectators standing around the scene thought that the man was drunk.

“Excuse me, sir,” said Jennifer, “I’ll have to ask you to stand back please.”

“I don’t believe so,” he said, as he looked at her with deep brown penetrating eyes that bespoke the wisdom of many ages, “this man is a diabetic and in insulin shock. He needs medical assistance.”

“How do you know this, sir,” asked Jennifer, “are you a doctor?”

“I have knowledge of this matter,” he said, as Jennifer came closer, “do you smell the nail polish remover around him, officer? That acetone smell indicates a diabetic problem. If he had been drinking, unlikely at ten o’clock in the morning, then the odor emanating from him would be quite different. Also, his pupils are tiny little pinpricks at this time, much smaller than normal. If he was drunk, they would be dilated and much larger than normal.”

The paramedics arrived with their ambulance and came to attend to the man who had collapsed. The older gentleman stepped back. Jennifer noticed how articulate and elegant he was, perfectly dressed in an expensive suit and tie, clearly in exceptional physical condition with muscles that appeared almost restrained in the confines of his charcoal gray suit.

“Thankyou for stopping and helping, sir,” said Jennifer, “not a lot of people would have done that.”

“Perhaps in another place, another time, another world or another life, officer,” he said, “that man would have done the same for one of us. In the words of the great master of science, Albert Einstein, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Even if we do not see that reaction here, it has already taken place somewhere that we may not even be aware of.”

“Well, thankyou again, sir,” she said, “could you tell me your name, please.”

“Of course, officer,” he replied, as he walked away, “you may call me Horus.”

Jennifer had never felt like she did in the presence of anyone before. The man had wisdom, charisma and strength such as she had never sensed in her entire twenty five years of life. She thought that he must be very important and highly intelligent from the way that he had spoken in a most articulate and precise manner with an accent that she could not recognize but which somehow seemed familiar to her.

On her break, she had spoken of her experience with the stranger she had met with several other officers. When she mentioned the man’s name, Horus, to her fellow officers, one of them, who had an interest in ancient history, seemed to recognize it. As there was no last name, he typed the name Horus into his laptop computer.

“There, Jen,” he said, “as I thought.”

“Horus, one of the most ancient gods of ancient Egypt, who existed even before the pharaohs and the dynasties, and who was revered throughout the history of ancient Egypt, as the sky god and the sun god. He was known as the keeper of secret wisdom. He was the embodiment of wisdom, goodness, truth and purity.”

“That sound just like him,” said Jennifer, “but this is the twenty-first century and not ancient Egypt.”

“In the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, there is a quotation that reads ‘I am Horus, of a million years – I traverse the ages and spaces that are endless.’ He was known to appear in many forms, sometimes with the head of a falcon or the features of a lion, but always as a very wise and powerful man.”

“Get real,” she said, “this is Los Angeles of today. There are no ancient Egyptian deities here.”

“Perhaps not,” said the fellow officer, “but that is the only Horus listed in any of the search engines.”

“Oh, and Jen,” he said, as she was about to leave, “one other thing. He loved to tickle young women for hours and even days at a time, forcing them to intense sexual arousals that could only be alleviated by having sex with him.”

“Haha,” she said, “I think you made that up. There’s nothing like that in there.”

“As you wish,” he said, “see you later.”

As she drove around the area she was assigned to patrol, she couldn’t get the stranger out of her mind. ‘I am Horus of a million years’, ‘the embodiment of wisdom, goodness, truth and purity’, ‘traverse the ages and spaces that are endless’ and ‘the keeper of secret wisdom’ kept running through the pretty brunette’s mind.

“No way,” she suddenly said out loud, as if there was someone to hear it, “he’s a nice older man, that’s all.”

Along Wilshire Boulevard, Jennifer noticed a blue light emanating from one of the alleys and thought that she should investigate. She found it funny that she had never noticed that alley before. It was right there in front of her. Nobody else seemed to pay any attention to the alley or the blue light. It was as if nobody even saw it. She turned her patrol car into the alley and drove in toward the blue light. In the midst of the blue light, Jennifer saw the hooded figure of a man seated at the side of the alley. She called in to report that she was stopping and out of the car but there was no response. Thinking that was because of the location between the buildings, she stepped out of the car.

“Hey, you can’t be here,” she called, “you can’t stay in this alley.”

The hooded figure, seated in his robes, didn’t respond. He didn’t even move. It was as though he was in a trance of some sort – as though his mind was somewhere else. Jennifer approached him. She wanted to put her hand on her pistol, ready to draw it out if she needed it, but something stopped her from doing so. For some strange reason, she couldn’t bring herself to reach for her gun.

“Hey, you can’t stay here in this alley!”

The figure raised its head to look at her. It was the same man she had met earlier in the day, the one who had told her his name was Horus, who had attended to the man who had collapsed with a diabetic condition. The hood that covered his head appeared to be lined with the same very soft blue light that appeared to be all around him and through the alley.

“Jennifer White,” he said, “I have been expecting you.”

“Do you know me? I didn’t tell you my name this morning.”

“I have known you before, little one, but you can not know that.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Horus Bahn Kor, a traveler from far away.”

“What do you want with me?”

“I want to show you things that you could never even imagine, Jennifer White.”

A feeling of absolute relaxation came over Jennifer, as though she didn’t have a care in the world, as though she was absolutely safe and secure, while she looked into his deep brown penetrating eyes, his face surrounded by the soft blue light in the hood of his robe. He stood up to his full six feet, much taller than her five feet three inches, and reached out his hand to her.

“Come, child, let us go,” he said in the most soothing, hypnotic voice she had ever heard.

“Where are we going,” she asked softly, straining to get out the words as her will to resist grew weaker and weaker, and she took his hand like a little girl takes the hand of her father.

“We are going to a place far away from here, child, a place of great wonder and amazement, a place where you will experience new things and learn much about yourself, a place that will change you forever.”

“How will we go there,” she asked, still capable of forming the thought in spite of the effect his voice and his presence were having on her.

“We will follow the light,” he told her as they walked hand-in-hand into a circle of blue light that had appeared before them, “we will follow the light.”

As she heard it over and over again, each time softer and more distant than the last, ‘we will follow the light’, Jennifer fell into a relaxing, deep sleep as the soft blue light surrounded them like the water of the sea when you dive below the surface, ‘we will follow the light’, ‘we will follow the light’.

Jennifer started to awaken. Sensing that she was on her back, a position she always found especially uncomfortable for sleeping, Jennifer tried to roll onto her left side. Somehow, though, her arms and legs would not move. Her wrists and ankles felt restrained. She opened her eyes. Remembering the soft blue light around her and the strange man who had been with her, she was surprised to find herself strapped down on a large table in a dark chamber. She was in a face-up position with her wrists and ankles in restraints at its four corners.

“Oh, my God,” she exclaimed as she became aware of her predicament, still with all of her clothes and equipment in place but absolutely helpless.

Jennifer remained there in the darkness for a while. She had no idea how long it was. She struggled against the restraints on her wrists and ankles but it was to no avail. She wasn’t going anywhere. She thought back to the alley from which she saw the blue light but there was nothing she could think of that would have made her behave in any other way than she did.

She heard a massive stone door in the wall past her feet slide open and she saw the shadow of a man enter the chamber, his shape barely discernable in the light of the torch he carried. He lit two torches on each of the chamber’s four walls and one torch at each of the corners of the table to which she was helplessly secured.

“What’s going on,” she asked the man.

“We have arrived at the first of our destinations, child,” he said, “this is where I will divest you of your earthly trappings and introduce you to some of the things you will soon come to experience. I will be your sensual guru, so to speak.”

“What do you mean,” she asked, becoming slightly apprehensive.

“The women of your world,” he started, “are so limited in the sensations they can feel by political propriety and feminist doctrine that they can only rarely, if ever, experience the tremendous ecstasy of which their incredible female nervous systems are capable. For a few carefully chosen young women, sensual guides such as I will remove all of these artificial limitations and open up a whole new realm of sexual pleasure and gratification.”

“But I am twenty five years old,” she told him as he gently unbuckled her gun belt, “and I have already had sex many times. I don’t think that I have any inhibitions.”

“You are much older than that, Jennifer White,” he said, as he gently lifted the small of her back to remove her gun belt and all of its attachments, “but you are only aware of the years that you have lived in the present continuum of time of space, the one with which you are presently familiar.”

“Close your eyes, child,” he said, as he opened the top two buttons of her uniform shirt to expose her neck and collar bones as he started to tickle her ever so lightly with his fingers, starting with her neck and moving along her collar bones toward her shoulders, “and feel the little ants crawling over your skin.”

“Heeheehee,” she giggled, “what kihihind of ahahants are they?”

“Who knows, Jennifer,” he said, as he continued to tickle the delicate skin of her neck, even moving his fingers toward her ears, “perhaps they are fire ants to irritate your soft skin or carpenter ants to burrow beneath and tickle you from the inside out.”

“Ew,” she giggled, “that’s teheherrible. Ahahahaha, with my eyes clohohosed, I can really feeheeheel them.”

“Now that the ants have introduced themselves to you,” he said, as he opened the lowest two buttons of her shirt, pulled it out of her pants and started to tickle her stomach, quickly but very lightly moving his fingers all round her navel, “here come the bees to see if there is any pollen in the little flower named Jennifer White. They are flying all around the flower of her little belly button.”

“All theyheyhey’ll fihihind in thehehere is lihihint,” she laughed as he continued to tickle her stomach. Oh, my Gohohod, that tihihickles! Aaahahaha!”

Suddenly, and without warning, he reached down to her stomach with his lips, gave her a massive wet blowing raspberry on her stomach and flicked his tongue in and out of her navel.

“Aaaaaaah,” she screamed, arching her back, “stohohohop!”

“It seems that one of the bees has found the sweet nectar inside the flower,” he said, “and here come all of the other bees to collect the rest of the pollen.”

“No, please, aaaaah, nohohoho,’ she laughed, as he continued to tickle all of her stomach with her fingers while his tongue continued to flit in and out of her belly button. His patience was incredible. His endurance was phenomenal. Soon, Jennifer lifted her navel toward his lips and his tongue over and over again, arching her back almost to the point of cramping, as he continued. Sensing the intensity in her muscles and the change in her breathing that indicated an impending orgasm, he stopped tickling her.

“Aaaaaaah, you bastard,” she said, “I was almost there. Why the hell did you stop?”

“Not yet, Jennifer, it’s not time yet,” he said, as he undid the last two buttons on her blouse.

He unfastened the restraints holding her wrists and lifted her up into a sitting position. She allowed him to remove her uniform shirt and her bra with no resistance. She was already exhausted from the tickling and the orgasm denied and she knew that her legs were still secured. Even with her arms free, the man always had a firm grip on one of them.

“Would you like to hit me, Jennifer, now that your arms are free?”

“I don’t know. I feel like I should defend myself but something tells me that I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”

“Yes, you could hit me with one fist if you wanted to, but I would just push you back down and do up the restraints again. Here, like this, now that you’re topless.”

“I’m a police officer, sir,” she said, as he fastened her wrists over her head again, “you can’t do this to me.”

“Close your eyes again, child,” he said, as he started to lightly stroke her breasts with all the fingers and thumbs of both hands, stroking delicately from the base of each of her breasts to the very edge of her nipples, “here come hundreds of giant army ants to make their home in the mountains, climbing up all sides to enter the tunnels near the very top.”

“Aaaahahahahaha,” she laughed, as he kept tickling her breasts, occasionally going back to her neck, her upper chest, her shoulders and her stomach. Her nipples were harder than they had ever been as they anticipated the touch that never came. Soon, she was on the verge of sexual climax for a second time and, again, he stopped.

“No, child, not yet.”

“Damn you,” she cried, “let me do it!”

“Aaaaaaaah, crahahahap,” she cried as she felt his nimble fingers lightly tickle the sensitive hollows under her arms. She squirmed and struggled against her bonds as he continued to tickle her underarms without letting up. The tears flowed down her cheeks and her long brown hair started to stick to her tear-soaked face as she rolled her head from side to side.

“The fire ants have found some more places to dig their new anthills,” he taunted, “can you feel them, Jennifer, there’s thousands of them.”

“Aaaah, Gohohod, stohohohop.”

After a while he did stop. Jennifer was a mess of tears and sweat, exhausted from her struggling and squirming. He allowed her a few minutes to catch her breath.

“You are going to be so sorry you did this!”

“My, Jennifer,” he taunted, as he moved to the foot end of the table and started unlacing her work boots, “what big boots you have.”

Taking one of the boots in each hand, he slowly and deliberately removed both of them in unison. Jennifer did all she could to flex her toes and keep her boots on.

“And what pretty little feet you have. One would never have guessed that such a big pair of boots could be hiding such lovely little feet. You should be ashamed of yourself for hiding them from the world.”

“I’ll just bet you think I’m going to tickle these delicious little feet right now, don’t you,” he said as he gently kissed the toes of both feet with her socks still in place.

“I don’t think so,” he said, as he moved to her side and slowly unbuckled her belt, unbuttoned her pants and opened her zipper, “you still have the spiders to deal with before we move to your feet.”

He unfastened her ankle restraints, lifted her ass up from the table and pulled her uniform pants down over her hips, along her legs and over her feet. He then removed her panties the same way. He then fastened her ankle restraints again. Standing between her legs. He started to lightly run his fingers up both of her legs, starting from the tops of her feet over her ankles, shins, knees and thighs.

“Oooh, Jennifer, the spiders are coming,” he teased, “can you feel the spiders as they stream up your legs by the hundreds. Oooh, terrible six legged spiders all going up your legs. Oooh!”

“Aaaaaah, stohohohop, pleaheeheese!”

“No, you don’t,” he said, as she started to near a climax again, this time trying to hide it from him, “it’s not time yet.”

“Damn you, I hate you,” she said, “you’re going to be so sorry for this.”

“Now for these delicious little feet,” he teased as he slowly peeled off one of her socks and then the other, “amazing!”

“What’s amazing?”

“You’ve been wearing your boots and socks all day, little one,” he said, bending over to inhale the aroma of her feet deeply, “and there is no smell. I thought for certain that there would be a little of that cheesy smell.”

“I always clean my feet and then I use baby powder.”

“I see. The mice are going to be so disappointed.”

“Mice,” she asked apprehensively.

“Yes, don’t you feel them coming,” he asked as he lightly stroked the soles of her feet, “they’re coming for the cheese.”

“No, hahahahahaaaa, nohohohooo,” she laughed.

“Can’t you feel them crawling all over your feet looking for the cheese,” he taunted, as he tickled both the top and the bottom of each foot, and then pushed his tongue into the hollow underneath her toes, “they’re going to start forcing their noses and their tongues into the corners to find it.”

“Aaaahaaah, nohohohoooo, Gohohohod,” she cried, sweating and struggling against her bonds, “nohohohooo. I’m going to peeheehee!”

As he continued to tickle the hapless young woman, ignoring her pleas, he was suddenly drenched in a powerful stream of liquid. The pressure of her stream of urine was enough to soak him from head to waist in her warm, golden fluid.

“Is that my thankyou, Jennifer, for showing you some new sensations that you can have,” as he dried himself with a towel.

“Sensations, my ass, you’re torturing me, I can’t stand it anymore.”

“You’ll have to stand it for a while yet, little one,” he said, as he started to tickle the soft soles of her feet again, “these feet are good for at least another hour.”

“Nohohohoo, pleaheeheese, I’ll die!”

What do you think of this story - should I continue it?
A very good story so far, please continue with the story.
This story with Jennifer White will continue - for Horus's second victim, the story will be based on the young lady in the photos below - she wears a white blouse, black skirt and black leather shoes - what does she do for work or school, where is she from - give me some ideas, please.


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This is a good story. Horus is quite a patient being, and I certainly do enjoy your writing style. One other thing...Spiders have eight legs.
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