Tragic. I feel sorry for that little boy. He should be taken away from his family for good, and placed for adoption, and the parents, and grandparents, should all serve long jail terms, for child abuse/neglect, and other crimes. The grandmother's "Concern" for her dogs, after what happened to her grandson, is an outrage. It was proper that the dogs were put down.
Some people just are not fit to be parents or grandparents.
Did any of you see the video from China where a child was run over repeatedly while bystanders paid no mind to it. Until a woman finally rushed to the scene to render aid. I did not see the clip myself because I am sure my laptop would have been thrown out the window. Still it is a sad state of affairs.
The guy in that link is inhuman, carl. Someone with a repeated, disgusting, criminal history. He should be given a long sentence behind bars for all his crimes.