This may be a bit long....but for us who get tickle chances few and far was a big deal today. is the set-up.....There is a girl in my office...and she has beautiful feet....and ALWAYS wears sexy, strappy shoes and has her toes painted. ANYWAY...many moons ago while we were a both a bit tipsy at her place and messing around on the couch...I played with her foot and she pulled away saying that she wasn't ticklish....just hated having her feet touched in anyway. I always kicked myself for not pursueing it further...but I let it die so I could maintain a good business relationship with her. SO...I have been admiring her feet from afar for about a year now...never crossing the line....UNTIL TODAY!
So....without going into detail....we have these large costumes at work that we use for promotional work...they are large, over sized bird costumes. Anyway, they consist of a body and then rubber booties for the feet. While watching others try on these costumes she decideds she wants to try one I said I wouldhelp her. We got the costume on and now she needed the booties I was on the ground and she was slipping her feet into the booty while also balancing herself in the costume. Today she had on some strappy sandals so I got to hold her bare foot....and I just couldn't resist....I snuck a quick tickle before helping her into the booty. She laughed......her foot was soft...and it was a great....but again....I didn't over do it......just short and sweet.
(fast forward) After a lot of horsing around, now it is time to take off the costume. So while she is balancing I agree to kneel down and help her off with the booty. While I was down there she took the opportunity to pummel me with the costume and basically smack me a playful way.....I laughed and got her booties off with no tickle. she's trying to get out of the costume....she loses her balance...falls backwards and lands on her butt. She is laughing and lays on her back and we all had a good laugh....Then i saw it.....her bare feet were sticking up in the air and she was slightly trapped.....I JUST COULDN'T RESIST!!!
I walked up to her and grabbed her right foor....and started tickling it like mad! She went ballistic! Her head was thrashing and she was screaming laughing puling her foot away.....but no chance....I waited too long for i held on and said things like..."Whos the boss now....How do you like that?" It may have only lasted 20-30 seconds......but it felt like 3 hours! And the best part was I KNEW IT ALONG.....SHE IS TICKLISH!!!!! I must have replayed that scene in my head 100 times today......I trully beleive there is another tickle session in our future.....
Sorry fo the long posting.....but i was a happy man.....cheers! is the set-up.....There is a girl in my office...and she has beautiful feet....and ALWAYS wears sexy, strappy shoes and has her toes painted. ANYWAY...many moons ago while we were a both a bit tipsy at her place and messing around on the couch...I played with her foot and she pulled away saying that she wasn't ticklish....just hated having her feet touched in anyway. I always kicked myself for not pursueing it further...but I let it die so I could maintain a good business relationship with her. SO...I have been admiring her feet from afar for about a year now...never crossing the line....UNTIL TODAY!
So....without going into detail....we have these large costumes at work that we use for promotional work...they are large, over sized bird costumes. Anyway, they consist of a body and then rubber booties for the feet. While watching others try on these costumes she decideds she wants to try one I said I wouldhelp her. We got the costume on and now she needed the booties I was on the ground and she was slipping her feet into the booty while also balancing herself in the costume. Today she had on some strappy sandals so I got to hold her bare foot....and I just couldn't resist....I snuck a quick tickle before helping her into the booty. She laughed......her foot was soft...and it was a great....but again....I didn't over do it......just short and sweet.
(fast forward) After a lot of horsing around, now it is time to take off the costume. So while she is balancing I agree to kneel down and help her off with the booty. While I was down there she took the opportunity to pummel me with the costume and basically smack me a playful way.....I laughed and got her booties off with no tickle. she's trying to get out of the costume....she loses her balance...falls backwards and lands on her butt. She is laughing and lays on her back and we all had a good laugh....Then i saw it.....her bare feet were sticking up in the air and she was slightly trapped.....I JUST COULDN'T RESIST!!!
I walked up to her and grabbed her right foor....and started tickling it like mad! She went ballistic! Her head was thrashing and she was screaming laughing puling her foot away.....but no chance....I waited too long for i held on and said things like..."Whos the boss now....How do you like that?" It may have only lasted 20-30 seconds......but it felt like 3 hours! And the best part was I KNEW IT ALONG.....SHE IS TICKLISH!!!!! I must have replayed that scene in my head 100 times today......I trully beleive there is another tickle session in our future.....
Sorry fo the long posting.....but i was a happy man.....cheers!