I was at a rally today. It was to protest a proposed rescinding of the protection of homosexuals from discrimination in public universities. Basically it was to protect the protection that homosexuals have (it was being threatened).
Anyway, the speakers kept using the term LGBTQ. Q being for queer. But they had already named gays and lesbians (L and G). "Isn't that redundant," I thought to myself. Apparently it isn't, according to these definitions.
"Queer has traditionally meant odd or unusual, though modern use often pertains to LGBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and non-normative heterosexual) people." - Wikipedia
"It can also include asexual and autosexual people, as well as gender normative heterosexuals whose sexual orientations or activities place them outside the heterosexual-defined mainstream (e.g. BDSM practitioners, or polyamorous persons)." - Wikipedia
"Queer is a much more political term and is often used by those who are politically active; by those who strongly reject traditional gender identities; by those who reject sexual identities such as gay, lesbian, bisexual and straight; by those who see themselves as oppressed by the heteronormativity of the larger culture; and/or by heterosexuals whose sexual preferences make them a minority (for example, BDSM practitioners)." - Out Now Springfield
I always thought the term Queer meant homosexual and nothing more. I guess I was wrong. So, does this mean all of the heterosexuals here on TT are also Queers? Or have I misunderstood something?
Anyway, the speakers kept using the term LGBTQ. Q being for queer. But they had already named gays and lesbians (L and G). "Isn't that redundant," I thought to myself. Apparently it isn't, according to these definitions.
"Queer has traditionally meant odd or unusual, though modern use often pertains to LGBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and non-normative heterosexual) people." - Wikipedia
"It can also include asexual and autosexual people, as well as gender normative heterosexuals whose sexual orientations or activities place them outside the heterosexual-defined mainstream (e.g. BDSM practitioners, or polyamorous persons)." - Wikipedia
"Queer is a much more political term and is often used by those who are politically active; by those who strongly reject traditional gender identities; by those who reject sexual identities such as gay, lesbian, bisexual and straight; by those who see themselves as oppressed by the heteronormativity of the larger culture; and/or by heterosexuals whose sexual preferences make them a minority (for example, BDSM practitioners)." - Out Now Springfield
I always thought the term Queer meant homosexual and nothing more. I guess I was wrong. So, does this mean all of the heterosexuals here on TT are also Queers? Or have I misunderstood something?
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