Went to Tickle Theater as an alternate site, not bad. They are currently discussing if they could have hot topics over there. The reason why hot topics works over here is because the administrators at TMF don't monitor the political sites with their personal views. Even though they may be libs or conservatives they don't let that influence taking down a post or busting balls that have an opposite view (greatly appreciated). I don't think they could handle that at Tickle Theater, at least not yet. You can not micro manage a political site. It was very PC over there, but as mentioned a good alternate site. Here the conservatives and libs whip on each other every day, sometimes hard but at the end of the day we all shake hands, regroup and whip the shit out of each other the next day, BUT IT WORKS, thanks TMF!!! ... I really don't care if New2U, WIP, Mitch or some of the others break my balls, it's all some fun stuff, thanks!!!