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The Summer He Got Giggly (F/M)

Sherbet Riley

Registered User
Nov 20, 2022
Edward rolled over in bed and yawned. It had been some time since he’d awoken before noon. He’d just turned eighteen a few months ago and now that he was out of high school it seemed he had nothing but time on his hands. He’d applied for many odd jobs around town - file clerk, stock boy, retail - but no one had gotten back to him. His parents were starting to grumble about how he only seemed to lay about the house all day and had begun suggesting some less than desirable work to him. His father owned a construction company and told Edward that he could have him on site first thing in the morning. Edward feared that if he didn’t find work soon he’d have no choice in the matter and would soon find himself conscripted into construction. And Edward didn’t want that one bit.

Edward knew what would happen if he were forced onto that construction site. He’d get eaten alive. You see, Edward was a sensitive, sweet boy and small for his age. He’d been the type to get nervous when kids on TV got in trouble or broke the rules, as if he’d been the one caught sneaking out after curfew or pranking the neighbors. Despite being college-age he still looked quite young, and it didn’t help that he sounded it too. Often when answering the phone, telemarketers would ask him to put his mommy on the line. While other boys had hit their growth spurt some summers back, Edward was still wearing a child’s XL shirt. He knew that if he had to work on the construction site around all those macho men he’d be the butt of every joke, constantly reminded of how small and fragile he was, even if he was the boss’ kid. Hell, especially because he was the boss’ kid.

Which is why he’d been so relieved when his neighbor, Debbie, had asked for his help around the house and offered to pay him for his time. Edward had always liked Debbie. She was in her late forties and had moved into the neighborhood just before Edward started high school. She was cute, bubbly, and loved to laugh. Debbie could be quite affectionate too. It wasn’t uncommon for Edward to forcibly wash her lipstick stains off his cheek after her short visits to the house. Not that he minded. She could be a bit “much” for some in the neighborhood, but Edward took a shine to her her immediately, and she to him. More than anyone else she seemed to understand what a gentle soul Edward was and never made him feel less than. He’d helped her out with some odd jobs around the house before - mowing her lawn, cleaning her pool - for pocket change a few times, but this time Debbie was offering a fairly generous sum for what seemed to be only a few days of work. Now that it was summer, Debbie was tidying up the house and needed a “strapping young man” to help her shuffle things around. She’d also asked if he could help her digitize some old photos, as her dusty family albums were starting to fall apart.

And so Edward had happily agreed to help and thus he’d awoken before noon. In fact, he had woken up a little early. He had time. And so Edward gently removed one of his pillowcases and tied it around his wrist before fastening it to the bed frame. He gave it an experimental tug and, when he saw that it was satisfactorily tied, let his free hand wander beneath his pajama pants.

Edward had always loved bondage, especially when mixed with tickling. It had started when he was a kid, going through his “Houdini” phase. He’d taken to tying himself up to see how long it might take him to escape. It was difficult without someone there to tie the knots for him but he did alright. One time, his cousin Alice had walked in on him all trussed up like a turkey and took the opportunity to tickle him in his vulnerable state. He’d rocked back and forth, begging her to stop, but of course, she didn’t. Eventually he bucked hard enough to pull loose from his ties and he’d been a little disappointed when he did. Edward found that he really enjoyed the experience and by the time puberty hit, he started returning to this memory over and over again in the dark of his bedroom.

“No…no…” he whimpered as he stroked himself there in his bed, replying to unspoken tickle taunts that rang in his head as he feebly tugged against his restraint. He imagined that not one but both his hands were tied above his head and that it was sweet Debbie playfully dancing her nails in his exposed and vulnerable underarms. They’d always been his worst spot but had never been properly exploited. And so Edward touched himself and imagined that Debbie was sitting beside him on the bed, the weight of her prodigious bottom weighing on the mattress, leaning down to coo sweet teases in his ears as she tickled the bound boy hard.

“No…? But sweet little things like you wuv their tickles! Just look at dat happy widdle faaaace!” He imagined her saying, her plump lips puckered as though she were about to give him a smooch.

It didn’t take long for him to finish. It never did when he thought of Debbie. Edward figured it was best to take care of himself now than to risk sporting a boner around Debbie’s house while he worked.

If only he knew…


“Oh, you can leave that one in the sitting room,” Debbie said, gesturing down the hall.

The first few hours at Debbie’s house flew by in a blur of cardboard boxes and complimentary snacks. It seemed like every time he turned around Debbie was right there, offering him a snack or a drink or telling him the story behind whatever was in that particular box he was moving. It was a wonder Edward was getting anything done at all. Not that he minded as Debbie was paying him hourly. In fact, it was nice spending this much time with her. She was taller than he remembered, chestier too. She’d elected to wear a low-cut, navy blue top that complimented the gold charm necklace framing her ample bosom. Her pale blue jeans were so tight it was a miracle she could fit into them at all.

Edward set the box down in the corner of the sitting room as instructed and surveyed the scene. Despite Debbie’s frequent interruptions, Edward had actually gotten quite a bit done. The house was nowhere near as cluttered as it had been when he arrived and by his estimation he’d already earned well over one hundred dollars.

Returning to the living room, Edward found Debbie sitting on her couch, flipping through one of her old photo albums, the leather spine cracked and wrinkled with age. Upon hearing him come in, Debbie sat up a little straighter.

“O-oh, I-I’m sorry,” Edward stammered, “I don’t, uh, I didn’t -“

“Oh, that’s quite alright, sweetie. You’re not intruding,” Debbie said. She was always calling him sweetie, even though it made him blush. In fact, probably because it did. She patted the spot beside her on the sofa, encouraging him to join her. “Come, sit with me a spell.”

“Are these the photos you want me to digitize?” Edward asked as he took a seat on the plush sofa beside the bosomy matron.

“Some of them, yes,” Debbie said, smiling at the young man, misty-eyed. “Sorry, I don’t mean to get emotional. It’s just that these photos bring back some very precious memories.”

Edward looked at the open album in Debbie’s lap. There were photos of Debbie and her relatives as babies, first cars and school dances, weddings and holidays. But there was one photo in particular that caught his eye. In fact, Edward might not have even noticed it had Debbie’s thumb not been resting beside it.

The photo was of a young man, likely around Edward’s age, bound to a curious looking table. He was of a similar build to Edward as well, not quite petite but certainly not “strapping” either. His slim arms were locked above his head with straps wrapped around his wrists, held in place at the corners of the table on either side of his head. His feet were locked into a set of stocks at the base of the table, his pale soles held in place by toe ties that circled his big toes to keep them taut. On either side of his torso, sections of the table seemed to have been removed, though for what purpose Edward wasn’t entirely sure.

What really struck him though was the young man’s face. Even by the low quality of this old photograph, it was clear he’d been through some kind of ordeal. The camera flash illuminated the rivets of sweat that poured down his face and the wet spots around his eyes where tears had been leaking. But despite whatever ordeal the young man had been through, he was positively beaming, eyes crinkling from his wide and exhausted smile. He looked almost…happy?

Debbie smiled when she realized that Edward had seen the photo.

“Ah, yes, little Harry,” she cooed, gently running her fingertips over his smiling face. “He was my first, you know? We were high school sweethearts. He used to tickle me allll the time. I suppose it was his way of flirting. Thought it was sooooo funny. But I got him back, as you can see. Turns out he was even more ticklish than I was. I had to tie him down to make sure he couldn’t squirm away. Luckily for me…he loved it almost as much as I did…”

But Edward was barely listening. Debbie may as well have been speaking to him through a wall. His eyes were glued to the restraints that held the young Harry in place. He’d never spoken to anyone about his desire to be tied before, had never known another soul who shared his passion for bondage. The idea that someone like Debbie could share such interests thrilled and terrified him in equal measure. Even here, in her comfortable home on this comfortable couch, Edward knew he needed to tread carefully. He wanted more than anything to have his turn on such a table, but was also wary of divulging his deepest secret to someone who knew him and his family so well. Already his cock was beginning to swell.

“What’s wrong?” Debbie asked as she began to run her hand along Edward’s back. God, he felt so small sitting next to her now.

“N-n-nothing,” Edward stammered. “J-just that…I’ve never seen a table - or whatever that is - like that before.”

“Well,” Debbie said, still moving her palm up and down Edward’s now-straight back, “would you like to?”

Edward didn’t even need to say anything. Debbie saw the desire written all over his face. All he could do was offer her the slightest of nods.

“Then follow me, sweetie.”

Edward seemed to glide across the floor as he followed Debbie upstairs, as though his feet were moving on their own accord. By the time they reached the 2nd floor he could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears. His mouth went dry as he watched Debbie’s hand curl around the doorknob to her guest bedroom and gently push it open.

There it was, the table. It looked even more impressive in person, made out of sturdy materials and seemingly bolted to the floor. The blinds were drawn, casting the room in a soft and hazy light that dully reflected off the baby blue walls. Edward could scarcely breathe looking at the bondage table before him and practically jumped when he felt the weight of Debbie’s hand rest upon his shoulder.

“Oh you poor little thing,” Debbie cooed, all sweetness and cream. “You’re shaking like a leaf.”

She paused a moment, taking the time to really size Edward up. Standing beside her in the doorway she really did loom large over his small frame. Then almost in a whisper…

“Do you want to get on my silly little table, sweetie?”

Edward couldn’t remember when he last took a breath. He simply nodded.

“Then be a good boy and lie down for me.” Debbie breathed.

Edward obediently lay down on the table. His body obeyed before his mind could really catch up. With practiced, assured movements Debbie locked him into place. She tapped the open stocks and Edward placed his feet inside. He put his arms up when she told him to and felt a fresh wave of arousal crash over him as he felt the straps tighten around his wrists. All the while, Debbie kept smiling at him, her reassuring expression telling him everything was okay.

And yet.

And yet when he began to tug against his restraints and felt the steadfast resistance against his wrists as he tried to pull his arms down, when he heard the stocks click shut around his ankles, when he realized that we was well and truly bound to the table, Edward began to panic. He’d only ever tied himself, knew what knots he’d used, understood that there’d be someone to free him if anything went wrong. But now he was in his neighbors house with no one to help him, no way to be freed without Debbie’s say so, and Edward had a moment of clarity. What was he thinking? What had he gotten himself into?

“H-hey, D-debbie? May-maybe I should…”

“Sssssshhhhh,” Debbie shushed as she gently worried the sneakers off of Edward’s stocked feet, “tickle slaves don’t talk, they only laugh.” And to accentuate her point, she gave his socked feet a gentle little tickle. Even this light flutter at his soles was enough to make Edward sputter and giggle.

“Tehehehe-ti-tihiickle slave? B-but -“

“And my name isn’t Debbie. Not in here. In here you’ll either address me as Auntie or Missus. Is that clear?” She tickled his feet again, spidering her nails against his heels.

“Hehehehehehehehehe dohohohon’t! Stahahahahp tihihickling me!” Already Edward was pulling against his restraints, doing his best to sit up, to pull his feet away, to use his hands to free himself. But nothing worked. His feet kept hitting against the stocks, unable to slip through the holes that kept his ankles in place. And no matter how hard he tugged against the straps, he could barely bend his elbows, much less protect himself.

“Don’t stop tickling? You got it buster! Coochie coochie cooooo!” Debbie’s fingers were dancing over his feet now, scratching and sliding and poking and wiggling. There was no pattern, nothing Edward could anticipate or get used to. He was completely at her mercy. And he loved it.

“Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Nooooohohohohohoho! Gehehehehehehet ahahahahahahwahahay frohohohohom mihihihihihiyyy feeeeeheheheheeheheheeeet!”

“Ask nice, my widdle Eddie Beddy! How do we ask nice?”

Edward screwed his eyes shut and shook his head, refusing to address her the way she was clearly asking him to. Partly to avoid embarrassment, and partly to prolong his ecstatic torment.

“Nooohohohohooooo! Iihihihihihihihihi woooohohohohohohon’t! Y-yyyyooooooooohohohohohohhoooooo cahahahahahahahn’t mahahahahahahake meeeheheheheeeee!”

“Are you sure about thaaaaaat?” Debbie cooed as she deftly removed his socks. Upon feeling the cool air against his bare soles, Edward’s heart leapt in his chest.


But there was no waiting. Debbie went for his toes next. She began scratching in-between his toes and teasing the tender stems with her fingernails, making Edward’s laughter shoot up an octave.

“STAHAHAHAHAP! Plehehehehehehease!”

“Tickle slaves need to say the magic woooooooords!” Debbie sing-songed as she tormented his tender feet. “Come on, Eddie! Make nice for the tickle monster…”

“Please Ahahahahahauntie! Ahahahahahhahauntie pleeeeehehehehehehehese! Gehehehehet ohohohohohohout ohohohohohohof mihihihihiy tohohohohoes!”

“Good boy!” Debbie chirped as she withdrew her hands from his trembling feet. “You’re learning so quickly.”

Edward took the momentary reprieve to catch his breath. It had been years since he’d actually been tickled like this. Not since his cousin got him all those years ago. He continued to tug feebly against his restraints as Debbie took a seat beside him, resting her round bottom on the side of the table. This close Edward could smell her perfume and feel the warmth radiating off her body.

“C-can you let me out now?” Edward asked, looking up at Debbie with what he hoped was a pitiful enough expression.

“Let you out?” Debbie asked, confused. “But I haven’t even found your happy spot yet!”

Edward didn’t like the sound of that. Or maybe he did. It was hard to tell with his heart beating this fast.

“H-happy spot?”

“Yes, sweetie. Every boy has a happy spot. That one spot that makes him just melt into a puddle of giggles whenever it’s touched or teased by a pretty girl. Your feet are pretty happy but I don’t think it’s THE happy spot. Mayyyyyybe it’s your…knees!”

At that, Debbie’s hands formed into claws and began squeezing Edwards knees just above his kneecaps. It tickled like mad but all he could do was squirm around and pull against his restraints.

“Gah! Hahahahahahahahahaha!”

“That’s right, let it alllll out for me. Struggle all you like, you’re not getting out of Auntie’s tickle table until you’ve learned your lesson.”

“Wahahahahahahat lehehehehesson?”

At this, Debbie leaned down and gave his ear the gentlest kiss before whispering, “that you’re auntie’s little tickle toy now.”


Did he just moan?

Edward’s cheeks burned bright crimson when he realized what had happened. It had just slipped out, had been completely involuntary.

“I think soooooomebody likes the sound of that. Hm?”

Edward didn’t say a word, just shyly bit his lip and tugged playfully against his restraints. Despite the humiliation and ticklish torment, he was having…fun?

Debbie watched his arms straining against the straps that held them in place and smiled down at the young man.

“Uh oh. I think I know where your happy spot is. Or should I say…spots?”

Debbie experimentally poked at his left armpit and Edward let out a little yelp.


He and Debbie locked eyes and his heart sank as he saw a predatory smile spread across her face. Edward could see his face reflected in her hungry eyes. He looked frightened and excited in equal measure.

“Don’t…” was all he could manage.

“Don’t?” Debbie pouted? “Don’t tickle my happy little man? Don’t play with my widdle tickle slave? I think not. You know what’s coming next…” Debbie teased, wiggling her fingers in the air as they descended on the poor lad’s sensitive pits.

“No, please!” Edward begged, shaking his head from side to side. “Not that! Anything but that! I’ll be good, I swea-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Debbie’s fingers made contact with his sensitive armpits and Edward exploded with laughter. As her fingers wheeled and scraped against his exposed pits she drew fresh bouts of hysterical laughter from the helpless boy.


“Awww poor baby! A tickle slave's pitty-poos are usually quite sensitive but never THIS sensitive. Coochie coochie coooooooo!”

Debbie didn’t let up. She was swirling her fingers in the wispy hair of his sensitive pits, electrifying the poor boy with laughter. For his part, Edward could do little more than buck and thrash about as Debbie had her way with him. He tried to twist and turn away from her devastating fingers, tried to shake her off. But it was no use. He was well and truly hers now, and there way nothing he could do to make her stop.


Edward fought with renewed vigor to pull his arms down but it was no use. The restraints, though deceptively simple, held him fast as Debbie drew little circles in his underarms. Edward’s face had nearly turned purple and his laughter had grown quite hoarse. He was reaching his limit

“You know…I need lots of work done around the house. Much muuuuuch more than I thought. I’ll probably need you to come over every day for the whoooooooole summer. It’ll be the easiest money you ever made. All you need to do is come over and be my happy little man while I play tickle with your pitty poos. Huh? What do you say?”

Edward was beyond words now. All he could do was babble and sputter and laugh as his matronly captor tormented his sensitive armpits.


“C’mon, use your big boy words. Auntie wants to know that her tickle slave knows what’s gonna happen. Sensitive widdle guys like you should know better than to let a pretty lady tie him up like dis. She might take advantage…”

Tears were leaking from the corners of Edward’s eyes now and through them he could see Debbie smiling down at him. She clearly having as much fun as he was. The pressure in his pants was becoming too much to bear. Edward needed relief, both from his tormentor’s ceaseless tickles at his armpits and from the blinding arousal that now clouded his mind and tightened his jeans.


“Are you surrrrre? You’re not lying to Auntie are you? Because if you are, if you don’t come back tomorrow, I’m gonna get you. I’m gonna get you and make the tickles sooooooo much worse. You think your widdle underoos are sensitive now? Just wait until Auntie puts her special lotion on them. And I don’t think you’d like that at allllllll….”

The thought nearly sent Edward through the roof. This was bad enough, the idea that Debbie could make it even worse legitimately scared him. And yet…he curious to see what that might feel like.


“Awww, do you mean it?” Debbie cooed as she began rubbing her thumbs up and down his underarms, applying a torturous level of pressure that made Edward’s eyes bulge out of his head as she kneaded him hysteric.


“Then say the words, bubba. C’mon. Tell Auntie Debbie exactly what you are. C’mon. You can do it…be a good little boy for your Auntie” To accentuate her point, she began itching her thumbs up and down in his armpits, poking and scratching and prodding in such a way that Edward’s whole body shook.

Edward couldn’t take it anymore. He just needed it to stop.


Suddenly the tickles abated. Edward lay there on the table, sweaty, sticky and spent. His mind was scrambled and still pulsing with ticklish signals, a few stray giggles still escaping his now scratchy throat. Debbie sat beside him, wiping away the sweat and tears from the neighbor boy’s eyes, shushing him gently as she undid one of the straps around his wrist.

“Such a good boy for Auntie. You did so well…”

But she didn’t undo the other strap yet. When Edward opened his eyes, he saw her standing above him, watching him expectantly.

“I can turn around if you want, sweetie. Or do you want to wait until you get home?”

Edward knew exactly what she was getting at. It seemed she really understood him. His free hand lazily undid his belt and unzipped his fly, his hard cock bouncing free from his pants almost immediately. And as he pumped and moaned, Debbie gave his feet the gentlest tickle. Not enough to make him laugh, necessarily, but enough to make his still bound hand pull against the remaining strap.

“N-nnngh…” Edward moaned as his hand stroked up and down, up and down. He was close, and the gentle tickles at his feet and the still binding restraints got him even closer.

“Tickle toys need their fun too….” Debbie said, smiling up at him from her position by his feet. “And we’re gonna have so much fun together this summer, aren’t we?”

“Mmmmph, yes…god yes…” Edward panted.

“Good boy. Then come for me. Come for Auntie.”

Warmth splattered against his stomach as Edward pulled hard against his remaining restraint and his ankles shook in the stocks. His head lolled to one side and he just lay there, breathing, as Debbie gently toweled him off and undid the last of his binds. When he finally opened his eyes and the world came back into focus, Edward smiled up at Debbie.

“So…same time tomorrow?”

It was going to be a long summer, indeed.
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