Response to "Ultimate Find"
Just wanted to let you all know that I am the woman robmic is speaking about. I appreciate all of your well wishes to him and also want you to know that we might not have known each other for very long, (over the phone that is) but we have definitely discovered that we are on the same page about a lot of things besides tickling. During our conversations we always get around to trying to see how a "private tickling session" might be and he always lets me know that there is nothing that will stop him from getting what he wants. We both laugh about what we will do and even have a bet as to which one of us will disclose our middle name first. I have news for you robmic, baby, I think I will know your middle name first but who knows? It will be fun either way!!😀
Seriously, robmic is a very nice man who has made me very happy and "tickly" when we get to talk, via e-mail or phone. I feel that we have gotten the hardest part out of the way by talking and sharing our feelings about different things. I look forward to talking to him and when for some reason like work or bad timing, we can't talk I feel sad. Hearing his warm, soothing voice has been wonderful and I hope that we will continue to make each other happy. We have both said that if nothing else we will be friends, but I think that we will always be friends as well as more....
In response to the person who thought that I might not be what I portray on the phone, I am an upfront person who understands and hopes that more people would be themselves and cut all the BS out. Life is too short to go around messing with peoples' minds and hearts and I can honestly say that I feel with all of my heart that robmic is definitely sincere and honest and has stolen my heart with his way of talking and thinking and feeling. I am so grateful that I happened to find his post on this site and drop him a message.
Robmic, sweetie, I hope that when you see this you will know definitely how much I adore you and hope that time would move faster so that we could finally be together in person. You are a great guy and hope that you know how unbelievably blessed I feel to have at least gotten to know you thus far....when we actually get to meet in person, I know that sparks will fly!!! I just know it!!!
Tickled Pink