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The Tender Trap (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Here's one of my earliest M/M stories, a cautionary tale wherein a certain Frank "The Salami" Rossi discovers that the weeds of greed bear hilarious—and sexy—fruit. Enjoy!




T.T. Gore​


“That’s right, sweetie,” Brian chuckled. “Laugh for me! Come on, laugh a little LOUDER for me!”

“YAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Frank howled. He writhed and squirmed in a frantic but futile attempt to evade Brian’s excruciating ministrations. “HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!”

‘Whoever would have suspected that a tough guy like Frankie Salami is so damned TICKLISH?” Brian patted his victim’s bare, wiggling behind. “But I guess you’ve never been NAKED and roped to the foot of the BED before, have you sweetie?

Frank replied to this question with a shriek of laughter. At this point, he was capable of nothing more coherent.

“When you tickle this Italian stallion in a certain spot, he whinnies like a FILLY,” Brian observed, as if lecturing an invisible audience. “But you know what? I think he kind of LIKES it! How about that, sweetie? Do you like it when I tickle, tickle, TICKLE you this way?”

Sweat flew from Frank’s body as he struggled desperately to free his arms and legs from the bonds that held him in position. It was a useless waste of energy! After forcing him to strip naked, the two button men who’d brought him here bent him over at the waist and tied his wrists to the bed rail. Then they tied his ankles to the legs of the bed. The result was to force him into a half-squat with an upside-down view to the rear. He could squirm and writhe, but that was about it. Most particularly, he couldn’t do a thing to protect the delicate, defenseless sac that dangled between his wide-open thighs—!

So when Brian knelt behind him, holding a stiff, pointed feather in his hand, and when he used that feather to gently stroke Frank’s balls, causing them to sway slightly, there was no escape for Frank from the indescribable sensation that swept through his body. He howled and shrieked and sweated and wiggled his bare behind. His skin crawled with goose bumps, making the dark hairs on his arms and legs stiffen like tiny wires. Poor Frank was tickled absolutely PINK—but Brian only smiled coldly and carried on with the hilarious torture!

“You should be GRATEFUL, sweetie,” Brian said. “If I hadn’t put in a good word for you with my Uncle Paul, you’d be sleeping with the fishes right now. He was pretty pissed to find out that you’d been skimming the profits from the hookers.”


“But I persuaded him to let ME take care of you.” Brian chuckled. “Of course, Uncle Paul doesn’t know about my, er, special tastes. I didn’t tell him that I’ve always kind of had a THING for you, Frank. I figured that was something that should stay between you and me.”


“So anyhow, sweetie, instead of getting buried in an Indiana cornfield, you’re getting THIS!” Brian chuckled. “The only question is, how long can you TAKE it? Maybe if I give you a little break now, you’ll last longer.”

And he stopped stroking his squirming prisoner’s balls.

Frank squatted there trembling, gasping for breath and hoping against hope that Brian would take pity on him. But he knew that he was simply kidding himself. This was but a momentary respite. And something in Brian’s voice suggested that the worst might be yet to come—though what could be worse than laughing his fucking HEAD off while having his fucking BALLS tickled with a fucking FEATHER, Frank couldn’t imagine!

“I wouldn’t want to wear you out,” Brian snickered. He patted Frank’s bare behind again. “After all, the night is young…”

“All right! All RIGHT!” Frank cried, shivering with horror at the thought of more tickling. “Tell your uncle I learned my lesson! I swear to GOD I’ll never try to rip him off again.”

But Brian shook his head. “That’s fine for Uncle Paul,” he said. “What about ME, though?”

“What do you MEAN, what about you?!”

“What’s in it for ME, sweetie?” Brian sighed. “If I tell Uncle Paul you’re going to be a good boy from now on, what do I get?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Frank replied after a short, uncomfortable pause.

“Ask me what I want.”

“All right, what do you want?”

“You,” Brian whispered.

He’d known this was coming, of course, he’d known it all along. But Frank hadn’t been about to admit it to himself. Now there was no avoiding the horrific reality that was crashing in on him!

“Me?” he repeated in a quavering voice.

“Yes, you.” Brian laid the feather aside and stood up. He began unbuttoning his shirt. “Just say yes, Frank. Just let me be nice to you. Just let me TEACH you! One night. That’s all I ask. And if you don’t want to do it ever again, that’s fine. But just give me a chance, all right?”

“What the fuck are you TALKING about?!” Frank yelled, though he understood quite well what Brian was proposing. “Why are you taking your CLOTHES off?”

“It’ll be more comfortable this way, sweetie.” Brian grinned. “More comfortable for ME, anyway.”

“You can’t DO this!” Frank screamed.

“Sure I can,” Brian said. “Uncle Paul told me to take care of you, sweetie. He said I should give you a lesson you’ll NEVER forget. And I don’t think you’d ever forget a night with ME, would you?

“You can’t MAKE me!” Frank cried.

“Well, we’ll see about that, sweetie, won’t we?” Brian knelt and picked up the feather. “Because you don’t actually have much of a choice. You can be my obedient sex poodle for one night—or you can LAUGH for me!”

And with that, Brian swirled the tip of the feather across Frank’s dangling balls!


“It’s up to you sweetie,” Brian whispered. “Personally I’m okay with whatever you decide. Because tickling a big strong good-looking guy like you IS kind of sexy…”

And indeed, the slender, silk-skinned Brian had an impressive erection, as Frank’s upside-down view to the rear confirmed. And this graphic evidence of his torturer’s intentions sent a thrill of terror through Frank’s squirming, trembling body.

“GAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” he shrieked as the dancing feather caressed his swaying scrotum. “BWAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!”

“Say the word, sweetie, and I’ll stop.” Brian put his free hand on Frank’s jiggling, jerking ass. “Be mine for one night. Just one night. Or I’ll TICKLE you all night! How would you like THAT?”

By this time, Frank was literally convulsed with manic hilarity. He’d have begged for mercy—but now there was no breath in his body for begging. He needed every atom of oxygen to fuel his howling laughter, every calorie of energy to power his frantic, futile, writhing struggles. Nothing existed in his universe but the horrific, exquisite sensation between his quivering thighs that was driving him closer and closer to the brink of absolute, total fucking HYSTERIA—!

And quite suddenly, Frank’s resistance collapsed. He found himself screaming “YES! YES! YES YES YES!!!” He kept screaming it as the tickling slowed and stopped, and he sobbed with servile gratitude and relief as Brian, with a smile of satisfaction, lowered the feather.

“Are you sure about this, sweetie?” Brian asked. “Because if you change your mind, well, we go back to Plan A.” He raided the feather and gave Frank’s balls a quick stroke, just to show what he meant. “Understand?”

“Yes!” Frank sobbed. “Anything! I’ll do ANYTHING! Just please please PLEASE don’t TICKLE me anymore!”

“If you could only see yourself,” Brian chuckled. “Frankie Salami, all tickled PINK and promising to do the nasty with little ME!” He patted his victim’s behind. “Come to think of it, you COULD see yourself if you wanted to, since I’ve been videotaping this whole thing.”


“I didn’t stutter, sweetie, did I?” Brian’s hand moved down to slip between Frank’s thighs. “We’re on tape. Me tickling, you being tickled. And I guess you wouldn’t want that tape to fall into the wrong hands, would you?”

“Omygod, you WOULDN’T!” Frank cried.

“I might. If you’re ever naughty.” Brian chuckled again. “So you see, sweetie, I pretty much have you by the balls!” And he suited the action to the word by giving Frank’s balls an affectionate squeeze. “But as long as you’re my obedient sex poodle, this can all remain our special secret.”

Just for an instant, Frank considered telling the little bastard to go fuck himself. But the thought died at birth. It wasn’t the possibility that people would see the video that deterred him—it was the certainty that if he defied Brian, the tickling would begin again. And THAT possibility made Frank’s skin crawl with horror—!

“You’ll thank me in the end, sweetie,” Brian whispered as his hand crept forward to stroke Frank’s cock. “There, you see? You’re already getting that extra-special feeling for me.”

It was true! Despite everything, including his awkward position and the trembling exhaustion of his body, Frank was becoming aroused. His cock stiffened in response to Brian’s stroking fingers, and he moaned.

“Oooo, I see how you got your nickname,” Brian giggled. “You know something, sweetie? I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” He gave Frank’s behind a playful slap. “Want me to untie you now?”

“Yes!” Frank cried. “Yes PLEASE!”

“Or maybe I should TICKLE you a little bit more,” Brian snickered. “You know, just to make absolutely SURE that you’ve learned your lesson!”

Frank made a convulsive effort to slip his bonds. “You can’t DO that!” he screamed. “You PROMISED to STOP!”

“Did I?” Brian picked up the feather. “Oh, I don’t THINK so, sweetie! YOU’RE the one who’s been making all the promises!” He slapped Frank’s behind again—harder this time. “But to tell you the truth, I’m kind of enjoying myself here!”

“No! Oh NO! You CAN’T! I couldn’t STAND it!”

“I know you couldn’t,” Brian whispered as he swept the feather down Frank’s ass crack. “I know,” he repeated as he began a methodical stroking of Frank’s balls. “I’ve known all along, sweetie. All along…”

Eventually, after Frank’s shrieking hysterics had faded to a faint wheeze and he was too exhausted to struggle, Brian took pity on him. The same two faceless button men untied him, dragged him to a small cell and dumped him on a cot. There he was left for several hours. When they returned, the button men tied Frank’s hand behind his back and led him, still naked, to the same basement chamber in which he’d been tickle tortured.

Slender, silk-skinned Brian was waiting for him. He too was naked—and he held the feather in his hands.

Frank screamed and tried to bolt. But he was still weak and his captors easily wrestled him onto the bed. They put him on his back, spread his legs, and tied his ankles to the bedposts. Then, at a nod from Brian, they left.

Frank’s skin crawled with terror as Brian sauntered over to the side of the bed. He couldn’t take his eyes off the feather in Brian’s hand, and he was horribly aware of his naked helplessness.

He started to cry.

With a lewd smile, Brian ran his fingers through Frank’s dark chest hair. “Time for part two of your punishment,” he chuckled. “But don’t worry, sweetie—I think you might actually ENJOY this part!”

His hand crept down over Frank’s belly. “That’s right,” Brian whispered as his victim’s joystick twitched and stiffened. “Oooo, we’re getting all HARD!”

In some small, remote corner of his brain, Frank “the Salami” Rossi was conscious of the fact that something very, VERY fucking wrong was happening to him! But that far-off awareness was nothing compared to the delicious sensations that were flooding through his quivering body as his cock stiffened in Brian’s grip...

Then Brian whispered, “Want me to TICKLE it, sweetie? Want me to tickle it till you CUM?” And Frank blubbered, “Yes! YES! Oh PLEASE yes!”

“But how about ME, sweetie?” Brian whispered. “If I’m nice to you, will you be nice to me…?”

“I will!” Frank cried. “Oh yes—I will!”

And eventually he WAS nice to Brian—very nice indeed! It was the beginning of a beautiful—if furtive—friendship. Frank counted his blessings—and never again did he think of cheating Uncle Paul!
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