I'm curious about this phenomenom. I've seen one thread closed and another thread contain multiple requests for closing. This absolutely amazed me. I considered asking why anybody would ever want to close a thread but I find I'm already able to anticipate the answers..."When a thread becomes 'unproductive,' it should be closed"..."we close a thread when 'enough has been said' about the topic"...."when it no longer 'contributes to the good of the community'"...Am I warm?
It just seems to me that closing a thread is like saying, "Okay boys and girls, settle down now. We're not going to talk about this any more. Let's all open our Phonics Books to page 12." I can't help but see it as a badly disguised form of censorship. The moderation thing, I can at least understand it, if not wholeheartedly support it. People's feelings get hurt by textual abuse. Many fled AMT for this reason, I can dig that. But closing a topic of discussion is different, more political, somehow. Is anybody else besides me a little creeped out by this form of restriction?
No, instead of asking why anybody would want to close a thread, I'll ask a different question. When a thread is closed, is it supposed to be understood by all that the topic is never to be raised again? Isn't that at least inferred by the closing of a thread? If not, then people would just start a new thread about the same topic, would they not?
In my opinion, no thread should ever be closed, unless it is off topic. There is simply no valid reason for closing an on-topic discussion. My guess is that certain individuals tire of seeing whatever particular topic come around, and they complain to the moderators. Max posted a really cool rant about complainers. A post with which I agreed on many counts. Complaining is complaining, whether object of complaint is the quality of videos, or the recurrance of unpalatable topics. Let's stop closing threads and let them die their natural deaths.
Just food for thought. 🙂
It just seems to me that closing a thread is like saying, "Okay boys and girls, settle down now. We're not going to talk about this any more. Let's all open our Phonics Books to page 12." I can't help but see it as a badly disguised form of censorship. The moderation thing, I can at least understand it, if not wholeheartedly support it. People's feelings get hurt by textual abuse. Many fled AMT for this reason, I can dig that. But closing a topic of discussion is different, more political, somehow. Is anybody else besides me a little creeped out by this form of restriction?
No, instead of asking why anybody would want to close a thread, I'll ask a different question. When a thread is closed, is it supposed to be understood by all that the topic is never to be raised again? Isn't that at least inferred by the closing of a thread? If not, then people would just start a new thread about the same topic, would they not?
In my opinion, no thread should ever be closed, unless it is off topic. There is simply no valid reason for closing an on-topic discussion. My guess is that certain individuals tire of seeing whatever particular topic come around, and they complain to the moderators. Max posted a really cool rant about complainers. A post with which I agreed on many counts. Complaining is complaining, whether object of complaint is the quality of videos, or the recurrance of unpalatable topics. Let's stop closing threads and let them die their natural deaths.
Just food for thought. 🙂