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The TK Factor Part One (Sci-fi Tickling Story)


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
“Opening Moves”

It was ten years ago.

Dr. Adel Bowen was only thirty-two years old and was considered very young to be making the presentation she was about to deliver.

She was of medium height and frame for a Terran. She kept her shoulder length auburn hair under control in a tight and neat bun. Her brown eyes radiated refined intelligence behind the old fashioned rimmed eye glasses she was fond of wearing. Her grey pinstriped pantsuit was also painfully passé and reminiscent of the 20th or 21st century, but she wore it with pride.

This was to be her day.

She was standing on a stage in front of more than five hundred respected and renown scientists and she was being beamed across the Earth and the galaxy to perhaps another thousand scientists.

"Ladies and gentleman," she said addressing her audience from behind a podium. "My father was not well received in our inter-galactic scientific community. His attempts to merge the study of psionics with hard science were frowned upon at best and bitterly condemned at worst."

Her voice did not convey anger. It possessed confidence and radiated good faith.

"My father, the late Dr. Francis Bowen, died last year without having cracked the link between psionics and measurable, repeatable science,” she said looking out at her audience.

"That link, ladies and gentlemen, has been discovered. No longer will the realm of psionics remain associated with the paranormal. I have scientific evidence which confirms that certain persons possess the gift of psionics. In addition to this I can also present methods to measure these abilities and methods to determine who is most likely to be gifted.

"It is with great pleasure that I present you all with the breakthrough that will forever change how we view the human mind.

"I give you... The TK Factor!"

* * * * *


“Kali,” the blond woman with large curls said to her companion as they approached the building complex where their target was located, “don't forget that the Headmaster said no weapons.”

“You do not have remind tell me, Megan,” the second woman with a dark haired bob cut that neatly framed the delicate features of her face. “And don't call me by that name. You know I don't like it.”

“The Headmaster said to use that name and he said there were to be no arguments. You are Codename: Kali and I am Codename: Char,” Megan said. “You'll do us both a favor if you use those names while we're on a mission.”

“The code names were her idea,” Kali said with a deep frown.

“She's paying the bills,” Megan said shrugging. “She can call us whatever she wants.”

The dark haired girl stopped for a moment.

“We're on a tight time schedule, Kali,” Char said turning back impatiently.

“I know,” Kali said. “But do you think that what we are doing is right?”

“Absolutely,” Char replied. “You want to know more about the TK Factor, don't you?”

Kali nodded.

“Then move it on,” Char insisted. “The sooner we get started, the sooner we'll be on our way home.”

* * * * *

The Janthor Scientific Development Facility was the largest such complex on the Planet Janthor.

That was not saying much however when Janthor's entire population was concentrated in one single city that was suspended in the sky high above Janthor's deadly surface.

The planet's surface was so toxic with radiation that life was not possible there.

That did not apply however to business.

Radiation was this planet's business and Janthor City, the City in the Sky, had one purpose: to provide living space and services for the twenty million inhabitants who were crazy enough to mine radiation at the very edge of the galaxy.

The Janthor Scientific Development Facility had nineteen large lab facilities which studied one single theme: Radiation.

The twentieth lab was smaller than the rest and it was focused on one sole subject also: Tickling.

Why would someone set up a lab at the very edge of the galaxy to study the subject of tickling, no one knew. Most scientists just shrugged and agreed that somebody had to study it.

Dr. Bowen didn't mind the talk of her fellow scientists. She didn't mingle and she did not talk much about her work with anyone. Not that many cared anyway.

There was one area where the radiation labs might have envied Dr. Bowen and that was regarding human test subjects. While there was a huge shortage of subjects willing to submit themselves to radiation, many were willing to participate in Dr. Bowen's tests and studies for a few hundred credits.

Dr. Bowen had six subjects today.

They were all students and they volunteered to participate in the study.

She checked her scanner as they were seated in her special reclining divans.

No TK Factor. She was not surprised. Only one in ten thousand had the lowest level of the TK Factor. She'd been conducting experiments for two years now on Janthor and she had not encountered even one TK Factor Grade One participant.

In part she was glad.

Psifonts were more common. Today was one of those more fortunate days and she had two of the test subjects presenting Psifont levels above nine.

Anything above five was already deathly ticklish.

Participants were asked to fill out a written questionnaires regarding personal data plus hundreds of questions regarding practically all aspects of their lives. Any and all data was crucial for drawing conclusions regarding tickling and its relationship with the TK Factor.

After the questionnaires the subjects were asked to remove their shoes and allow themselves to be restrained for actually tests regarding their ticklishness and reactions to tickling.

For this purpose, Dr. Boen had help. Her MIRTh Bot (Mobile Intelligent Robotic THeory), or just plain Mirth, was a tickling android. He was modified by her father based on a basic android model and programming script which at the time was claimed to be almost human. Virtually all models based on that script self destructed within the first year of use. But not Mirth. He was 20 years running and asking for more. He had a passion for tickling and he became the perfect lab assistant.

That day Mirth had processed five of the six subjects rather quickly. Ten minutes was more than enough to exploit ticklish spots and generate data regarding Psifont flow, and body statistics.

The last subject, a college student studying Radiation Engineering yawned and held a rather disinterested face during the entire process. She was restrained by wrists and ankles with force bonds and her feet were left bare. She was twenty years old and had dyed her hair pink that was popular on the pink planet of Janthor. He clothes were forest green but Adel saw the young woman's toenails were painted pink as well.

Mirth had checked all the basic spots and found her to be absolutely insensible. There was not a ticklish bone one her. Mirth tried different styles of brushes and feathers, each on the tip of his fingers and each motorized to vibrate appropriately to maximize effect.

He was getting no reaction and Adel knew this to be frustrating for the tickling android.

"Are we finished yet?" the subject said yawning with total disinterest. "I'm not ticklish. Don't you get it, you stupid robot?"

Many people still treated androids as simple unfeeling machines, and Adel was bothered by this woman attitude.

Mirth wasn't programmed to flush his cheeks in anger, but he and Adel exchanged a glance and that was all that had to be said between them. Adel and Mirth had been together so long that a simple glance at an object or a person was enough for them to communicate.

"Load the data, Mirth," Adel said winking knowingly to the android. "I think maybe Mirth's stimulus is inadequate. Perhaps a human touch would uncover some unknown spot."

"I doubt it," the young woman said frowning and rolling her eyes impatiently.

"We'll see," the doctor said as Mirth poked a finger at the woman's shoulder.

"Ouch!" the woman complained. "You're supposed to tickle, not pinch, you useless bag of bolts."

"I apologize," Mirth said bowing slightly and standing up and leaving the room. Before he left the room he turned to Adel and whispered to her ear.

"One hundred cc Sodium Titulate," Mirth said winking a mechanical eye.

Adel nodded.

"You're wasting your time," the subject said. "I'm not ticklish. I feel sorry for those who are actually. Screaming, laughing, twitching involuntarily. They ought to genetically engineer that out of our species."

Adel thought quite the opposite. The human race was already genetically engineered via evolution to be ticklish. Not being ticklish was simply not natural.

Adel sat upon a hover stool and set it low so she could study the subject's feet. They were pretty and well kept. Adel knew Mirth had been thorough, but that was before Sodium Titulate.

"I've seen people claim not to be ticklish," Adel said before touching the feet. "I've seen some who claimed they were not ticklish at all, simply fall to pieces with the right touch."

The subject was not impressed. "Not going to happen here."

Sodium Titulate was a codename for a chemical they had developed years ago which stimulated ticklishness. This was in an effort to see if by increasing the sensitivity of psifonts, it were possible to increase transfer of psionic energy. Apparently it was not the case and the late Dr. Bowen abandoned developing the chemical further. It did have its other uses however.

Adel traced the soles of the subject's feet with her nails and watched with delicious satisfaction how her subject yelped with surprise at the tickling and her entire body trembled and twitched involuntarily.

"What are you doing? What's happening to me?" the woman asked suddenly.

"You're ticklish it seems. I must have found a sweet spot."

"Impossible," the subject with the pink hair said. "I've never even so much as giggled at being tickled."

Adel increased the intensity of the tickling and the subject burst out in laughter she could not contain.

"This can't be happening!" she shouted between bursts of laughter.

"Maybe it's just a sweet spot on the feet," Adel said moving to the subject's hips and ribs.

The subject screamed and laughed harder and heartier.

Despite her obvious discomfort, she did not beg for the tickling to stop as Adel would have expected.

She tried to speak but only incoherent gibberish would come out.

Adel tickled her for five minutes and decided a point had been made. She let her breathless subject recover. She was sweating and her hair was disheveled. Adel released the force bonds but her subject was too tired to move.

"I never thought it could be so intense," the she said. "You know, I hated every second of it, but a part of me loved it."

"Love-hate paradox is common with the ticklish," Adel explained.

"I don't think I'll look at tickling in the same light ever again, Doctor."

Adel smiled. She was sure she would not. Unfortunately for her, she was not gifted with ticklishness.

Mirth guided the last subject out the door and prepared to clean up.

As they began to shut down for the day, the bell at the front door to the lab rang.

Adel went to the intercom and through a camera studied the persons there.

There were two women. One was very small framed with short blond hair and pale white skin who wore a blue top with pink suspenders and blue jeans. The other was taller with a heavier set body and a larger frame. Her hair was cut in a neat page boy style and she wore a wide off-white trench coat that seemed strangely unnecessary given that there was climate control in Janthor City and cool weather was expected until the end of the month.

"Bowen Labs is closed for the day," Adel said. "If you are looking to participate in our experiment program as subjects, feel free to stop by tomorrow and we can arrange something."

"It's not that," the blond woman said looking left and right to make sure no one was listening. "We have the TK factor. We need your advice."

Adel pressed a button on the screen and a multiple scan was done.

First result was no weapons, and no inorganic body parts. You couldn't be too careful with all the cyborgs going around. And although Janthor had an efficient police and military force, it was still the frontier of the known galaxy and strange things were known to happen here.

Second result was two TK Factor positives. This was extremely rare.

Curiosity got the best of her.

"Mirth," Adel commanded. “ Go and finish processing todays data while I take care of these two women."

"Certainly, Doctor," Mirth said carrying files and information to the back of the lab.

She pressed the button on the intercom opening the door.

“Okay, come on in."

“Hello, Dr. Bowen, I'm sorry to disturb you so late,” the blond girl said shaking Adel's hand. “This is Kali and I am Char."

"That's okay. I apologize for the delay at the door. I had to run a scan on you. I'm alone and you really can never be too cautious."

"Alone? Really?" Char said shaking her hand. "How convenient."

"I beg your pardon?" Adel asked confused as she shook Kali's hand.

"We beg you for your forgiveness, Doctor," Kali said as she did not release the handshake.

"I'll scream," Adel warned as she noticed something was very much amiss and that the grip on her hand was strong as steel.

Kali grasped her other hand firmly by the wrist.

"You can't do what you do here without soundproof walls," Char observed correctly.

Kali's coat opened and two additional pairs of arms emerged.

She was a mutant.

One hand reached into a pocket and removed a plastic bag. She opened the bag and removed a white cloth drenching in a strong smelling liquid.

Two hands held her head steady while the last two applied the damp cloth to her nose and mouth.

Chloroform, she realized.

Very low tech.

She immediately made a mental note to add to her scanning equipment a scan of not just weapons but also of volatile chemicals.

She then felt dizzy and blacked out.

* * * * *

Mirth watched in shock as two women easily subdued Dr. Bowen.

One was clearly a mutant and his acute hearing caught the word TK Factor being mentioned. If they had the TK Factor, even in the lower grades, they were very dangerous individuals.

His first impulse was to call the authorities, but he was not sure if he could guarantee the safety of the doctor. The authorities on Janthor did not negotiate with criminals. They would send in shock troops to attend the problem. And no one would miss Dr. Bowen if she got caught in friendly fire so long as the criminals were punished. The 'shoot first, ask questions later' was characteristic of the frontier planets and especially Janthor.

Mirth shut down his central core system and deactivated himself. He left his sensory data collectors and his CPU operating. He'd appear to be shut down or broken, but he'd be able to hear and think and that would have to be good enough for now.

* * * * *

Adel came to her senses with a terrible head ache and discovered that she was restrained on one of her own tickling divans.

"Sleeping Beauty, awake already," Char said as she and Kali loaded files and information onto a hover skid.

"You've kept ten years worth of files on paper," Char observed with disgust, "No one has done that for centuries. Why would anyone do that?"

"Digital is so easily copied. Files are broken into and copied with such ease," Adel explained. "Try copying all of these."

"I am impressed though," Char said. "There's even a file of you. Psifont level ten. Even an extremely detailed description of you ticklish spots."

"How do you know about Psifonts and the TK Factor?" Adel asked still more curious than afraid or angry. She was after all first and foremost a scientist.

"We know quite a bit," Char said. "I'd be glad to show you, but I'll need more psychic energy for a proper spectacle."

She pulled from the equipment on the hover skid two diadems. One she placed on the doctor's head and the other one she placed on her own head.

"Receptor and Collector," Char said pointing to each of the diadems.

Adel was surprised at their familiarity with the equipment and the terms.

"Kali, come help me out."

The six armed mutant dropped the files she was carrying and drew near.

She removed Adel's shoes with a pair of arms and used the rest to unbutton her blouse revealing her bare torso and a black lace bra.

"You're very beautiful," Kali said complementing her. Adel worked out frequently and was proud of her trim and fit body.

"Leave the nylons," Char said. "If she really is a Psifont level ten, they will really enhance the sensations."

Adel watched Kali as she prepared to tickle her. She knew a good tickler when she saw one and Kali was not a good tickler.

She was a great one.

Her poise and confidence and ability to analyze, not to mention four extra sets of hands with sharp and perfectly kept nails.

Kali touched her soles and Adel felt the laughter swell inside and burst like a bubble. She laughed hard and heartily. Her feet were decidedly her worst spot. Kali had obviously read her file and was scratching underneath her toes and caressing the arch of her sole effectively and relentlessly.

Adel twisted and pulled violently against the force bonds, but she had designed them herself and she was certain that there was no way to escape them.

Kali's third left arm tickled her knees and crept up her skirt to tickle her extremely ticklish thighs.

Adel screamed and laughed in erratic intervals and she shook her head back and forth violently.

Psifont level ten meant she represented the highest level of ticklishness. Pedicures? Impossible. A poke to her sides? Guaranteed laughter and probably falling to the ground if she wasn't careful. She couldn't even walk on grass barefoot. This was the maximum level of ticklishness and now she was being tickled restrained on her divan by a skilled six armed mutant.

Kali's other three right arms were not idle. Two went for her sides and a third took to her flat belly taunting her navel and forcing the muscles to contract.

Her laughter was pleasant and loud and totally out of her control. Adel's face flushed red and she felt energy from a hidden place deep with in her being brought out and surging out from her and into the TK Factor recipient.

Char felt the surge of psychic energy cascade into her like an avalanche. She felt something almost erotic and sensual as the raw energy entered her mind and body.

Char gasped and breathed heavily as the energy finished its transfer.

"Enough," Char said finally. "She's given me what she can."

Adel stopped laughing immediately as Kali stopped her probing fingers but continued to pant deeply as she tried to catch her breath. It had been years since she had been subjected to tickling for the purpose of acting as Psifont.

"What branch of TK Factor do you possess?" Adel asked still more curious than angry at the two women.

"You'll see," Char said as she and Kali finished loading the hover skid.

"You're going to rob me and leave?" Adel asked.

"We're going to rob you and take you with us," Char said.

Kali pulled out the damp cloth from its plastic bag and approached Adel.

"Wait," Char ordered. "Let her see."

The small blond woman concentrated deeply and after a brief moment the walls and equipment of the lab burst into flames.

Pyrokinetic! Grade three at least, Adel decided. With a name like Char, she should have guessed.

The sprinklers when off, but the flames had done their job almost instantly destroying the remaining equipment and files.

Kali pressed the cloth against Adel's mouth and nose again. As she passed out once again, Adel watched ten years of work go up in smoke.

* * * * *

Mirth was alarmed.

The two women were stealing documents and equipment regarding the TK Factor. Not only that, they meant to take Dr. Bowen with them.

Worrying was one human trait Mirth could have done without, but his script contained it and Dr. Francis Bowen never saw any reason to take it out of the script.

"He'll learn to deal with it," the late Dr. Bowen would say. "It is part of the human experience to face these things."

Mirth would have preferred a different experience at this moment. One that didn't involve his world falling apart so abruptly.

He activated his visual sensory core and he looked straight at Dr. Bowen who was restrained and about to be taken away.

Their eyes linked and Mirth realized that Dr. Bowen did not want the authorities involved or for Mirth himself to expose himself.

As she spoke with her captors, she shook her head ever so slightly and then cast a quick innocent glance at a model of a red Interceptor Combat craft that was on one of the shelves.

It was not what he would have liked to receive as an instruction, but knowing what to do and what not to do is certainly better than not knowing what to do at all.

It was the best remedy for worry, he decided.

* * * * *

"Let's move out!" Char said as Kali pushed the hover skid out the door of the lab complex.

Alarms went off as they left the lab complex and security personnel approached bearing arms.

"I'll take care of them," Char said as they approached.

“No!” Kali shouted. “The Reaper is here, there's no need.”

A black Valkyr unit approached from above just as planned. It was a modified personnel transport unit that could be used for cargo or personnel but could also be used for space travel. It did not bear any insignias of any agency or government. A hatch opened on the bottom of the vessel and a force field and tractor beam shot out surrounding the two women, their prisoner and their cargo.

They were lifted into the air and hot plasma from the rifles of the security team bounced off the force field.

“I could have fried them,” Char said in disappointment as they entered the Valkyr and the hatch was closed behind them.

“And you would have let them know what we are capable of doing,” the Reaper said on the speaker.

“I just want to use my powers to the best of my ability,” Char said to the air unable to see the Reaper who was manning the vessel.

“You'll have your chance,” the Reaper said. Her voice was cold and calculating. “But for now let's keep our enemies guessing.

“We've made the first move. Now it's their turn.”

* * * * *

Mirth was resistant to fire and cold.

As his surroundings burned, so did he, but he quickly activated his temperature regulation system and spent a hefty part of his energy cells to avoid burning like the rest of the equipment. The sprinklers and extinguishing chemicals did the rest.

He watched the two young women take his mistress and her equipment and rush away. He watched the security guards approach and wishfully thought they might be able to detain them without any violence.

A black Valkyr approached and Mirth watched sadly as Dr. Adel Bowen was flown away. The Valkyr was stealth equipped and he watched it disappear into the air.

Sadness, next to worry, was another human emotion he had difficulty handling.

The more logical robotic side of him determined that being sad wasn't solving anything, so he tapped the side of his head and searched his data base to open a comm-link to the only person who would know how to find the doctor and know what to do.

“Catherine Rivers, Codename: Feedback?” he said into the comm-link, “This is Mirth.

“We have a situation.”

NEXT: Reunions
Another brilliant work in the works already...

You are amazing. Truly.

I'm already excited for chapter 2!!!!
Nice to hear from you two. I didn't know how well received a sci-fi story would be received. I'll do my very best to keep it interesting.

It feels new and fresh and I have laid out a lot of story and characters already. So I hope the frequency goes up and the quality is maintained. I kind of felt bad at the end of Tenderfoot taking a month and many times more to get out parts. I hope I can do better here with The TK Factor.
It's grat to see you writing again! You really have the ability to make tickling work in any kind of fictional world, and this seems to be no exception. Looking forward to read more, looks pretty promising so far.
Saludos 😉
It's grat to see you writing again! You really have the ability to make tickling work in any kind of fictional world, and this seems to be no exception. Looking forward to read more, looks pretty promising so far.
Saludos 😉

Gracias! Already one third through the next part. I hope it flows well.
this is such a great story. cant wait 4 more

Thanks for the compliment.

I had some time last night and pushed part two ahead. I have a lot to write still, but I've finished the layout which is usually the most important part.

I don't want to be too optimistic, but I hope to get it out soon.
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