*deep breath*
The Ticklish Situations Tech Demo Alpha has been released.
Visit the TS site and download the program HERE.
The TS Tech Demo is a mere taste of what the final product will contain. It's meant to let you get a feel for how the game will run on your computer, and what it will look like. It's technically possible to play a game all the way through, although the win conditions glitch sometimes.
The full-fledged game. Tons of features are still missing. However, I felt it necessary to put something out so you can gauge my progress and get a sneak peek of what sort of game it will be.
* One character. Elina is currently the only enabled character.
* Create-a-Contestant feature - punch in all your attributes and
save your own profile. Again, Elina is the only available graphic set at this time, and you must select "Female" as your sex for her to appear. Future versions of TS will have this restriction removed, as support for male characters was taken out after this feature was coded.
* Fully-functional gameplay; players take turns selecting squares on a gameboard. "Clearing" a square gives you "claim" to that square, and claiming four squares in any direction (up/down, left/right, diagonally) ends the round and wins you 2,500 points.
* Taunt feature: select one of your opponents from the list on the right (you're the top-most player) and click the "Taunt" button.
The following features are half-finished, or not in place, or don't work right yet. Avoid them.
* Selecting an already-cleared square causes the game to hang.
* Taunting yourself or not selecting a tauntee throws an exception (Java error).
* The Fickle Feather of Fate square doesn't do anything prior to clearing itself. You still claim the square and get points.
* Very few trivia questions. Future releases will have more, as well as not ask the same question multiple times.
* Speaking of trivia, it is currently impossible to guess a question wrong. So just keep clickin' choices 'till you claim the square.
* Starting a game with more than one human player causes the game to act erratically. This is because the networked gaming features are not fully functional yet.
* Minor cosmetic issues; un-centered dialogs, layout glitches, etc.
1. Download and install a Java runtime environment that supports Java 1.3.1 or later. TICKLISH SITUATIONS IS NOT AN APPLET AND WILL NOT RUN IN A BROWSER.
2. Unzip the TS demo files into a newly-created directory of your choosing. The name is unimportant; I called mine "TS". Make sure that when you unzip the files you use the "Use Folder Names" option to maintain the directory structure. It should be checked by default.
3. Run TS at the MS-DOS prompt by typing "java ticklish" from the directory you installed it to. If this command fails to launch the game, you've either installed it or the Java runtime modules incorrectly, and need to E-mail me about the issue. DO NOT POST TECH SUPPORT ISSUES IN THIS THREAD. E-MAIL THEM TO ME.
4. Select "Start Game" from the first dropdown menu, and click "Start". Using any but the default settings may be an adventure in game malfunctions. Do so at your own risk.
Anyway... hope you enjoy this first glimpse at my baby. Thanks to everyone for all your support and patience during this development cycle; it's one of the few things that have kept me going on this most difficult of projects.
The Ticklish Situations Tech Demo Alpha has been released.
Visit the TS site and download the program HERE.
The TS Tech Demo is a mere taste of what the final product will contain. It's meant to let you get a feel for how the game will run on your computer, and what it will look like. It's technically possible to play a game all the way through, although the win conditions glitch sometimes.
The full-fledged game. Tons of features are still missing. However, I felt it necessary to put something out so you can gauge my progress and get a sneak peek of what sort of game it will be.
* One character. Elina is currently the only enabled character.
* Create-a-Contestant feature - punch in all your attributes and
save your own profile. Again, Elina is the only available graphic set at this time, and you must select "Female" as your sex for her to appear. Future versions of TS will have this restriction removed, as support for male characters was taken out after this feature was coded.
* Fully-functional gameplay; players take turns selecting squares on a gameboard. "Clearing" a square gives you "claim" to that square, and claiming four squares in any direction (up/down, left/right, diagonally) ends the round and wins you 2,500 points.
* Taunt feature: select one of your opponents from the list on the right (you're the top-most player) and click the "Taunt" button.
The following features are half-finished, or not in place, or don't work right yet. Avoid them.
* Selecting an already-cleared square causes the game to hang.
* Taunting yourself or not selecting a tauntee throws an exception (Java error).
* The Fickle Feather of Fate square doesn't do anything prior to clearing itself. You still claim the square and get points.
* Very few trivia questions. Future releases will have more, as well as not ask the same question multiple times.
* Speaking of trivia, it is currently impossible to guess a question wrong. So just keep clickin' choices 'till you claim the square.
* Starting a game with more than one human player causes the game to act erratically. This is because the networked gaming features are not fully functional yet.
* Minor cosmetic issues; un-centered dialogs, layout glitches, etc.
1. Download and install a Java runtime environment that supports Java 1.3.1 or later. TICKLISH SITUATIONS IS NOT AN APPLET AND WILL NOT RUN IN A BROWSER.
2. Unzip the TS demo files into a newly-created directory of your choosing. The name is unimportant; I called mine "TS". Make sure that when you unzip the files you use the "Use Folder Names" option to maintain the directory structure. It should be checked by default.
3. Run TS at the MS-DOS prompt by typing "java ticklish" from the directory you installed it to. If this command fails to launch the game, you've either installed it or the Java runtime modules incorrectly, and need to E-mail me about the issue. DO NOT POST TECH SUPPORT ISSUES IN THIS THREAD. E-MAIL THEM TO ME.
4. Select "Start Game" from the first dropdown menu, and click "Start". Using any but the default settings may be an adventure in game malfunctions. Do so at your own risk.
Anyway... hope you enjoy this first glimpse at my baby. Thanks to everyone for all your support and patience during this development cycle; it's one of the few things that have kept me going on this most difficult of projects.
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