TMF Expert
- Joined
- Jan 20, 2015
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Hello all! 🙂
I'm posting this to discuss some of the things I've learned from this site, the TMF after being a member for a couple years...
For those who don't know this, one of the reasons why I joined here was specifically to learn about the community, and learn more the psychology of people with Knismolagnia (tickling fetishism).
~~ And yes, that's exactly what it sounds like: Im a Metacognitive Neuroscientist and I have been observing , documenting and collecting data about some of the things on this site to get a better understanding of it all.
- - - - So, here's some of the things I learned since joining here - - - :
1) Difference between "Lers and Lees" ��������!!
People can be into Tickling in two ways: As a "Ler", or a "Lee"..
Heh, yeah believe it or not, this is something i had never known about.
I thought that everyone who was into tickling, were only into being tickled. (Heh, Like I am! 🙂 ).
~~ I had no idea that someone could become aroused by tickling someone else.
I mean, yes of course I figured some people like being in the Ler's position, But I never knew arousal from tickling someone else was actually "a thing".
2) Same trends; and Knismolagnia Psychology ��
~~~ I always thought some of my weird tickle - related quirks were unique to myself. But it turns out... They are very common. AND they illustrate just how powerful this fetish can be for some people.
For example... When I hear the word "tickle" used in conversation around me; I instantly blush, my heart rate jumps up, and I feel nervous / uneasy.
Just hearing "tickle", or any variation of it has this effect on me.
I can't even say it / talk about it with people without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.
~~~ WELL....It turns out, this is very common for many people on here.
I never would have guessed that so many other people would be effected by hearing this word like I am.
*** Fun Fact: This type of response is almost entirely exclusive to tickling.
People with Other fetishes are often not effected by hearing words related to their kink. This demonstrates that tickling fetishism has a very strong psychological influence over people.
3) Tickling Fetishism is uncommon?! ��
Personally, I have never met another person in real-life who was into tickling like I am. But I figured I was just unlucky, and it's pretty common.
~~Apparently, it isn't. Ticking Fetishism actually appears to be borderline-rare.I realized this after reading countless forum posts by people looking to set up sessions, claiming they have never been tickled / tickled another before.
~~~ Also, the majority of people I talk to on here (chatroom, private messaging..ect) Have also claimed to have NEVER met anyone else in real life who liked tickling, and it's a big reason why they came to the TMF in the first place.
.... So wow. Lol, That was unexpected. Here I am, thinking "it's probably just my area", and yet I find dozens of other people in the same situation.
It's pretty sad actually, because people who have this kink really want to explore it with someone else. But, it's almost impossible for some of us to do.
4a) Girls are more "popular" �� , and (Lers & Lees)
Again, another totally unexpected find.
I thought the ratio of girls and guys would be pretty close. But, no. It seems like guys on the TMF out-number girls. Unfortunately, much of this attention is unwanted.
Like when I sign into the chatroom, I'll be bombarded with half a dozen private chats (all from guys).
What I don't like about this, is the ONLY reason they wanted to talk to me, is because I'm a female lee. Mostly, They just want to RP, and don't actually care to get to know me a person. 🙁 plus, I've realized that girls are not treated so nicely on here so times. I feel like a lot of people view me as little more than tickle-meat, or a temporary partner to let them play out their fantasies with RP/cybering.
4b) ~~~ Guys and Girls ~~��~��~
From what I can tell, most guys on here are Lers, and most girls on here are Lees. This partially explains why girls are talked to / about the way we are; as we are seen as potential submissive tickle victims by sadistic lers out there! 😛
~~~~ I only mention this, because like I said : I didn't know there was a distinction with "lers & Lee". I used to think everyone who was into tickling just liked having it done to them.
So to realize this gender ratio exists, was pretty interesting.
*** I don't know 100% for sure if this is true. BUT from what I have observed over the past couple years, is that this seems to be the case;
~~~ Theres always exceptions, and theres those called "Swiches", u as I said this seems like how it is from what I've seen.
5) Foot Fetishism is the 2nd most popular ❤��
Heh, this wasn't a big surprise. After all, foot fetishism IS the most popular / most common fetish in the world. So it makes sense that it would show up here. And here, Especially because although I'm not into feet - I personally think the two kinks (feet & tickling) naturally go very well together! Lol
6) The Community Itself ~~�� ������ ~
I have to say, the people on the TMF in general - are all very friendly. 🙂
Everyone seems to be open with eachother, willing to talk, and are not judgmental.
I think one reason everyone is so friendly on here, is because most people came here with the intention of finding others into the same thing.
( They came here, possibly because many were unable to find people in real life who shared their interest)
7) Secretiveness ~~~ ��~
This suprised me: the amount of people on here who were not open about their interest in tickling. I have seen SO many posts of people looking for advice on how to tell their significant other about it. and other posts about how people were afraid to tell anyone - ever.
It surprised me, because I had always been open about this with the guys I've dated. I have never been ashamed, or embarrassed by it at all.
~~~~ So, to see so many others who were - was a little surprising.
Whenever I see a post like that, I always try to offer encouragement; by telling the person that ticking is the best fetish to have! I'll remind them that it is not gross, weird, painful, or disturbing (like most fetishes tend to be) and that it is one of the most normal kinks out there! ❤❤
(That's how I view it, anyway)
~~~~~❌~~~~~~~~ C O N C L U S I O N ~~~~~~~❌~~~~~~
Theres a few other things I've leaned as a result of being here, but they're just minor things - not very important.
In retrospect, I realized that I knew very little about the community (or about Knismolagnia itself), before I joined here. 🙂 And I feel like I have learned a lot.
~~~~ Id say the most unexpected thing, was how uncommon a tickling fetish is. And that so many other people have never met another person (in real life) who was into it. That was very surprising to me.
I guess it sort of makes sense; because most people don't like being tickled to begin with - let alone are actually turned on by it.
But yeah, I never would have guessed. 😛
Either that, OR the fact that "Lers and Lees" exist. Lol, this is something I have never heard of before joining here. I never knew just tickling another person could be so arousing.
I for one, prefer to being the one tickled.... Tied up... And tickled Mercilessly.
<3 hehe 😉 omg its sooo hott! <3
~~~��~~~~~~~~❔❓~ Q U E S T I O N S ~ ❓❔~~~~~~��~~~~~~
⚫ 1) Im curious what people thought about this 🙂
Which out of all of the things I found here, were the mot interesting?
- or, what you think about some of these things?
⚫ 2) Have other people learned the same things from here?
⚫ 3) Is there anything you guys didn't know about before joining the TMF?
⚫ 4) ***Remember, these are just things ive gathered from my own observations. I'm not saying they're all 100% true - it's just my postulations.
�� ~~ Is there anything I've said that you think may be incorrect?
Or you have you come to any different conclusions?
Id love to know 🙂
I'm posting this to discuss some of the things I've learned from this site, the TMF after being a member for a couple years...
For those who don't know this, one of the reasons why I joined here was specifically to learn about the community, and learn more the psychology of people with Knismolagnia (tickling fetishism).
~~ And yes, that's exactly what it sounds like: Im a Metacognitive Neuroscientist and I have been observing , documenting and collecting data about some of the things on this site to get a better understanding of it all.
- - - - So, here's some of the things I learned since joining here - - - :
People can be into Tickling in two ways: As a "Ler", or a "Lee"..
Heh, yeah believe it or not, this is something i had never known about.
I thought that everyone who was into tickling, were only into being tickled. (Heh, Like I am! 🙂 ).
~~ I had no idea that someone could become aroused by tickling someone else.
I mean, yes of course I figured some people like being in the Ler's position, But I never knew arousal from tickling someone else was actually "a thing".
2) Same trends; and Knismolagnia Psychology ��
~~~ I always thought some of my weird tickle - related quirks were unique to myself. But it turns out... They are very common. AND they illustrate just how powerful this fetish can be for some people.
For example... When I hear the word "tickle" used in conversation around me; I instantly blush, my heart rate jumps up, and I feel nervous / uneasy.
Just hearing "tickle", or any variation of it has this effect on me.
I can't even say it / talk about it with people without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.
~~~ WELL....It turns out, this is very common for many people on here.
I never would have guessed that so many other people would be effected by hearing this word like I am.
*** Fun Fact: This type of response is almost entirely exclusive to tickling.
People with Other fetishes are often not effected by hearing words related to their kink. This demonstrates that tickling fetishism has a very strong psychological influence over people.
3) Tickling Fetishism is uncommon?! ��
Personally, I have never met another person in real-life who was into tickling like I am. But I figured I was just unlucky, and it's pretty common.
~~Apparently, it isn't. Ticking Fetishism actually appears to be borderline-rare.I realized this after reading countless forum posts by people looking to set up sessions, claiming they have never been tickled / tickled another before.
~~~ Also, the majority of people I talk to on here (chatroom, private messaging..ect) Have also claimed to have NEVER met anyone else in real life who liked tickling, and it's a big reason why they came to the TMF in the first place.
.... So wow. Lol, That was unexpected. Here I am, thinking "it's probably just my area", and yet I find dozens of other people in the same situation.
It's pretty sad actually, because people who have this kink really want to explore it with someone else. But, it's almost impossible for some of us to do.
4a) Girls are more "popular" �� , and (Lers & Lees)
Again, another totally unexpected find.
I thought the ratio of girls and guys would be pretty close. But, no. It seems like guys on the TMF out-number girls. Unfortunately, much of this attention is unwanted.
Like when I sign into the chatroom, I'll be bombarded with half a dozen private chats (all from guys).
What I don't like about this, is the ONLY reason they wanted to talk to me, is because I'm a female lee. Mostly, They just want to RP, and don't actually care to get to know me a person. 🙁 plus, I've realized that girls are not treated so nicely on here so times. I feel like a lot of people view me as little more than tickle-meat, or a temporary partner to let them play out their fantasies with RP/cybering.
4b) ~~~ Guys and Girls ~~��~��~
From what I can tell, most guys on here are Lers, and most girls on here are Lees. This partially explains why girls are talked to / about the way we are; as we are seen as potential submissive tickle victims by sadistic lers out there! 😛
~~~~ I only mention this, because like I said : I didn't know there was a distinction with "lers & Lee". I used to think everyone who was into tickling just liked having it done to them.
So to realize this gender ratio exists, was pretty interesting.
*** I don't know 100% for sure if this is true. BUT from what I have observed over the past couple years, is that this seems to be the case;
~~~ Theres always exceptions, and theres those called "Swiches", u as I said this seems like how it is from what I've seen.
5) Foot Fetishism is the 2nd most popular ❤��
Heh, this wasn't a big surprise. After all, foot fetishism IS the most popular / most common fetish in the world. So it makes sense that it would show up here. And here, Especially because although I'm not into feet - I personally think the two kinks (feet & tickling) naturally go very well together! Lol
6) The Community Itself ~~�� ������ ~
I have to say, the people on the TMF in general - are all very friendly. 🙂
Everyone seems to be open with eachother, willing to talk, and are not judgmental.
I think one reason everyone is so friendly on here, is because most people came here with the intention of finding others into the same thing.
( They came here, possibly because many were unable to find people in real life who shared their interest)
7) Secretiveness ~~~ ��~
This suprised me: the amount of people on here who were not open about their interest in tickling. I have seen SO many posts of people looking for advice on how to tell their significant other about it. and other posts about how people were afraid to tell anyone - ever.
It surprised me, because I had always been open about this with the guys I've dated. I have never been ashamed, or embarrassed by it at all.
~~~~ So, to see so many others who were - was a little surprising.
Whenever I see a post like that, I always try to offer encouragement; by telling the person that ticking is the best fetish to have! I'll remind them that it is not gross, weird, painful, or disturbing (like most fetishes tend to be) and that it is one of the most normal kinks out there! ❤❤
(That's how I view it, anyway)
~~~~~❌~~~~~~~~ C O N C L U S I O N ~~~~~~~❌~~~~~~
Theres a few other things I've leaned as a result of being here, but they're just minor things - not very important.
In retrospect, I realized that I knew very little about the community (or about Knismolagnia itself), before I joined here. 🙂 And I feel like I have learned a lot.
~~~~ Id say the most unexpected thing, was how uncommon a tickling fetish is. And that so many other people have never met another person (in real life) who was into it. That was very surprising to me.
I guess it sort of makes sense; because most people don't like being tickled to begin with - let alone are actually turned on by it.
But yeah, I never would have guessed. 😛
Either that, OR the fact that "Lers and Lees" exist. Lol, this is something I have never heard of before joining here. I never knew just tickling another person could be so arousing.
I for one, prefer to being the one tickled.... Tied up... And tickled Mercilessly.
<3 hehe 😉 omg its sooo hott! <3
~~~��~~~~~~~~❔❓~ Q U E S T I O N S ~ ❓❔~~~~~~��~~~~~~
⚫ 1) Im curious what people thought about this 🙂
Which out of all of the things I found here, were the mot interesting?
- or, what you think about some of these things?
⚫ 2) Have other people learned the same things from here?
⚫ 3) Is there anything you guys didn't know about before joining the TMF?
⚫ 4) ***Remember, these are just things ive gathered from my own observations. I'm not saying they're all 100% true - it's just my postulations.
�� ~~ Is there anything I've said that you think may be incorrect?
Or you have you come to any different conclusions?
Id love to know 🙂