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The Tickling of Leto [M/F]


2nd Level Red Feather
Sep 24, 2008
I am a huge fan of mythology, especially myths of gods and goddesses that are overlooked! So please enjoy this story...I put a lot of hard work and research into it!

The prayers and pleads from the mortals below echoed in her ears all day and night. Luckily she was easily able to ignore them, an ability that had taken quite a while to master.

It wasn’t like she hadn’t been around long enough to master the art of tuning out hundreds and hundreds of voices in her ears.

They weren’t important to her anyway.

No one prayed to her anymore, they never really had. Not at least in the past ten or so centuries.

There was no point in praying to Leto, a long forgotten goddess and one of the few original Titans to not be punished or vanquished.

Unlike her poor relative Prometheus who was bound in Hades for all eternity to the mountain to have his liver eaten by a hawk, only to have the organ magically grow back and the cycle began all over again with the next sunrise.

Or the fate of her other relative Atlas, forever forced to carry the weight of the world upon his muscular shoulders, supporting the realm of the mortals with no help.

Many other Titans…too many to name had been forced to endure terrible, eternal punishments. Pushing a rock up a hill only to have it roll back down, over and over again.

Not Leto…she had been one of the few female Titans to even exist, let alone one of the few Titans to avoid a punishment.

At the time of the great battle between the new generation of gods led on by Zeus and the Titans led by Kronos, Leto had only been a child.

She was born the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, two very powerful Titans that had lost their lives in the schism for power of the heavens.

Zeus was triumphant in defeating his father, and the new generation of gods took over control of everything. Zeus took the skies, Demeter the earth, Poseidon the seas, and Hades the underworld.

Leto was permitted to reside on Olympus with the other gods. Considered a Titan goddess of being unseen, she was often overlooked and forgotten by her immortal relatives.

However one fateful day her hidden beauty was accidentally revealed to Zeus. A rather lustful god, Zeus pursued the Titan goddess and between the two of them twins was conceived.

The wife of Zeus, Hera, was so overcome with jealousy she chased down and pursued Leto, attempting to cause her to lose the babies by going into a premature labor. Fearing the wrath of Hera, no land was willing to allow Leto to hide and have her children.

After several months of being hunted by Hera and many ancient mythological creatures at Hera’s bidding, Leto finally found a place to give birth. The small island of Delos was not attached to the ocean floor and just floated atop the sea. Upon that island, Leto gave birth to first her daughter Artemis, and then her son Apollo.

After this rather exciting role in mythology, giving birth to two of the most powerful gods on Olympus, Leto faded into the backdrop once again.

She became a dim, matronly figure on Olympus and was overlooked and dismissed easily.

Leto was still very beautiful but in a more mature, womanly fashion than the younger immortal that Zeus had lusted after so many centuries before.

A grand banquet was planned to celebrate the birthday of Artemis and Apollo. It was one of the few events that Leto actually enjoyed attending amidst the many banquets thrown each season.

Leto quietly was seated on a stone bench, near one of the many eternally flowing creeks along Mount Olympus. She slid off her sandals and dipped her feet into the cool, fresh water. With a sigh of contentment her mind began to race as she tried to decide what to give her only children for their birthday?

What gifts could she bestow upon her children that they did not already possess? Artemis was the goddess of the moon, hunt, and chastity. Apollo the god of the sun. Both her children were well endowed with powers so any type of gift seemed insignificant.

Leto shook her head as she stared down at the water, the silent but lovely reflection staring back up at her.

“Cakes…” she finally mumbled to herself, breaking the silence of the nature around her. “I will bake their favorite cakes…” she kicked her feet lazily in the water, some of it splashing up onto her crimson colored toga.

Even as children, the twins had always had very differing tastes. Artemis enjoyed saltier foods, Apollo sweeter. A honey almond cake was perfect for Artemis, and an apple cake was perfect for Apollo. The simple gesture would mean something special to her children...a reminder that their mother still cared and loved them just as much as when they had been born so many millennia before.

As Leto was enjoying the silence and stillness of the nature around her, she never noticed Zeus flying overhead in his favorite form: an eagle.

Zeus was surprised to actually see Leto out and about. She was known to stay hidden within her rooms, rarely leaving if only for a few banquets a year. She was definitely a goddess who enjoyed her solitude and privacy…much like their chaste daughter, Artemis.

Landing carefully on a branch, he observed Leto as she silently sat, staring at her reflection in the water and playing with her hair.

“Just as beautiful as when I first took notice of her…” Zeus thought to himself.

A milky white skin tone, curvy and luscious hips and breasts from not only giving birth but maturing into a fully endowed woman.

Thick, curly black locks of hair hung down her back and framed her lovely pale face. Dark blue eyes hidden beneath black brows as she stared down at her reflection.

The crimson colored toga just seemed to accent her dark hair and fair complexion. She truly was lovely, even for being the daughter of titans.

Her large bosom was evident as the snuggly wrapped golden waistline of her toga rested below cinching tightly around her thin waist.

Zeus of course always noticed Leto out of the corner of his eye at certain banquets, but out of respect for the goddess he tried not to give her too much attention. No one on Mt. Olympus did. They all feared the wrath of Hera, and remembered well how she had terrorized Leto when she had been pregnant.

Even the passing of many millennia never softened Hera’s viciousness. The goddess had it out for anyone, mortal or immortal, who had been sexually involved with her husband.

Leto was more than pleased to remain in her solitude. Her only visitors were her children and even they rarely came, so busy with their godly duties.

As Zeus watched Leto he was surprised as the quiet goddess began to do something uncharacteristic for herself. She began to strip, tossing her gold and crimson toga over a low tree branch. Then she stepped into the semi deep creek and began to enjoy the feel of the cool water.

The creek went up to about her waist and she cupped some of the crystal clear water and began to bathe herself quietly.

At the sight of her nude body….her moist, nude body, Zeus felt his passion for her becoming kindled once again.

The setting was so perfect. Most of the gods were gone for the day, performing duties on Earth. Even Hera was gone, a rare occurrence. What luck he had stumbled upon this scene.

Leto was humming quietly to herself as she cleaned her arms and face when she heard a rustling nearby. With a gasp she immediately went down to her knees in the creek, so the water covered up to about her collar bone.

Her dark blue eyes widened as the god of the skies stepped out to reveal himself in his full glory. Light brown hair, a nicely trimmed beard, olive toned skin hidden beneath a dark blue toga, and piercing chocolate eyes boring down at her is what she encountered.

“L-lord Zeus!” she gasped out in shock, covering her already hidden breasts with one arm and staring at him with wide eyes.

Zeus smiled softly at her formality.

“Lord? Really Leto..? Must you be so formal with one who knows you so intimately,” he purred to her.

“Oh god…” Leto thought to herself. She had only ever heard that husky tone in his voice once before.

“What…brings you out here?” she asked in a slightly nervous tone, remaining frozen in her kneeling position.

Zeus continued to smile as he stepped closer to the edge of the creek. “I was flying over and saw a beautiful and lonely goddess enjoying the cool water of the creek,” he answered casually.

Leto was still confused. Even if he HAD seen her from flying above, why would he make himself known to her? No one ever paid her heed.

“Did you have a question perhaps about the children’s birthday banquet?” she asked slowly.

Zeus chuckled at her confusion.

“Oh no. The children are the furthest thing from my mind. In fact what I am thinking of is what occurred before they came into existence,” he chuckled.

Leto gasped as she saw the lust in his eyes and she stood up and attempted to flee without another word.

Her bare foot had barely touched the sandy shore of the creek when she found herself completely frozen and toppling over into the strong arms of the king of the gods.

Zeus moaned softly as he felt how her lovely curvy form fit perfectly against his chiseled, muscular one.

“Still as lovely as the day I found you as a wandering maiden in that field, plucking daisies,” he cooed, tucking a strand of curly hair behind her ear.

“You will never lay hands on me again,” Leto hissed at him, defiance in her gaze. This surprised Zeus, because Leto was usually so subdued and submissive.

“Very well, I guess it will take some convincing. We have all day…all the other gods are gone until the night sky rises,” he smirked.

Leto gasped as she found herself being raised into the air and levitating into the denser part of the forest that bordered the creek.

Soon vines appeared and wrapped themselves around her wrists and ankles, pulling her taught and spread eagle in the very air.

“What trickery is this!” she hissed, writhing in her bondage, barely able to move.

Zeus calmly let his strong hand roam all over her soft, flawless skin, as he looked up at her angered expression.

“Foolish little goddess. I am the ruler of all heavens and earth. Do you not think I can’t control the very nature atop my own mountain home?” he taunted.

Leto was about to angrily retort but gasped in surprise as Zeus was suddenly fondling her breasts. His thumb and pointer finger gently grabbed at her right nipple and began to roll it warmly.

Her left breast was massaged by his other hand as he watched her reaction with a satisfied look on his face.

“Still so sensitive. Even after all this time. I am sure you haven’t felt the hands of another on your lovely form for a long time…” he kissed along her shoulder. His prickly beard tickled the smooth flesh of her shoulder and she giggled softly.

Zeus pulled back with a lazy grin, “Sensitive in more than one way I see?”

Without a word, he let go of her blushing bosom and began to gently tickle his fingers along her neck, down between her breasts, and into her underarms.

Melodious laughter erupted from the goddess as she wiggled helplessly in the bondage.

“So ticklish…what a delight,” he nuzzled into her throat, tickling it intentionally with his kisses and beard. Meanwhile his fingers continued to lightly dance in her pale underarms.

Of course she was ticklish! As an immortal her skin was flawless, always soft and smooth. Even her feet were as soft as the day she was born. As a goddess, she was perfection all over. However she never viewed herself in such a fashion as other goddesses like Aphrodite did.

Zeus pulled away from her throat and continued his ticklish exploration of her upper body.

He pinched at her ribs but lost interest when that didn’t elicit as loud a reaction.

Instead he began to kiss and nuzzle her tummy, tongue darting into her adorable navel. His hands were pinching and tickling her waist. This was a very sensitive place for her as the reaction was even stronger.

Leto arched her back, squealing and laughing as he pinched her tender waist and lapped at her deep navel. His hot tongue licking and probing the sensitive, untouched flesh of her navel caused her to jerk in the bondage.

“Such a struggle is futile…save that energy for later,” Zeus’ voice taunted her.

Leto arched her back the hardest and let out a surprised squeak and then broke out into loud laughter as he began to tickle her inner thighs, leaving her genitals alone for now.

“Such warm, ticklish flesh,” Zeus praised her as his fingers tickled at the smooth flesh of her inner thighs.

No one had ever touched her in such a fashion so it really drove her wild.

Zeus continued to tickle down her legs. He got her to violently jolt in the bondage each time he pinched her knees so he lingered there for a while.

He would tickle above the knee, below it, and even behind it. Leto hysterically pleaded for him not to pinch but when she was at her most desperate he went in for the kill. He pinched her knees until she was about to go into silent laughter.

“There there...” he cooed rubbing the tops of her calves soothingly.

“Is it….is it over?” Leto asked desperately.

“Afraid not, my darling,” Zeus responded as he placed himself comfortable at her feet.

Not a man usually attracted to feet, Zeus found himself responding to Leto’s feet.

The soles were slightly larger than the average goddess. This was due to her Titan parentage he assumed.

Her long toes wiggled nervously, her nails cleanly trimmed and glittered in the sunlight.

The tops of her feet were white and soft, but the undersides were what really drove him wild.

The larger soles were very smooth and soft with a creamy pink and white complexion.

It looked as if she had never been barefoot a day in her life, but her soles were just immortally perfect.

“So lovely,” Zeus cooed as he leaned forward and kissed the pink, round ball of her foot.

Leto tossed her head back with a squeal and shook violently in the vine bondage.

“You...you can’t do this! Please! You may use my body as you please but please cease this tickling!” the Titan goddess begged.

Zeus ignored her pleas. “I already am using your body as I please,” he whispered into her sole.

His hot breath tickled the flawless flesh before him. The feel of him exhaling on her smooth sole caused it to twitch nervously.

Before Leto realized what he was up to, Zeus began lapping at her tender foot.

His broad, hot tongue was lapping up and down the creamy sole. Dragging it up her creamy arch, kissing all over the balls of her feet, and darting between her toes to taste the delicious webbing there.

Leto was laughing so loudly it echoed around the forest. Sweat trickled down her face as her curly hair was a mess now from thrashing so much.

Zeus pried her ticklish toes apart and suckled each one as his fingers began to scribble all over the flesh of her feet.

His fingernails gently sunk into the plump flesh of her soles, grazing all over. He lingered in the most sensitive spots, which seemed to be the arches and heels of her feet.

He lovingly lapped and worshipped at her toes while his fingers continued to tickle all over the large soles.

Leto barely had time to register what was happening next when Zeus began twirling two eagle feathers up and down her quivering feet. He dragged them between twitching toes, brushed them against the balls of her feet, and stroked them incessantly up and down her tender arches.

“No more please!” Leto pleaded with him.

Zeus looked up at her with a grin and leaned forward with his hand. The eagle feather began teasing the slit of her genitals.

Leto gasped and made fists as she arched her back.

“You are enjoying this,” he teased as his feather was already wet from her juices.

“But…” Leto began to plead again.

A vine gently wrapped itself around her mouth, gagging her efficiently.

The day was young and Zeus had many plans for this lovely Titan goddess.

Leto may have been the goddess of the unseen, but for today she was on full ticklish display for the king of the gods.
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Awesome story XD I love Greek Mythology, and the stories of different gods and goddesses. This brings two favorite things together very well 🙂
Thank you so much for the kind comments 🙂 I appreciate it!
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