Contact Oddjob0226
Like the subject says, you'll want to contact Oddjob0226 about this. He's one of the fellows running this event. I can vouch for the man as a great respondant in email. He'll give you details for their particular event.
What goes on? Socializing and tickle play, usually in that order. True for gatherings in general.
Who tickles who? Whomever volunteers to be tickled gets tickled by those they elect to let play. Also a basic for a gathering.
Where? Read the other post in this section. Oddjob covered that. You can read back posts too. It's very informative.
I've also put together a website on this topic. You're welcome to prowl it for info. That's what it's there for.
So has TklDuoAnn, and the link SHOULD be in my .sig, below. That one has links to all of the gatherings I'd recommend, and some that I wouldn't. Can't like everything, I guess.
😉 There's many good ones, and those she'd recommend are events I'd recommend as well.