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The Ultimate Fear


TMF Poster
Jan 7, 2008
This is a long story, and one I lack the desire to tell. Perhaps this will make me or break me, not to be cliche. It seemed to define me up until high school, and then on through it, until now, freshman year at uni. This is my weight problem. Gosh, it isn't a cuss word, and it's apparent to all who see me. I do have a weight problem. Am I proud of it? No, of course not, though I do like the curves.

People go through the exact issue I'm dealing with, but most don't have any way to change it.

This is my ultimate fear. It's one that I've trapped myself into having, and is changing the way I do things. Over the past year, my mom has lost a lot of inches. She's gone from a tall, curvy size 18 to a slender, healthy size 12, and she did all of it by training for a marathon. Her inspiration was that she didn't want to be the only one of her cousins who didn't race. Of course I wished that I could go on this journey with her; get on the treadmill and run my shoes into the ground, and keep going and going and never stop. But, like any other time I've tried, after a week I was done. My main problem was, and still is, that every time I start this, I end up getting hurt somehow -- either my hip feels really weird, or I get blisters, or something else happens that makes me stop. Sometimes it's simply that I get bored out of my mind when I'm running. There's not enough distraction for me. I've tried books on CDs, reading books, listening to music, watching the tele, singing, and dancing while running (an odd thought, I know, but it was fun while it lasted). Nothing worked to get me to keep running. So I'm trying a different route.

Mum mentioned to me this morning that I could take a year off of uni to work on getting healthy and fit, since it isn't worth going to college if afterward I'm stuck in a body I don't love. There are plenty of things about myself that I love, and am proud of, also, there are things I'd like to work on, and a year to just work on me and who I am sounds great, but only if I actually use it for such.

Instead of homeschooling myself about high school subjects, I'd be researching things like healthy recipes, and learning self control as well as awareness. I might even write a book out of my journal entries and see if, at the end of the year, I have enough writing, and enough thoughts, that are decently said... to publish it. *blush* If only... But I'll try, at least.

I know that not many people actually look at my blog, but I do appreciate when those who do, give input.

I'll start with my first step: making a goal list. I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear yours. Any suggestions?
My jogger friend found that, like you, regular television bores her. She bought herself a $20 DVD player and watches her favorite series only when she jogs on her treadmill. I think that may aid you in staving off boredom. The next step is to eat smaller proportions, and skip the junk food. Read package labels for calorie contents. If you drink carbonated beverages like soda pop, trade them in for bottled water.

As far as self control goes, I don't have much advice. Maybe the threat of diabeetus/turning into a Walrus will frighten you. 😉
It seems very unfair some slim people eat and eat and they don't put weight on others eat a lettuce leaf and gain a stone.

It is how your made in some respects but i would advise taking a long term view and change your life style on a gradual basis.

How often do people loose a lot of weight then put it back on excercise like mad then get injured or stop.


But if you watch how you prepare the food grill don't fry, cut out sugar content where possible,eat things that fill you up but don't get you fat, not all people love fruit and veg.

Take little steps bit by bit but keep doing it nothing will happen but when it does it will last, just cut out say one thing and see how it goes.

Don't do the dramatic tread mill thing, walk instead of ride, cycle, swim. do basic common sense excercise like the jane fonda type stuff.

Old people go and sit down raise their arms twist at the waist basic things and it stops them going ridgid, just do something little and basic.

I have suffered injury on a large basis because i was into judo and every time the route back was simple basic exercise to start.

Try doing stuff to music it helps.

If you can get with a group and the social side helps with the excercise and diet, you each help each other, and spur each other on.

Remember even a person with one eye is a god in the land of the blind.

Go with a older group they will struggle you will be the star, its a morale boost, and if by chance they out perform you well jump to pull your socks up and get a bloody grip, don't let it happen.

At 33 iam not able to do what i did when i was 18, so we all get worse, iam only small and slim but have to work at not keeping weight off, but keeping fit and building resistance to things, try to do yoga get supple.

Remember the idea behind it isn't to drown in your own sweat, but improve on a gradual basis, ask a person with a slipped disc to touch there toes, can't do it right, but maybe they can touch a thigh, then knee, then ankle, may take days, weeks or months, so go gradual steady and with a purpose, ignore others we are all different, maybe your friend can run a 4 min mile but you achieve your personal best at your pace.
sorry to be a bore but i hope this ramble may spark ideas for you.

Any way its what you are as a person that counts and how you cope and behave the inner being not what you look like, ignore the posers and teasers.

(hey girl if come over there and chase you with a feather you will soon loose the weight )
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That's really good advice. I used to just try to plunge into everything and hope that I'd have the motivation to keep going. After a while, though, I'd always realize that I would probably quit sooner or later, so I'd just stop altogether. Mum always tried to be helpful but never ended up helping, somehow. It had to be something inside of me that changed and yet I could never find the switch and actually flip it. So I'm starting light.

So far I'm going to drink 2 cups of water with each meal, and another before bed. And make myself decling myself things that I'd have let myself have before. Kind of like... today instead of getting something at the school, I got a sub from subway with extra lettuce. ^_^... but failed because a few hours later I got something anyway because I was hungry again. >.< How horrid. But at least I'm trying, and getting a little farther with it than before.

I guess the smaller I start out, the more I can build on it. I'll cross my fingers.

Hello there! 🙂

First of all, Im not an English writer and it's not at all my intention to be rude, so Im sorry if I seem so.

I regret have to tell you that eating less is not going to work and forbidding yourself what you like to have it'll only make it worse.

Except for me and my mum everyone in my family had weigh problems. Though she's one of those "unfair cases of slim people eat and eat and they don't put weight on" she is a nutritionist and gave some good piece of advice to the rest of my family. So I strongly recomend you, if you really want to go on a diet, to ask a doctor or a nutritionist instead of looking for answers or solution on the internet.

I do believe that every advice you're given is it given with the most sincere eagerness to help, but sometimes it is better to ask a professional.

Hazelf is right about taking it easy at the begining. You can put some times to beat on your goal list. Like making notes of the time on your 1st week running and then try to be 30 secs faster on the next week, 1 minute faster on the following week, etc... But the best thing would be finding an exercise or sport to practice that please you, that way you'd enjoy insead of geting tired of it.

I think you could continue studing without neglecting you appearance. But if you thing you're feeling better and more confident about yourself, go for it and take that year's sabbatical. 🙂

Well, that's my best advice.

Once again sorry for the mistakes I may commited, as I told you before hunnie, Im not a native English writer and sometimes I can be a little messy when I try to write ideas down in texts this long. :blush

I had the same problem too when I was starting to walk a lot...distraction really helps lessen the strain on my body because strain seems to be a mental thing for the body...If you can distract it you get fatigued a LOT less...the best way I tend to handle it is play with my friend's MP3 player...I play all my little songs...or...I think of my stories I want to write...I got so many in my head and I just kind of think of them as I go...just each detail...every part...how I would write it...sometimes I get so lost in my writing thoughts while walking that sometimes I actually did get a little lost...Silly of me yes...

Here's the main things to do if you want to lose weight and make yourself more motivated...

1. Keep 3 diaries...1 Diary is your thought diary...about what you think of each day before you walk...make sure to always think about what you want...and how bad you want it...getting thin is a high priority goal I think...

Make your 2nd diary a "Success Diary". Or a goal diary......you will put here what you have done...Like how far you walked..(Or THINK you walked...), how many of a certain exercise technique did you do...(Like 10 push ups...20 sit ups...it isn't just walking alone trust me...not that I do push ups...but sit ups are very very useful..) You can also put here how much you WANT to do the next day...always build up and up and up...When you pass each goal you'll feel so much better about yourself each time.

And for the final diary use as a food diary...write down everything you've ate..and don't be modest either...even if you ate 1 potato chip write it down...count the calories..and even better..portion yourself. Portioning really sounds kind of lame but um...it really helps. When you eat, try to eat something that will give you energy...or something with Protein to help you work harder next time...Egg's are a lovely candidate for this...

2. Whenever you get discouraged just think of the future and what you will be dealing with or have if you don't continue...if you put that in your face it will be motivation enough to just slip your shoes on and run out there...just don't wear yourself out...really really stinks.

3. Bring a friend with you! This one is highly important because it blows away almost all the boredom...And I know you are like...super good friends with Airi so if she has time I strongly suggest you get her to join you in your endeavors...whether you be walking outside, or inside on a treadmill...whatever it is you choose to do...doing it with a friend makes it all the easier and more fun...because than you know you're not alone in it. 🙂 And it's really really hard beating loneliness...

Um...I think that's all the tips I have...I am also trying to lose some weight too...so I feel for you when you say you want to look better...and I know you will as long as you keep your head straight and move forward...(Smiled) Good luck...Oh!

And about publishing your journal...I'm not sure what you would accomplish from doing that but if you want to...I will read it. Best of luck to you.
I'm only afraid of one thing. Insects. Be they spiders, roaches, or anything else that little, brown, and has eight legs, I HATE THEM! (SHIVERS)

My parents hate them too. Moving to Georgia proved to be the biggest mistake of their life and after only a month, they moved to a different northern state (aka NY). Jesus, the roaches down south actually HISS AT YOU! Like they're trying to fight back or something. I also swear to god I've seen garden spiders (called banana spiders by some) make GIANT F'ING WEBS with BIRDS STUCK IN THEM (yes...BIRDS...B.I.R.D.S.)! Jesus...(shudder)
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I promise, I read everything you said. I've just been so busy lately. >.< Thanks for the advice! *hugs all*
As someone who has been exercising on a regular basis since he was 11 (so, 12 years now), I can tell you that hazelf is right: the best way to do things is to start slowly, and adjust your organism to it.

For example, this summer, I got a heavy bag, and have been hitting at it for a few hours a day, furiously. At some point during that, I hurt my wrist. So, instead of just charging back in, I adjusted my workout routine: no more one-handed push-ups for a while, no more dumbbell lifts (at least not the tricky types), and so on. Then I gradually lifted the bar more and more again.

So, for you, I'd recommend starting with jumping jacks (until you get tired), maybe running in place, and then building on from there. It's better to exercise lightly for 10 minutes for 6 out of 7 days in a week (take one day off for your organism to recuperate), than to kill yourself in one day and then to have to take the week off because your organism AND your will had to recuperate.
For me that works well cause I have a bad ankle (due to playing years of ice hockey) I do water arobics, it's low impact on the joints but works all the important parts and you loose a lot of body fat. then once you get to your desired goal, slowly work on regular equipment, like the elipical.
Do you swim? It,s low impact and easier on joints, tendons and ligaments and is very good for your cardio, in fact you don,t need to be capable of swimming to exercise in a pool as long as you have an instructor and lifeguard. Walking and swinging your arms is also good. You need to start slowly and work up otherwise you could risk injury. Start off by trying to eliminate one type of food that is packed with calories and you know is not healthy for you. I help to train people when I am able and the main thing is to not let them become discouraged, train with someone who is serious but understanding. You will fall off the wagon from time to time but that is to be expected so don,t be too critical of yourself if you do. A dietician is a good idea, they can give advice and a list of healthy foods that will help you feel satisfied, be good for you and help rid your body of toxins. Once your metabolism gets used to the diet and exercise you will burn calories while you sleep. I cross-train everyday, it helps me not to become bored, I run everyday and do at least 6 miles, sometimes as many as 10, I work on the heavy bag, speed bag, skipping, crunches, push-ups, exercise bike, treadmill, weights and of course skating, it comes with the territory and I,ve been doing it for a long time, growing up on a farm certainly helped as there was always work to be done but I also do the little things like using the stairs instead of elevators or if I can walk somewhere instead of using my car, I will. The main thing is to have your mind made up that this is what you want and start slowly. Pehaps see a Physician and tell him or her your intentions. Be sure to check your pulse and blood pressure and warm up properly before, stretching is good and cool down slowly after, stretching is also good then too. Remember Rome wasn,t built in a day so give yourself time, slow and steady wins the race. If you are determined, there will be no stopping you from reaching your goal, you are young and have plenty of time so don,t be in too much of a hurry. Remember I,m on your side and you always know how to reach me🙂 if you require encouragement or simply to talk.

Do you swim? It,s low impact and easier on joints, tendons and ligaments and is very good for your cardio, in fact you don,t need to be capable of swimming to exercise in a pool as long as you have an instructor and lifeguard. Walking and swinging your arms is also good. You need to start slowly and work up otherwise you could risk injury. Start off by trying to eliminate one type of food that is packed with calories and you know is not healthy for you. I help to train people when I am able and the main thing is to not let them become discouraged, train with someone who is serious but understanding. You will fall off the wagon from time to time but that is to be expected so don,t be too critical of yourself if you do. A dietician is a good idea, they can give advice and a list of healthy foods that will help you feel satisfied, be good for you and help rid your body of toxins. Once your metabolism gets used to the diet and exercise you will burn calories while you sleep. I cross-train everyday, it helps me not to become bored, I run everyday and do at least 6 miles, sometimes as many as 10, I work on the heavy bag, speed bag, skipping, crunches, push-ups, exercise bike, treadmill, weights and of course skating, it comes with the territory and I,ve been doing it for a long time, growing up on a farm certainly helped as there was always work to be done but I also do the little things like using the stairs instead of elevators or if I can walk somewhere instead of using my car, I will. The main thing is to have your mind made up that this is what you want and start slowly. Pehaps see a Physician and tell him or her your intentions. Be sure to check your pulse and blood pressure and warm up properly before, stretching is good and cool down slowly after, stretching is also good then too. Remember Rome wasn,t built in a day so give yourself time, slow and steady wins the race. If you are determined, there will be no stopping you from reaching your goal, you are young and have plenty of time so don,t be in too much of a hurry. Remember I,m on your side and you always know how to reach me🙂 if you require encouragement or simply to talk.

Swimming is an excellent way of exercising, its gentle as you do it, but do 10 or 20 lengths of a pool, ull feel a lil tired, get out the water and by the time ur home u feel dead because you have done so much work. + it works almost every muscle in the body just from keeping the torso and abdoman tight when in certain swimming stroke postions, like breast stroke, u would think that ur abs are almost constantly contracted as u do it. So swimming is definately a gd choice.

As for your boredom of running, sometimes u got to be firm with your self shut up and get on with it !!!!! xD haha... go jogging around diff areas so the scenery distracts you (i can never jogg the same route more than 3 times in a row or im bored of it) But rememer !!!!.......... NO PAIN...... NO GAIN!!!! push yourself that extra minute the next time, jog to the next land mark of the route then turn back or else ur labour shall be fruitless.

🙂 hope ive helped x
Not sure if I believe in "no pain, no gain". But sometimes it is necessary to "push the envelope". ("Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible" - Frank Zappa).

Carbonated water can do nasty things to one's calcium levels/bones. Sugar is your enemy. Baked goods, sugared or not, should be limited. Fast food is non-food.
I've yoyo'd in weight since high school. I've gone from 230 to 160 and back. Eventually I realized it doesn't matter what other people think. If a cheeseburger sounds good, I'm going to eat it. Nobody will stop me, and if they try, I will eat their face too. Forget everyone else and focus on what makes you the happiest. I will admit, over the times I've tried losing weight, the eliptical machine is the most fun, and swimming makes you lose the most weight the quickest. No real point to this post, I'm far too drunk to make one of those. Just a casual rambling :3
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