Man, I know what you mean. My last car accident was one of those "Time Stand Still" moments. I lost control on an icy road about a hundred yards before it took a sharp left. While I was spinning around, I knew the tires were going to catch dirt eventually and flip the car, it was just a matter of when. I remember thinking a million things in about five seconds..."I wonder if it hurts to die? Do you feel it if you snap your neck or explode? Is this really my time?" When it finally started rolling over, it was almost like slow motion. I remember being conscious enough to loosen up to lessen the possibility of breaking anything. Funny thing is, the accident itself didn't do too much to me, it was the loose stuff in the car that did the damage. My battery charger caught me in the head and a pane of glass I was carrying nearly took my hand off. Funny the things that go through your mind when you know it's coming but can't do a damn thing about it.