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Those Wedding Bell Blues (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives—as the narrator of this ticklish tale discovers to his chagrin. He also discovers that he's not quite as straight as he thought he was! Well, hell, tickling can sometimes do that to a guy!




T.T. Gore


Have you ever felt totally helpless? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be completely at the mercy of someone who has the power to make you do whatever he wants? No? Then count yourself lucky! I speak from experience when I say that it can be positively excruciating—and horribly humiliating—to find one’s self in so precarious a position. I never thought that any such thing could happen to me…but it did. And when I look back on the event that led to my current predicament, I must admit that I have only myself to blame…

My first mistake was to ask Amanda Andrews to marry me. She wasn’t all that pretty, nor was she likely to be all that good in bed, but her father was worth a billion dollars or so, which made up for a lot. Hey, if you must get married, find yourself a rich girl. So I told myself.

My second mistake was to cheat on Amanda. We’d been engaged for a month or so when I met the voluptuous Michelle. Never mind her last name. The point is that she was everything Amanda was not: pretty, sexy, horny and poor. I asked myself: What's the harm in a little fling? What my fiancée didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, after all.

My third mistake was to get caught in a compromising position with Michelle. Not by Amanda—that would have been bad enough, but what actually happened was far worse. I was busted by her younger brother, a snotty twerp named Byron. And if you think that spelled the end of my engagement, well, you’re dead wrong. Byron was more than willing to keep my secret. For a price.

When he laid out his terms and conditions, my first impulse was to tell him to fuck off. Naturally I wasn’t too surprised to learn that Byron was a bit of a swish. The signs were there. Oh, he wasn’t a full-blown fag. He merely lived by the principle, as he put it, that variety is the spice of life. And as it happened, he’d developed a bit of a crush on me. So if I would agree to gratify his lust, why, Byron would be prepared to overlook my unfaithfulness to his sister. He wasn’t talking about anything TOO extreme, he assured me—mutual masturbation, slap and tickle, perhaps a bit of bondage.

I suppose you think that I ought to have rejected this outrageous, not to say kinky, proposal. But I knew well enough that if Amanda learned of my dalliance with another woman, the engagement would be off. Call me greedy, but I simply couldn’t bring myself to give up all the lovely money that Amanda would bring to our marriage. What was I supposed to do instead? Find a JOB? No, if I had to get naked with her fucking brother to keep him from ratting me out, so be it.

That was my fourth mistake…


“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” I screamed as Byron’s sharp-nailed fingers dug into my defenseless armpits. “AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!! AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!! AAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!”

The old brass bed creaked as my arms and legs strained mightily against the bonds that secured my wrists and ankles to the corner posts. My bare behind bounced on the mattress; my belly convulsed with the effort of forcing out scream after gut-busting scream of ungodly, agonized laughter. My naked body was covered with goose bumps and oily sweat. When we arrived at his family’s secluded lakefront cottage, when the bedroom door closed behind me, I’d never expected anything like THIS—!

The thing was I’d had no idea that I was so incredibly fucking TICKLISH! So when Byron proposed tying me up and tickling me, I figured I was getting off easy. In the days prior to this, our first clandestine meeting, I’d been consumed with dread anticipation of the perverted, kinky demands that Byron might make. But TICKLING, for Christ’s sake! No problem!

“BWAAAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” I bellowed now, having discovered to my horror that tickling WAS a problem for me—a HUGE problem! Naked and spreadeagled, with Byron kneeling between my wide-open thighs, I was absolutely fucking HELPLESS! He could do whatever he fucking WANTED—and what he wanted was to tickle the absolute living SHIT out of me!

“What’s WRONG, cutie buns?” he inquired. “Don’t you LIKE it when I tickle your PITS?”

“HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEEEE-HEE!!!” I screeched in response, writhing to and fro in a desperate, futile attempt to evade his dancing fingers. “EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

“I guess you didn’t realize just you TICKLISH you really are!” Byron snickered. “Isn’t it HUMILIATING, cutie buns? You don’t mind if I call you cutie buns, do you? I always like to give my special friends a little NICKNAME—and that’s a perfect one for YOU!”

“OH-HO-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” I bellowed. Byron’s fingers were digging into my ribs now, and I couldn’t fucking STAND it! My nerves were buzzing like an overloaded electrical circuit. Repeated muscle spasms made my legs tremble violently. And a hot, greasy sensation was building low in my belly. It felt as if my guts were being slowly stirred with a wooden spoon over a low flame.

Byron was right. It WAS humiliating—especially in view of the fact that I was being tickled pink by none other than my slender, silk-skinned, future brother-in-law. Did I mention that Byron, too was bare-assed naked? Well, he was, and furthermore he was displaying unmistakable evidence of the pleasure he was taking in my hilarious plight. Even in the throes of laughter, I could hardly avoid noticing that his cock was standing at attention, stiff and quivering. From time to time he spared a hand to stroke himself. And when he noticed that I had noticed his state of arousal, he gave me a nasty smile.

“Ready for a little break?” he whispered. “I don’t want to wear you out too soon, cutie buns—the night is young and I have such PLANS for us!”

I was busy gasping for air when he said that; even so, his words made me shiver. Christ, was this really WORTH it? What was this little bastard going to DO to me? I looked into his eyes, and quailed at what I saw.

“Now, why would a good-looking stud like you pay court to my mousey sister, hmmmm?” He ran his fingers through my chest hair, still smiling nastily. “That was the question I asked myself. And the answer was pretty obvious. It’s all about the MONEY, cutie buns, isn’t it?”

I thought it best to keep my mouth shut.

“So I got to thinking,” he went on. “It occurred to me that a guy who was willing to do it with Amanda in return for a big payday might also be willing to do it with ME. And as it happens, cutie buns, you’re just my type. A handsome, muscular stud with a fatal weakness—greed.” He was still playing with my chest hair. “Because of your greediness, cutie buns, I was pretty sure that I’d be able to lure you into a compromising position. You made that part easy, didn’t you? And I was hoping that you’d turn out to be ticklish. For some funny reason, guys like you often are. And I was right! Which puts you in a bit of a spot, doesn’t it? Oh, I know I said that we wouldn’t do anything TOO kinky. But maybe I can get you to change your MIND!”

Whereupon Byron’s hands darted down to dance on my belly!

“HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” I shrieked. Oh GOD, was there NO part of my body that wasn’t unbearably fucking TICKLISH—?!

“That’s right, cutie buns,” Byron gloated. “LAUGH for me! Laugh a little LOUDER for me! Laugh your handsome HEAD off for me—!"

“OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” I howled, doing my very best to obey his command. Once again the old brass bed creaked as I struggled in my bonds. My naked body was seized with an uncontrollable fit of trembling. A fresh eruption of goose bumps roughened my skin, causing the hairs on my arms and legs to stiffen like tiny wires.

Byron observed all this with avid eyes whose expression left little to the imagination. It was plain what he intended to do. This horrific tickling would go on and on and fucking ON until I broke down in fucking HYSTERICS and promised to do ANYTHING he wanted! And it was becoming alarmingly clear that Byron had a very GOOD imagination—!

So I squirmed and wiggled and sweated and raised the ROOF with scream after earsplitting scream of insane fucking LAUGHTER as Byron worked me over. His hands darted up to stroke my armpits again, then down to my ribs, then down again to tickle my drum-tight belly. And try as I might to avoid thinking about it, I was beginning to wish that his clever hands would go just a LITTLE bit lower…

“OH NO!!!” I cried. “OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO-HO!!!” The little bastard was beginning to turn me ON! I was getting HORNY! I couldn’t HELP it! And oh SHIT! Fucking Byron could SEE what was HAPPENING!

“Mmmm, now will you look at THAT!” Byron exclaimed. “You’re getting all EXCITED, aren’t you? I think you LIKE it when I tickle you, cutie buns! I think it's getting you all HOT and BOTHERED!”


“Oh, but I CAN, cutie buns,” Byron whispered. “And you WILL!”

His hands slipped down to stroke my trembling thighs, then crept lower still to tickle the backs of my knees. And though I strained and struggled to keep it from happening, my asshole tightened, my balls tensed, and my cock stiffened! Now we were BOTH in a manly way! And I couldn’t HELP it—I wanted him to TICKLE my tumid TOOL—!

“Consider this my personal welcome to our family, cutie buns,” Byron whispered. He was tickling my thighs again. The sensation made my toes curl. “Of course you realize that you’re going to have to earn your KEEP!”

“EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” I screeched, arching my back and wiggling my hips in a manner calculated to draw Byron’s attention to my state of arousal. But he merely smiled grimly and went right on with his ticklish assault. “AAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” I bellowed.

“Here’s how it’s going to work,” he explained a few minutes later as his hands moved up to my ribs again. Mercifully, however, he suspended the tickling. “Now pay attention, cutie buns,” he went on. “You can marry poor little Amanda. After the wedding, you can even keep seeing that BIMBO on the side if you want. But that’s only so long as you remain my friend—my SPECIAL friend,” he elaborated, once more running his fingers through my chest hair. “And I have to confess, I’ll be MEAN to you, cutie buns. Oh, yes. VERY mean! But you’ll get used to it. In fact, I do believe that you’ll come to ADORE it. And in return, you shall be nice to me. VERY nice, cutie buns! So do we have a deal?”

I nodded. What else could I do?

Byron smiled. “Good!” he exclaimed. Then he proceeded to demonstrate what be meant when he’d promised to be mean to me!

“I know you want to CUM.” He whispered. “Deny it all you want, but I can always tell. Right now, you want me to STROKE your precious penis, and TEASE it, and TICKLE it, until you squirt all OVER yourself! Isn’t that true, cutie buns? Isn’t it, hmmmm?”

I didn’t answer—not in words. But when Byron began caressing my rigid rod with the tips of his fingers, I arched my back again and shivered all over. That was answer enough.

“That’s right, cutie buns. Only a guy can REALLY give you what you want. The forbidden fruit. The longed-for fulfillment of all those late-night masturbation fantasies.” His fingertips kept stroking the length of my twitching shaft. “But here’s the thing. I’m NOT going to give you what you want. I’m just going to go on TORTURING you!”

And for perhaps thirty seconds, fucking Byron STROKED me—hard and fast! An absolutely GLORIOUS sensation gripped my balls! I lifted my ASS from the mattress and wiggled my HIPS! And I KNEW—oh, I was SURE—that nothing could prevent me from cumming my stupid fucking BRAINS out—!

But then he STOPPED! He just fucking STOPPED!

“Uh-uh, cutie buns,” he chortled. “You wouldn’t want to make a MESS, would you?”

And then he started to TICKLE my fucking ARMPITS again!


“Maybe THIS will sweep away all those nasty, naughty thoughts!” Byron whispered. “Oh the other hand, it might actually make you even MORE horny!”

His sharp-nailed fingers probed and stroked the delicate flesh of my hollows, sending thrill after excruciating thrill of unbearably ticklish torment shooting through my writhing body. I jerked my torso to and fro in a frantic attempt to escape his dancing digits. My arms and legs quivered. And my treacherous fucking COCK got even harder! Never in my LIFE had I had an erection this fierce! It was INSANE! I was going CRAZY! And omygod, omygod, how I absolutely fucking ADORED it—!

I have no idea how many times Byron tantalized and teased me with this erotic bait and switch before he assumed a merciful attitude and granted me the blessed release I so fervently craved. Let’s just say that I did a LOT of begging, pleading, gasping, grunting, sweating, writhing, wiggling and laughing—and in the end a LOT of messy squirting! It all turned out as he’d promised, though. First he was very, VERY mean to me—and in return, I was EXTREMELY nice to him. As for the wedding, it went off as planned…


I cannot lay my hand on my heart and swear that I was looking forward to my wedding night. Not only was Amanda rather plain, but her behavior during our engagement had been alarmingly chaste. Not once had I managed to get past second base with her. And of course,by our wedding night I'd tasted often of her sexy brother's sweet, forbidden fruits. The dirty games I played in secret with Byron would, I told myself, more than compensate for the shortcomings of my sex life with boring little Amanda. And, I reminded myself, there was also the buxom and compliant Michelle. Thus I easily resigned myself to the necessity of doing my husbandly duty.

So it was somewhat of a surprise when Amanda opened the closet door and took out several lengths of rope.

“What are those for?” I asked.

“They’re for you,” she replied. “I’m going to tie you down to the bed. Would you like that?”

I stared at my new wife. With her light brown hair disordered and her slender, well-toned body covered by nothing but a thin silk robe, she didn’t look half bad.

“Tie me up?” I smiled. “Sure baby, if that’s what you want.”

I couldn’t believe my luck! Not only would I be Byron’s docile sex poodle, but Amanda’s as well! I’d have to make sure that she learned about the tickling thing, and about the orgasm denial thing. And about all the other dirty, disgusting but delightful games that Byron and I played together. It would be SO much fun—and SO perverse—to play those same games with Amanda—!

Hurriedly, I began to undress. In a moment I was stark naked, shivering slightly under the inspection of my new, surprisingly sexy wife.

“Okay,” she said. “On the bed. Face up.”

As I scurried to obey, Amanda hurried me along with a stinging slap to my bare behind. “Move it, cutie buns,” she commanded.

I stopped short and spun around. “W-w-w-what did you call me?” I stammered.

Amanda smiled…

Have you ever felt totally helpless? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be completely at the mercy of two people who have the power to make you do whatever they want? No? Then count yourself lucky. I speak from experience when I say that it can be an EXTREMELY excruciating experience. And a humiliating one. And, as I must confess in all honesty, rather a delightful one!
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