this really happened the other day on sat night, as i was sitting there with all my buddies and a couple women doing my fantasy football picks this women who was pretty drunk but very playful reached over and tickled my side, now being that i am very ticklish i jumped 10 feet out of my chair, and she said oh kenny is ticklish so everytime i tried to right my picks down she would tickle me, now i wasnt attracted to this lady at all but it was turning me on and i had to act like it wasnt and i was trying to act like it didnt tickle even though her attacks were getting worse. So i was in a very embarassing situation cuz i dint want my freinds to know it drove me nuts, then her girlfreind thought it was cute so she started doing it, now in a different situation i would have just let them tickle me silly but i couldnt in this situation. finnaly they stopped and i was hoping the waitress who i am very attacted to would have found out and did that to me. so my question is when women find out a grown man is extremly ticklish do you women always take advantage of that?