Thoughts on AMT
I guess I don't want to join in a litany of all the bad things about AMT. It is a wide open forum that lets anyone have his or her say, athough the founder, Mr. Hare, wants each person's say to relate in some way to tickling.
There are some things about it (AMT) that fit my lifestyle pretty well. It's the first tickle forum that I ever participated. It was quite the place, because I have been a tickler for a large number of years and always thought I was the only one in the world that felt the way I do about it. That made finding AMT and the resulting cascade of ideas impossible to describe.
Then when I was having some problems with my computer, Mr. Hare gave me some things to try, even though I'm not exactly a great paying customer. It was just a decent thing he did for me.
Then AMT gave me a chance to try some things including a meager effort at tickle fiction, even though some of my ideas probably have more limited appeal. For that I appreciate AMT.
Finally, I had the pleasure to exchange emails with really a large number of spectacular people. There are a handful that I consider to be friends, even though what we first had in common was just the tickling. I discovered that these are average people with the same hopes and fears that I carry each day, and many of the same foibles. I have AMT to thank for that knowledge.
The problem with AMT is the same as with any open forum on any subject. It draws antisocial people into the mix. I had my neck stepped on a few times, although relatively few. Sometimes I'd receive communiques from people that didn't come across as entirely sane. I'm not sure it's just an AMT thing as I have experienced the same on a political forum where I explore, and even a liberal arts forum. I did always marvel, and was thankful that many of the female persuasion would get past that and still participate. They must have received far more psychotic email than did I. For the most part, it's the coeducational aspect of this that makes these fora fun for me, as tickling is really a game for two or more.
The problem with AMT is there are a minority of people in the world that are all dead inside, and their idea of fulfillment is to make everyone and everything around them equally dead. They have always been with us, even before the internet, and they always will. It isn't the "fault" of AMT. I still check into AMT once or twice each week. If a subject arises that interests me, I will still participate. I would encourage anyone to do the same. The thing to do is simply not respond to the psychotic people. My guess is many of those don't ever get to tickle anyway, and may not even care for the subject. I REALLY doubt they ever have any hope of the kind of relationship one needs for consistent tickle partners, at least until they see that others respond better to decency than to insults.
Eventually, they will gravitate to the political forum. There's an old saying that "politics ain't beanbag," and the political forum where I play will happily mix it up with them - to a point. Then rants that don't add to the discussion are handled by ostracism. It works. In the meantime, that will leave the tickle world for those that like tickling AND people.